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[US Politics] Harris vs Trump - Election Mardi 5 Novembre 2024

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:35:14  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
C’est quoi qui coule sur sa joue ?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Ainex le 31-01-2021 à 12:35:27
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:35:14  profilanswer

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:38:27  profilanswer

Ainex a écrit :

C’est quoi qui coule sur sa joue ?

Cire à cheveux

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:38:28  profilanswer

cette lettre au vitriol :D

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:41:04  profilanswer

Marcel Pitou a écrit :

Virage social pour Joe Biden qui veut doubler le salaire minimum [...] re-minimum

Citation :

« Avant même la pandémie, le salaire minimum fédéral de 7,25 dollars était économiquement et moralement indéfendable », a résumé le démocrate de l’Etat de Virginie, Bobby Scott, en présentant le projet de loi. Celui-ci n’a pas bougé d’un iota depuis le 24 juillet 2009.


Citation :

La nouvelle secrétaire au Trésor, Janet Yellen rétorque qu’« augmenter le salaire minimum permettra à des dizaines de millions d’Américains de sortir de la pauvreté tout en créant des opportunités pour d’innombrables petites entreprises du pays ». Tout dépend de la manière dont il va être mis en œuvre, a-t-elle argué, relevant une hausse graduelle - 15 dollars à l’horizon 2025 – donnant « suffisamment de temps pour s’adapter ».

"à l’horizon 2025", ça va il est pas très pressé ...  [:coyoteerable:1]

grosse inflation à venir
doubler en à peine 5 ans... les boites qui degagent une faible marge vont serieusement manger

Rage d'être un Humain...LIBRE!
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:42:34  profilanswer

mantel a écrit :


3 ans pour un doublement, ca fait quoi 25 ou 30% de plus par an?
Pas négligeable comme rythme de croissance....

oui, ceux qui survivront jusque la seront contents :)

Message édité par HumanRAGE le 31-01-2021 à 12:43:33

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. Helder Camara | Telling your employees they're "family" is the corporate equivalent of saying "I love you" to a sex worker.
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:51:34  profilanswer

Biden starts staffing a commission on Supreme Court reform [...] orm-463126

Citation :

The Biden administration is moving forward with the creation of a bipartisan commission to study reforms to the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary.
The commission will be housed under the purview of the White House Counsel’s office and filled out with the behind-the-scenes help of the Biden campaign’s lawyer Bob Bauer, who will co-chair the commission. Its specific mandate is still being decided. But, in a signal that the commission is indeed moving ahead, some members have already been selected, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions.

L'article présente quelques perspectives sur les possibles idées de la commission.
A la fin de l'article :

Citation :

An administration official said the commission is part of a broader court review and reform effort, part of which will focus on lower courts.
Progressives’ push to expand the Supreme Court was reenergized after Democrats won both Georgia Senate runoff races in January, giving them control of the White House and Congress for the first time since 2010.


Citation :

But any major structural reform would still be a heavy lift, as several Democratic senators have signaled their opposition to such measures. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday he was waiting for Biden’s commission to decide a path forward on reforms to the Supreme Court.

Comparazar y'a encore les 2-3 mêmes qui vont faire chier leur monde [:itm]

Citation :

“President Biden has put together this commission to come up with a report in 180 days,”

Le topic de la Scandinavie |
Burn, burn, yes ya gonna burn
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:54:39  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :

la réponse du LP: [...] 7684816896

Citation :

Ok, margarine.

doublebeurre partout conspué  [:john_tgv:8]

Les convictions sont des ennemis de la vérité plus dangereux que les mensonges
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 12:56:13  profilanswer

Dame de Piques a écrit :

Je croyais que Steve Bannon avait justement tiqué face aux allégations de Gugu... C'est même décrit explicitement dans la lettre de l'avocat.

C'est la même chose que Fox news qui accueillait Powell.
Si un tiers a laissé un individu tenir un propos diffamatoire dans son émission ou sur sa chaine, la victime peut porter plainte contre l'auteur du propos et celui qui lui a permis de le diffuser.
Les quelques objections formulées de façon rigolarde par Bannon, je doute que ça suffise pour l'affranchir.
Et surtout il y a un passif très récent et qui va forcément jouer: Bannon s'est fait  ban ( :D ) de Youtube à cause de son itw précédente avec Giuliani où le même racontait que "ce sont en fait des démocrates fascistes, les auteurs de l'insurrection au Capitol". Donc quand il réinvite le même type pour finir par parler du même sujet, il sait parfaitement ce que ça va donner au final.

