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[Topik Unik] World War 3 : Open Bêta : Dispo !

sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 16-12-2018 à 18:33:10  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
En cours de DL  [:cliowilliams:2]

Posté le 16-12-2018 à 18:33:10  profilanswer


Transactions (57)
Posté le 16-12-2018 à 19:14:23  profilanswer

gaulomer a écrit :

il tourne beaucoups mieux qu'il y a 1 mois .

Passer de 10k joueurs à 500 y est peut être pour quelque chose  [:vc4fun:5]

Origin / PSN / Steam / Uplay : x1fr - bnet : Fab#2717
sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 16-12-2018 à 20:54:34  profilanswer

Bordel l'animation du perso

Moi j'ai rien dit©
Transactions (1)
Posté le 18-12-2018 à 23:45:47  profilanswer

x1fr a écrit :

Passer de 10k joueurs à 500 y est peut être pour quelque chose  [:vc4fun:5]

Ho merde, je comprend mieux pourquoi j'étais tout seul sur les parties que je lancais, quand j'ai voulu le relancer il y a 1 mois  [:knahos:4]

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@
Transactions (5)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 10:31:35  profilanswer

La suite spirituelle de BF qu'il disait   [:la chancla:3]

Transactions (16)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 11:02:28  profilanswer

Le jeu n'est pas sorti. Tu veux qu'on prenne les paris sur le nombre de joueur à la release dans plus d'un an ou tu veux juste troller et aller insulter ensuite les gens en douce sur discord umad ?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 19-12-2018 à 11:02:41
Transactions (5)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 12:29:25  profilanswer

mgs-solidsnake- a écrit :

Le jeu n'est pas sorti. Tu veux qu'on prenne les paris sur le nombre de joueur à la release dans plus d'un an ou tu veux juste troller et aller insulter ensuite les gens en douce sur discord umad ?

Alors là je vois pas de quoi tu parles [:humanrage:5]  
Après c'est pas le sujet, donc MP.

sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 19:14:49  profilanswer

C'est vrai que l'on trouve peu de monde et le PTE hier je suis 1/ passé sous la map 2/plus de bras ni de main pour mon perso :/

Transactions (16)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 19:18:24  profilanswer

PTE c'est trop blindé de bug. Je préfère ne pas toucher à ça.
Les gens reviendront avec les majs mon sat. Comme pour insurgency. Pour ça que je conseillais d'attendre avant l'achat.

Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 19-12-2018 à 19:18:54
sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 19-12-2018 à 19:20:37  profilanswer

Oui mais bon ça me démangeais :d
Après la base pour moi est bonne , j'espère juste qu'il ne vont pas nous laisser tomber  [:zigg]

Posté le 19-12-2018 à 19:20:37  profilanswer

Transactions (16)
Posté le 20-12-2018 à 19:32:11  profilanswer

Patch pour la version normale qui pas donc en 0.3 : 5.6 go.
0.3 Patch Notes

Citation :

