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[Mon groupe est plus fort que le tien] Le pélerinage de vos rêves !

Wish upon a star
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 17:17:09  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
j'ai rien contre Oasis hein :o au contraire même

Posté le 25-10-2008 à 17:17:09  profilanswer

des sensations...bien
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 17:20:23  profilanswer

jvois pas comment on peut dire que SOAD caÿ d'la merde :o

Posté le 25-10-2008 à 17:22:11  profilanswer

En connaissant leurs derniers méfaits ?

Contes de fées en yaourt --- --- zed, souviens-toi de ma dernière lettre. --- Rate ta musique
des sensations...bien
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 17:52:03  profilanswer

theredled a écrit :

En connaissant leurs derniers méfaits ?

je sais pas, c'est nouveau, ca mélange des trucs, c'est un peu novateur quoi, c'est un peu barré :o j'aime bien :o

Posté le 25-10-2008 à 18:08:55  profilanswer

Ca mélange toujorus de la même façon :/
Et rien que pour lonely day [:beleg]

Contes de fées en yaourt --- --- zed, souviens-toi de ma dernière lettre. --- Rate ta musique
aka Duke
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 18:22:44  profilanswer

theredled a écrit :

Ca mélange toujorus de la même façon :/
Et rien que pour lonely day [:beleg]

Mouais, ca s'écoute quand même, comparé à d'autres trucs, comme Scars of Broadway ou Elect the Dead  :whistle:

Et toi, comment manies-tu ton manche ? - Dernière fréquence modulée
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 19:37:14  profilanswer

Je sais, mais j'espérais qu'elle susciterait des réactions. J'avais raison (même si ça reste mou, mais on a maintenant le même problème que sur l'ancien topic sondages : les fanboys ne viennent pas ici, ils ont trop peur  :o ).

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
aka Duke
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 19:48:11  profilanswer

Des fanboys d'Oasis, sur HFR ou en IRL, ca ne doit plus courir les rues...

Et toi, comment manies-tu ton manche ? - Dernière fréquence modulée
Pere Dodu
Haute Finance Luciférienne
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 20:04:46  profilanswer

Si si il y en a plusieurs ici, des habitués d'oasisfr à plusieurs forumeurs qui ont le dernier album en avatar ou même moi, faut croire que le niveau assez médiocre des attaques ne donne pas plus envie que ça de répondre [:julm3]
J'en ai trouvé ici même qui apprécient le dernier album, pour vous dire le niveau de fanboyisme :o

Message édité par Pere Dodu le 25-10-2008 à 20:05:27
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 20:48:55  profilanswer

duc-leto a écrit :

Des fanboys d'Oasis, sur HFR ou en IRL, ca ne doit plus courir les rues...

Je parlais de fanboys en général, ceux qui partent en live et martèlent leur clavier de leurs petits poings serrés à la moindre remarque sur leur idole.
Puis c'est plutôt les fans de SOAD qui sont visés dans la citation que ceux d'Oasis, hein.  ;)

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 20:48:55  profilanswer

aka Duke
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 21:52:12  profilanswer

Ouais mais c'était plié d'entrée...l'avis de Gallagher sur SOAD, ou quoi que ce soit d'autre, voila quoi  [:transparency] coup d'épée dans l'eau.
Les fanboys de SOAD doit plus en rester beaucoup justement à cause de ce que je disais : scars on broadway.

Et toi, comment manies-tu ton manche ? - Dernière fréquence modulée
des sensations...bien
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 21:54:25  profilanswer

duc-leto a écrit :

Les fanboys de SOAD doit plus en rester beaucoup justement à cause de ce que je disais : scars on broadway.

Les fanboys des beatles ne le sont plus s'ils n'aiment pas la carrière solo de McCarney  ou Lennon ?  :heink:

aka Duke
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 21:56:47  profilanswer

Bah c'est surtout que là...autant je pouvais apprécier SOAD, autant ce qu'ils pondent depuis c'est de la merde en barre, mais alors Scars on Broadway mention spéciale, je croyais pas qu'ils pourraient pondre un truc aussi minable.
Un fanboy des Beatles, par définition, ne peut pas ne pas aimer la carrière solo des 4 protagonistes. Ca c'est fait :o

Et toi, comment manies-tu ton manche ? - Dernière fréquence modulée
des sensations...bien
Posté le 25-10-2008 à 21:58:59  profilanswer

ouais, bref t'as dis d'la merde quoi :o

aka Duke
Posté le 26-10-2008 à 00:57:17  profilanswer

Ouais, bref apprend à lire.