Message édité par Ibo_Simon le 31-01-2021 à 12:57:22
Dame de Pi​ques
Qui s'y frotte s'y pique
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 13:33:38  profilanswer

Ah OK, attaqué en tant que vecteur plutôt qu'en tant que proféreur de l'insulte  :jap:

Make our planet great again. - Слава Україні!
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 15:21:21  profilanswer

Chaud de se faire bannir de YouTube. Ils sont pourtant très tolérants voire laxistes.

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 15:21:21  profilanswer

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 15:46:39  profilanswer

el muchacho a écrit :

Et merde... [:sadnoir][:sadnoir][:sadnoir]


Je poste la quasi intégralité de l'article, parce qu'il concerne tout le monde.


Coronavirus mutations add urgency to vaccination effort as experts warn of long battle ahead

Citation :

The road to herd immunity from the coronavirus suddenly looks longer. The emergence of more transmissible, potentially vaccine-evading variants threatens to extend the global health disaster and make 2021 feel too much like 2020.


A complicated mix of good news and bad news makes any forecast for the coming months fuzzy. But scientists have one clear and sobering message: The pandemic is a long way from over.


The mutation-laden variants are on the move, and that includes one first identified in South Africa and confirmed in a Baltimore-area adult, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said Saturday. It was the third known case in the United States of the variant, following two cases announced Thursday in South Carolina. The person in Maryland had no travel history, which is evidence of community transmission.


Research findings published in recent days have shown that vaccines will still likely work against mutated variants of the coronavirus. But they may not work as well, as the slippery virus continues to adapt to its new host, the human species. Scientists are ramping up genomic surveillance of the virus and vaccine makers are retooling their formulas in an attempt to keep pace with this morphing pathogen.


“We’re very worried,” said Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health. “All it’s going to take is a couple more mutations on top of that, and you’re really going to have to start worrying.”


There is also the issue of reinfection. Collins said Friday that he is troubled by information from the biotech company Novavax, maker of a vaccine that proved effective in clinical trials, that the new variant circulating widely in South Africa showed signs of eluding natural immunity among volunteers who had previously survived an infection with the more common coronavirus strain. The Novavax vaccine was strikingly less effective against that variant, called B.1.351, than against other strains.


“That is something I had not seen before,” Collins said of the reinfection claim. “It is very tentative, and the numbers are not huge, but I would be alarmed if natural infection . . . is not sufficient to provide immunity.”
Early in the pandemic, scientists estimated that around 70 percent of people would need to be vaccinated or have developed natural immunity to reach the threshold at which the virus would not freely circulate. That number now seems too low.


If a more transmissible strain becomes dominant, “that level of coverage needed for herd immunity would become higher, in the 80 to 85 percent range,” Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Friday.


The worrisome comments from experts come despite several positive developments on the vaccine front. Johnson & Johnson reported Friday that its one-dose vaccine was 66 percent effective in a large clinical trial in preventing moderate and severe disease. That vaccine is relatively easy to handle and, if authorized in coming weeks, will be another weapon to fight the pandemic.


Moreover, vaccines appear to work well against the B.1.1.7 variant that has spread explosively in southern England and led to drastic lockdowns.


But the good results come with asterisks. The J&J vaccine did not appear to prevent disease quite as well in South Africa and Latin America — places where problematic variants are spreading. And the Novavax data showed a dramatic drop in effectiveness against the B.1.351 variant circulating in South Africa.
So far there is limited evidence of changes in disease severity from these variants. The exception is the variant spreading in the United Kingdom, which may be roughly 30 percent more lethal, British scientists said recently, acknowledging their evidence is preliminary. There is no strong scientific evidence that B.1.351 or P.1, the variants identified in South Africa and Brazil, respectively, cause more severe disease.