New TDM map: Berlin Backyards,
New prototype map: Smoleńsk Greybox (still WIP),
Metagame reimplementation,
New main battle tank: Abrams,
New battle rifle: Scar H,
New uniform: USMC,
5 new USMC Camouflages,
5 new weapon skins,
6 new vehicle skins,
Localization: German, Polish and Russian,
Help section added to main menu,
Vastly improved load times,
Big improvements to RAM usage (8GB is the new minimum requirement, down from 16),
New respawn system on Warzone,
Quick radio chat [default: Y],
Cart Mode in the customization for previewing items,
Map autorotation (you can stay on the server and keep playing),
Map balancing (you can choose to switch teams and get a reward for doing so!),
Warmup / Waiting for minimal and expected players amount in Warzone same as in TDM,
Weight limit for loadouts,
Added gamemode explanation to loading screens,
Sharpen video setting added to game (30 percent is now default value),
Implemented buying multiple items for cart mode in menu,
Added subtitle in to on-screen messages,
Added weight breakdown by item (weapons, armor),
Added frame limiter to menu - now you can tell your GPU to stop working 100% while in the menu [default: 60fps],
Tweaked game length to 45 minutes and 5000 points. You wanted longer games so there you have it! After a lot of testing we think this setup, combined with the current victory point income, should be optimal for the current pace of Warzone,
Armor HP globally reduced to 50 points (was 100). Equipment packs should be more useful now since the armors should break after a fight or two and require repairs,
Global reduction of default ammo AP penetration values to slightly buff the role of armors, nerf overperforming guns (ARs most notably) and increase the importance of AP rounds,
MCS damage nerf to 14 max, 10 medium and 7 long range. This shotgun was outsniping ARs and BRs, it should be more in-control now,
Added damage falloff to 0 for shotguns at 100 meters; MCS starts it at 85m and Vepr at 60. Shotguns badly needed a max range since, due to their shooting mechanics, you could snipe people up to 200 meters away with them,
Vehicle mass and speed 2nd pass,
Hipfire tweaks for all weapons (better spread reduction between bursts),
Added a number of match progression messages that should help with player awareness and overall flow,
Friendly fire is now disabled on vehicle optics, so bad players can no longer steal vehicles this way,
Warsaw TDM map blockout changes (semi-hidden part is now open to gameplay),
Marking is vastly improved,
Improved UAV and Jammer map representation,
Tweaked the existing low magnification scopes and red dots; More outlandish crosshairs replaced with realistic ones, tweaked for better visibility,
Additional weapon and attachment statistics added to the menu,
Attachment balance pass,
Weapon screen positions slightly tweaked for better laser sight utility and overall usability,
Artillery: Increased effective range of shells; improved the splash damage falloff for shrapnel rounds,
Increased MBT, IFV and AFV armor durability,
Increased all turrets' durability against projectiles, turrets are significantly thicker than body armor,
Increased UGV and Quad durability against bullets,
Improved UGV movement,
Improved turning for MBT and AFV,
Improved particle effects for wheels and tracks,
Adjusted MBTs engines' force while climbing,
Shorter times for returning to Battle Zone for vehicles - 2 seconds for air vehicles and 5 for land,
Better visual of on-screen messages - new font and shadow added for better visibility,
Audio: Footsteps and gunshot positioning tweaks,
Audio: Occlusion tweaks,
Audio: Reload animation timing,
Audio: New reverbs,
Audio: MSBS-B, Vepr, Scar sounds,
Audio: Better sound positioning
Added reload animations to leaning,
Reload animations improvements,
New system for offsetting weapons on the screen - we can change stuff faster,
Adjusted default config weights,
Adjusted some item weights,
Tweaked barrel range modifier,
Added updated customization menu translation files,
Added a trail to sniper projectiles,
Modified ballistics for sniper rifles,
Changed smoke material for shell particles,
Added language selection at first startup,
Tweaked how brightness influences menu and game,
Changed connecting screen to reflect 0.3 update,
Fixed configs not saving,
Fixed visual bug with resetting money to 0 when purchase failed,
Boxer- wheel texture fix,
Vehicle front collision mesh improvement,
Alphabetic order of flags,
Temporarily disabled locking matches that are 75% complete from new players (this might stay like this due to map rotation now being active),
RegenPlatform on Warsaw position tweaks,
Added holiday flair to the menu,
Tweaks in locations of sockets in some magazines,
Limitation of player throwed gadgets on level (6 for mines and 10 for packs),
Throwable gadgets now dissapear when player logs out or switches team,
Many, many more small improvements and fixes,
Spawning on leader fixed (again),
Users now send minidump files to our internal server instead of analyzing it on their computer,
Fixed crashes with vehicle postprocesses,
Fixed settings of audio parameters,
Fixed out of sync squad leader icon,
Matchmaking fixes,
Steam profile icons are no longer mirrored,
Fixed the "Distance to operator" text which obscured Battlepoints,
Destroyed vehicle is no longer seen for Repair Kit as repairable,
Fixed hack with exiting drones before end of return to battle zone and possessing again, resetting time before destruction,
Fixed camera block on Quad in TPP,
Scope performance and bugfix pass,
Enemies and world-space markers can be marked while seating in hatch and as passenger in vehicles,
Fixed med/ammo/equipment pack textures on low settings,
Fixed superbullets - getting notified about multiple hits in one frame, you should no longer have the feeling you got one-hit when it was multiple hits,
Fixed a crash with pool manager,
MSBS-B bullet particle fix,
Fixed 870 shells particles,
Blocked the SMG upper minors while using IR sights (they were clipping),
Fixed players becoming invisible when spawning on leader in a vehicle,
Fixed minimap is not disappearing after using UAV,
Laser sights fixed, they should no longer obscure player view,
Fixed UGV shooting,
Fixed many collision and mesh fixes on various maps,
Also fixed many crashes and other bugs.

Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 20-12-2018 à 19:32:42
sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 20-12-2018 à 20:25:05  profilanswer

Je ne sais pas ce qu'il branle par contre sur le PTE mais impossible de rejoindre une game  [:sat 08:4]

Transactions (16)
Posté le 20-12-2018 à 20:49:59  profilanswer

Il est fermé le pte :D

Transactions (16)
Posté le 20-12-2018 à 21:12:04  profilanswer

Bon ben à la prochaine maj. C'est vraiment trop alpha pour insister.

sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 20-12-2018 à 21:12:07  profilanswer

La map test j'étais pas prêt [:donkeyshoot]

Désolé, c'est de la merde.
Transactions (5)
Posté le 30-12-2018 à 23:18:48  profilanswer

sat 08 a écrit :

La map test j'étais pas prêt [:donkeyshoot]

 :lol: Tu m'étonnes, j'ai cru à un bug de chargement des textures...
Bon les dernières màj font mal, plantage bien sale, fail from map au respawn... et surement des bugs d'armor parceque je mets des chargeurs entiers dans des mecs qui veulent pas décéder...

>>Feedback<< Discord Computer Labs

Transactions (0)
Posté le 01-01-2019 à 11:38:07  profilanswer

c'est  pour  quand  la version finale  2022 ?

Désolé, c'est de la merde.
Transactions (5)
Posté le 01-01-2019 à 12:05:01  profilanswer

Rentrée 2019 je crois, Ils ont parlé d'un an de dév mais c'est à vérifier. Faut lâcher quelques jours quand ça merde, les màj vont vite

>>Feedback<< Discord Computer Labs
Transactions (16)
Posté le 01-01-2019 à 23:19:06  profilanswer

Entre 12 et 16 mois mini de dev officiellement.

Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 01-01-2019 à 23:19:22
Transactions (16)
Posté le 22-01-2019 à 19:28:06  profilanswer

3.3.3 dispo. C'est un tout petit patch donc rien de neuf.

Citation :

Hey there!


This is a small improvement to the crashing we've had since 0.3. It's not finished, but from our testing on the PTE it seems that it's much better now, so we decided to push some of the fixes from PTE to Live. Game should crash a lot less and have some other smaller fixes.


Server browser will come in 0.4, we are not done testing it yet (but it's looking good)!


0.3.3 Patch Notes




We're still narrowing down the infinite loading bug, workaround for this can be found on the forums here [EN], here [RU] and here [PL] - thanks @DareQQ,
Sometimes you will spawn with 0 ammo in your weapon - this is related to profile bugs,
Camouflages don't work - this is intentional, will be back soon!


