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WSC -> racing legends. vous pouvez aller voir...


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Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:36:21  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :

je crois  meme l'avoir deja postée :o

possible :o

Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:36:21  profilanswer

lilly ... elle est chiante ..
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Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:37:57  profilanswer

wouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :eek2:  :eek2:  :eek2:  :eek2:  
ca fait toujours ca la premiere fois ????
en tout cas moi je reste en drapeau bleu maintenant c'est trop beau ( j'adoré gpl en plus ) ..

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:43:29  profilanswer

bon en fait elle avait pas ete postée [:ddr555]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:44:16  profilanswer

pfiou, preske 1 mois et demi pour changer de page ...

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 04-11-2002 à 18:59:01  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :

pfiou, preske 1 mois et demi pour changer de page ...


Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 10-11-2002 à 11:41:46  profilanswer  :sweat:

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 10-11-2002 à 12:17:25  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :  :sweat:  


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Posté le 12-11-2002 à 14:33:20  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :  :sweat:  

 :pt1cable:  :pt1cable:  :lol:  :lol:

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 25-11-2002 à 12:35:47  profilanswer

bon, une ptite image non officielle .... 
faut avouer que ca en jette pas mal qd meme [:mouais]

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 25-11-2002 à 18:06:35  profilanswer

1ere update depuis 1 mois et demi :sleep:

Citation :

The physics are progressing really nicely. The transmission systems seem to be all but complete and there is now the starts of a constraints system, courtesy of the invaluable Gregor. The constraint system allows us to assign a value to every link in the cars hierarchy so in the event of collisions parts of the car can become distorted, broken and separated. It is a very nice system and appears to be working extremely well straight out of the box.
The next big job on the physics side of things is the tyre model. The current version has a fairly basic model but already has a really nice feel to it. It feels totally controllable and predictable and this bodes well for when the full system is integrated.
Other Programming
A lot of work has also been done on the track management, i.e. file format, rendering systems etc. We have a nice new system for managing the track data which makes them quick to process and speedy to render. It also allows tracks to be easily imported from Max using our plug-ins.
On the graphics side of things I have being working on the Type 49 car. The DFV engine is practically complete as is the rear suspension. This leaves me with some work to do on the front suspension and mechanicals, the cockpit (which I am currently working on) and then finally the body work and fuel system as well as the various optional extras that will come with the car.  
What's next?
The nest few weeks should see, on the graphics side of things, the Type 49 complete, some more work on the 312 and hopefully a return to Westlake, whilst on the programming side more work on the tyre model and constraints systems and the completion of the track management code. With all this done we can move from test bed cars and tracks and start to work in game with proper artwork.  

(accompagné de la meme image que ci dessus, en plus petit)
ptain, ca sera de la folie ce jeu, mais j'ai vraiment peur que ca sorte dans .... pffff ..... :/

Posté le 25-11-2002 à 18:06:35  profilanswer

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:23:52  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :

bon, une ptite image non officielle ....  [...] /wests.jpg
faut avouer que ca en jette pas mal qd meme [:mouais]

Une 312 ? Une 512 ? Une quelquechose 12 ?
en tout cas, ca m'a l'air de venir des alentours de Modene, non ?

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:35:16  profilanswer

megastef a écrit a écrit :

Une 312 ? Une 512 ? Une quelquechose 12 ?
en tout cas, ca m'a l'air de venir des alentours de Modene, non ?

312PB je crois ...
enfin, je me souviens plus le nom exact, je me souviens juste qu'elle a tout raflé dans les courses de GT dans lesquelles elle etait engagée au debut des année s70

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:51:20  profilanswer
Quelquechose comme ca :-)

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 19:30:57  profilanswer

megastef a écrit a écrit :
Quelquechose comme ca :-)

c celle la :d

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 07-01-2003 à 11:48:18  profilanswer

enfin des news interessantes :d
(z'ont promis de faire un effort)

Citation :