Alessandro Sette, an immunologist at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, also sees hopeful signs of lasting immunity to the virus. A paper he and colleagues published this month showed that post-infection immunity remained robust at eight months. Preliminary results suggest a large fraction of the immune response is mediated by T-cells that are not affected by the variants, he said, and both natural infection and vaccination induce this response.
That said, many scientists are convinced that the variants are more transmissible. They contain mutations that appear to enhance the virus’s ability to bind to human receptor cells. One mutation, called E484K, which emerged independently in the variants seen in South Africa and Brazil, has shown signs of eluding antibodies produced either through the natural immune system or therapeutic drugs.


But there are limits to how much a virus can mutate without defanging itself, said Stanley Perlman, a virologist at the University of Iowa.


“It can’t keep mutating because it’s going to lose the properties of being an all-around transmissible and pathogenic virus,” Perlman said. “You don’t have an infinite number of ways to make yourself better.”


Some scientists expect the punch of the virus will grow weaker over time. That has happened with other viruses, including the influenza virus that killed millions worldwide in 1918.


“We will not be for decades dealing with a pandemic,” said epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch, of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “The concern is whether it will be a year or three years until we can make enough vaccines against enough strains to get this under control.


D'ici là, les retombées sociales et politiques dans le monde entier vont s'accroître de façon dramatique.

Citation :

The big question is whether SARS-CoV-2 will mutate more like measles, also a single strand RNA virus, which has not drifted very far from when the first vaccine was introduced in 1963. Or will it be more like flu, another single-strand RNA virus, which changes so much that the vaccine has to be updated every year.


The mRNA vaccines in general, he said, are relatively easily reconstructed to battle new variants. The holdup is more likely to be the manufacturing and distribution of the retooled vaccines, Offit said.


Peter Marks, the head of the Food and Drug Administration division that oversees vaccines, said Friday that the agency will do what it can to speed the process. It won’t require big clinical trials, for instance. Rather than studies of tens of thousands of people, the agency will mandate much smaller studies of a few hundred. The goal would be to ensure that the vaccines produce the desired immune response and to see whether the products cover just the new variants or the original virus as well as the new variation, he said.

Mais le problème principal, en dehors du problème de la fabrication et du problème logistique, est la défiance de la population, et ça commence chez les infirmières elles-même.

Citation :

New polls show that up to a third of the population in the United States is either unsure about getting vaccinated or firmly against it.
The 1199 SEIU, the union that represents workers at hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities in Maryland and D.C., said that only about 20 percent of those who work in nursing homes had agreed to get the vaccine. Maryland’s acting health secretary said last week that it was a “surprise” that in the first few weeks the uptake in health care and nursing homes was 35 to 50 percent — rather than the 80 to 90 percent they expected.


The greater the unvaccinated pool, the greater the playing field for the virus to replicate and mutate, Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a briefing Friday. “If you stop . . . the replication, viruses cannot mutate,” he said, adding that this is the reason “to vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.”


The urgency of vaccination applies to everyone on the planet, disease experts point out. A mutation in any location will likely spread everywhere — something that happened earlier in the pandemic with a mutation called D614G that appears to have enhanced transmission.


“Vaccine nationalism is very clearly a problem,” said Maria Sundaram, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto. “The allure of being vaccinated and getting to normal is not quite reality because of the new variants and the underserved communities of the world not getting them.”


Collins, the NIH director, said he sees best-case and worst-case scenarios.


Best case, he said, is that “people roll up their sleeves as quickly as possible to get to that 80 to 85 percent [vaccination rate] and no other strains emerge that are more resistant.”


The worst case is that if people “continue to be irresponsible,” more transmissible variants will rip across the country and potentially escape vaccines, treatments and naturally acquired immunity.


And then, he said, “we’d have to redesign a completely new vaccine all over again.”

Merci pour ce partage.  :jap: Un récap très clair de la situation.
On va serrer les fesses et croiser les doigts très fort.
En ce qui concerne le vaccin, ils parlent de la responsabilité des gens, mais il faut aussi que le vaccin soit disponible, et rapidement.