Multitude of crashes are now fixed,
Fixed weapons spawning with wrong amount of ammo,
Fixed shoot direction desync (resulted in bad hitreg),
Hitscan projectiles rework (affects shotguns and distances closer than ~7m),
Huge amount of collision fixes, levitating meshes, trampoline bug spot, added vaults, etc.,
Fixed an issue with not being able to see squad leader icon on the map while they're in a remote controlled vehicle,
Fixed an issue with squad leader icon changing to vehicle while piloting remote controlled vehicle,


Character sounds are now attached to head, not feet,
New gameplay area on Warsaw TDM map (pharmacy shop with back entrance),
Added stage attachment toggle back: all off, only laser, only flashlight, both,
Restored player profiles downloaded by dedicated server from MS (this was switched to client side to lower MS load, not necessary now),
Matches will now end when everybody leaves, so people don't get connected to half-done matches,
Added profile validation before saving profiles,


Berlin optimization pass 2.0,
Continued work on other maps,
Further loading optimizations,


Removed holiday flair from main menu,.

Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 22-01-2019 à 19:28:46
Désolé, c'est de la merde.
Transactions (5)
Posté le 22-01-2019 à 23:34:49  profilanswer

C'est pas encore ça niveau crash... un chacun avec un pote ce soir.

>>Feedback<< Discord Computer Labs
Bla² '
Transactions (0)
Posté le 27-01-2019 à 15:32:50  profilanswer


Life is a raging bull ! You fucked my wife? What?! How could you ask me a question like that? I'm your brother You ask me that? Where do you get your balls big enough to ask me that? Just tell me. I'm not answering it. / WOT Lux_Aeterna_Semper
Transactions (16)
Posté le 29-01-2019 à 19:15:34  profilanswer

Citation :

Live 0.3.4 Patch Notes
Fixed garbage collector crash.

Moi j'ai rien dit©
Transactions (1)
Posté le 07-02-2019 à 19:58:10  profilanswer
Transactions (16)
Posté le 08-02-2019 à 08:29:32  profilanswer

Citation :

