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Votre avis sur Arkham City

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[Topic Unique] Batman Arkham City/Origins/Knight -

GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 09-11-2010 à 19:56:16  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
News Xboxgen

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Cette fois ce sont plus les possibilités de gameplay de l’homme chauve-souris qui sont évoquées avec tout d’abord certains coups spéciaux capables de toucher 3 ennemis à la fois. Un autre coup spécial nommé Fallen est décrit comme une série de coup de poing rapides avec un coup de pied final qui projette l’adversaire en l’air et permet à Batman de continuer son attaque dans les airs. On compte aussi de nouvelles attaques aériennes.
Grosse nouveauté dans cet épisode où l’on pourra grimper et escalader n’importe quoi, immeubles, câbles, de façon similaire (selon le site) à ce que l’on peut voir dans Assassin’s Creed 2. Batman pourra aussi crier sur les ennemis pour les faire paniquer.
Les esquives ont aussi été travaillées pour maintenant éviter des projectiles.
On pourra attaquer ou même s’élancer à travers une fenêtre pour s’envoler et rester dans les airs beaucoup plus longtemps que dans le premier épisode.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Kors'R le 09-11-2010 à 19:56:30

Topic Xbox / Topic Nantes / Sets LEGO
Posté le 09-11-2010 à 19:56:16  profilanswer

tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
Transactions (5)
Posté le 10-11-2010 à 13:58:48  profilanswer

Kors'R a écrit :

News Xboxgen

Citation :

Cette fois ce sont plus les possibilités de gameplay de l’homme chauve-souris qui sont évoquées avec tout d’abord certains coups spéciaux capables de toucher 3 ennemis à la fois. Un autre coup spécial nommé Fallen est décrit comme une série de coup de poing rapides avec un coup de pied final qui projette l’adversaire en l’air et permet à Batman de continuer son attaque dans les airs. On compte aussi de nouvelles attaques aériennes.
Grosse nouveauté dans cet épisode où l’on pourra grimper et escalader n’importe quoi, immeubles, câbles, de façon similaire (selon le site) à ce que l’on peut voir dans Assassin’s Creed 2. Batman pourra aussi crier sur les ennemis pour les faire paniquer.
Les esquives ont aussi été travaillées pour maintenant éviter des projectiles.
On pourra attaquer ou même s’élancer à travers une fenêtre pour s’envoler et rester dans les airs beaucoup plus longtemps que dans le premier épisode.

 [:cerveau love] Pis pour tout le reste en général  [:cerveau love]  [:cerveau love]  

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You wanted me, here I am
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Posté le 10-11-2010 à 14:03:49  profilanswer

tcho bilout a écrit :

 [:cerveau love] Pis pour tout le reste en général  [:cerveau love]  [:cerveau love]  

J'ai pensé à cette scene de Begins en lisant l'extrait de l'article
Swear to me!

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par bl0p le 10-11-2010 à 14:06:30

"When Gotham's in ashes, I'll give you the permission to die." Bane - TDKR
tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
Transactions (5)
Posté le 10-11-2010 à 14:14:21  profilanswer

bl0p a écrit :

J'ai pensé à cette scene de Begins en lisant l'extrait de l'article
Swear to me!

Y'a 10 minutes j'ai remis le Bluray pour cette scène :D

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Posté le 12-11-2010 à 10:15:24  answer


GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 15-11-2010 à 19:07:34  profilanswer

Petite compile des infos in english

Citation :


- The map of Arkham City is five times larger than the map of Arkham Asylum, this map will be "free," but at the same time linear
- "Multiplayer", is not confirmed if he is the co-op or not
- There will be side missions, one is related to Victor Zsaz, you meet a series of phone calls throughout the city, when you answer all the calls you will be able to find Zsaz
-Buildings will be detailed inside, some will be side missions
-Could there be a database of all records of all detainees from prison, as the criminal faction that particular detainee belongs or to which villain he works
-Alfred replace Oracle as his sidekick


- Scenes of crime more complicated than the first game, more realistic
-"Many crime scenes demanding puzzles to be solved
-Some cases require, "interrogation" to seek information,
- Some crime scenes are scattered throughout the city
-In one scene we see a study of ballistic


-Confirmed so far are Joker (Trailer), Harley Quinn (GameInformer), Two-Face (GameInformer), Talia Al’ Ghul (VA Confirmation), Mr. Freeze (VA Confirmation), and Calender Man (OXM) , with Black Mask and Penguin and Hugo strange hinted at in the trailer.


