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[Topic Unique] World in Conflict (stratégie) Soviet Assault en Mars 09

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Posté le 06-02-2008 à 19:35:18  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
le truc chiant dans ce jeu, c'est que si on passe à côté de l'objectif, le jeu continue quand même, et on joue comme un c_n jusqu'a ce qu'on se dise : bon, je vais charger une save, j'ai du louper un truc...

Les jeux vidéos, c'est comme l'alcool...à un moment, çà te saoûle, mais tu continues quand même.........…" L'info, c'est vous qui la vivez, c'est nous qui en vivons... ""Votre statut d'affamé n'a pas à nous couper l'appétit"
Posté le 06-02-2008 à 19:35:18  profilanswer

Lorie c'est mon idole !!!
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Posté le 06-02-2008 à 20:16:19  profilanswer

pas encore eu ce probleme :p et les unités d'elite en fin de mission on les recuper la mission d'apres ? j'ai pas l'impression :p

--------------- Jeu FR de piratage a -80% sur steam!
PSN : kaldor37
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Posté le 06-02-2008 à 21:54:00  profilanswer

remjam a écrit :

le truc chiant dans ce jeu, c'est que si on passe à côté de l'objectif, le jeu continue quand même, et on joue comme un c_n jusqu'a ce qu'on se dise : bon, je vais charger une save, j'ai du louper un truc...

Personnellement ca ne me l'a fait qu'une fois, à la mission du pont citée un peu plus haut [:spamafote]

Lorie c'est mon idole !!!
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Posté le 08-02-2008 à 09:38:40  profilanswer

au fait dans la mission de liberation du sud de la france, le capitaine francais "moulin" me semble pilote des chars allemands ? de memoire il dit "ici moulin ou avez vous besoin d'un panzer?" non :p

--------------- Jeu FR de piratage a -80% sur steam!
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Posté le 11-02-2008 à 12:30:34  profilanswer

Je cherche une team. :o

He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead...
Lorie c'est mon idole !!!
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Posté le 11-02-2008 à 16:39:15  profilanswer

sinon il y a des mods interessant ? j'ai pas trop vu de posts sur les mods ici :p  
on cree la team HFR-WC ? :p

Message édité par starmindfr le 11-02-2008 à 16:40:02

--------------- Jeu FR de piratage a -80% sur steam!
PSN : kaldor37
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Posté le 11-02-2008 à 16:48:32  profilanswer

J'avais déja demandé a la sortie du jeu, personne n'était interessé ici, alors j'ai laissé tomber [:spamafote]
Si ca vous tente je pourrais m'y remettre de temps en temps ca fera sortir mon jeu de la poussiere un peu  :D

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 12-02-2008 à 01:19:53  profilanswer

Sortie d'un nouveau patch... bientot !

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 13-02-2008 à 19:42:25  profilanswer

