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[Topic unique] Tesla HFR Club: Suc, efficience et plaisir de conduire

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:43:16  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

arylol a écrit :

24 heure de potentiel galère de déplacement pour profiter pendant des années d'une LR pour 3 k€
 [:zoouuu] arrête cette folie  [:ogratte:4]

A tout hasard, qui faut-il contacter pour ça ?  
J'ai pas de contact particulier dans mon espace perso

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:43:16  profilanswer

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:45:13  profilanswer

Le plus urgent c'est annulé ton virement , t'assurer qu'il est bien annulé.
Apres tu reponds a un sms auto que t'as du recevoir et tu vois avec le tchat sur le site mais l'enjeux c'est juste ton accompte de 250€.
Bien sur commander une belle M3 LR et reverser les 250€ pour t'assurer de l'avoir dans la besace.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par arylol le 21-06-2023 à 08:46:31
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:49:27  profilanswer

cairn-ivore a écrit :


A tout hasard, qui faut-il contacter pour ça ?
J'ai pas de contact particulier dans mon espace perso

Tu n'as recu aucun mail  de ton TA demandant des papiers ? Au pire appelle la concession locale ils t'aiguilleront.
Mais comme dis le chef du topic.
Annules le virement
Fais ta commande, regularise après.
J'attends 10h pour appeler mon TA

Message édité par tails38 le 21-06-2023 à 08:49:58
Gamertag xbox : pitipotinou
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:50:37  profilanswer

lexis84 a écrit :

Y’a pire. Y’en a qui achètent des i4 pour le double du prix.

comme  quand il y avait une A3 tdi 110 pour 2 fois le prix d'une 308 HDI 110  :o  (bon ça c'était le monde d'avant)

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:51:19  profilanswer

arylol a écrit :

Le plus urgent c'est annulé ton virement , t'assurer qu'il est bien annulé.
Apres tu reponds a un sms auto que t'as du recevoir et tu vois avec le tchat sur le site mais l'enjeux c'est juste ton accompte de 250€.
Bien sur commander une belle M3 LR et reverser les 250€ pour t'assurer de l'avoir dans la besace.

J'ai annulé le virement, déjà :o

Gamertag xbox : pitipotinou
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:52:36  profilanswer

On peut annuler sa commande aussi facilement avec Tesla ? il n'y a aucune pénalité ou de caution non restituée ?

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:53:09  profilanswer

cairn-ivore a écrit :

J'ai annulé le virement, déjà :o

Et commande la nouvelle c'est la seule chose urgente qu'il te reste a faire

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:53:41  profilanswer

buggy2680 a écrit :

On peut annuler sa commande aussi facilement avec Tesla ? il n'y a aucune pénalité ou de caution non restituée ?

Juste les 250€ de frais de commande même si parfois les TA son sympa et les transfere sur la nouvelle commande.

Gamertag xbox : pitipotinou
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:54:36  profilanswer

arylol a écrit :

Juste les 250€ de frais de commande même si parfois les TA son sympa et les transfere sur la nouvelle commande.


Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:58:02  profilanswer

cairn-ivore a écrit :

J'ai annulé le virement, déjà :o

Lance la nouvelle commande et n'oublie pas ton parrainage cette fois :o

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 08:58:02  profilanswer

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:01:04  profilanswer

everybodie a écrit :

Lance la nouvelle commande et n'oublie pas ton parrainage cette fois :o

+1 :o

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:01:18  profilanswer

arylol a écrit :

Juste les 250€ de frais de commande même si parfois les TA son sympa et les transfere sur la nouvelle commande.

Je vous ferais le retex me concernant :D

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:02:19  profilanswer

L'ascensceur emotionnel du parain  [:protect_you]

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:06:06  profilanswer

david42fr a écrit :

Vous voudriez pas créer un topic achat Tesla - roxor inside?  [:orbitax:3]  
Le topic devient illisible et a perdu une grande part de son intérêt à mon gout !