Et toi, comment manies-tu ton manche ? - Dernière fréquence modulée
Tu es Canon, alors Nikon!
Posté le 26-10-2008 à 14:46:45  profilanswer

OTH a écrit :

le fan de SOAD ne connait pas les groupes des années 90 :o

Normal donc qu'il n'y ait qu'un seul fan  :whistle:

lechewal a écrit :

jvois pas comment on peut dire que SOAD caÿ d'la merde :o

C'était donc toi ?  :pt1cable:  

maurice ch​evallier
Versus Maurice Laspallès
Posté le 27-10-2008 à 18:45:22  profilanswer

I failed in life
Posté le 28-10-2008 à 00:29:41  profilanswer

C'est une hardeuse? :o

It ain't contrived all this magic in our lives comes down like a storm then drizzles then dies
Objectiviste subjectivé
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 11:27:16  profilanswer

BoraBora a écrit :

Citation :

audience member: Hey, Lou!
Lou Reed: Hey what? Whaddaya think this is, question-and-answer time?

Peut-on en déduire que les concerts sont un peu l'inverse des forums ouèbes ?

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 12:05:48  profilanswer

Tiens, on va en remettre une dose.  :D

Citation :

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce the members of tonight's band... in fact any band.
 "On piano____________:
But first a few words about pianists in general, they are intellectuals and know-it-alls. They studied theory, harmony and composition in college. Most are riddled with self-doubt. They are usually bald. They should have big hands, but often don't. They were social rejects as adolescents. They go home after the gig and play with toy soldiers.
Pianists have a special love-hate relationship with singers. If you talk to the piano player during a break, he will condescend.
 "On bass we have _____________
Bassists are not terribly smart. The best bassists come to terms with their limitations by playing simple lines and rarely soloing.
During the better musical moments, a bassist will pull his strings hard and grunt like an animal. Bass players are built big, with paws for hands, and they are always bent over awkwardly. If you talk to the bassist during a break, you will not be able to tell whether or not he's listening.
 "On drums____________
Drummers are radical. Specific personalities vary, but are always extreme. A drummer might be the funniest person in the world, or the most psychotic, or the smelliest. Drummers are uneasy because of the many jokes about them, most of which stem from the fact that they aren't really musicians.
Pianists are particularly successful at making drummers feel bad. Most drummers are highly excitable; when excited, they play louder. If you decide to talk to the drummer during a break, always be careful not to sneak up on him.
 "On saxophone______________
Saxophonists think they are the most important players on stage.
Consequently, they are temperamental and territorial. They know all the Coltrane and Bird licks but have their own sound, a mixture of Coltrane and Bird.
They take exceptionally long solos, which reach a peak half way through and then just don't stop. They practice quietly but audibly while other people are trying to play. They are obsessed. Saxophonists sleep with their instruments,  forget to shower, and are mangy.
If you talk to a saxophonist during a break, you will hear a lot of excuses about his reeds.
 "On trumpet_______________
Trumpet players are image-conscious and walk with a swagger. They are often former college linebackers. Trumpet players are very attractive to women, despite the strange indentation on their lips. Many of them sing; misguided critics then compare them to either Louis Armstrong or Chet Baker depending whether they're black or white. Arrive at the session early, and you may get to witness the special trumpet game. The rules are: play as loud and as high as possible. The winner is the one who plays loudest and highest. If you talk to a trumpet player during a break, he might confess that his favorite player is Maynard Ferguson, the merciless God of loud-high trumpeting.
 "On guitar_________________
Jazz guitarists are never very happy. Deep inside they want to be rock stars, but they're old and overweight. In protest, they wear their hair long, prowl for groupies, drink a lot, and play too loud.
Guitarists hate piano players because they can hit ten notes at once, but guitarists make up for it by playing as fast as they can. The more a guitarist drinks, the higher he turns his amp. Then the drummer starts to play harder, and the trumpeter dips into his loud/high arsenal.
Suddenly, the saxophonist's universe crumbles, because he is no longer the most important player on stage. He packs up his horn, nicks his best reed in haste, and storms out of the room. The pianist struggles to suppress a laugh. If you talk to a guitarist during the break he'll ask intimate questions about your 14-year-old sister.
 "Our feature vocalist is the lovely _____________
Vocalists are whimsical creations of the all-powerful jazz gods. They are placed in sessions to test musicians' capacity for suffering.
They are not of the jazz world, but enter it surreptitiously. Example: A young woman is playing minor roles in college musical theater. One day, a misguided campus newspaper critic describes her singing as "...jazzy." Voila! A star is born! Quickly she learns "My Funny Valentine," "Summertime," and "Route 66." Her  training complete, she embarks on a campaign of musical terrorism.
Musicians flee from the bandstand as she approaches. Those who must remain feel the full fury of the jazz universe. The vocalist will try to seduce you--and the rest of the audience--by making eye contact, acknowledging your presence, even talking to you between tunes. DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP! Look away, make your distaste obvious. Otherwise the musicians will avoid you during their breaks. Incidentally, if you talk to a vocalist during a break, she will introduce you to her "manager."
 "On trombone___________________
The trombone is known for its pleading, voice-like quality.
"Listen," it seems to say in the male tenor range, "Why won't anybody hire me for a gig?" Trombonists like to play fast, because their notes become indistinguishable and thus immune to criticism. Most trombonists played trumpet in their early years, then decided they didn't want to walk around with a strange indentation on their lips. Now they hate trumpet players, who somehow get all the women despite this disfigurement. Trombonists are usually tall and lean, with forlorn faces. They don't eat much. They have to be very friendly, because nobody really needs a trombonist. Talk to a trombonist during a break and he'll ask you for a gig, try to sell you insurance, or offer to mow your lawn. "

