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Team Justi.brout - FP Updated - La b1fl3 pour signer. ( FP ! )

Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:35:49  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :  
Depuis, plus de nouvelles :/

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:35:49  profilanswer

Non, je ne suis pas Moonboots
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:42:29  profilanswer

Après tant de poésie c'est étonnant :o

Mod : Mon Xaser III | On peut dire que t'es une lumière -QNTAL- | t'a été le meilleur du bulbe sur ce coup là -LoDeNo-
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:42:53  profilanswer

C'est parce qu'elle est occupée à me faire un gâteau :o
Donc pour info, j'ai une kanish nommée Josiane, et elle est patissière, j'ai essayé de trouver une idée originale, je sais pas si c'est drôle :o
Assez méfiante dès que je parle de coupon PCS tout de même
Ca se trompe dans ses clients :o
Skill paint
Et là je pense que je n'aurai jamais mon gâteau car elle est repartie dans son script :o

Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:43:54  profilanswer


Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:44:01  profilanswer


Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:46:16  profilanswer

Pas touche elle est à moi maintenant

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:48:10  profilanswer

"Je ne pourrai t'honorer qu'avec un masque pokemon"

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Not superscalar
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:57:57  profilanswer

camion de pois loure  [:mike hoksbiger:3]

Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 16:58:26  profilanswer

Luckan a écrit :

camion de pois loure  [:mike hoksbiger:3]

Au moins du pois chiche :D

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 17:14:17  profilanswer

Jouet cassé je crois  :sweat:
Merci PdG en tout cas  :jap:

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 17:14:17  profilanswer

Posté le 07-08-2017 à 17:30:49  profilanswer

Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 17:35:53  profilanswer

La pauvre, j'ai de la peine  :sweat:

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 17:40:07  profilanswer

T'inquiètes pas pour la carte, le burelier rouvre demain :o

Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 18:47:35  profilanswer

En tout cas, elle a pas de photos cochonnes c'est pas faute de demander. Ou elle a trop de vertu pour ça

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 19:08:49  profilanswer

Trop de quoi ?

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Not superscalar
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 19:16:44  profilanswer

Elle a trop de verrue pour les photos cochonnes

It's clobberin' time
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 19:26:45  profilanswer

Oh qu'il est beau  :love:

Autiste asperge
Posté le 07-08-2017 à 19:52:50  profilanswer

Le sondage  :lol:

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
IBM Selectric
Posté le 08-08-2017 à 11:31:56  profilanswer

Faux site : il manque les mentions "insère un titre ici" :o

Réveillez-vous, ça fait 2 boeing par jour :fou:
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 08-08-2017 à 11:42:02  answer

J'ai explosé de rire à "Camion de pois loure" :D

Posté le 08-08-2017 à 14:16:52  profilanswer

thoulisse_bernard a écrit :

En tout cas, elle a pas de photos cochonnes c'est pas faute de demander. Ou elle a trop de vertu pour ça

Nan nan elle en a, tu sais pas t'y prendre c'est tout  :sol:

Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 08-08-2017 à 14:27:30  profilanswer

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Autiste asperge
Posté le 08-08-2017 à 15:44:25  profilanswer

Dommage qu'elle percute pas à poid loure

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 08-08-2017 à 16:05:23  profilanswer

et à "quand penses tu?"  

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Rachel Riley Fan Account
Posté le 09-08-2017 à 15:31:23  profilanswer

nouveau jouet twitter :sol:

Posté le 09-08-2017 à 16:49:13  profilanswer
Elle est insupportable de connerie, elle a vraiment un QI négatif celle là  :pfff:

Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 09-08-2017 à 16:52:12  profilanswer

[:julien rodriguez]

