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[PC - XBOX] Richard Burns Rally


Transactions (2)
Posté le 24-03-2004 à 13:48:24  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
t'as pas pensé a enregistrer l'emission pour nous la mettre en divx ? :D

Posté le 24-03-2004 à 13:48:24  profilanswer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Posté le 24-03-2004 à 19:04:13  profilanswer

ou, et les caps :o
sinon il sortira quand ?

Lexi lin gua @ traducteurs FR DE ES IT GB
the gentle​man
-= PSN Id : StgBad =-
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Posté le 25-03-2004 à 08:15:45  profilanswer

CyberCouf a écrit :

t'as pas pensé a enregistrer l'emission pour nous la mettre en divx ? :D

 [:sstarshoot]  nan car je l'ai prise en cours et j'ai pas pensé à la K7 [:zerod]   Oups [:magicien96]

-= Fight =-  
the gentle​man
-= PSN Id : StgBad =-
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-04-2004 à 08:18:18  profilanswer

Richard Burns Rally Sponsorship [20-04-2004 | JZ | Comments (0) ]
SCI Games is sponsoring a stage of the forthcoming Pirelli International Rally at Gateshead on Saturday 24th April 2004. One of the stages will now be called the ?Richard Burns Rally Game Stage? for the duration of the event.  
The sponsorship deal consists of a number of marketing opportunities including; branding at TV points, the start line and at the Pirelli Rally Party, full colour A4 page in programme, game press release in press packs, featured on television advertising and real rally car simulator showing the game.  
The event will also be used as a launch pad to provide an early viewing of the Richard Burns Rally game to selected journalists from across Europe and the UK and rally enthusiasts at the event.  
Kerrie Flaus, Product Manager said; ?This event is perfect for our game, Gateshead is one of our featured rallies and the best way to convince people that we are releasing the most realistic rally game ever is to show them just how accurate it is and the Pirelli International Rally is the perfect place for this.?  
We are looking for a person who is going to visit this event and maybe play the game, make some movies if possible and such. If you are going to visit this event, email me.
Richard Burns Rally Intro Movie [18-04-2004 | JZ | Comments (10) ]
This is the same movie we posted a few days ago, just a lot better quality. File size is 89MB.
Richard Burns Rally Movies Update [16-04-2004 | JZ | Comments (9) ]
Fozz posted this on our forum: "I personally suggest you disregard all movies you have seen yet. Of all movies released so far, there is only about 2 seconds footage of someone who CAN drive a car, and used a steeringwheel to do so. The rest is... horrible, I know. We will get you a real movie soon."
Richard Burns Rally Two New Movies [16-04-2004 | JZ | Comments (15) ]
One is pure in-game footage and another is a new trailer. I managed to convert them to WMV format. Enjoy!
Faut tout faire ICI....
New video, new screen shot, s'ki le responsable quoi !!!

Message édité par the gentleman le 21-04-2004 à 08:19:50

-= Fight =-  
La réponse est en toi.
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-04-2004 à 22:54:28  profilanswer

Les bruitages de la vidéo ne sont pas très apétissants.


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Posté le 21-04-2004 à 23:19:34  profilanswer

PussoForce a écrit :

Les bruitages de la vidéo ne sont pas très apétissants.

Je remarque quand meme une difference claire de sonorité en fonction de la charge moteur. Y'a le bang bang, un moteur qui semble etre un hybride WRC-groupe A (claque comme le groupe A mais avec le coté aigu d'une WRC ... comme on entend sur les champs anglais ;) ), moi ca me va  :bounce:


Transactions (2)
Posté le 22-04-2004 à 00:14:17  profilanswer

heu... c'est ou qu'on la trouve cette video??? :D
(à moins que ce ne soit une ancienne)
edit: ce doit certainement etre celle du 20/04 : :D (d/l en cours)

Message édité par cybercouf le 22-04-2004 à 00:16:45

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Posté le 22-04-2004 à 00:45:54  profilanswer

Transactions (2)
Posté le 22-04-2004 à 08:43:39  profilanswer


Official Special Force
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Posté le 22-04-2004 à 09:29:59  profilanswer

pour toutes les vidéos, c'est ici que ça se passe:
par contre c'est carrément plus laid que sur les screens. on dirait du colin 2 [:vomi]

Ma collec de jeux -
Posté le 22-04-2004 à 09:29:59  profilanswer


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Posté le 22-04-2004 à 14:43:53  profilanswer

Hum ... on parle bien du meme jeu là ? Parce que c'est loin d'etre laid. J'aime beaucoup personnellement.