I d͟o̩n᷃'̵t͖ give a shit
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:12:36  profilanswer

Et vous voulez voir quoi du coup sur le topic ?

bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:12:37  profilanswer

david42fr a écrit :

Vous voudriez pas créer un topic achat Tesla - roxor inside?  [:orbitax:3]  
Le topic devient illisible et a perdu une grande part de son intérêt à mon gout !


bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:13:38  profilanswer

MossieurPropre a écrit :

Et vous voulez voir quoi du coup sur le topic ?

ce qu'il y avait avant, l'actu sur Tesla, des vraies questions sur les bagnoles pour ceux qui en ont, des retours d'XP
plutôt que 3 pages par jour sur "olalalala MY Pauvre autonomie ++++ à 40k olalala je vais enfin avoir l'air moins prolo" :sleep:

I d͟o̩n᷃'̵t͖ give a shit
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:15:24  profilanswer

Stadire que l’actu Tesla est un peu vide là, la seule actu en ce moment ce son les drops
Du coup c’est raccord avec ce qu’on a là :o

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:19:26  profilanswer

Le topic façon disque rayé « sniprr suuur, mypovr, 40k olol trocher frr » est exécrable à lire depuis des dizaines de pages.
Vous devriez aller faire un topic Tesla drop, car dès qu’un truc pertinent est posté, il est directement noyé au milieu des posts kikoolol..

I d͟o̩n᷃'̵t͖ give a shit
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:21:53  profilanswer

C’est cyclique, dans les 2 prochains mois vous aurez des CR de vacances « pololo c’est trop bien Tesla on voyage no-brainer », saupoudré d’éventuelles actus Highland.
Et rebelote les drops en septembre.
Après vous voyez avec le T.aulier, hein, c’est lui qui gère :o

bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:29:09  profilanswer

MossieurPropre a écrit :

Stadire que l’actu Tesla est un peu vide là, la seule actu en ce moment ce son les drops


Du coup c’est raccord avec ce qu’on a là :o

bah non, y'a Highland (entre autres), qu'on a vu passer un peu au milieu de toute la merde "olala achetez, olala" "olala le parainage" "olala tel model à 42k"

Message édité par KaiserCz le 21-06-2023 à 09:29:29
bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:29:56  profilanswer

Microminus a écrit :

Le topic façon disque rayé « sniprr suuur, mypovr, 40k olol trocher frr » est exécrable à lire depuis des dizaines de pages.
Vous devriez aller faire un topic Tesla drop, car dès qu’un truc pertinent est posté, il est directement noyé au milieu des posts kikoolol..

voilà :jap:

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:30:36  profilanswer

Sans compter qu’à la base, le topic traitait de tous les business de Musk, et pas seulement Tesla, ça faisait plus d’actu au fil de l’eau.

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:33:03  profilanswer

J'avoue que je suis plutôt du genre à faire molette d'habitude mais là, les discussions ont plus leur place sur les célèbres topics de AP que ici. Vous trouverez là bas pleins de gens stressés et névrosés dès qu'il y a une heure de retard sur leur CPI pour vous remonter le moral + discuter de celui qui a fait "la meilleure affaire possible parce que sinon j'aurais gardé ma clio"

I d͟o̩n᷃'̵t͖ give a shit
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:34:51  profilanswer

Après, l’actu Highland, à part des bagnoles camouflées à partir desquelles on ne peut rien dire, y’a pas grand chose.
Sinon, un mode caché : le Elon Mode pour le FSD, et j’imagine l’AP : [...] -fsd-video
Ça utilise la caméra intérieure pour surveiller l’attention du conducteur, plus besoin de tenir le volant. J’espère que ça finira par arriver chez nous

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:36:59  profilanswer

KaiserCz a écrit :

ce qu'il y avait avant, l'actu sur Tesla, des vraies questions sur les bagnoles pour ceux qui en ont, des retours d'XP
plutôt que 3 pages par jour sur "olalalala MY Pauvre autonomie ++++ à 40k olalala je vais enfin avoir l'air moins prolo" :sleep:


Microminus a écrit :

Le topic façon disque rayé « sniprr suuur, mypovr, 40k olol trocher frr » est exécrable à lire depuis des dizaines de pages.
Vous devriez aller faire un topic Tesla drop, car dès qu’un truc pertinent est posté, il est directement noyé au milieu des posts kikoolol..