- All detainees will now have different appearances, there will be a huge variety of weapons far greater than in the first game, some enemies will have more agility while others will have more defense, including some even will use shields
- Most robbers will be grouped into groups, each headed by a villain in the game,
- You can track the gangs and all detainees in its criminal database
- Bandits who are not related to any group are to roam the streets
- The Bandits "Riddler" replace their "tips map", which will require interrogations to discover the secrets and plans of "Charade", they will appear in the database when you observe the detective mode
- There will be more enemies in every battle against the previous game (in the confrontation DEMO appear about 40)
- Detainees are more aggressive and attack simultaneously
- Bandits have more realistic AI, and may even run away or seek reinforcements
- Have a much greater variety of different weapons and attacks, some enemies to block normal attacks


- Batman will have all its equipment from the previous game early on.
-Smoke Bomb
-Grapple Boost, Similar to the equipment seen in Just Cause 2
- There will be a "second Grapple gun" or "second zip line" (have two zip line) "is used in the air simultaneously, Batman can swing by your cable similar to the" Spiderman "causes the web
- There will be a sonar Batman invoked where a large colony of bats
- An analyzer transmission, to find the location of transmissions


- Batman will have many new falls silent
- Some fragile walls can be torn down with a swim up to execute a surprise attack on the enemies that are behind the wall
- Batman will now be able to silently grab two enemies at once
And with respect to "silently grab": When Batman grabs the enemy you need not wait the whole process to collapse the enemy, you can speed up this movement with a second attack "the enemy to fall more quickly"

  • Combat and gameplay details

- Batman will now be able to block two attacks at once.
- Batman will be able to use all your gadgets in combat (like putting gel explosive in the body of the enemy)
- Batman will be able to taunt his enemies in the midst of combat
- Batman will have new air attacks from higher ground
- Objects thrown at Batman: now they can be "thrown" back to the enemy, that Batman is not reached
- The combat animations more than doubled since the last game
- Batman now has special moves (or terminators) a sort of combination of various attack (combo)
- Batman will be able to jump over objects, climbing on buildings, will be able to balance on wires, something like what was seen in the assassins creed II
-Batman also received funds dodge that allows him to dodge projectiles from firearms, is also used for normal attacks, a general avoidance
- Batman will be able to stay in an almost perpetual state of flight
-When Batman is gliding toward a window he runs a diving motion to break the window
-Batman could run and use gadgets at the same time, Batman can jump and throw batarangs "simultaneously"
- In Arkham city there is also a movement to disarm, Batman can disarm enemies who carry knives, guns, shields, batons, etc. ..
- Now it is possible to hit several enemies simultaneously
-Grapple Gun, A can also be used even when Batman is hanging on something
-Is there a type of jump where you can start out from a wall to another (like Prince of Persia)

Topic Xbox / Topic Nantes / Sets LEGO
Bonne fête du voile d'hiver
Transactions (9)
Posté le 15-11-2010 à 19:22:31  profilanswer

Citation :

The map of Arkham City is five times larger than the map of Arkham Asylum, this map will be "free," but at the same time linear

lol :o

Citation :

Alfred replace Oracle as his sidekick


Citation :

Scenes of crime more complicated than the first game, more realistic


Citation :

Batman will be able to use all your gadgets in combat (like putting gel explosive in the body of the enemy)


Steam ID
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Posté le 15-11-2010 à 19:24:26  profilanswer


tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
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Posté le 15-11-2010 à 19:45:01  profilanswer

Ce jeu va être une ultra bombe :o

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Posté le 15-11-2010 à 20:06:19  profilanswer

Aura-t-on encore droit aux défis à la con hors histoire ? :o

Message édité par wlitw le 15-11-2010 à 20:06:25
Posté le 15-11-2010 à 20:06:19  profilanswer


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Posté le 16-11-2010 à 08:13:34  profilanswer

Ils étaient géniaux les défis, j'espère qu'ils seront encore là! :o

tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
Transactions (5)
Posté le 16-11-2010 à 08:20:53  profilanswer

Même si je reste à 1 défi du platine sur le premier, je suis d'accord, les défis étaient géniaux :D

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PSN : babyol / GT : babyol11
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Posté le 16-11-2010 à 08:58:34  profilanswer

tcho bilout a écrit :

Même si je reste à 1 défi du platine sur le premier, je suis d'accord, les défis prédateurs étaient géniaux :D

Parce-que les défis baston sont quand même rébarbatifs (et je peux en parler, j'ai eu le platine ce week-end :D )

"And I'm in LOOOOOOOOVE !"