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Posté le 09-08-2017 à 17:17:25  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous!
Je viens de découvrir ce topic ; à vrai dire je lurke HFR et ses hilarants topics depuis des années, et là je ne peux pas m'en empêcher, je me dois de poster ma modeste contribution.
Alerte khäkhä [:ramucho]
Cette histoire date de 2012.
J'ai perdu les timestamps, mais elle s'est déroulée sur quasiment une semaine.
Le pire, c'est que ce compte est toujours ouvert aujourd'hui et me semblait d'ailleurs actif tout au long des dernières années, avec des posts et des photos tout à fait cohérentes, fruits de la vie normale d'une adolescente normale, ce qui me laisse encore aujourd'hui extrêmement perplexe...
Allez, je vous laisse profiter! [:m_d_c]
Les gens sont fous...
Cette "fille" qui vient me parler.
Apparemment elle venait des Philippines, ça sentait déjà l'arnaque à la première ligne.
J'ai voulu m'amuser un peu ;)
Romarie Gutlay romarie..
Philippe M
Hi. I'm Philippe.
Romarie Gutlay
Wer u from hun?
Philippe M
A rich country. I own a Ferrari. Wanna marry me?
Romarie Gutlay
Sure ,come my place
Philippe M
I like to poo in mouthes. Do you like it?
Romarie Gutlay
Maybe,.u want me tourist ur place?
Philippe M
Sure. U can sleep at home. I only have 1 bed. Do you have special skills?
Romarie Gutlay
Help me to come ther travel,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Help me to get passport
Philippe M
Ok. U give me money?
Romarie Gutlay
U send me ,
Philippe M
1000€ in Wetern Union, ok
Romarie Gutlay
Thats not enough honey,.make it i think 3000' wen u send?
Philippe M
ok, i give you 5000€ if you shit on my face when u arrive
Romarie Gutlay
Bcos i need first get my medical,NBI CLEARANCE
NSO Birth
and more
Philippe M
ok but will you shit on my face? i wanna drink your pee
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
Do you have AIDS?
Romarie Gutlay
Sure all u want,
Philippe M
because I want to be sick and die
Romarie Gutlay
No im clean person
Philippe M
any clamidia? blue waffle?
Romarie Gutlay
So wen u want to send?then we will meet,
Wen u wanna go to Western Union...?
Philippe M
it's just in front of my office, I can go this evening.
but... is it serious? will we have sex? you are so cute
Romarie Gutlay
Nice,very good,,its very near.,
here is my real name Romarie Gutlay
address' San isidro,Bulan Sorsogon
Romarie Gutlay
Yes if we meet,
Philippe M
because i'm all alone since my wife died last year... :(
i had to kill her, she forgot to do the dishes
do you like to wash dishes?
Romarie Gutlay
Sad to hear that,,
U ther?
Hello hun,,?
Romarie Gutlay
Are u sending now?
Philippe M
Yes. I just went to the office. You should get it in 48hours.
Can I now have pics of your boobs?
Romarie Gutlay
Wer is the number to get the money and ur full name address.
Philippe M
I give it to you if u send me pic
Romarie Gutlay
I cant here in mobile i dont have load to send u,.if u send me money now i will go to cafe tomorow and send u pic and then we will chat cam2cam..just trust me my honey,
Romarie Gutlay
U are not serios,i think,.
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
I need to masturbate in front of your boobs before giving you money
Because why would I spend so much money if I can't even see your boobs?!
U are not serious :'(
Or just a photo of your poo. Please..
Romarie Gutlay
I dont beleive most ppl..bcos b4 guy like that see my boobs and send me i dont get in return,hope u understand...
Philippe M
Oh, i thought i was the only one
:/ don't u love me?
Romarie Gutlay
I will send u photo of poo if im on netcafe bcos i tell u i cant here mobile,.its just a simple,
Philippe M
Ok no pb,so I wait for the photo of your shit
Romarie Gutlay
I will love u if u understand im sying,..and be honest,
Philippe M
I'm honest baby, i just like poo :/
Romarie Gutlay
Send me money and i will go to cafe tomorow morning,.
Philippe M
No sry I can't trust you if u don't even give me a little photo. I'll wait tomorrow, thank you very much :)
Romarie Gutlay
If u trust and send me. . .why not send u pic.
Ok,i will do..but please :( dont blackmail me.
Philippe M
It's the minimum to get so much money, don't u think so? :/
Romarie Gutlay
Are u really honest?
Philippe M
Of course
Romarie Gutlay
What do u wanna do the poo?
Philippe M
Just get pleasure while watching
Romarie Gutlay
Have ym?
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Oh i see,,deal.
So wer do i send u?
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
My email adress
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
No it's not yahoo, just my email address. U can send an email to it
Romarie Gutlay
Ok i know
Why u dont like yahoo?
Philippe M
Because i prefer yopmail
Romarie Gutlay
I understand...are u always online?
Philippe M
Yes but no need to be online to receive your email
Romarie Gutlay
But how about the money?
Philippe M
I tive you the WU number just after u send a pic
Romarie Gutlay
How much u send?
Philippe M
I said you this morning. I deposit 5000€ and gave your address at the WU office. I got a transaction number i have to give to you
Romarie Gutlay
Did u already send??
Wat address did u give..just want to sure.
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
address' San isidro,Bulan Sorsogon
Romarie Gutlay
Thats rigth....!
Ok just wait tomorrow..
Philippe M
ok thank you, baby
i hope you don't find me weird, because i love shit :/
Romarie Gutlay
Hello i was just waking up,
Romarie Gutlay
Hi babe
Romarie Gutlay
Wer u?
Romarie Gutlay
Romarie Gutlay
Pls message me wen u online,,.then i will go to cafe on town...ok?
Philippe M
i'm always here and waiting for your email
have a nice day,
Romarie Gutlay
pls talk to me pls....
Romarie Gutlay
Im here in western union, .would u pls send the number ?? Then i wil go cafe, .WU office SAy i need the transaction number,
Philippe M
Pic first
Romarie Gutlay
,,,if i get the money i will go on cafe'pls trust honey,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Its ok to u. . .see pic poo in my fb?
Philippe M
send it to me by email
Romarie Gutlay
I wanna go home,..and ask my friend barrow her phone and put pic poo on my fb,
Ok wait now,..just stay there,
Wait ok i wil off for awhile,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
:(( i cant upload pic..they say my phone dont bluetooth...maybe i will comeback tomorrow again..
But hope u honest send money.,.im always trying mybest,
Philippe M
ok I wait, babe
Romarie Gutlay
Babe, are u really send?
Philippe M
yes yes
Romarie Gutlay
Prove pls...
Pls give me the number so that i believe and trust you honey. . . . .tomorow I PROMISE give u pic..
Romarie Gutlay
Ok now i barrow phone my friend,.have my poo pic,.tomorrow.promise send u.
Romarie Gutlay
Talk to me please :)
Romarie Gutlay
Romarie Gutlay
Hey i wil send u later, . .u ther?
Romarie Gutlay
Tell me if u want me to send pic of poo now?then i will go cafe...
Romarie Gutlay
Hey,answer me.pls...
I want to read ur respond ,..
Romarie Gutlay
i already send you honey........
pls give me the number of wu....
Amagad... Elle l'a vraiment fait!

