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WSC -> racing legends. vous pouvez aller voir...

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:40:46  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

Citation :

I spoke to a gentleman recently who is involved in the game business and has actually tested RL. He said it was a scaled down version, not everything was there.. but the physics... he said it was the first time he has ever stepped into a sim and felt right at home. This coming from a guy who has driven open wheel race cars for the past 25 years.. [...] post794109

Citation :

The end of the day I met the designer of the Hypersimulater and talked to him for 45 minutes about GPL
and racing. He told me that he has driven a alpha version of the West Brothers Racing Legends and it is impressive. [...] post778526
re [:meganne]

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 21-04-2003 à 13:42:27

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:40:46  profilanswer

That's all in your head.
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:45:30  profilanswer

skoi hypersimulater?

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:47:43  profilanswer

hyper stimulator en fait :d

iRacing, LA simu automobile
That's all in your head.
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:50:46  profilanswer

je vois [:meganne]
le jeu n'est pas abandonné alors!
ils pourraient faire un peu mieux niveau com, je n'ai vu d'article dans aucun site ou mag de JV

Message édité par tree le 21-04-2003 à 13:51:02
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:54:16  profilanswer

en fait je suis sur qu'il est bcp plus avancé qu'on ne peut le penser ...
il doit y avoir une version (alpha) jouable depuis au moins 6 mois, a mon humble avis ....  
mais c'est chiant qu'ils n'en disent rien quoi :/
on a l'impression qu'ils veulent que les gens se desinteressent de leur truc ... :/

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:58:44  profilanswer

Et puis j'avais aussi discutaillé par e mail avec un mec qui est en train de faire un circuit pour le jeu (rouen) et une voiture aussi (la F1 matra de 1968) ...  

Citation :

Yes, the track is progressing well and so is RL. I have visted Chris and Tony a couple of times and it looked good then and will of course evolve and becomebetter as time goes on. They are really working hard on it so I have no doubts. If I had, I wouldn't spend 6-7 months of my spare time on a deadend project. That would be mad, wouldn't it? ;O)

Bref ..
On dirait presque que c'est "la loi du silence" .. Il en sait bien plus qu'il n'en dit, mais en lisant entre les lignes, et en recoupant avec les trucs que j'ai quoté plus haut .. [:spamafote]

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 21-04-2003 à 14:00:01

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 14:10:16  profilanswer

voila voila [:meganne]

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 14:12:59  profilanswer

Un forum RL? On doit n'y trouver que des masochistes là-bas  :D

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 26-04-2003 à 00:36:07  profilanswer

a propos des quotes que j'ai posté ...

Citation :

Rumours. Damn rumours.
What can I say!! Not much.
BUT I can say this.  
Chris and Tony, are in my opinion, the most important people the sim world have ever seen. I have spent a lot of time with them over the past few years and I can say that they represent OUR future. Support them. Encourage them. Admire them. Because they have a dream. And unlike most people, they have the balls, and the skills, to make that dream happen. Yes, I've had a glimpse of the future and it's a beautiful place. But in the meantime be patient. Enjoy Nascar 2003. Spend some quality time with your lady. Plant a tree in your garden. And one day the Wests will finish one of the great works of our lifetimes. And we'll all be in heaven.

(c lui qui est censé avoir testé une version alpha de RL ...)
c bien gentil, mais ils feraient bien de se remuer un peu le Q qd meme :/

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 26-04-2003 à 00:37:03

iRacing, LA simu automobile
That's all in your head.
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Posté le 26-04-2003 à 01:21:49  profilanswer

oui il est de circonstance celui-là :lol:

Citation :

Spend some quality time with your lady. Plant a tree in your garden. And one day the Wests will finish one of the great works of our lifetimes. And we'll all be in heaven.


Message édité par tree le 26-04-2003 à 01:22:13
Posté le 26-04-2003 à 01:21:49  profilanswer

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 26-04-2003 à 12:15:37  profilanswer

amen :d

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:24:59  profilanswer

personne pour parler ? :whistle:

iRacing, LA simu automobile
That's all in your head.
Transactions (0)
Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:31:09  profilanswer

bon j'ai planté un arbre dans mon jardin je fais quoi maintenant?