Je conçois que ce soit pas très littereraire les drop en Live mais ca ne dure qu'une quinzaine de jours sur un trimestre.
Pour autant dans un esprit de collaboration fraternelle je m'en vais de ce pas rebondir sur vos derniers posts "interessant" récent selon les critères sus cité:
Voila c'est fait.
Après c'est forum chacun a le droit de parler de ce qu'il veut quand il veut et chacun est libre d'en debatrre a n'importe quel moment.

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:40:34  profilanswer

Non, le disque est rayé depuis les drops du premier trimestre, ça ne parle que de ça ou presque depuis ce moment.
Alors c’est vrai, pendant 2 mois c’était « il faut attendre les drops de fin de trimestre », et depuis 1 semaine ou 2 c’est « olala les drops sont là frr ».
Tu peux te garder ta condescendance, tes « … » sont plus intéressants que toute ton œuvre sur ce topic :jap:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Microminus le 21-06-2023 à 09:40:52
Dolphin Spirit
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:44:59  profilanswer

Y rwd sous les 40k


J'attend mon y perf à 49 :o

Afols, rejoignez nous sur #Lego sur
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:49:47  profilanswer

Du coup je vous mets la transcription de l'interview de Musk sur FR2 :

Citation :

AS L :  What makes you commit to a business?
EM :  My motivation: To advance human civilization and protect it
-Tesla: Sustainable energy
-Space X: Extending Human Life and Civilization by Going Beyond Space. It's a vision of the future
-Twitter: A platform that allows interaction with many different points of view in order to promote better understanding.
Twitter must be a force for progress and we are going in this direction, in the direction of civilization.
AS L: Do you want to have a determining role on civilization?
EM: Yes, civilization is much more fragile than we imagine. It started with the writing about 5000 years ago. Earth dates from 4 Billion years ago this means that the civilization 1/1000000 of Earth time. It's a little spark. A small candle in the dark and everything must be done to prevent it from going out.
AS L: Gigafactory in France?
EM: It is probable, even very probable that Tesla will do something very important in France in the years to come. What I can tell you is that President Macron cares about the future of France. In any case he does everything he can for this country. I’m fan of the president.
I like President Macron and what he does for his country. He’s smart man.
AS L : there is  another argument in favor of france For some time, your cars have benefited from the bonus of 5000€.
isn't the €5,000 bonus thanks to the drop in Tesla prices a way of forcing you to settle in France?
EM: In any case, we have to promote local production, it's better for the environment anyway. And the EVs must work without the premium. The bonus helps to start sales.
Ask: Is your involvement in Tesla out of genuine conviction or opportunism?
EM: There must be a small part of opportunism, but we started Tesla because there was no manufacturer that made EVs. I thought to myself, if we don't do it, nobody will. So we got started and we had a 1 in 10 chance of succeeding and we were optimistic. We came close to bankruptcy more than once. It's not an easy way to make money.
AS L: Space X consumes a lot of fuel, however, is what the boss of Space X has the same convictions as the boss of Tesla
EM: With SpaceX, you can't have an electric rocket, but you create 80% liquid oxygen and liquid methane fuel using electricity. We intend to manufacture renewable propellant over the long term.
AS L: Space X is a success, you allowed NASA to send men back to the SSI.
your target :Moon 2025, Mars 2030. Will you go to Mars?
EM : I would love to go to Mars but that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is to allow Humanity to become multiplanetary. What is important is to have enough people and material to ensure life on Mars. You have to have a goal that motivates you in the morning when you get up.
AS L: April 20 the Mega Rocket exploded, debris fell on sensitive areas is what you consider collateral damage.
EM: The zones are not that fragile. These are salt ponds. No real life in these spaces.
AS L: so if there is a lawsuit you will win.
EM: yes, you just have to see these areas to understand. There was no impact on the environment
AS L: Another subject: AI subject, you have requested a break. We were surprised you asked?
EM: Very powerful techno, certainly more powerful than nuclear energy. If we use nuclear technology for civilians, it's perfect, but for military use, I'm against it. It's the same on the AI.
There are risks of people using AI for bad purposes. For example to manipulate public opinion. Each country has its own approach to the use of AI. The example that comes to mind is manipulation to make the public believe in implausible things. Clever AI can start a war with fake accounts by inciting anger. AI could create enough anger to start a war.
AS L: you understand that Europe wants to regulate ,you who do not like regulations in general
EM: I am not against regulation on principle. Regulations must be in the interest of people, to protect and serve them, not to constrain them. I agree with 99% of the regulations.
AS L: You say , you have to take a break but you still created a start-up on AI X-AI, the purpose of your Truth GPT software will be to seek the truth. How do we find reality?
E.M: it's still embryonic, however when I added my name to the list, I didn't think people would be so interested. I put my name on the list to slow down not stop. Of course nothing was stopped. So there are two possibilities, either being an observer and doing nothing or being a participant. And I prefer to be a participant.
[From here I tried to translate exactly word for word.]
AS L: You talk about seeking the truth, it's not really your priority on Twitter.
You fired about 80% of the staff, including the famous moderators who had to monitor the networks to avoid racist messages, calls for violence, hatred. Do you not regret the relatively radical choice, when you know how much can proliferate on a social network.
EM: We haven't reduced the moderation activity per se. Moderation is carried out by about 4000 collaborators and the work has remained the same. Anything hate speech is down 20-40% since the acquisition. So it's less and not more.
AS L: This is not what the various studies say
105% increase in anti-Semitic messages (images on screen)
EM: I don't know what stat you're talking about.