Posted 18 hours ago
0.4 is here! It comes with many improvements in game stability, camera movement and game balance. It also comes with heaps of new content (which is being produced with no relation to bugfixing, artists don't fix bugs!). We've been focusing on fixing the game before creating new problems, but that doesn't mean all work in all departments has to stop - don't worry, we're listening.
I'd like to reiterate what has been in the 0.4 PTE patch notes, that due to us focusing on performance and stability, some stuff is moved to 0.5. We think that this is a good decision, because there's no point in releasing more stuff when the game is still not working properly.
0.4 marks the start of our commitment to "quality over quantity" approach - we'll see how it pans out.
That all said, dig into those juicy patch notes - you might need a snack and a drink, this is a long one!
0.4 Patch Notes
Infinite loading is still happening sometimes, this is most likely related to the ammo problem (synchronization issues). If you can reproduce this issue, send us a video recording of you doing this, it will help speed up the resolution,
Some HUD elements are not updating properly, this is because we're optimizing the HUDs,
Crouch weapon positions are not finalized, resulting in lasers not aligning well and other visual bugs,
Server browser,
New TDM map: Moscow Senate,
New weapon: DMG Nine-Milli,
New vehicle: Buggy,
New outfit: Resistance Fighter,
Weapon dropping and picking up is now ready for testing,
Chinese localization added,
New attachments (pistol silencer is in!),
Reworked ballistics system with wall penetration changes,
Polish commander VO,
Penetration and ricochet setup for all small arms calibers and bullet types,
Improved (smoothed) camera movement,
Reload animation improvements,
Improvements to stats displayed in the customization menus,
Held grenade drops after death now,
Motion blur strength is now available as slider (0-100%),
New collision model in Soldier-Vehicle relation,
Improved roadkill mechanic: soldier is now pushed when colliding with a vehicle,
Anti-Tank Mine doesn't react to Mini UGV,
Punish doesn't work in case of roadkilling allies (this is a temporary fix for vehicle thieves),
Commander Voice Language can be changed in Audio Settings,
Falling crate with vehicle now can be marked for other teammates,
Weapons dropped by dead soldiers can be marked,
Updated strikes stats in customization menu,
Updated stats for warheads,
Weapon sounds polish pass,
Removed waiting for players from PTE builds (will stay as it was on Live),
Claymore mines are back,
TDM timers tweaks (wait times etc.),
Helmet balance pass,
Global hipfire accuracy decreased due to lower TTK,
Vehicle and strike limit increased,
Vehicle armor endurance increased,
Environmental penetration and ricochet setup for all small arms calibers and bullet types. Every bullet type has its own distinct  penetration/ricochet behavioural pattern that emulates their real-life performance against different materials. Those values are still WIP,
Damage model pass - new damage and armor penetration values for all weapons (this is WIP, we will adjust things during PTE based on feedback): All automatic weapons set at 3 bullets-to-kill at close range with further variations based given caliber's range and AP performance,
Armors reworked to provide protection (that is: increases the BTK) against specific calibers: HDPE is effective against pistol rounds, Polyethylen against pistol and intermediate rounds, Ceramic against pistol, intermediate and rifle, Steel against pistol, intermediate and rifle with some protection against sniper rifle shots at longer distances,
Increased the damage dealt by leg/arm shots to 75% (was 50%) and hand/foot shots to 25% (was 20%) - This was done in order to make the TTK more reliable/predictable based on weapon shot and the armor used by the enemy. Those values are still WIP,
Weapon recoil bugfixed which resulted in minor improvements to overall weapon handling,
Assault Rifles had their stability reworked to promote more accurate bursts; will be observed and tweaked during the PTE,
SMGs slightly reworked in order to adjust them to their newfound close-range effectiveness (especialy SIG was heavily re-done),
Screen space for weapons tweaked for the new camera system, there may be a few oddities here to be fixed in PTE and/or once the new animation system goes live,  
Improved Quad's speed and acceleration,
Improved Mini UGV + C4 combo. Now Mini UGV + 1xC4 can destroy IFV, MINI UGV + 2C4 can destroy a tank,
UAV FlyEye:
price -30% (500BP)
UAV Barracuda:
price -30% (1000BP),  
duration + 25%,  
range + 20%,
price -10%,  
duration +70%,
JAM Reaper:
price -15%,
JAM X-47B:  
price 10%,  
range +30%,
Airstrike Hellfire:
price -15%,  
Airstrike Stormbreaker:  
price -20%,
Airstrike Mephisto:  
price -15%,
AA Artillery:  
increased damage against vehicles +25%,
increased dmg against infantry +30%,
decreased barrage duration to 10 seconds,
decreased spread to 15m,
increased price to 3200 BP
HE artillery:
increased dmg vs vehicles +30%,
increased dmg vs infantry +25%,
decreased barrage duration to 15 seconds,
increased max dmg radius by 30% for each shell,
SH artillery:
increased max dmg radius by 30% for each shell,
increased spread to 30m,
increased price to 3200BP,
CUAS Loitering Ammo:
price -75%,
CUAS Quadrocopter:
increased unlock value to 10 000,
price +40%,
GTB dmg vs infantry +30%,
GTB blast radius -13%,
GO1 dmg vs infantry +30%,
GO1 dmg vs vehicles +30%,
GO1 blast radius -13%,
GK-1 dmg vs infantry +300%,
GK-1 dmg vs vehicles +80%,
GK-1 blast radius -25%,
UGV Leviathan:
price -25%,
HP -10%,
operational range +10%,
UGV Battle Robot,
price -25%,
HP +30%,
operational range -60%,
stock price -12%,
stock price -13%,
stock price -29%,
Instanced destructible objects,
Warsaw Warzone map optimization pass,
Berlin and Warsaw TDM maps optimization pass,
Continuous collision, LOD, shader and mesh optimizations across the board,
HUD optimization,
Fixed some weapons spawning with 0 ammo when player has multiple weapon copies in different loadouts,
Fixed spread desync when server receives 3 or more shoot requests at once (should reduce hitreg issues),
Improved player count calculation serverside, should reduce problems with server overfilling and autorotation,
Wall glitching should be reduced greatly,
Fixed flying vehicles after dismounting,
Fixed calculating global score for the Metagame,
Buying a weapon now unlocks all its default attachments,
Fixes for strikes collisions with soldiers.
Server will now properly close when 0 players is left on them.
Many, many smaller bugs fixed,
Doppler effect for vehicles,
Gearbox simulation for engine sounds,
New hit marker sounds,
Fixes for destroypack sounds,
Gun sound positioning fixes,
Radio barks and request fixes,
TDM announcer voice,
Level ambient improvements,
Polish Commander,
Better explosion sounds,
Ambient sound fixes.