Message édité par tree le 15-07-2003 à 20:31:23
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:35:02  profilanswer

t'as un pseudo approprié en plus [:ddr555]
remarque, en attendant que le jeu sorte, on a le temps de prendre racine, hin :ange:

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:41:38  profilanswer

enfin bref, mechant foutage de gueule qd meme [:xx_xx]
je sais pas si y sont en train de faire qqch ou pas, mais en tout cas y se foutent de la gueule du monde ...  
ils avaient promis une update il y a a peu pres un mois a qqn par email, il n'y a pas eu d'update ...
parait il qu'a goodwood ils ont aussi dit qu'il y aurait une nouvelle update, ahem ...

iRacing, LA simu automobile
That's all in your head.
Transactions (0)
Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:44:45  profilanswer

en arriver à attendre une misérable update du site...:/ c'est vraiment la dèche niveau infos
encore une petite video je dirais pas :ange:
mais est-ce que le jeu existe vraiment? :D

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 15-07-2003 à 20:48:20  profilanswer

ils se foutent vraiment de la gueule du monde, en plus ...  
le pire c'est que certains membres du forum ont bouffé avec eux a goodwood, et osent affirmer qu'ils n'ont pas parlé de RL [:kiki]

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-07-2003 à 10:43:48  profilanswer

Vous avez vu que goodwood avait été retransmis en direct sur motortv?
Raahh le bruit des honda 6 (il y avait quelques motos aussi).

Yes we can!
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Posté le 17-07-2003 à 22:16:17  profilanswer

I'm still here ! [:nycius]

Yes we can!
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Posté le 17-07-2003 à 22:16:39  profilanswer

[:zeborg]  [:gui42]  

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:48:15  profilanswer

Citation :

Hi all.
Some news of sorts and I'm sure the guys wont mind if I spill the beans a little  
I was lucky enough to meet Chris and Tony at Goodwood this year while on my holidays (I'm posting from a mates place in Suffolk until I get home) and after breifly reading a few other posts decided to let you know what I saw and found out after meeting the guys.
I was pleasantly surprised at their enthusiasm for not only what they are doing but also with the great enthusiam that they have for racing cars in general. I spent most of the 3 days with them because I organised it before I left Aus and they were nice enough to play host for me while I was there. We spent most of the time in the pits while Tony went mad with his digi camera and Chris was marvelling at my souvenier budget. I even had dinner shouted when I visited their house on Saturday night!!!!
They have a solid plan in place that will enable them to finish Racing Legends no matter how long it will take, and the very early alpha the guys let me have a drive of was equal to anything I've driven to date.
In all seriousness, they are two of the nicest guys I've met and while they take nearly all critisim on the chin, I get the feeling we could help their enthusiasm no bounds by continuing to post constructive posts about what you want to see in RL (rather than continuing to demand a release date). Just dont get too upset with the lack of evident attention as something as simple as browsing on the ****py connection they have takes far to long.
The reasons they have been inactive have been due to moving (made more complicated because Tony lives overseas) and a really shitty internet connection (which I can attest to). They did tell me that most of the problems in their way have been overcome and they will soon be in a position to get another large chunk of work done (within a couple of weeks they told me).
I believe them because they are, from my impressions, very nice and honourable blokes, and because that is what they told me.
If you choose to believe me then great.
BTW, I didnt press them for a release date is it looked like there was still a great deal to be done. Having said that, I would really have no clue as to how fast they can get through what they need to do as I know how feverishly you can work when you really love what your doing.
Cheers, Hyper_John_ASRG


Message édité par Juju_Zero le 28-07-2003 à 18:48:31

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:52:08  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

Citation :