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Posté le 16-11-2010 à 15:00:13  profilanswer

drap pour quand j'aurais finit le premier.


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Posté le 16-11-2010 à 15:01:49  profilanswer

Moi j'ai trouvé ces défis nuls à chier ! :o Ceux prédators encore étaient plutôt originaux, mais les défis baston, j'ai trouvé ça complètement useless et rébarbatif à souhait !

Stillness is the key !
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Posté le 23-11-2010 à 18:29:01  profilanswer

En preco : [...] 72996.html

- Life is too short to last long.
GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 05-12-2010 à 23:18:59  profilanswer

Prochain trailer: 11 Déc
Pas de véhicules jouables dans City d'après Rocksteady, interviexw de Sefton Hill:

Citation :

Sefton Hill on vehicles
“This is a funny one. There aren’t any playable vehicles in the game because what we’ve really focused on is Batman himself. We see him as the ultimate vehicles, if you like. Our drive has been to focus on Batman’s ability to get around. Obviously, you’re now in a much more expansive play area than you were in the first game, so a part of our development has been expanding Batman’s navigational abilities, adding different ways to glide around, new ways to use the grapple-boost from the top of buildings. That’s been a massive part of development, to give wish-fulfillment of feeling what it’s like to be Batman inside the district of Gotham City. Our focus was to expand Batman as a character rather than give you lots of different vehicles to go in.”
Sefton Hill on combat
“We’re not trying to completely revise the system because we had a lot of positive feedback from people who played the first game, and something that we wanted to do was create a system that was easy for people to get into but still had that depth to it. We wanted to expand and build upon that system, and make the second iteration of Freeflow rather than make a complete new combat system. So it will definitely be building on the sold structure that’s already there.”
“We’re adding a whole load of new moves for Batman. We have beatdown, which is the ability to do a quick, focussed attack on an enemy without knocking him down; we have environment counters where you can smash enemies into walls; we have combo counters where enemies can attack multiple times in one movie, multiple enemies can attack at once and you can take them down; you can do aerial attacks where you flip up off enemies into other enemies; you can do projectile counters where you parry thrown objects back at enemies. So we’re really expanding the number of moves that the player can do, but still building on the core system of ‘strike, counter, stun, evade’ that we had in the first game. As well as that, we’re also allowing the player to combo in all their gadgets. Something we didn't do completely in the first game was to totally integrate the different gadgets that you have into the Freeflow system.”
Sefton Hill on factions
“The different criminal factions are really interesting. When all of these people escaped from Arkham Asylum, you would think that it would leave to chaos, but what actually happened was that order formed as the Joker managed to recruit a number of inmates to follow him. It’s the same with Two Face and other characters within Arkham City. So the way it will work primarily is the that all these people will be working to support their own boss and their own criminal supervillain that leads them. But the player’s actions in the main story events will affect that. You’ll definitely see Batman and the player’s actions really affect Arkham City, and the structure and hierarchy of the gangs. That;s something that we though was really important.”
Sefton Hill on side-quests
“One of the key things we wanted to do more of was the idea of taking in optional side-stories as you play through the game. That;s a big new element of Arkham City, that while you do have the main narrative you also have these optional side-quests which feature different villains who have been locked up inside Arkham City. We tell their story, how they got there and how Batman interacts with the. How different people - for example Zsasz - how would he react when locked up here, and how Batman would interact with him? You can jump into those quests if you want to find out more about the world, as well as earn extra XP and upgrade rewards when doing so.”
Sefton Hill on Villains
“We’re really spoilt. We’re the cliched kid in the candy shop because there are so many great villains to choose from. But the story and characters are so important to us, that instead of picking villains we want to put in simply because we like them, we’re asking ourselves what is the best and most interesting story we can tell, and we’re picking villains who can challenge Batman and give the best dramatic beats for that story. It’s a great position to be in because we’ve got such a great Rogues’ Gallery, and that’s why we’re no introducing our own characters. Once we’d got a story and framework in place, we look at which villains can challenge Batman based around that story.”
“We are making the game for Batman fans, but also as a great introduction to Batman for those people who aren’t familiar with every aspect of the universe. We always provide the bios for every character and, when we introduce them, we always make sure that the player understands who they are, what motivates and differentiates them. That’s something that we’re always very mindful of, and we do a lot of testing just in case. We’re not just throwing a lot of faces at the player without them understanding who they are. They motivation behind these characters is so important to is that we’ll always spend a lot of time focusing on those elements. We’re not just trying to squeeze as many characters as we can into the game; we’re picking the ones that will tell the best story. Each of those characters will be there for a reason.”
Sefton Hill on boss battles
“Boss battles were interesting in Arkham Asylum. They were started quite late in development, so the first thing we wanted to do for Arkham City was to start them really early in production. Our focus this time is that each of these villains is going to try and challenge Batman in the way that they’re strongest. Batman is a great all-rounder, but these people are going to use what it is that makes them special, and use those abilities to take Batman down. So the main thing in terms of how we’re going to develop these, in terms of production, is that we’re spending a much greater proportion of our time on them. We’ve got some great boss fights lined up and some really surprising ones too.”
“Since everyone's inside Arkham City is technically already incarcerated, Batman can’t really arrest people and lock them up. So that creates an interesting dynamic between Batman and the villains. There are some friendly people there that you’ll have to help, such as the triage group that;s in there offering medical support to people, but at the same time there are also people in there who have their own agenda, and there are some fragile alliances that Batman will have to form in order to get through the night and survive. There will be some people in there whose objectives might temporarily line up with those of Batman,, so I think there’s an interesting dynamic there.”
Sefton Hill on Robin
“Yeah, I think you definitely can. There’s a checkered past for him, but I really feel that some of the latest iterations of the character in the comic book universe are really interesting and exciting. I don’t really want to say much more than that, but I definitely feel that, if ind right, he can be a fascinating character.”
Sefton Hill on Batman
“You never saw Bruce Wayne himself in the first game but I do feel that we still touched on his character, and that’s also something we’d like to develop for Arkham City, it’s something we’d like to develop for Arkham City. It’s really important to us that we let the player feel the drive, motivation and origins of what makes Batman who he is. For us, that’s what Bruce Wayne needs. It’s not about being this unstoppable fighting machine; it’s about understanding why he’s doing this, and what his limits are. There are obviously a lot of things we did in the first game to show that psychological aspect of Batman, and show who this man behind the mask is. That;s something that we’ll continue in the game because it’s something that really interests us. It differentiates Batman as a character.”