AS L: There are various studies that have been carried out, in particular American
(on Screen: 200% increase in racial slurs) including your interaction with extremists that you could effectively encourage on the network the return of accounts that had been deleted. It is all this observation that has made advertisers leave.
EM: Listen to me, I saw a very rigorous study which measured hate messages and which had decreased, I believe by 30%. We should look at the data. Without the data, we cannot prove anything, advance anything.
AS L: we can do study against study. Haven't you noticed these increasingly hateful speeches yourself?
EM: No, no, I persist in saying that there are fewer. Unless you have a very broad definition of the hate message. But we must avoid having too broad a definition because if everything becomes a message of hate, obviously we can no longer judge anything or else we must censor everything, but that completely blocks freedom of expression.
AS L: I was thinking of a concrete example a few days ago there was a shipwreck of migrants in the Mediterranean.  
There were messages, they are still there, three days later. (on screen the message “It was all-you-can-eat buffet for the fish”. )
AS L: Things like that which are extremely violent because there are hundreds of deaths, desperate people. That remains, is that normal?
EM: What we find in bad taste or unpleasant, should it be censored? We are not going to censor it even if it is something that we strongly dislike. Because where else do we stop? If you don't like something and you censor it, sooner or later you will be the one to be censored.
AS L: The message I told you about is extremely violent, we are talking about eating the bodies of migrants. It's still a rather special humor.
EM: Obviously it's in very bad taste, I agree with you on this and obviously we're not going to promote anything on it. Again, it's a balance where you place the cursor. What is in good and bad taste, acceptable or not acceptable. What should be censored or not. So obviously if there is something illegal, we react immediately but if we are asked to go beyond what the law prescribes and we are asked to censor any form of expression, then I will say no . It would be a mistake. So on the other hand if a law is promulgated. Because the law in a democracy represents the will of the people. If the law represents the will of the people, then it must be respected. Now if we want to enact certain laws, we will have to respect them. On the other hand, to tell ourselves that we are going to put ourselves above the law and do more than the law. I think that's not good.
AS L: Precisely Europe has a new DSA regulation which will be applied from August 25th which aims precisely to ensure that what we find on twitter is prohibited when it is prohibited in real life. You don't intend to apply it?
EM: Twitter will obey the law, respect the law. If a law is enacted, I repeat, Twitter is committed to respecting it.
AS L: it is a European regulation so you will comply with this European regulation. Because anyway otherwise you will pay fines, it could be 300 million dollars at first and you could even be banned from Europe. You will do everything not to be banned from Europe.
E.M: yes, I have already said it, Twitter will respect the regulations. This is the fourth time I've said it, or the third.
AS L: It's good that we hear it, some time ago french Minister  doubted it and threatened to banish you from France and Europe. You heard that message there too?
Em: You know, for the nth time, Twitter is not going to break the law. Twitter will comply with the regulations. We are not going to be more royalist than the king and be so zealous that we go beyond the legal provisions. If there are provisions that we want enacted, they will be enacted and we will respect them. But we, a private company, do not want to go beyond the will of the people and do more.
AS L: I was saying that you had lost advertisers since your arrival, in fact, they say, half of the advertisers. Today, this company that you bought for 44 billion, is it worth half? Did you cause this company to lose value in the end?
EM: It doesn't bother me, it doesn't worry me too much. I don't care about money
AS L: Are you not interested in the health of your business?
EM: The main thing is not to make a loss. And there we do not make a loss.
So it's true the advertisers have left us but there are many who come back.
AS L: A lot but 50% had left you, how many have come back?
EM: I think almost all the advertisers came back or said they would come back.
ASL: All? Coke, Nike?
EM: I'm not saying every advertiser, I think it's fine.
AS L: You asked the question "should I run Twitter", by poll on your network, it was quite brave, 17.5 million people voted and said no to you at 57.5%. Did it hurt you. Did it annoy you?
EM: no
AS L: Did you expect this response?
EM: Yes
AS L: In fact, you wanted to leave?
EM: But I didn't expect to be the CEO either.
AS L: your place at the head of several strategic companies and social networks gives you a particular role, a particular importance. You are received as a head of state, including by the Chinese president. Would you like to become President of the Republic of the USA one day?
EM: no, no, I don't want to. You know, people sometimes imagine that the President of the United States is in a very powerful position. So yes in a way, of course, but the American Constitution is such that the office of President is in a very limited position, in fact.
President is like being in the cabin of a very large boat with a very small oar or a small rudder.
You are accused of everything and there is nothing you can do.
AS L: Are you telling me that you are more powerful than the President of the USA?
EM: So let's say I can't declare war.
AS L: For the moment, you have explained how it can be done on Twitter with fake news.
EM: We will ensure that the war does not come because of social networks. What I can tell you is that the freedom of action of a President of the United States is extremely limited. I just told you. And it's done on purpose. It was designed for that. And so if I were president I could not, for example, send rockets to the Moon or to Mars. Send people to live there, create sustainable electric vehicles. I won't be able to do all of this and I won't want to give up on all of this.
AS L: Thank you very much EM for accepting this interview. And enjoy Paris, it's a very beautiful city
EM: Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:53:28  profilanswer

