Auteur | Sujet : [Horlogerie] Les montres /!\ CB /!\ |
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ | Reprise du message précédent :
--------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
Publicité | Posté le 13-11-2005 à 15:13:54 |
DDT Few understand | Une PR50 acier/or ça plaît aux filles normalement. |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ |
--------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
Publicité | Posté le 13-11-2005 à 15:30:08 |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ |
--------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
McBerd BadgerBadgerBadger |
--------------- http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ | Lurkeur à temps partiel... | |
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ | Fais pas ton DJ!
Message cité 2 fois Message édité par Bresse le 13-11-2005 à 15:58:59 --------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
biboul | Euh... oubliez pas que c'est à la demoiselle que ça doit plaire hein. Et elle est très bien cette Tissot. |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ |
--------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
McBerd BadgerBadgerBadger |
--------------- http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ | Lurkeur à temps partiel... | |
reeciz | Ma question était en fait:
Bresse EVERYTHING IS§§§⭐⭐ |
--------------- He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead... |
McBerd BadgerBadgerBadger |
--------------- http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ | Lurkeur à temps partiel... | |
biboul |
Nounouf | Que pensez-vous de cette montre Louis Bolle (une des marques un peu fantomes vendues que sur eBay, mais pas cher), modèle Informer :
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par Nounouf le 13-11-2005 à 16:51:48 |
Gounok Faux traître |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
kun Power, Beauty and Soul |
DDT Few understand |
Leg9 Fire walk with me |
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par Leg9 le 13-11-2005 à 18:56:33 --------------- If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way... "Loreleï's dead ; Heaven is about to fuzz." |
Leg9 Fire walk with me |
--------------- If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way... "Loreleï's dead ; Heaven is about to fuzz." |
Leg9 Fire walk with me |
Message édité par Leg9 le 13-11-2005 à 18:58:14 --------------- If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way... "Loreleï's dead ; Heaven is about to fuzz." |
Publicité | Posté le |