Une chose est certaine, si ça continue un jour ou l'autre les gouvernements seront obligés de fermer le robinet à pognon. Et c'est là que les vrais problèmes vont commencer, qui feront ressembler 2020 à une belle année.  :sweat:

"There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols"  
Phillipe T​oussi
Animateur de groupes
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 15:49:30  profilanswer

Pour revenir au sujet Qanon et l'impact que ça peut avoir aux USA.  
Je suis tombé sur une vidéo d'une "Karen" qui détruit le stand de masques dans un target. [...] 2456611840
En fait, on se rend compte que c'est quelqu'un qui a réussi professionnellement et qui durant la pandémie s'est laissé embarqué dans les conneries de Q.  
Comme beaucoup de personnes, elle a des traumas liés à son enfance et que ça ressemble à une crise de folie après avoir ingurgité des milliers de conneries online.  
Même si ça semble être une opération de PR bien menée, on peut voir que lors de son arrestation, elle se retrouve à être totalement incohérente et même si elle est dans le soi disant cancel culture, on peut quand même voir l'impact que ces théories du complot peuvent avoir sur certaines personnes qui sont prêtes à tout sacrifier dans leur folie. [...] in-lively/

Message édité par Phillipe Toussi le 31-01-2021 à 15:51:02
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 15:51:38  profilanswer

rafioul2 a écrit :

Chaud de se faire bannir de YouTube. Ils sont pourtant très tolérants voire laxistes.

Le contexte de sa sanction première, préliminaire à son ban définitif de YT: [...] zgjmxCTG6p

Citation :

Former presidential advisor and right-wing pundit Steve Bannon had his show suspended from Twitter and an episode removed by YouTube after calling for violence against FBI director Christopher Wray and the government’s leading pandemic expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Bannon, speaking with co-host Jack Maxey, was discussing what Trump should do in a hypothetical second term. He suggested firing Wray and Fauci, but then went further, saying “I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats.”
This may strike one at first as mere hyperbole — one may say “we want his head on a platter” and not really be suggesting they actually behead anyone. But the conversation continued and seemed to be more in earnest than it first appeared:
Maxey: Just yesterday there was the anniversary of the hanging of two Tories in Philadelphia. These were Quaker businessmen who had cohabitated, if you will, with the British while they were occupying Philadelphia. These people were hung. This is what we used to do to traitors.
Bannon: That’s how you won the revolution. No one wants to talk about it. The revolution wasn’t some sort of garden party, right? It was a civil war. It was a civil war.

Résultat, banni de twitter et sanctionné et potentiellement banni au prochain dérapage sur YT.
Et qq semaines plus tard, il invite ds la même émission Giuliani, et paf, banni pour de bon de YT.

Message édité par Ibo_Simon le 31-01-2021 à 15:52:20
Covfefe. What else ?
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 17:49:28  profilanswer

Teto a écrit :

Tiens il est gaucher gauchiste. (remarque complètement inutile au débat je vous l'accorde :D )


Spoiler :

Pas plus utile au débat, je le reconnais volontiers [:pierre_j_paillasson:8]

Politiquement parlant, je suis ambidextre.
Covfefe. What else ?
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 17:49:50  profilanswer

Au bas mot, oui :o

Politiquement parlant, je suis ambidextre.
Covfefe. What else ?
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 17:51:02  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :

Dans ce genre d'affaires avec des élus et autres, le FBI attend le "slam dunk" pour passer aux arrestations.
Mais ça commence à bien remonter les branches des organisateurs, par exemple un des leaders des Proud Boys est maintenant poursuivi pour conspiration.
Et une bonne partie des gens poursuivis désignent Trump comme celui qui les a incité.

L'ingratitude de ces gens, on a bien fait de les faire raquer [:donaldforpresident:3]  

Politiquement parlant, je suis ambidextre.
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:02:30  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :

Dans ce genre d'affaires avec des élus et autres, le FBI attend le "slam dunk" pour passer aux arrestations.
Mais ça commence à bien remonter les branches des organisateurs, par exemple un des leaders des Proud Boys est maintenant poursuivi pour conspiration.
Et une bonne partie des gens poursuivis désignent Trump comme celui qui les a incité.

parce qu'en fait, ce sont des antifas  [:moooonblooood:2]