david42fr a écrit :

Vous voudriez pas créer un topic achat Tesla - roxor inside? [:orbitax:3]


Le topic devient illisible et a perdu une grande part de son intérêt à mon gout !


.::| Feedback |::.
bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:56:00  profilanswer

every ce bodie, seul vrai patron  [:shimay:1]

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 09:58:36  profilanswer

Microminus a écrit :

Non, le disque est rayé depuis les drops du premier trimestre, ça ne parle que de ça ou presque depuis ce moment.
Alors c’est vrai, pendant 2 mois c’était « il faut attendre les drops de fin de trimestre », et depuis 1 semaine ou 2 c’est « olala les drops sont là frr ».
Tu peux te garder ta condescendance, tes « … » sont plus intéressants que toute ton œuvre sur ce topic :jap:



KaiserCz a écrit :

every ce bodie, seul vrai patron  [:shimay:1]

Effectivement on est sur un autre niveau  [:implosion du tibia]  je m'excuse pour tout cet inintéret provoqué.

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:02:48  profilanswer

arylol a écrit :

Effectivement on est sur un autre niveau  [:implosion du tibia]  je m'excuse pour tout cet inintéret provoqué.

Ce n'est pas la vraie vie, ici, hein ! Commande toi une TM3 Perf lors d'un prochain drop pour te remonter le moral  :D

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:05:58  profilanswer

KaiserCz a écrit :

ce qu'il y avait avant, l'actu sur Tesla, des vraies questions sur les bagnoles pour ceux qui en ont, des retours d'XP


plutôt que 3 pages par jour sur "olalalala MY Pauvre autonomie ++++ à 40k olalala je vais enfin avoir l'air moins prolo" :sleep:

En même temps j'avais bien dit qu'il fallait filer les clefs à everybody, mais personne n'a relevé.