Official Special Force
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Posté le 22-04-2004 à 14:48:31  profilanswer

Aubade a écrit :

Hum ... on parle bien du meme jeu là ? Parce que c'est loin d'etre laid. J'aime beaucoup personnellement.

c'est pas moche mais ça n'a rien à voir avec les screens qu'on voit depuis quelques mois. je m'attendais à un tueur de colin (captain igloo rally :whistle: ) et en fait c'est la même chose [:spamafote]

Ma collec de jeux -

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Posté le 22-04-2004 à 15:22:06  profilanswer

CrowFix a écrit :

c'est pas moche mais ça n'a rien à voir avec les screens qu'on voit depuis quelques mois. je m'attendais à un tueur de colin (captain igloo rally :whistle: ) et en fait c'est la même chose [:spamafote]

Bah faut dire que c'est pas le moteur physique de Colin Mc Rae qui l'etouffe et l'empeche d'etre beau.
En plus les couleurs employées dans RBR font vrai, contrairement au coté flashy dans CMR.
Ca me fait penser au débat de l'epoque F1 Racing vs Grand Prix Legends d'ailleurs  :D  
Et puis on ne sait toujours pas sur quelle plate forme tournait le jeu là ... ni en quelle resolution.
M'enfin, ce qui me rassure c'est que le moteur physique est tres credible et puis la sequence finale au rallye du mont blanc ressemble vraiment aux decors locaux. Y'a des chances que ca le fasse :)

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-04-2004 à 01:23:32  profilanswer

Tiens y a un topik unik ? [:le kneu]
Bon, bah, je drapote en posant un simple "wow" :o
La derniere video est epoustouflante [:le kneu]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-04-2004 à 01:29:32  profilanswer

Citation :

BHMS: The claimed realism of this game is one of the most eagerly anticipated. Just how far does this go - what happens if we, for example, strike a tree at 100km/h head on?  
Warthog: In view of popular demand, the game comes with three different realism levels for car damage. Easy, Professional and Champion. Champion is truly realistic - and no other mode should be considered for the serious sim fan. If you hit a tree at 100km/h head on, your car will most likely be a write off.


Citation :

BHMS: What about this 'dynamic weather' - just how dynamic is it? Do we get forecasts or will we know for sure how the weather will be like? Tyre gamble?  
Warthog: Every rally has several weather settings as appropriate for that rally's climate and the season. At the beginning of a rally the "start off" weather is random and changes for better or worse as the rally progresses. Particular weather is not tied down to a particular stage. There are forecasts that tell the player the current weather and if the weather is inclined to get worse, better or be more or less stable. As you only have access to the weather data at the service park, you'll have to gamble on what tyres to use, particularly for sections where you drive two stages in a row without service.

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-04-2004 à 01:30:44  profilanswer

Et il y aura une demo du jeu (version PS2 [:spamafote] mais ca permet qd meme de se faire une idée) dans le magazine officiel Playstation 2, qui sort dans les jours a venir :o

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 00:19:49  profilanswer

Y va roxer sa maman ce jeu [:itm]  
Les screens du jour :
Qu'on vienne pas me dire que c'est mieux fait dans Xpand Rally :d  
(là au moins la route fait la largeur qu'il faut, et celle d'un circuit de F1 comme dans tous les autres jeux, ou presque)

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (2)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 00:38:19  profilanswer

conduite axé simu, et graphismes axé photo réalisme :D
enfin Xpand à de tres jolis effets et graphismes, mais c'est vrai qu'ils fon un peu plus arcades ;)
ceci dit ces 2 screens faut les voir en video, car en passant à coté des touffes d'herbes et branches 2d forcément ça le fait déja moins que sur une image arrété :D, mais bon c'est joli quand meme ;)

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 00:39:56  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit :

Et il y aura une demo du jeu (version PS2 [:spamafote] mais ca permet qd meme de se faire une idée) dans le magazine officiel Playstation 2, qui sort dans les jours a venir :o