(╯°□°)╯︵ MMM
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:06:28  profilanswer

morb a écrit :

parce qu'en fait, ce sont des antifas  [:moooonblooood:2]

ou des lincoln projects, enfin c'est la même chose :|

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:16:05  profilanswer

ça devient compliqué à suivre cette histoire. [:klemton]  
Sinon, si vous avez ou connaissez quelqu'un qui a une licence d'avocat aux US,
il y a un individu à Mar-a-lago en Floride, à la recherche d'un avocat.
C'est pour trouver une défense pour un impeachment, la lettre doit être reçue avant la fin de journée de mardi. [:blessure]

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:45:47  profilanswer

Dans le fond la manière dont va se tenir le procès de l'impeachment, Trump s'en fout un peu, sachant qu'il y a très peu de chance qu'il soit "condamné" pour ses actions et ses discours, les sénateurs républicains étant encore acquis à sa cause. En tout cas peu de sénateurs du Gop oseront voter contre Trump.  
Il veut surtout se servir de ce procès comme tribune politique.

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:49:13  profilanswer

Dame de Piques a écrit :

C'est vrai que quand il n'y a personne autour, ça fait ridicule :D

C'est surtout que le bureau était adapté pour ses prédécesseurs qui signaient des EO un par un. Pour Biden qui les signe par paquets de 100 ça fait un peu juste [:dusetier3:10]

el muchach​o
Comfortably Numb
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:49:40  profilanswer

Pendant que tout le monde en chie pendant la crise du COVID... en fait non, tout le monde n'en chie pas.


Les milliardaires n'ont jamais cumulé autant d'argent malgré la pandémie

Citation :

La crise économique n'affecte visiblement pas tout le monde. La fortune des milliardaires a touché un sommet durant la pandémie de Covid-19, passant les 10 000 milliards de dollars grâce au vif rebond des marchés, alors même que l'économie mondiale était en panne. Selon une étude réalisée par la banque suisse UBS et le cabinet d'audit et de conseils PWC, la fortune cumulée des milliardaires se montait à pas moins de 10 200 milliards de dollars, soit un nouveau record, au-delà du pic de 2017. Leur fortune cumulée atteignait alors 8 900 milliards de dollars.


Malgré des secousses durant le krach boursier de mars qui a vu certaines grosses fortunes sortir de ce club privilégié, la fortune des milliardaires s'est vite redressée à la faveur en particulier des géants de la technologie et de la santé. D'après la banque et le cabinet d'audit, qui dressent chaque année un état des lieux de l'évolution du patrimoine des super-riches dans une étude intitulée "rapport des milliardaires", ce cercle privilégié comptait fin juillet 2 189 milliardaires, soit 31 de plus qu'en 2017.


"Pour les milliardaires comme pour l'économie dans son ensemble, 2020 restera une année pivot", ont estimé les auteurs de l'étude, soulignant que "la tempête du Covid-19 a accéléré la divergence" entre les milliardaires issus des rangs de la technologie, de la santé et de l'industrie qui montaient déjà en puissance et les fortunes plus traditionnelles.


Depuis 2018, la fortune des milliardaires issus des rangs de la technologie a augmenté de 42,5%, avec un montant cumulé évalué à 1 800 milliards de dollars, selon cette étude. Celle des milliardaires dans le secteur de la santé s'est accrue de 50,3%, avec une valeur cumulée estimée à 658,6 milliards de dollars.

La main invisible du capitalisme, les amis.


Billionaires made $3.9 trillion during the pandemic - enough to pay for everyone's vaccine

Citation :

  • An Oxfam report found billionaires' wealth increased by $3.9 trillion between March 18 and December 30, 2020.
  • The increase for the world's 10 richest billionaires could pay for everyone to get vaccinated and stay out of poverty.
  • The report recommends wealth taxes as one step toward a better world.

Worldwide, billionaires saw their wealth increase by $3.9 trillion between March 18 and December 31, 2020. While billionaires saw initial losses at the start of the pandemic - like millions of others around the globe - the report says they had recovered all losses by November.


Meanwhile, recovery for those at the bottom could take up to a decade; the report also estimates that between 200 million to 500 million people may have fallen into poverty during 2020.


Insider reported in December that American billionaires had seen their net worths grow to $4 trillion throughout the pandemic; at the time, the top 10 richest billionaires were worth over $1 trillion - a little more than half the value of President Biden's proposed stimulus package. Those gains were more than the cost of sending a $3,000 stimulus check to every American.


In recent months, 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty, Insider's Ayelet Shaffey reported.