Changelog du patch 1.006 client et serveur :
New features:
- New server list filters added, Rank Balance (Any, Rank Balanced, Not Rank Balanced).
- New server list filters added, Game Mode (Any, Domination Only, Assault Only, Tug of War Only).
- Some settings are now forced on Ranked Servers.
- Implemented features to prevent clan smurfing.
- Made all text messages more intelligible through better screen placing and color.
- Added visual travel directions on some Tactical Aid markers.
- Added a feature where player units are high-lighted when using VOIP.
- Added text and sound warnings when doing damage to teammates.
- Improved the alias functionality, making it possible to bind a specific key to a specific tactical aid and much more (see this post for details).
- Changed the default colors available in "Set Player Color" (see this post for details).
- Changed behavior for the mode Special Abilities. Activating it twice via the keyboard shortcut will no longer abort it.
- Added ability to define your own colors in "Set Player Color".
- The Options for "Play Now" has a new direct shortcut under the "Play Now" button.
- "Play Now" will default to Rank Balanced Domination Only servers, this can be changed in "Options>Massgate".
- Added an option to change camera height in "Options>Controls>Camera Maximum Height".
- Added name of current server to end screen.
- CheckMouseDown function added to python modding interface (mod specific).
Units and balancing:
- All out-of-role unit costs have been reduced.
- Increased cost of the Laser Guided Bomb Tactical Aid for all roles.
- Heavy Anti-Air Vehicle now gives 40% more score when killed.
- Heavy Anti-Air Vehicle view range and fire range decreased.
- Heavy Attack Helicopter fire range and special ability fire range decreased.
- Heavy Attack Helicopter rocket accuracy decreased.
- Medium Anti-Air Vehicle fire range decreased.
- Medium Anti-Air Vehicle accuracy decreased.
- Light Tank cannon damage increased.
- Updated hit boxes for USSR Transport Truck.
- Tweaked Tactical Aid marker behavior to make the rotation more responsive.
- Tweaked the auto team balance feature to start earlier.
- Tweaked do_quarry to fix incorrect path-finding in several places.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Tactical Nukes sometimes wouldn't make Command Points go neutral.
- Fixed a bug where infantry in houses would not always auto-acquire targets.
- Fixed a bug with Reinforcement Menu sometimes not closing correctly right at the start of a game.
- Fixed a crash bug on "Mission 1 - Invasion" of single-player.
- Fixed a bug on do_xmas where a bridge would become impassable after having been blown apart and repaired three times.
- Fixed a bug that made texture streaming sometimes fail on single core computers resulting in low resolution textures.
Dispo ici pour 90Mo : [...] nible.html

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
Lorie c'est mon idole !!!
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Posté le 14-02-2008 à 14:25:33  profilanswer

- Some settings are now forced on Ranked Servers.  
je ne me suis pas lancer encore dans le multi, ca donne quoi les rangs ? on a droit a des unités specials ou bonus ou c'est juste du score?

--------------- Jeu FR de piratage a -80% sur steam!
Posté le 14-02-2008 à 14:25:33  profilanswer

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 15-02-2008 à 19:33:35  profilanswer

où peut on télécharger l'outil pour aider à la réalisation de films ? J'utilise Fraps mais j'arrive pas à suivre correctement les chasseurs bombardiers en phase d'attaque...

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
Je ne suis ce que je veux être
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Posté le 17-02-2008 à 22:39:55  profilanswer

Op nouvelle vidéo [...] videogames

Vive les schtroumpf !! Dans notre société, il n'y aura jamais schtroumpfé autant de schtroumpf qu'en ces temps-ci. Schtroumpfons tous ensemble pour le bien de nos schtroumpfs !
Lorie c'est mon idole !!!
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Posté le 18-02-2008 à 13:39:56  profilanswer

snif deja finit le jeux :p le multi est sympa ?

--------------- Jeu FR de piratage a -80% sur steam!
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 19-02-2008 à 22:18:50  profilanswer

Oui, c'est tout l'intérêt du jeu je pense. Surtout avec une bonne équipe équipée de micros !

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~

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Posté le 02-03-2008 à 17:02:26  profilanswer

bonjours ,
j'ai un petit problème avec ce jeu il ne veut tou simplement pas se lancer , je pense que le problème viens de ma carte graphique ,c'est une 8800GT avec les dernier drivers ,  
enfaite le jeu se lance une fraction de seconde , juste le temps de le voir apparaitre dans la barre de tache de vista et apré coupure et retours sous windows...
j'ai essayer avec toute les version jusqua la mais même souci.
le problème a t'il deja été rencontré ? et sinon avez cous une solution pour moi...

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Posté le 02-03-2008 à 21:30:00  profilanswer

c'est le filtre anti noob, ca a du te detecter ...