Je sais pas si ca sera dans la version francaise du magazine par contre :/  
Version GB, c'est sur et certain, mais francaise :??:
Qqes impressions sur la demo :  

Citation :

The demo is the driving school and also one stage of a rally called "Tanner" - basically in a forest.  
The driving school basically teaches you how to do various things (like handbrake turns) by telling you what to do and then showing you in a kind of notebook sketches. Then you have a go and you can "evaluate" your performance by showing you how you did against a ghost car that does it perfectly. It's fairly effective but the loading times between various bits and pieces is horrible so it quickly becomes tortuous.  
On to the Rally itself and you get the Subaru to play with. Track is only just over a car's width wide (a la screenshots) and the graphics are pretty good. Foliage looks lovely as long as you don't drive into it. If you do then it becomes fairly obvious that it is just flat textures and if you drive through a bush or something then your car just clips through it rather than brushing it one side. It's a small point since you shouldn't be driving through it and doesn't affect the overall look of the game.  
Draw distance is fine (no distance fogging I was aware of) and the framerate is good. The car looks nice but had a bit of a shiny glow about it that I didn't like.  
Sounds were fine - you get two different cameras (third person chase and a kind of windscreen view). The biggest comment on the sound is that I happen to have my PS2 hooked up to my home cinema system and when you go "inside" the car the sounds comes from all around you. In 3rd person chase it comes from in front of you (where the car is).  
Damage model seemed fine although difficult to say with any certainty. I managed to bust both of my doors (which flapped around realistically) and also kept front-ending the car into trees which certainly had a dramatic effect on my performance with the engine overheating and other such stuff.  
Okay, so I guess you want to know about the handling. I struggle with this one because with a gamepad rather than a wheel it is difficult to say whether it handles like a real car. It is certainly a hell of a lot "harder" than McCrae and with the narrow track you need to drive it properly rather than just hammering it and sliding round corners. I can certainly believe that all the physics is there but without having a wheel and a lot more time I can't confirm it hand on heart.  
All in all I was very impressed. I tend to think all games are going to be crap (especially the ones that are hyped and make big claims) until proven otherwise. From my play with this demo then I think it has proven otherwise and certainly looks like it is going to be contender for the most realistic rally simulator out there.  
But I'll wait for the finalised PC version before making my mind up totally.


Citation :

Piddy, I didn't see an option for wheel support.  
Bratking - no readable instruments, the in-car view was kind of just the windscreen  
RuGT - no tuning features that I could find, not even the slider for the pace notes  
Cotas, no replays.


Citation :

Just been playing the demo  
Bad points  
The speed indicator is too small in the demo  
The spectators putting you back on the track is a bit of a con really  
Good points  
The physics. You must listen to the pace notes and keep to the speed stated which is why the speed indicator is too small for a quick glance whilst going into a corner. The pace notes in the demo seemed spot on for me calling each bend and dip correct and even telling you when to cut corners and when not etc.  
The main stand out is how different it is to WRC and CMR. You must drive the car, you must listen to the pace notes and you must get your speed right in the corners. No flooring it then tapping the brake to slide round. the road is to narrow for that.  
The sound is spot on. External view sounds as it should and the internal is perfect. Mettalic whining of the eingine with big clunks if you hit rocks etc so again spot on for me. Plenty of clashing sounds when hitting vegitation etc  
In the demo  
I managed to kill 2 spectators  - Game over  
Hit a tree in 300 yds from the start at speed causing the front of the car to burst into flames - Game over  
Stalled the engine several times - Game over if not got restarted  
I tried to get the Warthog that ran across the track but missed him  
Graphics in the demo were OK to good for PS2 but I want the Xbox version I played where the graphics were better and cleaner. Foliage is 2D in the PS2 demo  
biggest complaint with the demo is haveing to sit thru promo material at the end of the stage or when crashed, then haveing to go through the OPM2 disc screens to get another go  
Overall I cannot wait to get an Xbox, Steering wheel and this game


Citation :

I've been playing the RBR PS2 demo with a driving force wheel for a couple of days now on and off, and I've certainly never played anything on the PS2 that comes close to the feeling of driving in this demo. I'm really looking forward to the PC release now; it reminds me of GPL, Rally Trophy and Live for Speed, and really captures that scary 'barely under control' feeling that the best sims give you.  
I can't think of many racing titles on any format that I have played that give a better sense of the weight and momentum of driving a beast of a car than this, and if the final release retains this feeling then we have a classic on our hands.  
The tracks are so authentically narrow that you can't see clearly enough with the PS2's wooly low res image to place the car exactly right for the entry to each corner, but the PC version ought not to have any such trouble. All in all I have a very good feeling about RBR - roll on PC demo!