Dans le respé frer Lol  [:jean-michel platini:1]

bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:06:00  profilanswer

arylol a écrit :

Effectivement on est sur un autre niveau  [:implosion du tibia]  je m'excuse pour tout cet inintéret provoqué.

on va t'épargner tes quotes alors  [:jcqs:1]

bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:06:20  profilanswer

Kelchacalcetype a écrit :

En même temps j'avais bien dit qu'il fallait filer les clefs à everybody, mais personne n'a relevé.
Dans le respé frer Lol  [:jean-michel platini:1]

ah mais j'ai toujours été d'accord là dessus perso

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:07:04  profilanswer

Il va falloir remettre l'autopilot avant la sortie de route  [:adhoc:4]

Pseudo Rocket League: Topper Harley
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:15:52  profilanswer

everybodie a écrit :

Du coup je vous mets la transcription de l'interview de Musk sur FR2 :

Citation :

AS L :  What makes you commit to a business?
EM :  My motivation: To advance human civilization and protect it
-Tesla: Sustainable energy
-Space X: Extending Human Life and Civilization by Going Beyond Space. It's a vision of the future
-Twitter: A platform that allows interaction with many different points of view in order to promote better understanding.
Twitter must be a force for progress and we are going in this direction, in the direction of civilization.


AS L: Do you want to have a determining role on civilization?
EM: Yes, civilization is much more fragile than we imagine. It started with the writing about 5000 years ago. Earth dates from 4 Billion years ago this means that the civilization 1/1000000 of Earth time. It's a little spark. A small candle in the dark and everything must be done to prevent it from going out.


AS L: Gigafactory in France?
EM: It is probable, even very probable that Tesla will do something very important in France in the years to come. What I can tell you is that President Macron cares about the future of France. In any case he does everything he can for this country. I’m fan of the president.
I like President Macron and what he does for his country. He’s smart man.


AS L : there is  another argument in favor of france For some time, your cars have benefited from the bonus of 5000€.
isn't the €5,000 bonus thanks to the drop in Tesla prices a way of forcing you to settle in France?
EM: In any case, we have to promote local production, it's better for the environment anyway. And the EVs must work without the premium. The bonus helps to start sales.


Ask: Is your involvement in Tesla out of genuine conviction or opportunism?
EM: There must be a small part of opportunism, but we started Tesla because there was no manufacturer that made EVs. I thought to myself, if we don't do it, nobody will. So we got started and we had a 1 in 10 chance of succeeding and we were optimistic. We came close to bankruptcy more than once. It's not an easy way to make money.


AS L: Space X consumes a lot of fuel, however, is what the boss of Space X has the same convictions as the boss of Tesla
EM: With SpaceX, you can't have an electric rocket, but you create 80% liquid oxygen and liquid methane fuel using electricity. We intend to manufacture renewable propellant over the long term.


AS L: Space X is a success, you allowed NASA to send men back to the SSI.
your target :Moon 2025, Mars 2030. Will you go to Mars?
EM : I would love to go to Mars but that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is to allow Humanity to become multiplanetary. What is important is to have enough people and material to ensure life on Mars. You have to have a goal that motivates you in the morning when you get up.


AS L: April 20 the Mega Rocket exploded, debris fell on sensitive areas is what you consider collateral damage.
EM: The zones are not that fragile. These are salt ponds. No real life in these spaces.


AS L: so if there is a lawsuit you will win.
EM: yes, you just have to see these areas to understand. There was no impact on the environment


AS L: Another subject: AI subject, you have requested a break. We were surprised you asked?
EM: Very powerful techno, certainly more powerful than nuclear energy. If we use nuclear technology for civilians, it's perfect, but for military use, I'm against it. It's the same on the AI.
There are risks of people using AI for bad purposes. For example to manipulate public opinion. Each country has its own approach to the use of AI. The example that comes to mind is manipulation to make the public believe in implausible things. Clever AI can start a war with fake accounts by inciting anger. AI could create enough anger to start a war.


AS L: you understand that Europe wants to regulate ,you who do not like regulations in general
EM: I am not against regulation on principle. Regulations must be in the interest of people, to protect and serve them, not to constrain them. I agree with 99% of the regulations.