Spoiler :

Philippe M
hmmm, this is very nice shit. It looks like little sausages! i very like it... that makes me hard. what did you eat?
Romarie Gutlay
Just rice and can u give me the number now.
Philippe M
I'm in the toilet, shitting right now, honey. Do you feel it?
Romarie Gutlay
Hmmm,sure, .im here honey in town. .waiting the number.
Im here already office of western union,
Philippe M
You deserved it, baby
Romarie Gutlay
Ok i will pick up now. How much u send again?
And ur address,and full name,
Wer u,.
Hey babe, .the wu office say the number was wrong. . .pls give me the correct.
Give me the rigth, .pls,im waiting here in office,
I dont get it, .:( pls give me the rigth number.
Philippe M
Ohhh, sorry, i used the WU paper to wipe out my ass full of shit, now I can't read the number anymore :(
Romarie Gutlay
Pls go office ther and see the copy,,im waiting here in wu.
I sacripies for nothing , .:((
Send me
Philippe M
I'm here at WU too, but I shit on the desk, so the guy don't want to see me anymore
Romarie Gutlay
Send me now baby im trusting u to send,.
Im waiting baby
Philippe M
is the poo you take photo really yours?
can you shit on your hands and take another picture, plz?
Romarie Gutlay
Send me first baby. . .bcos i aready send u. . . .i wil do again if u give me the number now. . .
Philippe M
would you really shit in your hands?
i canna see your face covered with your shit
Romarie Gutlay
Plz send me too. . .
Ofc i will do. . .but we are talking now the number.
Philippe M
So you are really serious? Waiting at the WU office to get my money to get your passport and travel?
Romarie Gutlay
Ofcorse baby thats why im here in wu..and do poo and send u bcos i like u..
Romarie Gutlay
Just give me the number..
Philippe M
OK. Now I got everything I need.
Here is officer De la Cruz, PNP, at Quezon City.
I got your address and all the proofs that you are scamming people on the Internet.
Police is going to your house right now.
I'll receive you in my office this evening.
Romarie Gutlay
No im like that...just i want the number..
Philippe M
You know what PNP is?
If you do not even respect the Police, I've got lot of friends that can come at your house and rape you.
Romarie Gutlay
Dont be like that baby i just trust u send poo. . .bcos u said send me money. . .
Philippe M
Oh my god, I'm laughing out loud...
Which country are you?
Does your scam really work? How much money did you do last month?
Romarie Gutlay
Ok' u are not serious i know. . .
Philippe M
I made you take a pic of your SHIT and send it to ME. ROLF! Seriously, are you really so dumb?
Stop scamming people!
Romarie Gutlay
Im not scamming. . . .u are the who do that. . . . .its my realy poo.
Thats bcos i believe u,
Philippe M
Thank you for this epic conversation we had this last 2 days.
Good luck in your life, hope you will get a lot of other WU transfers!

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par philmae le 11-08-2017 à 14:28:39
Posté le 09-08-2017 à 17:24:05  profilanswer

@PdG :lol , J'habite Turgescente :lol:
@Panshi, les gateaux :lol:  

Thermostat​ 6
... pendant 20mn.
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 13:26:03  profilanswer

philmae a écrit :