[:huit] [:huit] [:huit] [:huit]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 00:40:51  profilanswer

CyberCouf a écrit :

conduite axé simu, et graphismes axé photo réalisme :D
enfin Xpand à de tres jolis effets et graphismes, mais c'est vrai qu'ils fon un peu plus arcades ;)
ceci dit ces 2 screens faut les voir en video, car en passant à coté des touffes d'herbes et branches 2d forcément ça le fait déja moins que sur une image arrété :D, mais bon c'est joli quand meme ;)

J'arrive a me satisfaire parfaitement des graphismes de ce bon vieux GPL, alors je risque pas de me plaindre des graphismes de RBR :d
Et puis ca FAIT realiste, comme GPL, et ca me suffit largement ...

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 24-04-2004 à 01:03:36

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 01:04:11  profilanswer

Et a priori il y aura une petite video montrant qqes trucs de la version démo de la PS2 d'ici peu [:meganne]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 12:14:17  profilanswer

ca a l'air de passionner les foules [:xx_xx]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
p'tit rik

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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 12:24:03  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit :

ca a l'air de passionner les foules [:xx_xx]

parlons peu parlons bien:
il sort quand?  [:yvele]

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 12:31:38  profilanswer

Q3 2004

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 13:48:48  profilanswer

Hum j'aime la petite video sortie de la demo PS2. La speciale est chaude meme si un peu courte. Le tonneau part d'une situation trop realiste (testé IRL par moi meme :D )
Comme Juju, je me contente tres bien du type de graphisme de GPL avec les addons recents donc je ne peux que plussoyer l'approche graphique de RBR qui est dans le meme esprit que GPL.

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 13:51:38  profilanswer

Aubade a écrit :

Hum j'aime la petite video sortie de la demo PS2. La speciale est chaude meme si un peu courte. Le tonneau part d'une situation trop realiste (testé IRL par moi meme :D )
Comme Juju, je me contente tres bien du type de graphisme de GPL avec les addons recents donc je ne peux que plussoyer l'approche graphique de RBR qui est dans le meme esprit que GPL.

3 minutes et qqes d'apres ce que j'ai compris :??:  
(pas trop mal qd meme :o )
et puis, faut pas abuser, c'est qd meme 100x plus beau que GPL, et ca fait moins cartoon que les graphismes des autres jeux du genre ... ca fait tres realiste, et c'est zoli [:huit]
(et qd on doit a la fois gerer les notes du co pilote et le pilotage de la voiture, bah, on s'attarde pas trop sur les decors je pense :d )

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 24-04-2004 à 13:52:31

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 13:56:49  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit :

3 minutes et qqes d'apres ce que j'ai compris :??:  
(pas trop mal qd meme :o )
et puis, faut pas abuser, c'est qd meme 100x plus beau que GPL, et ca fait moins cartoon que les graphismes des autres jeux du genre ... ca fait tres realiste, et c'est zoli [:huit]
(et qd on doit a la fois gerer les notes du co pilote et le pilotage de la voiture, bah, on s'attarde pas trop sur les decors je pense :d )

Je suis d'accord aussi c'est juste l'approche "couleurs peu saturées" qui me plait. J'ai tjs trouvé que ca faisait plus realiste que ce soit sur GPL ou N2003. Bah la c'est pareil :)
Pour les decors, plus y'en a mieux c'est. On se souvient toujours des passages tangents le long de poteaux de cloture en course. Donc il en faut pour qu'on puisse avoir les memes montees d'adrenaline  :D  
Le photorealisme n'est pas necessaire mais s'il est là, ca represente un plus enorme