Happy New Year
 6th Jan  2003
The holiday season has been and gone and left in its wake the normal disruption. Overall December has been a month of interruptions and other duties that have made it difficult to get on with the main task of development. However some work has been achieved and we start 2003 in a very confident mood.
A new year and a new approach. There has been a considerable amount of complaining going on in the forums recently and now would be a good time to try and do something about it. My better half, Susie, has agreed to extend her duties from running the online shop to include moderating the forum posts and responding to questions posted. She will also assist in the preparation of these newsletters and respond to the many emails we get. This should not only keep the complaints down but also free up a lot of my time to get on with all the fun stuff.
With Susie?s introduction will be a Forum Code of Conduct to try and reduce the amount of flaming and trolling that has been prevalent recently. Hopefully these measures will make the forums a much more enjoyable place to visit. The code of conduct as well as a response to some issues that have been raised recently will appear in the general forum sometime this week.
2003 has started very well for Racing Legends. Blackhole Motorsports has awarded Racing Legends ?The most promising simulation for 2003?. We are delighted to get this award and it is a great motivation to make sure that we continue doing our best to make Racing Legends everything that is expected of it. A big thank you to anyone who may have voted for us and a big thank you to
I have been reminded to mention an article at about Racing Legends. Credit for the article goes to Richard Towler.
The online shop did quite a brisk trade since it went online and a big thank you to all of you who bought something. All the money raised will be used directly to help fund the development of Racing Legends. Orders have slowed as expected but we do still plan to introduce some new items in 2003.
This week sees the 2003 Autosport show at the NEC in Birmingham. This is the UK?s premier motorsport show and we will be taking a day out to visit to gather reference material and attempt to make a few more contacts in the world of motor racing. These events are especially good for gathering textures for all those little bits and bobs found on racing cars, time for lots of funny looks from people as I take pictures of hoses and radiators :O)
So onto development. What has been done in the last month on Racing Legends itself.
Work has moved onto the tyre model. It is a little early to comment too much on this at the moment as there is nothing to test as yet. More on this I expect in the next update.
The current big task away from the physics is the work being done on the vertex shaders. The graphics engine is being tailored to make use of new graphic card technology. We are working with Matrox, Nvidia and ATI to get the best results we can.
This month has artwork has been directed mainly at the vertex shaders and what we want from them visually. I have been experimenting with effects to simulate different materials and the results are very exciting. Just by using basic techniques it is possible to get results that are remarkably similar to high end renders, and in some ways even surpass them.
The above image helps give some idea as to how close the new graphic card technology can come to high end rendering. This is not a particularly challenging object and it is a very basic shader but it does show the potential. The nice thing about the Racing Legends renders is that they use very basic lighting and so should convert to shader technology very well. The next update will include more comparison shots and hopefully the first in game shots. This next image shows some work in progress of converting the 312 from render to shader. The top image is as it will appear in Racing Legends and the lower image is the max render. Still some work to do here but its getting there.
The next update should include more comparison shots and hopefully the first proper in-game shots.
With the holiday season out of the way and the forum in the very capable hands of Susie there should be no interruptions for the rest of January which should mean we can make some real progress. We hope to have the basic shader system working and integrated allowing us to be able to display the cars properly in game for the first time. We are then going to work on the interaction with the car, making all the parts function and animate properly, although I expect that may take us into February. Work will also be continuing on the tyre model and I am sure some other physics dabbling will be going on.
On the graphics side I shall continue to convert my materials over to shaders whilst experimenting with different ideas. More work on modelling to hopefully complete the cars that are in progress and then onto some rigging to prepare these cars for integration into the sim. This will require some more work on our plug-in so this may have to wait for the shader code to be completed.
As you are probably aware the webcam has been offline for some time. We updated our software but this update forced us to have the webcam based on one of their pages which is not acceptable for us. We are currently sourcing some new software which when found will mean the webcam will be back online. Correction the webcam is now back online.

en gros, pour tous ceux qui disaient que les qqes images diffusées etaient du vent, bah dans un sens c faux :d
(c sur qu'il faudra avoir une CG genre geforce FX pour voir ca dans le jeu, mais ca sera possible koi)