Bonjour à tous!
Je viens de découvrir ce topic ; à vrai dire je lurke HFR et ses hilarants topics depuis des années, et là je ne peux pas m'en empêcher, je me dois de poster ma modeste contribution.
Alerte khäkhä [:ramucho]
Cette histoire date de 2012.
J'ai perdu les timestamps, mais elle s'est déroulée sur quasiment une semaine.
Le pire, c'est que ce compte est toujours ouvert aujourd'hui et me semblait d'ailleurs actif tout au long des dernières années, avec des posts et des photos tout à fait cohérentes, fruits de la vie normale d'une adolescente normale, ce qui me laisse encore aujourd'hui extrêmement perplexe...
Allez, je vous laisse profiter! [:m_d_c]
Les gens sont fous...
Cette "fille" qui vient me parler. [...] 425d10.png
Apparemment elle venait des Philippines, ça sentait déjà l'arnaque à la première ligne.
J'ai voulu m'amuser un peu ;)
Romarie Gutlay romarie..
Philippe M
Hi. I'm Philippe.
Romarie Gutlay
Wer u from hun?
Philippe M
A rich country. I own a Ferrari. Wanna marry me?
Romarie Gutlay
Sure ,come my place
Philippe M
I like to poo in mouthes. Do you like it?
Romarie Gutlay
Maybe,.u want me tourist ur place?
Philippe M
Sure. U can sleep at home. I only have 1 bed. Do you have special skills?
Romarie Gutlay
Help me to come ther travel,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Help me to get passport
Philippe M
Ok. U give me money?
Romarie Gutlay
U send me ,
Philippe M
1000€ in Wetern Union, ok
Romarie Gutlay
Thats not enough honey,.make it i think 3000' wen u send?
Philippe M
ok, i give you 5000€ if you shit on my face when u arrive
Romarie Gutlay
Bcos i need first get my medical,NBI CLEARANCE
NSO Birth
and more
Philippe M
ok but will you shit on my face? i wanna drink your pee
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
Do you have AIDS?
Romarie Gutlay
Sure all u want,
Philippe M
because I want to be sick and die
Romarie Gutlay
No im clean person
Philippe M
any clamidia? blue waffle?
Romarie Gutlay
So wen u want to send?then we will meet,
Wen u wanna go to Western Union...?
Philippe M
it's just in front of my office, I can go this evening.
but... is it serious? will we have sex? you are so cute
Romarie Gutlay
Nice,very good,,its very near.,
here is my real name Romarie Gutlay
address' San isidro,Bulan Sorsogon
Romarie Gutlay
Yes if we meet,
Philippe M
because i'm all alone since my wife died last year... :(
i had to kill her, she forgot to do the dishes
do you like to wash dishes?
Romarie Gutlay
Sad to hear that,,
U ther?
Hello hun,,?
Romarie Gutlay
Are u sending now?
Philippe M
Yes. I just went to the office. You should get it in 48hours.
Can I now have pics of your boobs?
Romarie Gutlay
Wer is the number to get the money and ur full name address.
Philippe M
I give it to you if u send me pic
Romarie Gutlay
I cant here in mobile i dont have load to send u,.if u send me money now i will go to cafe tomorow and send u pic and then we will chat cam2cam..just trust me my honey,
Romarie Gutlay
U are not serios,i think,.
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
I need to masturbate in front of your boobs before giving you money
Because why would I spend so much money if I can't even see your boobs?!
U are not serious :'(
Or just a photo of your poo. Please..
Romarie Gutlay
I dont beleive most ppl..bcos b4 guy like that see my boobs and send me i dont get in return,hope u understand...
Philippe M
Oh, i thought i was the only one
:/ don't u love me?
Romarie Gutlay