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 14:02:28  profilanswer

Bah, personnellement, ce que j'en ai vu jusqu'a maintenant me comble amplement ... la voiture qui effleure les brins d'herbe (meme si c'est des pauvres bitmaps en 2D) dans la video qui etait parue il y a 3 jours, les arbres a 2 metres de la piste, .... ca participe a une ambiance realiste qui n'existe meme pas sous forme embryonnaire dans les jeux daubesques deja sortis [:joce]

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 14:09:11  profilanswer

Oué faut que j'arrete d'en parler d'ailleurs là ... j'ai le shifter qui me demange et rien d'autre que GPL et transam pour N2003 a me mettre sous la main (quoique LFS est marrant aussi ;) )
J'espere qu'il y aura en bonus quelques belles autos avec grille en H a disposition ... une Lancia Delta maxi groupe A de juste avant la bride actuelle ... hum je reve trop là :D


Transactions (2)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 14:56:23  profilanswer

Aubade a écrit :

Hum j'aime la petite video sortie de la demo PS2. La speciale est chaude meme si un peu courte. Le tonneau part d'une situation trop realiste (testé IRL par moi meme :D )

elle est trouvable où cette video?

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 15:08:30  profilanswer

CyberCouf a écrit :

elle est trouvable où cette video?

comme toutes les autres [:spamafote]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 15:28:44  profilanswer

il est horriblement moche CMR4, comment certains osent ils dire que c'est plus joli que RBR ? [:le kneu]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 24-04-2004 à 22:11:59  profilanswer

encore une autre video, ca n'arrete pas :o
(en fait c'est juste le stage de la version de demo PS2 en cam' embarquée)

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 24-04-2004 à 22:24:48

iRacing, LA simu automobile
p'tit rik

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Posté le 24-04-2004 à 22:55:04  profilanswer

Ok, merci :jap:

Official Special Force
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Posté le 26-04-2004 à 11:09:21  profilanswer

je confirme pour la démo ps2. elle est bien dans le mag officiel français

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-04-2004 à 19:54:53  profilanswer

CrowFix a écrit :

je confirme pour la démo ps2. elle est bien dans le mag officiel français

(bon bin va ptet falloir que je l'achete alors ....)
et alors ca donne quoi ? :bounce:

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (0)
Posté le 28-04-2004 à 23:18:07  profilanswer

Bon j'ai essayé
Ca parait pas mal mais comme les options sont impossible a voir, j'ai l'impression que bcp d'aides au pilotage sont activées ...
Mais c'est plutot bon ... meme si jouer au pad c'est limite :/
M'enfin je viens d'y jouer 1 petite heure (et avec le principe de revenir au menu du DVD apres chaque passage c'est un exploit) et je suis vraiment convaincu que moultes aides sont activées ... ca soulage tout seul parfois, ca tourne tout seul dans certaines zones, ca soulage les freins aussi quand ca bloque ... bref on pilote pas grand chose en fait mais le potentiel est vraiment là.
Pour l'epreuve d'ecole de pilotage, il faut vraiment s'appliquer a reduire sa vitesse comme il faut pour tourner rapidement autour des cones verts. Et ca reagit vraiment bien a la remise des gaz.
Nan plutot positif malgré les interrogations sur le niveau de jeu de la demo.