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par BoraBora le 18-11-2008 à 12:11:27

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Objectiviste subjectivé
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 12:57:28  profilanswer

BoraBora a écrit :

Tiens, on va en remettre une dose.  :D

Super ! Enfin une vraie lecture décontractante, pas HS pour un sou [:aras qui rit]
Et ça me change de l'Auto Journal ou des propos philosophiques de mon topic à trolls...

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:10:15  profilanswer

Allez, une petite LALC (Liste A La Con).  :p Encore une fois, c'est Rolling Stone, et cette fois ce sont les 100 plus grands chanteurs/ses. Le 2ème nom à côté de certains, c'est l'artiste qui a voté et pond un petit article sur le site. C'est d'ailleurs le plus intéressant : si l'on n'est pas surpris de voir Van Morrison encenser Sam Cooke, on ne s'attendait pas forcément au choix de Plant, et encore moins d'Iggy Pop.
The 100 Greatest Singers of All Time
1 | Aretha Franklin by Mary J. Blige
2 | Ray Charles by Billy Joel
3 | Elvis Presley by Robert Plant
4 | Sam Cooke by Van Morrison
5 | John Lennon by Jackson Browne
6 | Marvin Gaye by Alicia Keys
7 | Bob Dylan by Bono
8 | Otis Redding by Booker T. Jones
9 | Stevie Wonder by Cee-Lo
10 | James Brown by Iggy Pop
11 | Paul McCartney
12 | Little Richard
13 | Roy Orbison
14 | Al Green
15 | Robert Plant
16 | Mick Jagger by Lenny Kravitz
17 | Tina Turner
18 | Freddie Mercury
19 | Bob Marley
20 | Smokey Robinson
21 | Johnny Cash
22 | Etta James
23 | David Bowie
24 | Van Morrison
25 | Michael Jackson by Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy
26 | Jackie Wilson
27 | Hank Williams
28 | Janis Joplin
29 | Nina Simone
30 | Prince
31 | Howlin' Wolf
32 | Bono by Billie Joe Armstrong
33 | Steve Winwood
34 | Whitney Houston
35 | Dusty Springfield
36 | Bruce Springsteen
37 | Neil Young
38 | Elton John
39 | Jeff Buckley by Chris Cornell
40 | Curtis Mayfield
41 | Chuck Berry
42 | Joni Mitchell
43 | George Jones by James Taylor
44 | Bobby "Blue" Bland
45 | Kurt Cobain
46 | Patsy Cline
47 | Jim Morrison
48 | Buddy Holly
49 | Donny Hathaway
50 | Bonnie Raitt
51 | Gladys Knight
52 | Brian Wilson
53 | Muddy Waters by Ben Harper
54 | Luther Vandross
55 | Paul Rodgers
56 | Mavis Staples
57 | Eric Burdon
58 | Christina Aguilera
59 | Rod Stewart
60 | Björk
61 | Roger Daltrey
62 | Lou Reed
63 | Dion
64 | Axl Rose
65 | David Ruffin
66 | Thom Yorke
67 | Jerry Lee Lewis
68 | Wilson Pickett
69 | Ronnie Spector
70 | Gregg Allman
71 | Toots HIbbert
72 | John Fogerty
73 | Dolly Parton
74 | James Taylor
75 | Iggy Pop
76 | Steve Perry
77 | Merle Haggard
78 | Sly Stone
79 | Mariah Carey
80 | Frankie Valli
81 | John Lee Hooker by Bonnie Raitt
82 | Tom Waits
83 | Patti Smith
84 | Darlene Love
85 | Sam Moore
86 | Art Garfunkel
87 | Don Henley
88 | Willie Nelson
89 | Solomon Burke
90 | The Everly Brothers
91 | Levon Helm by Jim James
92 | Morrissey
93 | Annie Lennox
94 | Karen Carpenter
95 | Patti LaBelle
96 | B.B. King
97 | Joe Cocker
98 | Stevie Nicks
99 | Steven Tyler
100 | Mary J. Blige
Rien à dire sur les 4 premiers, et je suis content de voir Etta James en 22ème position.  :p