I will send u photo of poo if im on netcafe bcos i tell u i cant here mobile,.its just a simple,
Philippe M
Ok no pb,so I wait for the photo of your shit
Romarie Gutlay
I will love u if u understand im sying,..and be honest,
Philippe M
I'm honest baby, i just like poo :/
Romarie Gutlay
Send me money and i will go to cafe tomorow morning,.
Philippe M
No sry I can't trust you if u don't even give me a little photo. I'll wait tomorrow, thank you very much :)
Romarie Gutlay
If u trust and send me. . .why not send u pic.
Ok,i will do..but please :( dont blackmail me.
Philippe M
It's the minimum to get so much money, don't u think so? :/
Romarie Gutlay
Are u really honest?
Philippe M
Of course
Romarie Gutlay
What do u wanna do the poo?
Philippe M
Just get pleasure while watching
Romarie Gutlay
Have ym?
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Oh i see,,deal.
So wer do i send u?
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
My email adress
Romarie Gutlay
Philippe M
No it's not yahoo, just my email address. U can send an email to it
Romarie Gutlay
Ok i know
Why u dont like yahoo?
Philippe M
Because i prefer yopmail
Romarie Gutlay
I understand...are u always online?
Philippe M
Yes but no need to be online to receive your email
Romarie Gutlay
But how about the money?
Philippe M
I tive you the WU number just after u send a pic
Romarie Gutlay
How much u send?
Philippe M
I said you this morning. I deposit 5000€ and gave your address at the WU office. I got a transaction number i have to give to you
Romarie Gutlay
Did u already send??
Wat address did u give..just want to sure.
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
address' San isidro,Bulan Sorsogon
Romarie Gutlay
Thats rigth....!
Ok just wait tomorrow..
Philippe M
ok thank you, baby
i hope you don't find me weird, because i love shit :/
Romarie Gutlay
Hello i was just waking up,
Romarie Gutlay
Hi babe
Romarie Gutlay
Wer u?
Romarie Gutlay
Romarie Gutlay
Pls message me wen u online,,.then i will go to cafe on town...ok?
Philippe M
i'm always here and waiting for your email
have a nice day,
Romarie Gutlay
pls talk to me pls....
Romarie Gutlay
Im here in western union, .would u pls send the number ?? Then i wil go cafe, .WU office SAy i need the transaction number,
Philippe M
Pic first
Romarie Gutlay
,,,if i get the money i will go on cafe'pls trust honey,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
Its ok to u. . .see pic poo in my fb?
Philippe M
send it to me by email
Romarie Gutlay
I wanna go home,..and ask my friend barrow her phone and put pic poo on my fb,
Ok wait now,..just stay there,
Wait ok i wil off for awhile,
Philippe M
Romarie Gutlay
:(( i cant upload pic..they say my phone dont bluetooth...maybe i will comeback tomorrow again..
But hope u honest send money.,.im always trying mybest,
Philippe M
ok I wait, babe
Romarie Gutlay
Babe, are u really send?
Philippe M
yes yes
Romarie Gutlay
Prove pls...
Pls give me the number so that i believe and trust you honey. . . . .tomorow I PROMISE give u pic..
Romarie Gutlay
Ok now i barrow phone my friend,.have my poo pic,.tomorrow.promise send u.
Romarie Gutlay
Talk to me please :)
Romarie Gutlay
Romarie Gutlay
Hey i wil send u later, . .u ther?
Romarie Gutlay
Tell me if u want me to send pic of poo now?then i will go cafe...
Romarie Gutlay
Hey,answer me.pls...
I want to read ur respond ,..
Romarie Gutlay
i already send you honey........
pls give me the number of wu....
Amagad... Elle l'a vraiment fait!