Transactions (2)
Posté le 04-05-2004 à 19:47:37  profilanswer

pour faire un petit up, une petite FAQ parru sur :
Richard Burns Rally FAQ
After seeing the same questions / issues several times over in different posts I decided to keep track of them. Initially it was for my personal needs but it grew over time so I thought I'd turn it into a FAQ for all to see.  
I need everyone's help to keep this info as up-to-date as possible. Post here or PM me if you find any errors or if you have any new information. Please provide a Source URL if possible - I will try to keep this FAQ rumour free.  
Game Modes  
- Forest Experience Rally School - Basic and Advanced lessons are required to be completed before you can drive for a team. Located in Wales, see for the real place.  
- Quick Rally.  
- Single Stage (didn't see this option in PS2 demo menu so I'm not sure it's available - perhaps via the Quick Rally menu?)  
- Championship Career Mode - After rally school you can begin with a team, other teams are unlocked if you are competitive.  
- Richard Burns Challenge - Compete against the stage times of the man himself, Richard Burns (I'm betting he didn't use the PS2 controller).  
- 4 player 'hot-seat' multiplayer. Note say 8 players but more recent previews have stated only 4 players - perhaps this confusion is because of different platforms  
Richard Burns is all about realism. Here's what to expect in terms of the physics modelling.  
- Each wheel is given it’s own mass and therefore moves realistically over different types of surfaces. Each wheel works independently.  
- We obtained information from the tyre companies on several aspects of the tyres, such as operating temperature, grip and tyre stiffness in relation to tyre load.  
- Tyre model accurately calculates the amount of ‘slip’ a tyre will incur when rolling in real-time, taking into account the wear on the tyre, the ground surface and even the pressure on your tyres.  
- The engine model simulates all the working parts of a four-stroke engine, accurately calculating how much fuel and air has been sucked into the engine, how the air reacts to being compressed, how quickly it burns when ignited and the resistance of pushing exhaust fumes back out of the cylinder. An example of the depth afforded by creating such an accurate simulation is the fact that air pressure will change and have a diverse effect on the engine’s performance if you’re higher then sea level.  
- We model things like the engine combustion cycle, the engine cooling system and the entire turbo mechanism, which allows us to make sure that the car acts properly when damaged, and sounds and handles just like a real car. You really notice these little touches - for example, if you leave a real car idling, the pitch of the engine sound doesn’t stay constant – there are random fluctuations.  
"There are three different realism levels for car damage. Easy, Professional and Champion. Champion is truly realistic - and no other mode should be considered for the serious sim fan. If you hit a tree at 100km/h head on, your car will most likely be a write off."  
"We model (in software) aspects of the car like fuel, oil, engine and water temperature, so if you puncture your radiator the temperature in your engine will begin to rise."  
"We model temperature of brake discs, so if you use your brakes too much in the early part of a stage, you may suffer from brake fade before the end."  
Other damage possible to:  
- suspension  
- engine fires  
- fuel leaks  
- brake lines  
- intercooler  
- bodywork damage  
- tyre wear / punctures  
- smashed windows  
- fences  
"You get to make the decision whether you soldier on to the end of the stage at a slower speed, or whether you should change the puncture on the stage."  
Repairs: "In car service the player will be presented with a team mechanics job list. The player then gets to decide what parts have to be replaced. As the player selects parts to be fixed he is presented with an estimated time - the accuracy of which is dependant on the skill and experience of the lead mechanic (no absolute time guarantees here)." ... "One of the nicest features in car service is that the car parts are connected as they are in real life. Replacing a brake disc, for instance, means that the mechanics need to remove the brake pads and brake callipers before the disc can be removed. And then put it all back together again."  
There are 36 tracks in 6 countries. All are based on real events.  
- The Ramada Express Hotel Casino International Rally - Grand Canyon, Nevada, USA - Gravel. Set in the exotic American natives reserves.  
- Pirelli International Rally - Kielder Forest, England - Gravel. Gateshead is one of the oldest and one of the mudiest rallies in the world.  
- Rallye Mont Blanc - Mont Blanc, France - Tarmac. The only tarmac rally in the season.  
- Arctic Lapland Rally - Arctic Circle, Finland - Snow/Ice. It's the rally located in the highest latitude of the championship. It features snow, ice, and one of the fastest stages of the season.  
- Rally Hokkaido - Hokkaido, Japan - Gravel. A difficult rally, with roads full of potholes and lots of curves and obstacles.  
- Subaru Rally of Canberra - Canberra, Australia - Gravel.  