Worldwide, Oxfam reports that the collective worth of billionaires is $11.95 trillion - "which is equivalent to what G20 governments have spent in response to the pandemic."


The Oxfam report lays out "five steps towards a better world." One of them is implementing wealth taxes and cracking down on tax dodging.


They cite Argentina's wealth tax, which, as Insider's Josh Zitser reported, is a one-time tax on the super-rich in order to pay for coronavirus equipment and supplies.


Wealth taxes as a concept have been gaining popularity throughout the pandemic; as Insider's Joseph Zeballos-Roig reported in April, the International Monetary Fund (which had previously advocated for tax cuts) said governments should consider taxing their wealthiest residents for much-needed revenue.

Message édité par el muchacho le 31-01-2021 à 18:59:50

Les aéroports où il fait bon attendre, voila un topic qu'il est bien
el muchach​o
Comfortably Numb
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 18:58:17  profilanswer

Et comme un chiffre n'en cache pas un autre,  
Workers lost $3.7 trillion in earnings during the pandemic. Women and Gen Z saw the biggest losses.

Citation :

American workers saw the largest losses in earnings during the coronavirus pandemic, a 10.3% decline, per an International Labour Organization report.

  • A new ILO report finds workers lost $3.7 trillion in earnings throughout the pandemic, with Americans losing the most.
  • Women and younger workers were the hardest hit by employment losses.
  • America will also have a harder recovery as the pandemic continues its spread.

Workers around the world cumulatively lost $3.7 trillion in earnings during the coronavirus pandemic - an 8.3% decline - according to a new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO).
American workers saw the largest losses in earnings, a 10.3% decline.  
Globally, 8.8% of working hours were lost, and 114 million people experienced employment loss - what the report called an "unprecedented" level.  
Women have been harder hit by the pandemic's effect on employment. In December, the US lost 140,000 jobs - all of which were held by women.  
Now, the ILO finds that women experienced unemployment losses of 5%, while losses were at 3.9% for men. As the ILO notes, women were more likely to become "inactive," meaning that they dropped out of the labor market.
That would track with prior trends for women's unemployment: As Insider's Taylor Borden reported, one million married women lost their jobs in September 2020. Those losses came during back to school season, when many working American mothers may have exited the labor force to care for children who are attending school virtually or are without childcare.
Younger workers - those who are ages 15-24 - were also disproportionately impacted by employment losses. They saw losses of 8.7%, while adults on the whole saw a 3.7% loss.  
That trend has been consistent throughout the pandemic. Gen Z, the oldest of whom is 23, saw college experiences, a bustling labor market, and markers of adulthood all yanked away as the pandemic set in. As Insider's Hillary Hoffower reported, Gen Z has become the most unemployed generation - and is on track to repeat the same money problems as millennials.
The ILO report said the group is at risk of becoming a "lost generation."

C'est consistent avec ce qui se passe en France, où l'on constate une recrudescence des suicides parmi les jeunes.

Citation :

The ILO's baseline recovery scenario still projects a 3% loss in working hours for 2021; its most pessimistic forecast sees a 4.6% decrease, while the most optimistic scenario sees a 1.3% drop.
The report calls for a targeted recovery that would provide support for hard-hit workers and sectors.  
As Bloomberg reports, a slow vaccine rollout - and uneven distribution - could also impact the global recovery, as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are adjusting their respective outlooks downward.
America's ever-continuing pandemic will also impact its recovery during 2021.
"The Americas and Europe and Central Asia are expected to suffer working-hour losses more than twice as large as those in other regions, owing to the stringent health measures that were in place at the start of the year," the ILO report says. "The Americas suffered by far the largest losses in 2020, and accordingly have the most ground to make up, while at the same time still experiencing serious restrictions because of the ongoing pandemic."

Les aéroports où il fait bon attendre, voila un topic qu'il est bien
le lama de Lima
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 19:02:16  profilanswer

Ça ruisselle  [:timoonn:5]

Apprenti néo-shreddeur fusionniste de chambre | ♫ Blind test pour zikos
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 19:03:56  profilanswer

barnabe a écrit :

Dans le fond la manière dont va se tenir le procès de l'impeachment, Trump s'en fout un peu, sachant qu'il y a très peu de chance qu'il soit "condamné" pour ses actions et ses discours, les sénateurs républicains étant encore acquis à sa cause. En tout cas peu de sénateurs du Gop oseront voter contre Trump.  
Il veut surtout se servir de ce procès comme tribune politique.