Philippe M
hmmm, this is very nice shit. It looks like little sausages! i very like it... that makes me hard. what did you eat?
Romarie Gutlay
Just rice and can u give me the number now.
Philippe M
I'm in the toilet, shitting right now, honey. Do you feel it?
Romarie Gutlay
Hmmm,sure, .im here honey in town. .waiting the number.
Im here already office of western union,
Philippe M
You deserved it, baby
Romarie Gutlay
Ok i will pick up now. How much u send again?
And ur address,and full name,
Wer u,.
Hey babe, .the wu office say the number was wrong. . .pls give me the correct.
Give me the rigth, .pls,im waiting here in office,
I dont get it, .:( pls give me the rigth number.
Philippe M
Ohhh, sorry, i used the WU paper to wipe out my ass full of shit, now I can't read the number anymore :(
Romarie Gutlay
Pls go office ther and see the copy,,im waiting here in wu.
I sacripies for nothing , .:((
Send me
Philippe M
I'm here at WU too, but I shit on the desk, so the guy don't want to see me anymore
Romarie Gutlay
Send me now baby im trusting u to send,.
Im waiting baby
Philippe M
is the poo you take photo really yours?
can you shit on your hands and take another picture, plz?
Romarie Gutlay
Send me first baby. . .bcos i aready send u. . . .i wil do again if u give me the number now. . .
Philippe M
would you really shit in your hands?
i canna see your face covered with your shit
Romarie Gutlay
Plz send me too. . .
Ofc i will do. . .but we are talking now the number.
Philippe M
So you are really serious? Waiting at the WU office to get my money to get your passport and travel?
Romarie Gutlay
Ofcorse baby thats why im here in wu..and do poo and send u bcos i like u..
Romarie Gutlay
Just give me the number..
Philippe M
OK. Now I got everything I need.
Here is officer De la Cruz, PNP, at Quezon City.
I got your address and all the proofs that you are scamming people on the Internet.
Police is going to your house right now.
I'll receive you in my office this evening.
Romarie Gutlay
No im like that...just i want the number..
Philippe M
You know what PNP is?
If you do not even respect the Police, I've got lot of friends that can come at your house and rape you.
Romarie Gutlay
Dont be like that baby i just trust u send poo. . .bcos u said send me money. . .
Philippe M
Oh my god, I'm laughing out loud...
Which country are you?
Does your scam really work? How much money did you do last month?
Romarie Gutlay
Ok' u are not serious i know. . .
Philippe M
I made you take a pic of your SHIT and send it to ME. ROLF! Seriously, are you really so dumb?
Stop scamming people!
Romarie Gutlay
Im not scamming. . . .u are the who do that. . . . .its my realy poo.
Thats bcos i believe u,
Philippe M
Thank you for this epic conversation we had this last 2 days.
Good luck in your life, hope you will get a lot of other WU transfers!