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 07-01-2003 à 11:48:44

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:40:22  profilanswer


iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 17-01-2003 à 19:37:04  profilanswer

nouvelle webcam :o

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-01-2003 à 18:22:00  profilanswer

Citation :

Racing Legends Update
 21st Jan  2003
I was meant to be showing more on the shaders but unfortunately some more work is required on the shader and render system before I can do this. This has therefore given me the opportunity to back to some modelling. First up is the DFV engine. I have included a couple of shots of the engine on its own...
as well as one of it in position in the old Type 49. Please ignore the flipped texture on this image :O) There is still some work to be done but I think it is getting there.
As those of you who watch the webcam are aware I have been working on the Type 49. Some people have asked why I am redoing this car. The main reason is that the original was the first thing I modelled for Racing Legends over a year ago and at the time I was still using 3ds to model. I have since moved over to Max and decided to take the opportunity to update the model. The second reason is that I thought it needed improving. Max has much more powerful tools and allows models to be built more easily and neater.
Here is a little series of images showing the construction of the new 49 tub.
There has been speculation concerning licensing for the Lotus 49. We currently do not have a license for this car but we have been in contact with Classic Team Lotus concerning the use of their cars in Racing Legends. We met and spoke to Clive Chapman at Goodwood and he seemed open to the idea. Classic Team Lotus encourage licensing of their cars so we are optimistic, if only all car manufacturers had a similar philosophy. We plan to contact them again soon to discuss the idea in the more detail and this is another reason why I have taken the time to redo the 49. Whilst on the subject of CTL may I recommend you to visit their online shop as all the proceeds go to help keep the team running.
I probably have a couple more weeks work to go on this car, textures need finishing, modelling needs refining and there still a number of components requiring construction before it is finished as far as modelling and texturing goes. After that will come the rigging and then adding shaders to it. The rigging is a very involved and fairly unchartered area. It requires every part of the car to be described and linked together, setting up hierarchies, connections, wiring and physical characteristics. Once this is done the car will be ready to be fired up and driven. I can?t wait :O)
The last couple of weeks have been spent working on the Render Pass system for the 3D engine. Now if any of you have any idea at all what I am talking about you are a better man than me. I believe it?s the system for making sure all the shaders work properly together without any unpredictable effects as well as having other benefits but I have no idea what they are!  
I understand work is still progressing nicely on the tyre model. I haven?t seen anything on this in the last couple of weeks as I have been too busy with my own work but from what I have been told it?s all looking very promising.  
We had a great visit to the Autosport Show at the Birmingham NEC earlier this month. Lots of lovely cars on display and lots of car components ready to be snapped and turned into textures. Met up briefly with the guys from BRD, who were showing their fabulous new Toyota full size cockpit, and a couple of the chaps from Team Redline.  
Susie is now fully installed on the forums as moderator and she would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have made feel so welcome. Typically though it seems that the forums have undergone a transformation and what I thought might be a fulltime job for her has turned not to be the case. Still its nice to know that she?s there watching.
We have been asked by Bedo Majardichian if we wouldn?t mind mentioning his Sim project ?Type-S?. You can find it here. It is very much in its early stages but he has some very nice car models in there and it all looks very promising.
While we are on the subject of privateer sims let me mention a few others. A lot of you will already know of these but we know there are some people who are new to this world who may appreciate knowing about them.
Currently we have;
Sirocco  Ashley McConnell's simulator.  
Racer Ruud van Gaal's very popular simulator.  
Crash Day Moonbyte's remake of the classic PC game 'Stunts'  
NetKar Stefano Casillo's simulator.  
Type-S Bedo Majardichian's simulator.  
Torcs Eric Espie's, and others, open source simulator.  
Rars Robot auto racing sim.  
Live for Speed Online Racing Simulator by Scawen Roberts & Eric Bailey. Vic van Vlaardingen. Soon to be non privateer :O)  
Richard Chaney Richard Chaney's simulator.  
T1 CRS    
Car World    
There are some more but not much seems to be happening on those at the moment.
The webcam has been up and running again. We were also introduced (thank you Seamus) to some screen grabbing software which allowed us to periodically grab our desktops and show those instead. Unfortunately this software doesn?t work so well with our proxy server and firewall setup which means my desktop cannot be shown. We have been showing Chris?s but this doesn?t seem so popular, it is after all just letters and numbers most of the time.  
You will also notice a new look webcam page, courtesy of Woody. We hope to have the webcam as well as grabs from both mine and Chris?s machine here eventually.
A quick note for those who prefer the webcam page as it was, I know some of you preferred to be able to scale the window, if you use this link it will take you to the old webcam page.