Message édité par Kors'R le 05-12-2010 à 23:21:59

Topic Xbox / Topic Nantes / Sets LEGO
Féministe Ardant
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Posté le 06-12-2010 à 02:13:36  profilanswer


#AOC2024 & #2028
GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 08-12-2010 à 18:30:39  profilanswer
Prince DeL​U
BT: PrinceDeLU#2870
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Posté le 08-12-2010 à 20:12:12  profilanswer

je viens de lire l'interview, le moins qu'on puisse dire c'est qu'ils sont ambitieux :jap:
vont ils nous refaire le même coup que naughty dog avec uncharted, avec un premier jeu surprise et très réussi, et un deuxième épisode qui reprend les bons éléments du premier tout en améliorant tout le reste?

Message édité par Prince DeLU le 08-12-2010 à 20:12:24

Sens Critique <>D3 <> HoTS
tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
Transactions (5)
Posté le 10-12-2010 à 21:33:08  profilanswer

Je préfère qu'ils fassent comme Uncharted plutôt que Star Wars :o

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the one_
# Never ' ! ♪
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Posté le 10-12-2010 à 23:25:43  profilanswer

Drap. !

You wanted me, here I am
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Posté le 12-12-2010 à 08:11:20  profilanswer

Nouvelle bande annonce Batman: Arkham City [...] ham/708341
Si les cinématiques sont toutes du meme calibre que celle de la B.A, on va en prendre plein la vue! Entre Uncharted et celui-ci, l'automne sera chargé!!!!!