Australia / New Zealand / Tahiti / Los Angeles / Hawaii / Isla de Pascua / Espana / England. Vive les voyages ! NYC SOON ! :p

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Posté le 02-03-2008 à 21:41:19  profilanswer

et en mode " reponse non debile " cela donne quoi ? merci de ton aide en tous cas .
le reformatage na rien donner de plus, j'ai méme essayer avec un crack NoCd pour voir si cela vennai de mon DVD mais rien de mieu.

Message édité par welin le 02-03-2008 à 21:42:35
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Posté le 03-03-2008 à 12:07:05  profilanswer

si t'avais pas essayer avec un nocd je t'aurais dis d'essayer  avec un autre lecteur ou graveur DVD desfois c'est la protection qui merde... mais bon
là je vois pas... si meme apres formatage... sinon essaye en installant xp

Australia / New Zealand / Tahiti / Los Angeles / Hawaii / Isla de Pascua / Espana / England. Vive les voyages ! NYC SOON ! :p
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Posté le 27-03-2008 à 16:05:17  profilanswer

J'avais eu le même probleme que toi Welin avec ma 8800GTX et j'ai changé de driver puis c'est passé comme une lettre à la poste.
Sinon up de topic car j'aimerais bien me trouver une team, ca fait une semaine que je m'y suis remis et je décroche plus.


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Posté le 05-04-2008 à 22:45:49  profilanswer

Salut je suis nouveau sur hfr y'a des joueurs toujours present sur le jeu de ce forum ?

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Posté le 06-04-2008 à 11:56:34  profilanswer

Non plus aucun ou peut-être juste moi.

PSN : kaldor37
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Posté le 06-04-2008 à 22:52:02  profilanswer

Je suis toujours le topic, mais a vrai dire je n'y joue plus depuis un bon moment :D

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 15-04-2008 à 01:48:30  profilanswer

Excellente nouvelle...
World In Conflict : Soviet Assault dévoilé
Prévue depuis un petit moment déjà, la sortie de ... sur consoles ne se fera pas exactement comme nous pourrions nous y attendre. Nous apprenons effectivement que Massive Entertainment envisage plutôt la sortie d'une version améliorée baptisée ....
Cette version un peu particulière fera en fait office de standalone, c'est à dire une sorte d'extension ne nécessitant pas le jeu de base. Du coup, il n'est guère étonnant de voir ce ... annoncé sur Playstation 3, sur Xbox 360, mais aussi sur PC. À l'heure actuelle, nous n'en savons hélas pas beaucoup plus et à défaut d'images, nous vous laissons avec la première vidéo dévoilée par Massive ; voir ici [...] voile.html mais la vidéo ne dévoile rien en fait...
Sinon, une vidéo du jeu de base ; [...] videogames
Je vous propose de suivre l'actualité de ce standalone dans ce topic et de le mettre à jour. :love:

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
PSN : kaldor37
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Posté le 15-04-2008 à 08:19:15  profilanswer

Donc pas d'add-on comme c'était prévu a la base ? Mais plutot un standalone qu'on risque de payer les yeux de la tete ? :/

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Posté le 15-04-2008 à 23:34:41  profilanswer

Et qui apportera aux joueurs PC pas grand chose voir rien :/

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 15-04-2008 à 23:35:52  profilanswer

ça t'en sais rien !

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 19-04-2008 à 15:35:21  profilanswer

Premiers screens du stand alone :
Sinon une jolie map qui va pouvoir bientôt être jouée sur les serveurs ranked : [...] 396822424/

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
tout simplement
Transactions (9)
Posté le 30-04-2008 à 01:03:03  profilanswer

Je l'ai acheté ce soir, après avoir longuement hésité avec Supreme Commander.
Pas déçu, mais quelle gourmandise, mon ordi est à genoux  :sweat:

Une foule innombrable de turlupins, de béquillards, de gueux de nuit accourus sur la grève, dansaient des gigues devant la spirale de flamme et de fumée.
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 08-05-2008 à 12:37:14  profilanswer
Compromis, chose due
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Posté le 22-05-2008 à 18:53:12  profilanswer

ah ben tiens tres bien ce topic


j'ai un probleme bizarre a une des mission, aprés que la bombe H soit tombée, la mission ou faut reparer des chars (bannon est mort) et suivre webb jusqu'au point de ralliement en reparant ses unités


Webb il bouge pas :( il va pas au point de ralliement, il reste sur place avec ses tanks...


les enemis reapparaissent sans arret et c'est sans fin. j'ai loupé un truc pour faire bouge l'cul des chars de webb ?