Transactions (16)
Posté le 09-02-2019 à 05:04:45  profilanswer

Citation :

0.4.1 Patch Notes
Added Japanese localization (in-game and customization menu),
Temporarily removed TOR to rebalance it and add it later,
Fixed two major crashes,
Fixed infinite refresh in the server browser,
Fixed inappropriate errors being send to server browser (no more 'server is full' when it's not),
Fixed Chinese customization menu localization not working,
Fixed DMG Nine-Milli idle crouch animation,
Sprint reload animation fixed,
Fixed gadget count not refreshing on HUD,
Fixed strike deploy masks sometimes not showing up,
New Quad sounds,
More differentiated footsteps,
Lowered amount of bass in far gunshots.

Moi j'ai rien dit©
Transactions (1)
Posté le 09-02-2019 à 08:37:17  profilanswer

mgs-solidsnake- a écrit :

Citation :

0.4.1 Patch Notes
Added Japanese localization (in-game and customization menu),
Temporarily removed TOR to rebalance it and add it later,
Fixed two major crashes,
Fixed infinite refresh in the server browser,
Fixed inappropriate errors being send to server browser (no more 'server is full' when it's not),
Fixed Chinese customization menu localization not working,
Fixed DMG Nine-Milli idle crouch animation,
Sprint reload animation fixed,
Fixed gadget count not refreshing on HUD,
Fixed strike deploy masks sometimes not showing up,
New Quad sounds,
More differentiated footsteps,
Lowered amount of bass in far gunshots.

Ha ouai obligé d'alt+F4 avec ce truc :/

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@
Bla² '
Transactions (0)
Posté le 15-02-2019 à 17:47:36  profilanswer

Je viens de tester...
La version PTE (prototype) : j'ai pu me balader tout seul sur la carte du centre commercial (pratique pour tester les combinaisons de touches)
Ensuite version Standard en mode de jeu Warzone : très intéressant, bon ressenti. Belles maps.
Pas de crash à signaler in-game ici. Le seul incident s'est produit lorsque j'ai lancé le PTE la première fois. J'ai eu droit à un plantage. Obligé de redémarrer.  
Mais depuis, so far so good.
Clairement il y a encore du travail sur le titre mais je trouve que les bases sont très bonnes.
Je n'ai pas encore tous mes repères (notamment sur l'utilisation du medikit et des gadgets) mais je commence doucement.  
Autant de victimes que de respawns.
edit : un reproche sur certains menus du jeu. Parfois c'est un peu difficile de s'y retrouver. L'ensemble n'est pas d'une intuitivité d'usage folle avec beaucoup d'infos qui parfois confèrent à l'ensemble un côté "fouillis".

