[:kelso burn]kelso burn that show perso tete burned owned pwned casse grille grillade brule cramer crame [:fredmoul:1]barney mother himym whisky doigt valider bien exact costume suit verre serie comedie voila parfaitement dude fredmoul stinson mefiance gaffe challenge accepted true this that raison vrai right [:leo++:1]office mickael smile thats what said [:steven hyde]hyde thats show aloof cool ahah lollunettes [:steven hyde:1]hyde thats show aloof cool ahah lunettes damn [:_-neon-_:2]pedo pedobear datass amagad argh lunettes bear eames that [:the real canard]Fuck That Shit 4chan Ming face [:rudolf hoax]gibson miroir reverse hurle juju cthulhu fear peur horreur crie fuck that shit rudolf hoax [:rudolf hoax:2]gibson clope cool swag juju suce doigt classe fuck that shit rien foutre like give shit rudolf hoax [:hesp:5]datfeel know that feel 4chan console feels feeling [:nooby_noob:1]fuck that shit [:nooby_noob:2]fuck that shit forever alone [:nightbringer57:4]fuck that shit f7u12 poney belzedar zedar taxi radezleb villeneuve bazooka sarkozy arlequin village olympique coca cole chartreuse [:malviviendo]federer fedex roger that cool detendu bois [:alain doux-lilas:3]grenouille frog sadfrog pepe classe lunettes hautain verite salete poussiere epaule nettoyer nettoie enleve enlever that dirt your shoulder [:360no2:2]joke that thats mcbain bain simpson simpsons [:moonblood9]rich piana muscle musclay bodybuilder bodybuilding culturisme pointe doigt this idee accord valide validation super mains doigts that thats schwarzi arnold muscu musculation moonblood rambo stalone [:humman66:10]thats folks termine [:moonblood13:2]Papa Schultz Stalag Hogan colonel Klink nazi allemand militaire soldat monocle doigt pointe main that parfait super nickel bravo boss king moonblood [:jean_risitas:1]risitas issou quintero frere pleure calin feel that serre bras etreinte enlace [:micheline_tchoutchou1:7]That reference reference capitaine captain america marvel vieux compris [:micheline_tchoutchou1:8]That reference reference capitaine captain america marvel vieux compris [:le keeng:1]Minaj that