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:12:33  profilanswer

J'aurais mis Iggy Pop 74ème au lieu de 75ème mais bon ça reste un avis personnel :o

Objectiviste subjectivé
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:20:43  profilanswer

Oui, yadeschosesbien, mais :

Citation :

16 | Mick Jagger by Lenny Kravitz

... ça sent le plagiat [:grise mine]

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:24:44  profilanswer

Robert Plant à propos de Presley :

Citation :

There is a difference between people who sing and those who take that voice to another, otherworldly place, who create a euphoria within themselves. It's transfiguration. I know about that. And having met Elvis, I know he was a transformer.
The first Elvis song I heard was "Hound Dog." I wasn't equipped with any of the knowledge I have now, about the Big Mama Thornton version or where all that swing was coming from. I just heard this voice, and it was absolutely, totally in its own place. The voice was confident, insinuating and taking no prisoners. He had those great whoops and diving moments, those sustains that swoop down to the note like a bird of prey. I took all that in. You can hear that all over Led Zeppelin.
When I met Elvis with Zeppelin, after one of his concerts in the early Seventies, I sized him up. He wasn't quite as tall as me. But he had a singer's build. He had a good chest — that resonator. And he was driven. "Anyway You Want Me" is one of the most moving vocal performances I've ever heard. There is no touching "Jailhouse Rock" and the stuff recorded at the King Creole sessions. I can study the Sun sessions as a middle-aged guy looking back at a bloke's career and go, "Wow, what a great way to start." But I liked the modernity of the RCA stuff. "I Need Your Love Tonight" and "A Big Hunk o' Love" were so powerful — those sessions sounded like the greatest place to be on the planet.
At that meeting, Jimmy Page joked with Elvis that we never soundchecked — but if we did, all I wanted to do was sing Elvis songs. Elvis thought that was funny and asked me, "Which songs do you sing?" I told him I liked the ones with all the moods, like that great country song "Love Me" — "Treat me like a fool/Treat me mean and cruel/But love me." So when we were leaving, after a most illuminating and funny 90 minutes with the guy, I was walking down the corridor. He swung 'round the door frame, looking quite pleased with himself, and started singing that song: "Treat me like a fool. . . ." I turned around and did Elvis right back at him. We stood there, singing to each other.
By then, because of the forces around him, it was difficult for him to stretch out with more contemporary songwriters. When he died, he was 42. I'm 18 years older than that now. But he didn't have many fresh liaisons to draw on — his old pals weren't going to bring him the new gospel. I know he wanted to express more. But what he did was he made it possible for me, as a singer, to become otherworldly.

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Objectiviste subjectivé
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:34:30  profilanswer

Tsss... change pas de sujet BoraBora stp !
Dans la liste, amha il manque Patricia Barber et André Verchuren  :D  
Sinon, c'est qui Dion ?

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:42:59  profilanswer

Pierre2312 a écrit :

Oui, yadeschosesbien, mais :

Citation :

16 | Mick Jagger by Lenny Kravitz

... ça sent le plagiat [:grise mine]

Boh, il n'est pas dans la liste, donc pour une fois on ne peut pas parler d'opportunisme.  :D  

Pierre2312 a écrit :

Sinon, c'est qui Dion ?

Dion & the Belmonts, GRAND chanteur de R&B/doo-wop. Tu connais forcément "The Wanderer".  :p  Il a été une influence pour Lou Reed et Springsteen, parmi d'autres.

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:43:02  profilanswer

ben céline évidemment.