Le vrai danger pour lui, ce n'est pas le conviction trial au Senat.  
Au pire, il perd sa retraite en temps qu'ancien POTUS et qq autres avantages.
Le vrai danger, c'est que si il parle, il va parler sous serment, en direct, devant des millions de personnes.  
Et si il part dans ses délires habituels, il va s'auto-incriminer comme il l'a fait par le passé.  
Sauf que là, il n'est plus POTUS, il n'a plus de protection.
Et le conviction trial n'est pas une procédure judiciaire, mais la Justice peut utiliser les témoignages sous serment pour étayer ses dossiers.
Donc Trump peut très facilement offrir des infos et des témoignages auquel sera confronté le même Trump plus tard et ses sous-fifres.

Marco Paul​o
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 19:06:52  profilanswer

panchopa a écrit :

Ça ruisselle  [:timoonn:5]

Allégorie :

Burn, burn, yes ya gonna burn
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 19:12:42  profilanswer

Trump sous serment dire qu'il a les preuves des elections truquées :D le rêve :D

Les convictions sont des ennemis de la vérité plus dangereux que les mensonges
Marco Paul​o
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 19:18:08  profilanswer

Gottorp a écrit :

Trump sous serment dire qu'il a les preuves des elections truquées :D le rêve :D

Ce sera publique ces auditions ?  [:atigrou]  [:cerveau discobeck]

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 20:02:40  profilanswer

Gottorp a écrit :

Trump sous serment dire qu'il a les preuves des elections truquées :D le rêve :D

Ses avocats voulaient à tout prix faire du chewbacca en bloquant sur le fait que le procès soit anticonstitutionnel.
Lui, poussé par son orgueil et sa bêtise, veut à tout prix continuer dans ses délires d'élections truquées, ce qui est le moteur de ce qui s'est passé le 5 janvier.
Bref, on va effectivement p-e voir ce crétin se tirer une balle dans le pied en direct. :D

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 20:12:30  profilanswer

j'imagine que le dernier troll de greenwald est déjà passé 100x ici ? [:nakata2:3]

Burn, burn, yes ya gonna burn
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 20:15:48  profilanswer

Marco Paulo a écrit :

Ce sera publique ces auditions ?  [:atigrou]  [:cerveau discobeck]

j'espère (insérer le gif sopalin)

Les convictions sont des ennemis de la vérité plus dangereux que les mensonges
Philosophe éleveur de poules
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 20:18:20  profilanswer

MTiger a écrit :

j'imagine que le dernier troll de greenwald est déjà passé 100x ici ? [:nakata2:3]

Biden est élu ;)
sinon lequel ?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Cuistot le 31-01-2021 à 20:18:40

docteur, docteur & docteur en hyper recherches propres... . -. -..   -. ..- -.. . ...
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 20:20:47  profilanswer

Cuistot a écrit :

Biden est élu ;)
sinon lequel ?

ah c'est pas passé
il est sur foxniouzes [...] 6192299009
pour aller traiter les democrates de fachos (en gros)

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:06:37  profilanswer

Un superbe article ITW qui cerne le véritable responsable de la perte de la Georgie par le GOP: Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Citation :

