Auteur | Sujet : [topik cimetières - welcome!] Le Père-Lachaise: êtes-vous adeptes? |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue | Reprise du message précédent :
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Publicité | Posté le 03-11-2004 à 21:43:44 |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
Entrelacs Tricotrice |
Message édité par Entrelacs le 03-11-2004 à 22:01:57 |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Derek De Lint pas tiptop pour notre jeunesse |
rue boyer, à 100m de gambetta et de papy lachaise --------------- j'échange avec vous de par les internets |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Publicité | Posté le 03-11-2004 à 22:07:14 |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Entrelacs Tricotrice |
Message édité par Entrelacs le 03-11-2004 à 22:12:01 |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Meganne Féministe Ardant |
Tu fais bien de le noter que je le consigne dans mon carnet à spirales.
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 03-11-2004 à 22:17:00 Une gothique miam miam ....... |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Meganne Féministe Ardant |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
AngX bleu 485 |
--------------- #MarcheFort |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Entrelacs Tricotrice |
Message édité par Entrelacs le 03-11-2004 à 22:27:15 |
zigmounette Freudo-spinoziste convaincue |
--------------- N.B.: mon avatar, c'est pas moi, c'est Bob Dylan... «Don't know how it all got started, I don't know what they're doin' with their lives, but me, I'm still on the road...» Tangled up in blue, by Bob Dylan |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 03-11-2004 à 22:27:14
AngX bleu 485 | En effet oui... --------------- #MarcheFort |
Entrelacs Tricotrice |
Nico [PPC] | c'est interdit d'aller dans les cimetières la nuit |
pierrot le rouge Créateur de la cat' Politique. |
Pour te répondre (avec un peu de retard) oui mais je débute seulement (avec un vieuuuuuuuuuux canon ftb) --------------- Tout le monde est d'accord pour critiquer la pensée unique... |
Entrelacs Tricotrice | http://www.pere-lachaise.com/perelachaise.htm
Message édité par Entrelacs le 03-11-2004 à 22:35:56 |
Publicité | Posté le |