(l'objectif est bien indiqué, je suis en patch 1.0.7)

Message édité par boober le 22-05-2008 à 18:53:43

Entrez dans la dance clap clap, les soucis n'ont pas de chance, la musique commence, clap clap, ça c'est Fraggle Rock!
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 22-05-2008 à 21:33:38  profilanswer

AHAH tu viens de faire l'expérience des limites des scripts ! Moi aussi j'ai eu le même genre de problème mais aprés ta mission, quand tout est détruit... Ces crétins ne bougeaient plus. J'avais beau leur tirer dessus, ou faire quoi que ce soit, ils ne bougeaient plus. Résultat, obligé de charger une sauvegarde d'une mission antérieure.

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
Compromis, chose due
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Posté le 22-05-2008 à 21:52:28  profilanswer

super_newbie_pro a écrit :

AHAH tu viens de faire l'expérience des limites des scripts ! Moi aussi j'ai eu le même genre de problème mais aprés ta mission, quand tout est détruit... Ces crétins ne bougeaient plus. J'avais beau leur tirer dessus, ou faire quoi que ce soit, ils ne bougeaient plus. Résultat, obligé de charger une sauvegarde d'une mission antérieure.

va falloir que je me retape la mission ? :'(
quelle chienlit

Entrez dans la dance clap clap, les soucis n'ont pas de chance, la musique commence, clap clap, ça c'est Fraggle Rock!
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-06-2008 à 01:31:08  profilanswer cherche des volontaires pour fournir des résultats pour la nouvelle base de données comparative des différents CPU et GPU pour ordinateurs portables. Nous vous remercions d'avance de votre participation :
Donnez vos scores dans World in Conflict sur votre ordinateur portable ==> [...] ns-WIC.htm
Donnez vos scores dans 3D mark 2006 sur votre ordinateur portable ==> [...] et-GPU.htm

Merci à vous

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 23-06-2008 à 00:40:59  profilanswer

Colonelabruti a cru que ce truc était un concurrent direct de World in Conflict. Mais...
1°) il sortira pas sur PC (ou alors pas tout de suite)
2°) vu la vidéo in-game, ça n'a pas l'air d'être dans le même genre :D

Citation :

Trouvé ça : [...] S3-360.htm
et sur clubic rien à part une contribution de membres : [...] page1.html
Sinon une vidéo ingame : [...] videogames

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~

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Posté le 25-06-2008 à 19:08:20  profilanswer

j'ai acheter ce jeux ya quelques jours..
première impression, très déçus...les grand fan de "vrai" STR ne seront pas satisfait..
beaucoup trop de cinématique, de plus on manque de liberté totale dans ce jeu..on est libre de rien...
aucun moyen de pouvoir choisir librement sa tactique (offensif/défensif), de ce fait certaine unité ne servent presque à rien...  
beaucoup trop gourmand en config à mon gout..
j'y joue sur un portable MSI [...] 0_207.html
et même avec je doit me contenter d'avoir des graphisme moyen, et une
fluidité pas térible...