Hi all.
Some news of sorts and I'm sure the guys wont mind if I spill the beans a little  
I was lucky enough to meet Chris and Tony at Goodwood this year while on my holidays (I'm posting from a mates place in Suffolk until I get home) and after breifly reading a few other posts decided to let you know what I saw and found out after meeting the guys.
I was pleasantly surprised at their enthusiasm for not only what they are doing but also with the great enthusiam that they have for racing cars in general. I spent most of the 3 days with them because I organised it before I left Aus and they were nice enough to play host for me while I was there. We spent most of the time in the pits while Tony went mad with his digi camera and Chris was marvelling at my souvenier budget. I even had dinner shouted when I visited their house on Saturday night!!!!
They have a solid plan in place that will enable them to finish Racing Legends no matter how long it will take, and the very early alpha the guys let me have a drive of was equal to anything I've driven to date.
In all seriousness, they are two of the nicest guys I've met and while they take nearly all critisim on the chin, I get the feeling we could help their enthusiasm no bounds by continuing to post constructive posts about what you want to see in RL (rather than continuing to demand a release date). Just dont get too upset with the lack of evident attention as something as simple as browsing on the ****py connection they have takes far to long.
The reasons they have been inactive have been due to moving (made more complicated because Tony lives overseas) and a really shitty internet connection (which I can attest to). They did tell me that most of the problems in their way have been overcome and they will soon be in a position to get another large chunk of work done (within a couple of weeks they told me).
I believe them because they are, from my impressions, very nice and honourable blokes, and because that is what they told me.
If you choose to believe me then great.
BTW, I didnt press them for a release date is it looked like there was still a great deal to be done. Having said that, I would really have no clue as to how fast they can get through what they need to do as I know how feverishly you can work when you really love what your doing.
Cheers, Hyper_John_ASRG


Ca va étre un super simu digne d'une radeon 9700 pro, a l'époque des Nvidia MUSCLOR 4 WaterCooling edition et ATI NEON 3  [:mouais]

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:52:56  profilanswer

faut voir :lol:

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:56:27  profilanswer

Je pense qu'ils ont fait un mauvais choix, Ils auraient du rester avec l'autre éditeur(jaioublié le nom Empire ?) ns faire un petit jeu d'arcade, récup des moyens et se lancer ds un autre projet avec une equipe.  
A se train la ils vont se faire doubler  :o

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:58:51  profilanswer

oué, peut etre ... enfin, se faire doubler ... par qui ? :d
y a pas grand chose de bien passionnant a venir, dans le domaine .... LFS ... faut aimer ... et c'est pas vraiment le meme public que RL ... netkar, boh ..  
enfin, bref, y a pas grand chose koi [:xx_xx]
et puis ils ont qd meme des moyens on dirait :  

Citation :

They have a solid plan in place that will enable them to finish Racing Legends no matter how long it will take

bon, je fais pas trop confiance en ce que j'ai posté, qd meme .. :d

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 28-07-2003 à 18:59:47

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Steam: Lynkk
Transactions (0)
Posté le 28-07-2003 à 18:59:55  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

oué, peut etre ... enfin, se faire doubler ... par qui ? :d
y a pas grand chose de bien passionnant a venir, dans le domaine .... LFS ... faut aimer ... et c'est pas vraiment le meme public que RL ... netkar, boh ..  
enfin, bref, y a pas grand chose koi [:xx_xx]

ah se train la LFS va proposer des F1 et Gran Turismo sera realiste  :lol:

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 08-08-2003 à 13:32:38  profilanswer

il va neiger malgré les 40° ambiants, les enfants :d

Citation :