:love: :love: :love: :love:

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Yes we can!
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Posté le 23-01-2003 à 18:44:57  profilanswer

Je n'en reviens pas, le projet de simulation auto à mon frère est cité dans leur liste de jeux ! C'est "Car World"
Mais bon, il à arrêté de le développer il y à trois ans (depuis qu'il travail sur un simulateur professionnel ).

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-01-2003 à 18:48:59  profilanswer

ZeBorG a écrit :

Je n'en reviens pas, le projet de simulation auto à mon frère est cité dans leur liste de jeux ! C'est "Car World"
Mais bon, il à arrêté de le développer il y à trois ans (depuis qu'il travail sur un simulateur professionnel ).

spa toi qu'avait fait un topic y a un certain sur hardware, la dessus justement ?

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Yes we can!
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Posté le 23-01-2003 à 19:15:47  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

spa toi qu'avait fait un topic y a un certain sur hardware, la dessus justement ?  

Celui où mon frère fini par prendre un Bi-Xeon 4 de chez DELL ?

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 23-01-2003 à 20:11:34  profilanswer

ZeBorG a écrit :

Celui où mon frère fini par prendre un Bi-Xeon 4 de chez DELL ?

il me semble qu'on parle du meme :jap:
doit pas y en avoir 36 de tte facon :d

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:03:10  profilanswer
des videos de WSC en pagailles :) c'est bieng, ca !

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:05:56  profilanswer

des videos d'un jeu qui ne sortira jamais, euh bof :/

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:09:10  profilanswer

c'est a voir qd mme ca mange pa de paim

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:18:02  profilanswer

je les ai deja vues depuis qqes jours, mais bon, ce que je veux voir c des videos et des images du jeu en cours de developpement, l'autre je m'en fous quoi [:spamafote]

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:21:52  profilanswer

tampi, tu veux ptet que j'enleve le lien alors :??:
y'a d'autre monde qui passe ici hein :d

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:23:33  profilanswer

korny a écrit :

tampi, tu veux ptet que j'enleve le lien alors :??:
y'a d'autre monde qui passe ici hein :d

tres drole [:ddr555]
depuis 2 ou 3 mois c la 1ere fois que qqn autre que moi remonte le topic des fosses abyssales de JV [:yems93]

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:30:02  profilanswer

y a qu'a voir que le topic a progressé d'un peu plus de 2 pages en un peu plus de 5 mois :ange:

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:32:15  profilanswer

cai déjà ca :)
mais bon, vu le nombre de news sur ce jeu, st'évident qu'il n'y ai plus rien a dire a fore c sur

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 17:36:46  profilanswer

c clair :/  
vraiment pas grand chose a dire :/

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Live Fast, Die Young
Transactions (0)
Posté le 17-02-2003 à 00:56:05  profilanswer

Citation :