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
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Posté le 25-06-2008 à 19:16:36  profilanswer

Je maintiens qu'il est possible de faire des mods avec des cartes Enormissimes et des 4vs4 à 8vs8 avec le double voire le triple d'unités qu'on peut avoir avec le mod peu de joueurs. Mais...
1°) La config nécessaire pour faire tourner ce genre de mod n'est pas chez tout le monde
2°) Les moddeurs il y en a peu sur ce jeu et peu sont intéressés par un jeu tel que tu l'assimile, un "vrai" STR, dans lequel je crois aussi
néanmoins n'oublions pas que le gameplay actuel est "voulu" et plutot pas mal du tout en multi quand on ne joue pas avec des neuneus qui font la guerre en solo. Et puis ça semble plaire puisque les devs gagnent plein de prix. le dernier en date :

Citation :

We're very proud to announce that World in Conflict has been nominated for a Develop Industry Excellence Award for "Best New IP". The award ceremony, which kicks off for the sixth consecutive time this year, honors the creative achievements of the European game development community. The Develop Industry Excellence Awards are voted for by a panel of 100 industry experts.
The entire Massive staff is extremely happy and proud for the nomination and we expect there will be plenty of finger-crossing in the office when the ceremony takes place on July 30th. For a complete list of all our awards, please visit our Awards section.
World in Conflict is an action-packed strategy game that was released for PC in September 2007 and that will soon be released for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