You mentioned the “Stop the Steal” stuff. How much of an impact do you think that had, and her advocacy of it had, in hurting turnout for the Senate runoffs in January?
Absolutely huge. I will go on record as saying I honestly think the paradox of this whole thing is that she pinned herself as the biggest Trump supporter, but she hurt Trump in Georgia and then she hurt the two Senate candidates in the runoff. The data for that is there were 75,000 less Republicans that voted in her congressional district in the runoff than did in the general. Compared to 15,000 less Democrats. That margin alone would have won it for both Loeffler and Perdue.
You think she cost Republicans the Senate?
Absolutely. If you look at all areas, we by far had [the biggest drop] in turnout of any other congressional district in the entire state. I will firmly place the blame on her and her rhetoric. It was her attorney, Lin Wood, who was spewing all this stuff. They’re in cahoots with each other. Instead of her saying, “No, your vote will count, go back out,” she was perpetuating this narrative of “can’t trust the vote. Stop the steal.” It really caused a drop in turnout. I will also tell you, in the general election, she was a horrible representative for Trump in Metro Atlanta. People saw through her. They saw the articles about her and said, “Well, if this is the kind of Republican we’re going to have in Georgia, maybe we shouldn’t vote for Trump again.” You see that there were probably 100,000 Republicans in Metro Atlanta who didn’t vote for Trump. This is evidenced by the fact that every down-ballot Republican in the state house and state senate won 55 to 45. Yet, Trump lost by 12,000 votes. People like Marjorie who were controversial, outspoken, and outlandish — a moderate Republican or a moderate Democrat who actually cares about low taxes or whatever is going to turn away from Trump in that regard. Her style did not help the Republican Party in the state of Georgia.
Et en super bonus ds l'article:

Citation :

You mentioned her crazy past, are there more shoes that you think are going to drop? Is there more coming?
I’ve been told that there are eight hours of videos on her. I certainly have not watched eight hours of video on her. What I’ve seen is absolutely crazy. I’m sure there’s going to be other stuff that comes out about her crazy comments in the past.
8 heures de vidéo dans le même genre que les lasers juifs en orbite qui déclenchent des feux de forêt. [:cerveau lent]  

Citation :

I mean, someone needs to do a timeline, because after about 2010, she really did kind of start going off the deep end it seems: She goes off her company roles as an executive at her dad’s company. She gets into CrossFit. There’s rumors of numerous affairs. She starts hanging out with these kinds of unusual groups. That’s when she’s doing all her social-media videos. She’s trying to do podcasts, etcetera, etcetera. Then, the next thing you know, she’s running for Congress. Seems to put together a well-funded D.C. team that has their act together, that runs a great soup-to-nuts campaign. They hit radio media. They’re hitting on all cylinders, but they don’t even bother to scrub her social-media account. It’s almost like she’s like, “Yep, that’s who I am and I’m doubling down on it.”
Les républicains ont intérêt à la dégager le plus vite possible. :D

Marco Paul​o
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:17:03  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :

Un superbe article ITW qui cerne le véritable responsable de la perte de la Georgie par le GOP: Marjorie Taylor Greene.

La tehon dès qu'elle est là et les excuses bidons pour pas l'inviter aux soirées entre Gop  [:timoonn:5] .
"Non non Marjo, c'est au Four Season Garden, suis Giuliani, il connait la route :o "  [:framboize:1]  

Dame de Pi​ques
Qui s'y frotte s'y pique
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:18:18  profilanswer

Entertainment incoming... Qui a dit qu'on allait se faire chier maintenant que Trump était hors jeu ?  [:somberlain24:1]

Make our planet great again. - Слава Україні!
Philosophe éleveur de poules
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:18:48  profilanswer

Dame de Piques a écrit :

Entertainment incoming... Qui a dit qu'on allait se faire chier maintenant que Trump était hors jeu ?  [:somberlain24:1]

yesse :d

docteur, docteur & docteur en hyper recherches propres... . -. -..   -. ..- -.. . ...
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:19:42  profilanswer

ahhhhhhh et les super lasers qui ont causé les incendies c'est elle aussi  [:794]

Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:20:13  profilanswer

On as du haut niveau, digne héritière du tea party :o

Philosophe éleveur de poules
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:21:21  profilanswer

Marco Paulo a écrit :


La tehon dès qu'elle est là et les excuses bidons pour pas l'inviter aux soirées entre Gop  [:timoonn:5] .


"Non non Marjo, c'est au Four Season Garden, suis Giuliani, il connait la route :o "  [:framboize:1]


vous avez dit démocratie ?

Citation :

we knew she was the best funded

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Cuistot le 31-01-2021 à 21:21:57

docteur, docteur & docteur en hyper recherches propres... . -. -..   -. ..- -.. . ...
Burn, burn, yes ya gonna burn
Posté le 31-01-2021 à 21:23:51  profilanswer

wtf ... je débarque. Des lasers juifs qui déclenchent des incendies ? c'est quoi ce truc ???

Les convictions sont des ennemis de la vérité plus dangereux que les mensonges
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