AS L: You say , you have to take a break but you still created a start-up on AI X-AI, the purpose of your Truth GPT software will be to seek the truth. How do we find reality?


E.M: it's still embryonic, however when I added my name to the list, I didn't think people would be so interested. I put my name on the list to slow down not stop. Of course nothing was stopped. So there are two possibilities, either being an observer and doing nothing or being a participant. And I prefer to be a participant.


[From here I tried to translate exactly word for word.]


AS L: You talk about seeking the truth, it's not really your priority on Twitter.
You fired about 80% of the staff, including the famous moderators who had to monitor the networks to avoid racist messages, calls for violence, hatred. Do you not regret the relatively radical choice, when you know how much can proliferate on a social network.


EM: We haven't reduced the moderation activity per se. Moderation is carried out by about 4000 collaborators and the work has remained the same. Anything hate speech is down 20-40% since the acquisition. So it's less and not more.


AS L: This is not what the various studies say
105% increase in anti-Semitic messages (images on screen)


EM: I don't know what stat you're talking about.


AS L: There are various studies that have been carried out, in particular American
(on Screen: 200% increase in racial slurs) including your interaction with extremists that you could effectively encourage on the network the return of accounts that had been deleted. It is all this observation that has made advertisers leave.


EM: Listen to me, I saw a very rigorous study which measured hate messages and which had decreased, I believe by 30%. We should look at the data. Without the data, we cannot prove anything, advance anything.


AS L: we can do study against study. Haven't you noticed these increasingly hateful speeches yourself?


EM: No, no, I persist in saying that there are fewer. Unless you have a very broad definition of the hate message. But we must avoid having too broad a definition because if everything becomes a message of hate, obviously we can no longer judge anything or else we must censor everything, but that completely blocks freedom of expression.


AS L: I was thinking of a concrete example a few days ago there was a shipwreck of migrants in the Mediterranean.
There were messages, they are still there, three days later. (on screen the message “It was all-you-can-eat buffet for the fish”. )
AS L: Things like that which are extremely violent because there are hundreds of deaths, desperate people. That remains, is that normal?


EM: What we find in bad taste or unpleasant, should it be censored? We are not going to censor it even if it is something that we strongly dislike. Because where else do we stop? If you don't like something and you censor it, sooner or later you will be the one to be censored.


AS L: The message I told you about is extremely violent, we are talking about eating the bodies of migrants. It's still a rather special humor.


EM: Obviously it's in very bad taste, I agree with you on this and obviously we're not going to promote anything on it. Again, it's a balance where you place the cursor. What is in good and bad taste, acceptable or not acceptable. What should be censored or not. So obviously if there is something illegal, we react immediately but if we are asked to go beyond what the law prescribes and we are asked to censor any form of expression, then I will say no . It would be a mistake. So on the other hand if a law is promulgated. Because the law in a democracy represents the will of the people. If the law represents the will of the people, then it must be respected. Now if we want to enact certain laws, we will have to respect them. On the other hand, to tell ourselves that we are going to put ourselves above the law and do more than the law. I think that's not good.


AS L: Precisely Europe has a new DSA regulation which will be applied from August 25th which aims precisely to ensure that what we find on twitter is prohibited when it is prohibited in real life. You don't intend to apply it?


EM: Twitter will obey the law, respect the law. If a law is enacted, I repeat, Twitter is committed to respecting it.


AS L: it is a European regulation so you will comply with this European regulation. Because anyway otherwise you will pay fines, it could be 300 million dollars at first and you could even be banned from Europe. You will do everything not to be banned from Europe.


E.M: yes, I have already said it, Twitter will respect the regulations. This is the fourth time I've said it, or the third.


AS L: It's good that we hear it, some time ago french Minister  doubted it and threatened to banish you from France and Europe. You heard that message there too?


Em: You know, for the nth time, Twitter is not going to break the law. Twitter will comply with the regulations. We are not going to be more royalist than the king and be so zealous that we go beyond the legal provisions. If there are provisions that we want enacted, they will be enacted and we will respect them. But we, a private company, do not want to go beyond the will of the people and do more.


AS L: I was saying that you had lost advertisers since your arrival, in fact, they say, half of the advertisers. Today, this company that you bought for 44 billion, is it worth half? Did you cause this company to lose value in the end?