source :
Question réponses pour WIC - soviet assault :
World in Conflict: Soviet Assault Q&A May 23  
Will the 360 version have a map maker tool? (You don't want Halo Wars to be the first console RTS with a map maker, right?)
This is one of those things that would’ve been cool to include, but it would’ve required us to develop completely new tools. As always with game development, we’ve had to prioritise all the things we wanted to do, and the console map tools were unfortunately pushed down by other things.  
Is Virginia going to be featured in the next WIC?
No, it’s reserved as a free PC multiplayer-only download.  
Voice recognition is and will be one of the coolest things to play with and develop in near future... However, accents can be hard... Will SA recognize Bosnian accent? Can you please shout few SA orders in your reply? Will one of the orders include word NAAB?
We’re putting a lot of effort into making the voice recognition as accessible as possible, and that includes the recognition of different accents. “Naab”, “pwned” and “omg”, on the other hand, will trigger an instant self-destruction mechanism that eliminates all of your units and TA points. Also, TACTICAL NUKE and CARPET BOMB!  
Will PC and console players be able to play together?
We looked at including a feature like this, at least so Xbox Live players could play against Windows Live PC players, but we realised that the different control schemes didn’t fit very well cross-platform. So, nope, there’s no cross-platform playing.  
Will there be any new units, TA’s or other stuff?
We’re not really ready to reveal any specifics about the new additions yet, but we do have some surprises for you. With that said, we are not going to include any new units. This is a conscious design decision that was made to avoid splitting our player community between those who have the new game and those who do not. Other games have done this to their disadvantage and we want to avoid that.  
Are you going to release a "World in Conflict 2" where the war is finished?  
We’ll see what happens once World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is released.  
Will the 360 version have saved replays and the ability to take screenshots like in Halo 3?
No, we’re not including a feature like that for the console versions.  
What resolution will WiC:SA be in?
It’s too early to say at this point.  
Will a Keyboard and mouse be useable in the PS3 version?  
No, we’ve designed the whole game (interface and all) around the controller, so it wouldn’t really work out that well. Plus we don’t want to split the PS3 online community in two separate camps.  
Will Parker return?
You’ll have to play the campaign to find out :p  
Will the TA prices be the same as they are for the PC? Will players get the same amount of RF points, and will there be FPM mode?
Apart from the controls, some minor design tweaks and a new GUI, there’s not much difference between console and PC. The game has been rebuilt from the ground up specifically for the Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers, of course, but besides that, it looks, plays and rocks just as hard on all systems.  
The few-player mode is not going to be included in the console releases. We decided it since it’s a much more PC-oriented feature that demands a lot of multitasking and micromanagement – things that are not optimal with the controllers.  
Will there be the same maps as the current games or will there be new ones?
There are going to be several new maps included in World in Conflict: Soviet Assault, but we can’t go into any specifics just yet. The only map we’ve revealed so far is the Norway map, which is going to be included in both multiplayer and single player.  
Will everyone have to create new profiles and rank up again? (aimed at the pc version) If not, will it be harder to rank up to general?
No, you’ll get to keep your profiles. The multiplayer community will remain just as it is and we’ll continue to provide regular updates and new content releases just as before.
Can you give us an example of any new TA's you guys are planning on adding?
This is unfortunately still under wraps.  
How many new MP maps will there be?
We’re working on two new maps for World in Conflict: Soviet Assault. We’ve already revealed the Norwegian Domination map called “Fjord”, but the other we’re going to keep under wraps for just a little while longer.  
Will there be more TW and Assault maps?
The two maps we’re working on now are both Domination maps, but we’ll see what we’ll do after that.  
Will there be new ranks? Will there be new medals or badges?
The console release will not feature medals or badges and we don’t have any plans on adding any new medals or badges on the PC at the moment.  
Is the game accessible re: the voice recognitition. If I am mute, for instance, or have broken my only available mic, will the game still function correctly? Is the voice-activation a core part of the control scheme, or a nice addition? How does this work with multiplayer? Do the other players hear me saying "TACTICAL NUKE, THERE"? If so, does it not get a bit annoying with 8 people constantly dropping tank busters and shit?
Voice control, which is an exclusive feature for the console release, is more of a supplement than a requirement, so the game is fully functional without the use of a microphone. When you use voice controls, you mute your microphone for other players, so no one will be able to hear when you cry out your commands. =)  
Are the sides still a maximum of 8v8 or have you raised/lowered this limit?
The console versions will support up to 5v5 while the PC version will maintain the cap from the original release.  
Will the controls be fully re-mapable (á la the orange box) or at least offer a few control schemes?
No, we’re not going to have fully re-mapable controls. The controls are just too complex to allow players to mess around with. We realized that even the smallest reconfigurations could have serious implications in the game’s playability, so we’re keeping some authority on that. You will, however, be able to configure the usual stuff, like inverting the Y axis.  
Are you going to do the standard console thing and charge users through the nose for additional updates and new units, new maps, and other assorted DLC, or will they be free like they have been so far? (and thankyou for that!)
The post-release support for World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is still under discussion, so we’ll have to wait and see.  
Have you got the same voice actors or new ones? How does the language work? Are they "putting on" Russian accents whilst speaking English like the voices in-game, or did you record them in authentic Russian and relay on subtitles? (Especially the cutscenes).