Back after a break.
 7th August  2003
The long, enforced, break is over and we can now return to developing Racing Legends fulltime. The break has seen considerable changes in our personal and business lives and has resulted in a lot more security for both us and Racing Legends. We are now able to concentrate on developing Racing Legends free from all the stress we had before.
Can I also take this opportunity to restate a previous comment. There seem to be a number of people who, for whatever reason, take exception to what we are trying to do and take it all very seriously. We are absolutely the first people to say that Racing Legends should be taken for what it is currently and that is simply words, pictures and promises of what we hope to deliver. And words mean nothing, some of the pictures are quite nice I feel, but again mean nothing. Until there is something to try Racing Legends will continue to be words and pictures and should be taken that way.  
There are those who don't believe we can deliver what we say but the fact is we believe we can and with the sale of our house we have staked everything upon it. Unless we try we shall never know and the only people that stand to lose anything, at the end of the day, are ourselves.
So on to what we have been able to get done since the last update. The cockpit of the Lotus 49 is progressing well. Below we have an in-car shot showing how it looks at the moment. The dials still need individual textures. the battery needs to be connected, the dash has no back and there are currently no pedals but thanks to Goodwood I now have some excellent reference shots of all these features so they can soon be added.  
And whilst on the subject of Goodwood may I take this opportunity to thank all those who allowed myself to crawl all over their cars, and especially to Colin Banstead (I hope I have remembered that correctly!) who removed all sorts from the 312PB so I could get the shots I needed.
The next image shows the entire 49 tub, make a nice controller don't you agree? The tub is about complete save for a few small details. The inspection hatches need to be finished, the roll hoop needs some mounting plates, more mounts required for the water pipe down the sides and some brackets are missing to which the rear suspension is attached.
The main jobs now on the 49 are the front suspension and cooling system.
More work has been done on the motion blur system. In a previous update I mentioned that we have a progressive motion blur in Racing Legends. We have added to this to allow us to blur not only the textures but the objects as well so we can have 3D rims that look correct as the car speeds up. Below are some stills that I hope demonstrate this. If you look closely at the spokes of the wheel you should be able to see that in the first frame they are modeled and have depth but as the wheel speeds up these spokes become less visible as motion blur takes over.  
Chris and Gregor have also been progressing in their areas. Gregor has been working on 'chassis flex' which is an important and often overlooked part of the cars handling and has also been optimising the core physics engine.
Chris has been developing the lighting system to provide more realistic lighting and to permit real-time lighting so we can have time of day and weather effects.
In the upcoming weeks I am keen to do more on the 312PB. I love this car and as can be seen from previous updates a lot of work has already been done on this car but it came to a halt due to a lack of decent reference material. I now have all the reference I need to complete this car and think it will provide an interesting comparison for the Lotus 49B.
The test track is also calling and I hope to get some more done on this soon.
On a sadder note I must post that Spooky was run done and killed earlier this year. He was a great character and had become quite well known in the community.    
I think that is about it for now. Its nice to be back at work and doing what we enjoy. As promised normal service can now be resumed. Thank you for your patience.


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Posté le 08-08-2003 à 14:10:27  profilanswer

:heink:  c toujours la meme bagnole, ils ont tjours pas fini de la modeliser... quelle blague ce RL....


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Posté le 08-08-2003 à 17:40:04  profilanswer

oui, mais le niveau de détail est vraiment impressionant  :ouch:  :love:


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Posté le 08-08-2003 à 18:20:07  profilanswer

t'ain je m'imagine deja dans le cocpit :whistle:  :love:  
bon moi je commence a desesperer,je retourne a gpl :D

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 08-08-2003 à 20:51:01  profilanswer

[DALTON]Joe a écrit :

:heink:  c toujours la meme bagnole, ils ont tjours pas fini de la modeliser... quelle blague ce RL....

tu veux qu'on parle des ptits gars de SBDT ? :whistle:
au fait, les images ont, parait il, 6 mois .... [:meganne]
(et puis celui qui s'occupe de la partie purement graphique n'a quasiment que ca a faire, donc ... [:spamafote] faut lire le texte, aussi, hin :d)

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 08-08-2003 à 20:52:56

Transactions (0)
Posté le 08-08-2003 à 22:07:03  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

tu veux qu'on parle des ptits gars de SBDT ? :whistle:
au fait, les images ont, parait il, 6 mois .... [:meganne]
(et puis celui qui s'occupe de la partie purement graphique n'a quasiment que ca a faire, donc ... [:spamafote] faut lire le texte, aussi, hin :d)

ça fait un quasiment un an qu'il devait y avoir une demo beta, et ya meme pas encore un screenshot in game...
et pkoi tu parles de SBDT  :heink: , quel rapport ?

Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-08-2003 à 10:28:27  profilanswer

[DALTON]Joe a écrit :

ça fait un quasiment un an qu'il devait y avoir une demo beta, et ya meme pas encore un screenshot in game...
et pkoi tu parles de SBDT  :heink: , quel rapport ?

un poil trop d'optimisme, peut etre, j'en sais rien moi ....
et puis SBDT, SBDT .... bah c'est juste que l'avenir ne s'annonce plus specialement rose dans le domaine qui nous interesse, vu qu'il n'y aura ni GTR pour F1C, ni mod F1 1977, donc euh voila ... [:meganne]


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Posté le 10-08-2003 à 23:19:16  profilanswer

Va y avoir Grand prix titans    [:bluesbrothers]

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 11-08-2003 à 12:47:54  profilanswer

steph_d a écrit :

Va y avoir Grand prix titans    [:bluesbrothers]

va falloir attendre un peu bcp pour GPT qd meme :cry:
sinon, une comparaison entre le cockpit RL et le cockpit GPLEA :
y a pas a dire, les dev de GPLEA sont doués qd meme :love:


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Posté le 15-08-2003 à 23:05:44  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

va falloir attendre un peu bcp pour GPT qd meme :cry:
sinon, une comparaison entre le cockpit RL et le cockpit GPLEA :
y a pas a dire, les dev de GPLEA sont doués qd meme :love:  

Skleÿr, y sont trop forts à la GPLEA.
Bonjour tout l'monde au fait, I'm (presque) back [:dawa]

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 15-08-2003 à 23:32:29  profilanswer

Origan a écrit :

Skleÿr, y sont trop forts à la GPLEA.
Bonjour tout l'monde au fait, I'm (presque) back [:dawa]

eh !  
welcome back gros paidai de raclure de mairde :o

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Posté le 16-08-2003 à 00:31:53  profilanswer

TheKiller3 a écrit :

oui, mais le niveau de détail est vraiment impressionant  :ouch:  :love:  

pour du precalculé c'est joli, pour du temps réel ca fait un poil peur :D :D

Message édité par nik166 le 16-08-2003 à 00:32:39

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

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Posté le 11-09-2003 à 19:25:17  profilanswer

 update sur le site...
juste quelques render pffff

Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 12-09-2003 à 07:14:00  profilanswer

kokolekoko a écrit :

 update sur le site...
juste quelques render pffff

Racing Legends Explanation  
It is necessary to understand that there are 2 sides to the development of Racing Legends, namely coding and graphics. There is a lot more development work required in the programming side than in the graphics. This gives me the relative luxury of of having time to develop the art for the sim and to include considerable detail without impacting on the coding time. The amount of time it takes to write code to display a car of 10,000 polys is the same as it would be to display a cube. More complex models does not require more complex code.  
My role in the development of RL is clearly defined and that is to make it as realistic and as graphically impressive as possible. We have a clearly defined development path mapped out and we are sticking to it. We know what we ultimately want to deliver and all our efforts are dedicated to that goal. I can assure you there is no waiting game as we are definately not looking for a publisher or any funding. I can also assure you that if the complexity of the graphics were to start delaying the coding side of RL both Gregor and Chris would be on my case to calm it down. The whole idea of releasing RL in stages is in recognition of the fact that if we were to wait until we felt the product was 100% complete it may well be the end of the decade before anyone got to race RL.  
Concern has also been expressed that no PC will be able to handle all the detail when you have a full field racing. These concerns are well founded and we fully expect it to be more than all but the best pc's can process but cast your minds back to when GPL came out and the frame rate then with a full field. It was slow at that time but I think everyone is more than happy with its performance on todays machines. RL is definately a product to test a machines performance but ultimately, as the PC's get quicker, you will be able to load up RL and experience more and more detail. Just because the detail is included it doesn't mean it has to be displayed.

Source ? ben moi tss  :sarcastic:

Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 12-09-2003 à 07:21:07  profilanswer

Ca donne envie. Croisons les doigts  :)

Posté le   profilanswer

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