EM: It doesn't bother me, it doesn't worry me too much. I don't care about money


AS L: Are you not interested in the health of your business?


EM: The main thing is not to make a loss. And there we do not make a loss.
So it's true the advertisers have left us but there are many who come back.


AS L: A lot but 50% had left you, how many have come back?
EM: I think almost all the advertisers came back or said they would come back.


ASL: All? Coke, Nike?


EM: I'm not saying every advertiser, I think it's fine.


AS L: You asked the question "should I run Twitter", by poll on your network, it was quite brave, 17.5 million people voted and said no to you at 57.5%. Did it hurt you. Did it annoy you?


EM: no


AS L: Did you expect this response?
EM: Yes


AS L: In fact, you wanted to leave?
EM: But I didn't expect to be the CEO either.


AS L: your place at the head of several strategic companies and social networks gives you a particular role, a particular importance. You are received as a head of state, including by the Chinese president. Would you like to become President of the Republic of the USA one day?


EM: no, no, I don't want to. You know, people sometimes imagine that the President of the United States is in a very powerful position. So yes in a way, of course, but the American Constitution is such that the office of President is in a very limited position, in fact.
President is like being in the cabin of a very large boat with a very small oar or a small rudder.
You are accused of everything and there is nothing you can do.


AS L: Are you telling me that you are more powerful than the President of the USA?


EM: So let's say I can't declare war.


AS L: For the moment, you have explained how it can be done on Twitter with fake news.


EM: We will ensure that the war does not come because of social networks. What I can tell you is that the freedom of action of a President of the United States is extremely limited. I just told you. And it's done on purpose. It was designed for that. And so if I were president I could not, for example, send rockets to the Moon or to Mars. Send people to live there, create sustainable electric vehicles. I won't be able to do all of this and I won't want to give up on all of this.


AS L: Thank you very much EM for accepting this interview. And enjoy Paris, it's a very beautiful city


EM: Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup

Une interview en FR et tu nous mets la transcription anglaise ? :D


Ca reste un personnage iconique.
Qui a su placer ses billes au bons endroits (comme beaucoup de millardaires :D )
Je ne suis pas fan de sa personne mais ce qui se passe avec Starlink est énorme et SpaceX emboite bien le pas quand meme ...

Message cité 2 fois
Message édité par tails38 le 21-06-2023 à 10:17:33
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:23:47  profilanswer

MossieurPropre a écrit :

Et vous voulez voir quoi du coup sur le topic ?

On n'est pas forcé de faire 5 pages par jour non plus ;)

everybodie a écrit :

Du coup je vous mets la transcription de l'interview de Musk sur FR2 :

Citation :



A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- Shaw -- mon topic de vente photo
bros before hoes
Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:25:22  profilanswer

tails38 a écrit :

Une interview en FR et tu nous mets la transcription anglaise ? :D
Ca reste un personnage iconique.
Qui a su placer ses billes au bons endroits (comme beaucoup de millardaires :D )
Je ne suis pas fan de sa personne mais ce qui se passe avec Starlink est énorme et SpaceX emboite bien le pas quand meme ...

ça évite les traductions/interprétations foireuses
puis on est en 2023, l'anglais il serait temps de s'y mettre :o

Posté le 21-06-2023 à 10:29:04  profilanswer

tails38 a écrit :

Une interview en FR et tu nous mets la transcription anglaise ? :D
Ca reste un personnage iconique.
Qui a su placer ses billes au bons endroits (comme beaucoup de millardaires :D )
Je ne suis pas fan de sa personne mais ce qui se passe avec Starlink est énorme et SpaceX emboite bien le pas quand meme ...

C'est une source en anglais qui faisait la traduction pour les non fr.
J'aurais d'ailleurs préféré que l'interview soit sous-titré que traduite en live. On entendait pas Musk parler pour éviter le polissage de la traduction France TV.
Je ne suis pas aussi toujours fan de la personne. Par contre je trouve que c'est un patron "inspirant" et pas un simple gestionnaire.

Message cité 2 fois
Message édité par everybodie le 21-06-2023 à 10:29:39
Posté le   profilanswer

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