Racing Legends Update
 16th Feb  2003
Lots of little bits and pieces this month and unfortunately some of them not graphic related but I have managed to get some more done on the Lotus 49B. I have the cockpit in and almost done.  
Here is a view similar to the one in the last update. As ever please ignore the flipped texture :O)
It currently needs more textures for the dials, switches and indicator lights and also some pedals and proper seatbelts. The battery needs finishing and there is all the ?behind dash? detail to be included. That will then only leave the front suspension geometry and some more work on the engine remaining to be done. As I mentioned in the last update after all that comes the rigging and preparing for inclusion into Racing Legends oh and I mustn?t forget a general tidying up, a polish and a few finishing touches. Great fun :O)  
And here is a larger version of one of the images from the last update.
After a number of abortive attempts to design a proper logo and the in game presentation I think I may have finally come up with a look and feel that I am happy with. I am going to live with it for a while to see if loses its appeal but if all is well then we can draw a line under that particular task.
The designing of the logo was bought about from the need to start thinking about the GUI (graphic user interface) for Racing Legends and you cannot do that until you are happy with the way it is gong to appear.
Chris is about to do more work on the GUI so it was important to get a style finalised, well nearly finalised, there is more work yet to be done on it.
I think the following few weeks will see me working more on the presentation of Racing Legends than on anything else but I do hope to finish modeling the Lotus.
A couple of shots of the right rear upright, brake and wheel assembly. The left shot shows how it will appear at rest and the right image is at speed. There will be a number of graphics to represent degrees of motion blur and these will fade between each other to get smooth transitions. You may also notice that all parts that spin have these motion blurred textures.  
I couldn?t resist the temptation of loading up Westlake and having a little play. I enjoy doing the cars but it certainly is nice to have a change. I deliberately didn?t do much as I wouldn?t be able to stop myself but  I had a little play with some textures and tried some new ideas and anyway its been a while since you had something other than cars to look at.
As ever a brief synopsis of what is happening on the coding side of Racing Legends as there jobs are a lot more involved and complicated and unfortunately do not always result in anything that can be seen but yet is absolutely vital.
Gregor is still hard at it. He has been working on the constraint system and improving his solvers apparently :O) He is also experimenting with some new ideas for the tyre model.
Chris, apart from the GUI as I have mentioned has been converting a lot of the code over to work as DLL?s. This will allow us much more flexibility and will make updating Racing Legends a lot easier. Whilst he has been doing this he has taken the opportunity to document a lot of the code. As we plan to make the engine available at some time for people to create their own add-ons it needs to be very well documented to make it as easy as possible. We are creating an SDK for Racing Legends and Chris has been busy preparing his code for this end.

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 17-02-2003 à 01:33:04  profilanswer

8th aug. 2002

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 17-02-2003 à 01:34:15  profilanswer

je pense (ou espere ? :d) qu'ils ont progressé sur plein d'autres trucs, sinon euh .... :whistle:

iRacing, LA simu automobile

Transactions (1)
Posté le 17-02-2003 à 07:03:41  profilanswer

Juju_zero a écrit :

je pense (ou espere ? :d) qu'ils ont progressé sur plein d'autres trucs, sinon euh .... :whistle:

Ben regarde y a plein d'arbres sur le coté [:raggarod]
spa gagné stistoire qd même :/

~ Ma (très modeste) Galerie ~
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 17-02-2003 à 09:37:07  profilanswer

Les textures ont l'air plus fine qud meme  :o

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 25-03-2003 à 20:20:51  profilanswer

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Posté le 25-03-2003 à 21:22:08  profilanswer

sortira jamais ce jeu...

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 25-03-2003 à 21:42:35  profilanswer

ca sent le sapin :/

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 25-03-2003 à 21:58:48
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 25-03-2003 à 21:47:45  profilanswer

Ils devraient le mettre en open source  :o

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 21-04-2003 à 13:40:46  profilanswer

Citation :

I spoke to a gentleman recently who is involved in the game business and has actually tested RL. He said it was a scaled down version, not everything was there.. but the physics... he said it was the first time he has ever stepped into a sim and felt right at home. This coming from a guy who has driven open wheel race cars for the past 25 years.. [...] post794109

Citation :

The end of the day I met the designer of the Hypersimulater and talked to him for 45 minutes about GPL
and racing. He told me that he has driven a alpha version of the West Brothers Racing Legends and it is impressive. [...] post778526
re [:meganne]

Message édité par Juju_Zero le 21-04-2003 à 13:42:27

iRacing, LA simu automobile
Posté le   profilanswer

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