8 of the world's best handling officially licensed Rally Cars  
- Citroen Xsara T4  
- Hyundai Accent  
- Mitsubishi Evo VII  
- MG ZR Super 1600 (Bonus 2WD Car)  
- Peugeot 206  
- Subaru Impreza 2003  
- Subaru Impreza 2000 (Bonus Car)  
- Toyota Corolla  
The pacenotes work like this. The severity of the corner is represented with these notes in this order.  
- Flat  
- Easy  
- Fast  
- Medium  
- K  
- 90  
- Hairpin  
They in turn have additions like tightens, opens, long etc.  
The pacenotes are called out a good distance before the corner (with an adjustable slider available mid stage) often relating to one or two corners in front of you.  
It works something like this. "Start" 100 "pause" K Right Don't Cut 60 "pause" Flat Left into Fast Right Long 80 "pause" Medium Right Tightens into Fast Left Narrows 150 "pause" Keep Left over Crest 60 "pause" Easy Left Cut Keep Right over Jump 100 "pause", and so on.  
There are of course loads of other notes in the game representing water, caution, bumps etc. But you get the picture.  
The callouts are based on time before arriving to the corner section which is how the slider works as well. You can manually set how far in advance you want the codriver make his callouts.  
Source: [...] highlight=  
Forest Experience Rally School  
Basic Driving Lessons - unknown.  
Advanced Techniques - 11 lessons:  
- Handbrake Turn: Gravel  
- Oversteer: Left foot braking  
- Oversteer: Throttle control  
- Powerslide  
- Basic Handling: Tarmac  
- Brake Test: Tarmac  
- Handbrake Turn: Tarmac  
- Soft Suspension  
- Hard Suspension  
- Scandinavian Flick  
- Special Stage Trial  
Source: PS2 Demo  
Other Features  
- Dynamic surface - "Early racers will clean the course of any surface debris making it easier for the drivers later in the day.". Different surfaces will wear at different rates.  
- Dynamic weather. Stages will have random weather given the climate for that event. Weather can change during the stage.  
- Real time of day.  
- Animal life that can damage your car (birds, kangaroos, deer, warthogs).  
- Spectators - If you crash badly, you’d better hope there are some spectators or marshals around to roll your car back over.  
- AI opponents with personalities (can't include Colin McRae then  ).  
- 1000's of potholes, ruts and rocks.  
- Helicopter Rescues for unrecoverable accidents.  
- Moveable trackside objects.  
- Spawning will be trigger manually and only allowed after the car has stopped. There will be a time penalty for respawning which is also applied to the AI drivers if they have an off.  
- Replays can be saved posted on the net. Not sure what platform this applies to.  
Previews and Articles [...] le_id=1278 [...] le_id=5296 [...] =GEN&pag=2  
None - it's not out yet!!  
Pretty much all of them are here ...  
And one here ...  
The best so far is ...  
Screenshots [...] rally.html  
Questions and Answers  
When is the release date?  
It's all pure speculation at the moment but for what is worth this is the current consensus ...  
XBox and PS2: between May 20 and June  
PC: September or Q3 2004  
Pinnacle software has it set for 2nd July .  
Is the interior view customiseable?  
Fozz: "The dashboard comes in different selectable configurations."  
Source: [...] c&start=15  
Fozz: "Naturally, there will be incar views. Can't do a sim without one."  
Source: [...] ost1352906  
Will there be a PC demo and if so when?  
There is no word on a PC demo yet - we can only hope.  
Why does the car seem to pivot around the centre? I thought this was supposed to be a sim?  
Many of the PS2 videos shown to date have an external camera which is always aimed at the centre of the car thus giving the effect that the car rotates about it's centre. If you view replays of the car from trackside cameras this effect is not apparent.  
Will the PC version be any different to the XBox or PS2 versions  
Physics/Gameplay will be the same for all versions.  
Online options will vary - yet to be clarified what this means.  
Source: [...] ost1587512  
Still trying to find the one for online play ... I'm sure I read it somewhere!!  
Developer questions  
See ... [...] hp?t=18312  

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 08-05-2004 à 17:51:45  profilanswer

J'ai essayé la demo aussi, sympa, enfin, on sent qu'il y a du potentiel quoi, mais putain, au pad, impossible :(

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 08-05-2004 à 17:52:06

iRacing, LA simu automobile
russian knights en action
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-05-2004 à 07:11:07  profilanswer

Transactions (2)
Posté le 12-05-2004 à 09:56:42  profilanswer

Mouais, j'attends de voir un test fait par de la presse spécialisé (autre que qui est à 10000 d'etre une référence pour les jeux pc et encore moins pour les simu!=
et sur une version pc! car voila quoi, la console et simu... je suis sur que ils ont fait le test en vue extérieure (puisqu'ils la trouve trop proche) et avec une mannette de ps2!
pour moi une simu, c'est volant et vue capot (ouais j'aimes pas trop la vue interne car du coup ça fait 2 volants)

Posté le   profilanswer

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