Spoiler :

Hugoooo Straaaange!!!!  :love:  :love:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par bl0p le 12-12-2010 à 08:14:27

"When Gotham's in ashes, I'll give you the permission to die." Bane - TDKR
PSN et GT : likid77
Transactions (14)
Posté le 12-12-2010 à 08:40:36  profilanswer

Effectivement video magnifique avec un jeu qui je pnse sera a la hauteur du premier voir meme au dessus car l'ambiance ma l'air encore bien plus sombre !
Entre celui là et uncharted 3 je ne vais plus savoir ou donner de la tete a la fin d'annee prochaine !  
Can't wait !

Feed - Topic [ACH/VDS] JV
Endangered species: solo gamer
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Posté le 12-12-2010 à 09:07:13  profilanswer

bl0p a écrit :

Nouvelle bande annonce Batman: Arkham City [...] ham/708341
Si les cinématiques sont toutes du meme calibre que celle de la B.A, on va en prendre plein la vue! Entre Uncharted et celui-ci, l'automne sera chargé!!!!!

Spoiler :

Hugoooo Straaaange!!!!  :love:  :love:

En espérant qu'ils gardent le gameplay du 1er qui était excellent...

Gtag Xbox360: CoyoteFranck
GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 12-12-2010 à 10:58:27  profilanswer

Rajouté au 1st post

Topic Xbox / Topic Nantes / Sets LEGO
PSN : babyol / GT : babyol11
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Posté le 12-12-2010 à 11:06:19  profilanswer

Purée, c'est magnifique :love:

"And I'm in LOOOOOOOOVE !"
Steam/XboxLive: Gridaz
Transactions (2)
Posté le 12-12-2010 à 13:52:12  profilanswer

C'est hallucinant j'ai l'impression qu'ils ont franchi un cap dans la qualité de restitution des visages, je me suis demandé s'ils n'avaient pas utilisé une technique à la Avatar (motion capture au niveau du visage) c'est sérieusement époustouflant :love:
Je l'attends avec une très très grande impatience maintenant c'est malin. Ce combat au CàC :bave:

Moi j'ai rien dit©
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Posté le 12-12-2010 à 14:18:52  profilanswer

c'est une cinématique, pas l'UE3 :o

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@
You wanted me, here I am
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Posté le 13-12-2010 à 21:09:09  profilanswer

Deux nouvelles images!

"When Gotham's in ashes, I'll give you the permission to die." Bane - TDKR
Moi j'ai rien dit©
Transactions (1)
Posté le 13-12-2010 à 22:15:40  profilanswer

Batman AC et Uncharted 3 en fin d'année prochaine .... ça risque d'être rude :'(

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@
tcho bilou​t
PSN : TchoBilout
Transactions (5)
Posté le 13-12-2010 à 22:21:00  profilanswer

Ouaip, pauvre Batman :/

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) NNID : ludowski
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Posté le 13-12-2010 à 22:38:12  profilanswer

satrincha a écrit :

Batman AC et Uncharted 3 en fin d'année prochaine .... ça risque d'être rude :'(

Batman sans aucune hésitation  [:mlc]

Wii : Question : xxxxxxx, la bonne réponse est toujours: SMG & MP3 ! zelda, c'est un Action RPG !, " n' a pas à entrer dans un quelconque genre vidéoludique conventionnel." © Eiji Aonuma. Zelda est donc un genre unique, un U RPG :o !  
Moi j'ai rien dit©
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Posté le 13-12-2010 à 22:39:14  profilanswer

moi ce sera les 2 :o (si ils font pas des versions avec DLC etc ... )

@ULTIMATE TopiK UniK JeuX GratuitS@
You wanted me, here I am
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Posté le 13-12-2010 à 23:21:25  profilanswer

satrincha a écrit :

moi ce sera les 2 :o (si ils font pas des versions avec DLC etc ... )


"When Gotham's in ashes, I'll give you the permission to die." Bane - TDKR
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Posté le 16-12-2010 à 08:19:30  answer

ce sera aussi les deux pour moi

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Posté le 16-12-2010 à 08:54:50  profilanswer

drapal  :love:  [:lardoncru:1]

Gamertag: EU Neighbxr
GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 22-12-2010 à 01:07:00  profilanswer
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Posté le 22-12-2010 à 14:13:25  profilanswer

[:cerveau lent] vivement...

Gamertag: EU Neighbxr
Double C

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Posté le 22-12-2010 à 14:39:20  profilanswer
GT / Steam: KorsR
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Posté le 01-02-2011 à 13:00:09  profilanswer

[:damocles18] Nouvelles images

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