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:43:41  profilanswer

pfff bora² tu fais iech [:icon8]

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:49:40  profilanswer

Les 20 choix de Keith Richards :
1 - Aretha Franklin
2 - Jimmy Cliff
3 - Sam Cooke
4 - Buddy Holly
5 - George Jones
6 - Willie Nelson
7 - Toots Hibbert
8 - Aaron Neville
9 - Muddy Waters
10 - Gram Parsons
11 - Ronnie Spector
12 - Mavis Staples  :love:  
13 - Otis Redding
14 - Smokey Robinson
15 - Tom Waits
16 - Little Richard
17 - Warren Zevon
18 - Bonnie Raitt
19 - Elvis Presley
20 - Keith Richards  [:neokill@h]

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:50:54  profilanswer

freaxinthenight a écrit :

ben céline évidemment.

Grillé de 3 secondes. [:rofl]

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 18:54:08  profilanswer

Les 20 choix de Bruce Springsteen :
1 - Ray Charles
2 - Sam Cooke
3 - Bob Dylan
4 - John Lennon
5 - Aretha Franklin
6 - Little Richard
7 - Jerry Lee Lewis
8 - Mick Jagger
9 - Van Morrison
10 - Roy Orbison
11 - Johnny Rotten
12 - Hank Williams
13 - Elvis Presley
14 - Darlene Love
15 - James Brown
16 - Sam Moore
17 - Brian Wilson
18 - Smokey Robinson
19 - Howlin' Wolf
20 - Joe Strummer

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
I failed in life
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:02:00  profilanswer

Même pas Billie Holiday ni Bessie Smith  :na:

It ain't contrived all this magic in our lives comes down like a storm then drizzles then dies
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:02:34  profilanswer

Les 20 choix de Yusuf Islam alias Cat Stevens :
1 - Stevie Wonder
2 - Sam Cooke
3 - Ray Charles
4 - Nina Simone
5 - Aretha Franklin
Il s'est arrêté là. Les autres ne doivent pas être Islam-compliants.  [:azylum]

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Objectiviste subjectivé
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:07:56  profilanswer

BoraBora a écrit :

Dion & the Belmonts, GRAND chanteur de R&B/doo-wop. Tu connais forcément "The Wanderer".  :p  Il a été une influence pour Lou Reed et Springsteen, parmi d'autres.

[:hotcat] ben oui, en fait, je connais ce Dion là !
Bien dans l'esprit d'une compil. Rock@Bill comme la BO d'American Graffiti [:zeraw07][:marie-no][:dancer2000fr]

Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:09:20  profilanswer

hpl-nyarlathotep a écrit :

Même pas Billie Holiday ni Bessie Smith  :na:

Ils se sont limités à "l'ère rock" (donc post-1954, j'imagine).

Citation :

Each voter was asked to list his or her 20 favorite vocalists from the rock era, in order of their importance. Those ballots were recorded and weighted according to methodology developed by the accounting firm of Ernst & Young, which then tabulated and verified the results for Rolling Stone.

La liste des voteurs est là :
Au moins, pour une fois, il y a plus d'artistes que de journalistes.  :p

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
I failed in life
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:12:21  profilanswer

BoraBora a écrit :

Ils se sont limités à "l'ère rock" (donc post-1954, j'imagine).

Y'a quand même Hank Williams pourtant. :heink:

It ain't contrived all this magic in our lives comes down like a storm then drizzles then dies
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:22:08  profilanswer

hpl-nyarlathotep a écrit :

Y'a quand même Hank Williams pourtant. :heink:

Pas faux.  :D En même temps, il n'y a aucun artiste de jazz, donc je suppose que par "rock era", ils entendaient "artistes liés au rock" pour une raison ou une autre. Mahalia Jackson ne figure pas non plus dans la liste, donc le gospel a aussi été exclus.
A la limite, c'est aussi bien. Ca évite les noms qui servent d'alibi à 2 balles pour dire qu'on est éclectiques. :o

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
I failed in life
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:24:55  profilanswer

ouai [:hahanawak]  
Mes deux chanteuses préférées... :sweat:

It ain't contrived all this magic in our lives comes down like a storm then drizzles then dies
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:29:49  profilanswer

hpl-nyarlathotep a écrit :

ouai [:hahanawak]  
Mes deux chanteuses préférées... :sweat:

Je compatis.  :o La mienne est dans la liste, par contre.  :sol:

Qui peut le moins peut le moins.
Peace Love Death Metal
Posté le 18-11-2008 à 19:40:49  profilanswer

Bob Dylan 7ème meilleur chanteur du monde :heink:

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