The new Soviet missions feature completely new characters and voice actors. Our first ambition was to have the Soviet missions in Russian with English subtitles, but that proved to be difficult to maintain during the in-mission dialogue. People were just too confused by having to focus on reading and playing at the same time.  
We also attempted to have a combination, where the same actor would switch between Russian and English depending on where the dialogue was played. But since we couldn’t find enough actors who could portray the characters in both languages, we decided to go for English dialogue with Russian accents. Having heard the voice actors in the finalized cut scenes, we’re very happy with the result and it’s definitely on-par with the American campaign.  
How is the story different from the story we've seen through the US perspective thus far?
It’s very different. The Soviets have their own perspective on the conflict, and the characters have their own personal stories to tell. We’re attempting to depict the characters with some humanity, even though they’re part of the Soviet war machine. Our hope is that it gives some depth to the overall story, and we think that once you play it you will agree that it does.  
How will the console's leaderboards work? Identical to the Massgate ones? Will we be able to see the profiles on the web like we can now? Will the ranks use the same percentiles?
This is still something we’re working on. The thing is that with the console releases we have to take the console standards into consideration, so things might be a bit different compared to the Massgate leaderboards.  
Is there going to be any non-european/american maps in the game?
No, the new maps are still focused around the same area, since we’re trying to stay true to the plausibility of the story. But with these restrictions in mind, we’re still trying to find a variety of locations that are visually interesting. Safe to say, we do have some pretty neat maps waiting for you.  
Is there going to be a new rank balance feature going into the game?
The multiplayer part is being looked at outside of the World in Conflict: Soviet Assault development, but we don’t have any changes planned in that area at this point.  
Is there going to be a new multiplayer exclusive faction revealed?
No, World in Conflict: Soviet Assault will not include a new multiplayer faction.  
Is there going to be any changes made to existing maps that will alter some form of gameplay?
Not really. We’ve tried to preserve the maps as much as possible from a gameplay perspective. There are some minor changes, but it’s nothing really noteworthy.  
Are you guys at massive planning to show off WiC:SA at this years E3?
No, we’re not going to attend E3 this year.  
How does the control scheme work on the consoles? i.e., what's the default button layout and how does it work? How do you command different units and so on?
The controls aren’t final, so we’re not talking about them in detail yet, but we can at least say that our goal is to keep it very simple and intuitive. The learning curve will not be very steep.  
How many of the tweaks (updates) that have been released for the PC version will be in the console release? That said, how much (if any) have you tweaked the balance for the console version?
We’re taking all of the tweaks into consideration for the console development, but since the format is a bit different, there are some changes that are better suited than others. We’re treating the console release individually, so there might be some minor differences.  
Which version do you guys prefer to play? :)
It depends. Some people are keener on playing on the PC, while others have really embraced the console version. What’s important is that it doesn’t really seem to matter – you can enjoy the game regardless of the platform.  
Do the two different versions "play" the same, or do you find yourself doing different things on each system? Will a PC player, after learning the new control scheme, be able to play in a similar way to a how they previously have?
We just had some experienced PC players over at the office who tried the console versions, and they were pleasantly surprised by how well the controllers worked. Since we’ve designed the controls a bit differently, it’s probably unfair to make a direct comparison between the PC and the consoles in that regard, but we’re doing our best to try to make the difference as minimal as possible. Our goal is to have players being able to put the same tactics and strategies into play on the consoles as on the PC.  
How does the lobbying system work? Similar to COD4, i.e., the game tries to put you in the largest party it can, then spawns a P2P game off that with one person acting as the host? In fact, is it a C/S model like the PC version or will it be P2P? If it's P2P, how is drop-out, drop-in handled? Can I join a game my friends are in? Is there any form of host migration or does the game just "end" :(?
We’re going to use dedicated servers, but it’s mostly going to be used behind the scenes, so players won’t really notice them. We’re not going to emulate the typical PC server browser. We’re going to use a very console-friendly interface that hopefully should live up to all the needs you have, including playing with friends.
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Message édité par super_newbie_pro le 25-06-2008 à 19:25:52

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~

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Posté le 25-06-2008 à 19:47:02  profilanswer

mouai, sa reste quand même un bon jeu de bourrin pour ceux qu'il ne veulent pas trop se creuser la bobine...

Ah ouais merde 30 ans là...
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Posté le 11-07-2008 à 19:43:35  profilanswer

Bon, personne n'a de soucis sous vista 64 ? impossible de lancer le jeux, il apparait dans la barre des taches mais se lance pas...
J'ai installé le dernier patch mais que dalle...
je précise que c'est un original, sans nocd...

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 11-07-2008 à 20:31:31  answer

monsieurtof a écrit :

Bon, personne n'a de soucis sous vista 64 ? impossible de lancer le jeux, il apparait dans la barre des taches mais se lance pas...
J'ai installé le dernier patch mais que dalle...
je précise que c'est un original, sans nocd...

Aucun problème pour ma part


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Posté le 12-07-2008 à 14:42:38  profilanswer

Même chose, world in conflict marche parfaitement sur Vista 64 Bits (en tous cas en SP1)

Ah ouais merde 30 ans là...
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Posté le 14-07-2008 à 17:01:30  profilanswer

pinaise je vois pas ce qui cloche, quelqu'un sait comment le forcer en dx9 ?

Posté le   profilanswer

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