Message édité par did_you_f---_my_wife le 15-02-2019 à 17:50:08

Life is a raging bull ! You fucked my wife? What?! How could you ask me a question like that? I'm your brother You ask me that? Where do you get your balls big enough to ask me that? Just tell me. I'm not answering it. / WOT Lux_Aeterna_Semper
Transactions (16)
Posté le 15-02-2019 à 18:03:35  profilanswer

Je pense qu'on a tous le même ressenti sur les bases du jeu. Faut espérer qu'ils ne se foirent pas en chemin.

sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 15-02-2019 à 19:24:14  profilanswer

[:germaine lorenzo:2]

Bla² '
Transactions (0)
Posté le 15-02-2019 à 21:11:16  profilanswer

Cartes réalisées avec soin et une ambiance très immersive.  
Le mouvement du combattant également... on évite de sauter n'importe comment. Le déplacement est réaliste.

Life is a raging bull ! You fucked my wife? What?! How could you ask me a question like that? I'm your brother You ask me that? Where do you get your balls big enough to ask me that? Just tell me. I'm not answering it. / WOT Lux_Aeterna_Semper

Transactions (3)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 16:31:32  profilanswer

Des gens qui jouent encore?

Martyr nigaud et aventurier
Transactions (4)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 16:34:32  profilanswer

Citation :

93 playing 10 min ago

France = triple championne du monde de rugby 1995-2011-2023

Transactions (1)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 17:49:10  profilanswer

Amraz a écrit :

Citation :

93 playing 10 min ago

Le syndrome de l'EA beaucoup trop E :(

Parrainage Star Citizen : STAR-P644-LXV7
Transactions (16)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 18:00:44  profilanswer

Si la release est bonne les joueurs seront présents.
On a plus d'un an devant nous pour voir comment va évoluer le jeu. Par contre c'est globalement le genre qui s'essouffle j'ai l'impression. Hors br, les fps multi arcade à 64 c'est vraiment plus le truc du moment. Les joueurs sont plus sur du fps hardcore ou de niche avec moins de monde.

Message édité par mgs-solidsnake- le 15-03-2019 à 18:10:54
sat 08
Team Haque-Barre
Transactions (1)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 18:17:05  profilanswer

Amraz a écrit :

Citation :

93 playing 10 min ago


Moi j'ai rien dit©
Transactions (1)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 20:17:18  profilanswer

iazor a écrit :

Des gens qui jouent encore?

ça stagne, ~150 en pointe, 20 en heures creuses.

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@

Transactions (3)
Posté le 15-03-2019 à 20:20:37  profilanswer

satrincha a écrit :


ça stagne, ~150 en pointe, 20 en heures creuses.


J'ai désinstallé depuis un moment je voulais avoir le ressenti de ceux qui jouent encore mais visiblement y en a très peu...
Je suis pas tres optimiste sur l'avenir du jeu

Transactions (16)
Posté le 21-03-2019 à 11:05:24  profilanswer

Smolensk va visiblement pas tarder à se pointer dans sa version finale.
Sinon pour le nombre de joueurs ya pas mal de monde qui attend le jeu vu que plus de 6000 personnes ont participées au précédent sondage sur le site du jeu mi mars.
Faut bien comprendre que la grande majorité n'a pas envie de se taper une alpha et préfère attendre une release.

Barrez-vous, cons de mimes !
Transactions (3)
Posté le 21-03-2019 à 11:15:56  profilanswer



Considéré que ce sont des "joueurs" actuellement c'est un peu dommage, c'est plutot les alpha testers qui paient pour tester au lieu d'être payé :o


Perso j'ai bien aimé la version lors de la "release" de l'EA, même avec les soucis de serveurs, le jeu était agréable. Mais sachant tout ce qui arrive je ne teste pas chaque version, pas envie d'être déçu/dégouté. Pareil avec un jeu comme SCZ. Principe de participer au dév en payant l'EA quoi, tu finances la fin du dév..

Message édité par ulaw le 21-03-2019 à 11:20:23

Whenever I see a world untouched by war, a world of innocence... I just wanna nuke the crap out of it
Transactions (16)
Posté le 21-03-2019 à 13:27:35  profilanswer

C'est ça :D

Posté le   profilanswer

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