ça c'est du "trophée" :o

N'oubliez pas d'arroser régulièrement.
Nonocourge / TredecPouPou
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 14:03:30  profilanswer

Thermostat 6 a écrit :

ça c'est du "trophée" :o

Merci pour ce quote.

Appuyez vous sur les principes ils finiront bien par céder.
Bon ben hon
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 14:40:47  profilanswer

C'etait le minimum :o

"Phildar t'es vraiment une pute pas finie toi! Et Manu le gros porc arrete de t'marrer!"
Non, je ne suis pas Moonboots
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 15:35:45  profilanswer

Pas mal mais pour battre fymb et son échantillon d'urine il va falloir demander à mettre ça en boîte avec une étiquette dédiée :)

Mod : Mon Xaser III | On peut dire que t'es une lumière -QNTAL- | t'a été le meilleur du bulbe sur ce coup là -LoDeNo-
Franc Suisse Nanane
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 16:02:32  profilanswer

Meilleur trophée du topic  :D


Ravi de voir de l'activité par ici

"Belle fun Sky, je me dois de l'admettre" - "Nous tenons notre gagnant" - "Tu es le meilleur joueur de ta génération"  - "Joli !" - "Excellent Sky, tu es un génie (x2)" - Vave
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:24:42  profilanswer

Je viens de découvrir ce topic  :love:  :love:  :love:  
Comment vous faites pour récolter les brouteurs ? Vous laisser traîner le mail quelque part ?

Born Dead
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:32:31  profilanswer

Tu crées un compte Google+ de gros mort de faim (de préférence quinquagénaire), tu likes des groupes de rencontres à la con et les invitations de brouteurs devraient commencer à tomber. :o
Sinon tu demandes du stock de brouteurs aux piliers du topic. :D

Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:34:33  profilanswer

Born Dead a écrit :

Tu crées un compte Google+ de gros mort de faim (de préférence quinquagénaire), tu likes des groupes de rencontres à la con et les invitations de brouteurs devraient commencer à tomber. :o
Sinon tu demandes du stock de brouteurs aux piliers du topic. :D

ah ah génial je vais regarder ça  :)
Edit : C'est bon G3r4rd M3njoui est à la recherche du grand amour ! J'espère qu'il sera à la hauteur  :sol:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par fizelof le 10-08-2017 à 17:42:53
Autiste asperge
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:51:32  profilanswer

fizelof a écrit :

ah ah génial je vais regarder ça  :)
Edit : C'est bon G3r4rd M3njoui est à la recherche du grand amour ! J'espère qu'il sera à la hauteur  :sol:

Il existait pas déjà lui ?

Allez tous vous faire caniculer
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:54:51  profilanswer

Y'a déjà des adresses gmail à son nom oui. Déjà pris par quelqu'un du topic ?

Message édité par fizelof le 10-08-2017 à 17:55:44
Born Dead
Posté le 10-08-2017 à 17:55:40  profilanswer

Je crois bien oui :D

Posté le 10-08-2017 à 18:00:40  profilanswer

Thermostat 6 a écrit :

ça c'est du "trophée" :o


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