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[US Politics] Harris vs Trump - Election Mardi 5 Novembre 2024

- gab
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 18:00:42  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

Mephy5 a écrit :

Citation :

24. White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts  
48. Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act  
56. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides  
57. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails

Hillary aime ca  [:il a ri 5]

that's the point :D
8 enquêtes parlementaires sur les emails de Clinton, ils espéraient quand même pas que leurs propres conneries passeraient inaperçues en cas de renversement de la Chambre.

Chounette ♥ | Oh ouiiiiiii il l'a fait, incroyable , c'est le dieu du tennis
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 18:00:42  profilanswer

- gab
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 18:21:02  profilanswer

Mephy5 a écrit :

Hillary aime ca  [:il a ri 5]

Chounette ♥ | Oh ouiiiiiii il l'a fait, incroyable , c'est le dieu du tennis
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 18:39:32  profilanswer

Hillary n'est pas une femme pouvant faire preuve d'emotion  :o
A l'inverse le president est vrai, #nofilter  [:babouchka:8]

Winking at the Moon
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 18:46:11  profilanswer

iVador a écrit :

Les démocrates de la House se préparent à lancer 85 enquêtes sur Trump

Pour commencer.

Keep calm and kill everyone
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:07:53  profilanswer

iVador a écrit :

Les démocrates de la House se préparent à lancer 85 enquêtes sur Trump


Qui nous décombe.
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:09:18  profilanswer

iVador a écrit :

Les démocrates de la House se préparent à lancer 85 enquêtes sur Trump


Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:13:13  profilanswer

Mephy5 a écrit :

Citation :

24. White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts  
48. Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act  
56. White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides  
57. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails

Hillary aime ca  [:il a ri 5]

donne la liste complete , please

Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:16:29  profilanswer

giorkal a écrit :

donne la liste complete , please

Je réponds à sa place: [...] 0db6c.html

Citation :

The House Oversight Committee had already blocked 64 subpoena requests submitted by Democrats as of September. Here's that list, minus those with target s outside the Trump administration.
Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.
Department of Justice Withholding Documents About Refusal to Defend the Affordable Care Act in Court
White House Withholding Documents on Contractor Wanted for Attempted Murder
State Department Withholding Documents on Political Loyalty Lists
Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Title X Family Planning Program Proposed Gag Rule
Environmental Protection Agency Withholding Documents on Freedom of Information Act
Steve Bannon Testifying Before the Oversight and Judiciary Committees About His Involvement with Law Enforcement Actions Before, During, and After the 2016 Election
Commerce Department and Census Bureau Withholding Documents on Citizenship Question
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Request to Add Citizenship Question to Census
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Politicized Hiring Allegations for Immigration Judges
Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
White House Withholding Information on Chartered Flights
White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Improper Attempt to Classify Dana Boente Notes
State Department and White House Withholding Documents and Testimony on “Cleaning” Out of Career Employees
White House Withholding Documents on Rejected Security Clearance Application for NSC Deputy Robin Townley
Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Effort to Strip Information from Women’s Health Website
John M. Gore, the Acting Head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Testifying About the Trump Administration’s Decision to Add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census.  
White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearances
DHS Withholding Documents on Contract for Emergency Meals
White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
CBP Withholding Documents on Allegations of Sexual Assault by CBP Employees
Agencies Withholding Identities of Regulatory Reform Task Force Members
DOD Withholding Documents on Federal Response to Hurricanes
HHS Withholding Documents on Collaboration with Right-Wing Group to Rescind Medicaid Freedom-of-Choice Letter
DOI Withholding Documents on Reassignment of Employees
DOJ Withholding Documents on Communications with White House on AT&T Time-Warner Merger
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Withholding Response to Complaint
USDA Withholding Documents on Communications with Corporate Lobbyists
Trump Foundation Withholding Documents on Transfer of Assets to a Disqualified Person
Jared Kushner for Testimony at Emergency Hearing on Conflicts of Interest and Security Clearances
Trump Organization Withholding Documents on Foreign Payments
DHS Withholding Documents on Russian Attacks Against States Before Election
DHS Withholding Information from IG Report on Trump Muslim Ban
White House and HHS Withholding Documents on Biased Refugee Report
HHS Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act
White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearance Suspensions
Transition Team and DOJ Withholding Flynn, Jr.’s Security Clearance Documents
White House Withholding Documents on Interim Security Clearances
Flynn and Business Partners Withholding Documents on Middle East Nuclear Deal
OMB Withholding Agency Downsizing Plans
FDIC Withholding Documents on EPA Senior Advisor Banned from Banking
White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
Other potential investigations
The findings so far of the Mueller investigation, which some House Democrats believe had been obstructed by prior House Intel leaders. (Washington Post)
Trump's use of pardon power. (Washington Post)
The sudden change in plans to construct a new FBI headquarters. (ABC)
Trump's involvement in hush payments to women alleging affairs. (WSJ)
The firing of Jeff Sessions and the appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. (ABC)
The White House's alleged stifling of the FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. (ABC)
The Interior Department's decision to expand mining and drilling on federal lands and what role industry played. (USA Today)
Allegations that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke threatened Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) with negative energy and public land policies after she voted against repealing Obamacare. (Politico)
Zinke's exempting of Florida from offshore drilling as a possible political favor to Gov. Rick Scott. (Politico)
Zinke's removal of references to humans' role in climate change from agency reports. (Politico)
Violations of the Hatch Act stemming from Zinke's appearance at a fundraiser while on an official trip. (Politico)
The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
Administration policies on domestic terrorism. (AP)
Relaxing of regulations for for-profit colleges and limiting of student loan forgiveness. (WashPost)
Department of Education's rollback of Obama-era rules that expanded transgender students' access to school facilities. (Education Week)

Tu remarqueras lequelles il a préféré citer et où elles sont situées.

Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:25:59  profilanswer

Les gars devraient jeter 200 millions de dollars par la fenêtre pour ce coup de com  :pt1cable:  

Citation :

A final cost estimate of the deployment has not been made available. But Defense Department budget officials fret that if the number of troops sent to the border does reach 15,000, the price tag could hit $200 million, with no specific budget allocation from which to draw.

Comprend pas les gens
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:27:45  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :

Tu remarqueras lequelles il a préféré citer et où elles sont situées.

Seul un geni stable pouvait remarquer que j'ai filtre sur le mot "email"  :jap:

Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:27:45  profilanswer

La guerre et la mort
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 19:52:09  profilanswer

Bonsoir [:gilbert montana:10]

"Hollande est mal fagoté, il mange des frites" - Nicolas Sarkozy | Weeweex dit 'Belles Bachantes' dit 'Bourbon' dit 'P.resident Double Ouix'
Racaille de Shanghaï
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 20:34:12  profilanswer

iVador a écrit :

Tiens, Drumpf accuse McCain pour la perte de la House. Quel courage d’accuser un mort.

Pas l'impression que ça vienne de Trump : [...] oss-983685
Par contre, il met la pression sur les saoudiens et l'OPEP : [...] 1889095684
Le mec en mode bully, 7/7 H24, il n'existe que par la confrontation permanente et outrancière.
En face ça s'affole pas par contre... Côté chinois, c'est plutôt : "Vas-y, balance tes taxes" "Okay, maintenant tu prends celles-là"
Deal maker [:el_risitas:2]  

Un peu, passionément, à la fol
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 20:37:38  profilanswer

Dewdew [:azrail]

« Ce qui ne vous tue pas vous rend plus fort » F. Nietzsche | « Vise_ la Lune. Si tu rates, au pire, t'es dans la merde » Un poète disparu dans le cercle
Un peu, passionément, à la fol
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 20:40:32  profilanswer

Ibo_Simon a écrit :


Je réponds à sa place: [...] 0db6c.html

Citation :

The House Oversight Committee had already blocked 64 subpoena requests submitted by Democrats as of September. Here's that list, minus those with target s outside the Trump administration.


Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.
Department of Justice Withholding Documents About Refusal to Defend the Affordable Care Act in Court
White House Withholding Documents on Contractor Wanted for Attempted Murder
State Department Withholding Documents on Political Loyalty Lists
Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Title X Family Planning Program Proposed Gag Rule
Environmental Protection Agency Withholding Documents on Freedom of Information Act
Steve Bannon Testifying Before the Oversight and Judiciary Committees About His Involvement with Law Enforcement Actions Before, During, and After the 2016 Election
Commerce Department and Census Bureau Withholding Documents on Citizenship Question
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Request to Add Citizenship Question to Census
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Politicized Hiring Allegations for Immigration Judges
Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
White House Withholding Information on Chartered Flights
White House Withholding Documents on Use of Private Email Accounts
Department of Justice Withholding Documents on Improper Attempt to Classify Dana Boente Notes
State Department and White House Withholding Documents and Testimony on “Cleaning” Out of Career Employees
White House Withholding Documents on Rejected Security Clearance Application for NSC Deputy Robin Townley
Department of Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Effort to Strip Information from Women’s Health Website
John M. Gore, the Acting Head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Testifying About the Trump Administration’s Decision to Add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census.
White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearances
DHS Withholding Documents on Contract for Emergency Meals
White House Withholding Information on Deadly Niger Ambush
CBP Withholding Documents on Allegations of Sexual Assault by CBP Employees
Agencies Withholding Identities of Regulatory Reform Task Force Members
DOD Withholding Documents on Federal Response to Hurricanes
HHS Withholding Documents on Collaboration with Right-Wing Group to Rescind Medicaid Freedom-of-Choice Letter
DOI Withholding Documents on Reassignment of Employees
DOJ Withholding Documents on Communications with White House on AT&T Time-Warner Merger
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Withholding Response to Complaint
USDA Withholding Documents on Communications with Corporate Lobbyists
Trump Foundation Withholding Documents on Transfer of Assets to a Disqualified Person
Jared Kushner for Testimony at Emergency Hearing on Conflicts of Interest and Security Clearances
Trump Organization Withholding Documents on Foreign Payments
DHS Withholding Documents on Russian Attacks Against States Before Election
DHS Withholding Information from IG Report on Trump Muslim Ban
White House and HHS Withholding Documents on Biased Refugee Report
HHS Withholding Documents on Gag Order Against Whistleblowers
Kushner Withholding Emails That Violate Presidential Records Act
White House Withholding Documents on Security Clearance Suspensions
Transition Team and DOJ Withholding Flynn, Jr.’s Security Clearance Documents
White House Withholding Documents on Interim Security Clearances
Flynn and Business Partners Withholding Documents on Middle East Nuclear Deal
OMB Withholding Agency Downsizing Plans
FDIC Withholding Documents on EPA Senior Advisor Banned from Banking
White House Withholding Documents on Flynn’s Foreign Contacts
White House Withholding Documents on Personal Email Use by Top Aides
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Withholding Documents on Emails
White House Withholding Documents on Hurricane Response
Kushner Companies Withholding Documents on Alleged Housing Abuses
Other potential investigations
The findings so far of the Mueller investigation, which some House Democrats believe had been obstructed by prior House Intel leaders. (Washington Post)
Trump's use of pardon power. (Washington Post)
The sudden change in plans to construct a new FBI headquarters. (ABC)
Trump's involvement in hush payments to women alleging affairs. (WSJ)
The firing of Jeff Sessions and the appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. (ABC)
The White House's alleged stifling of the FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. (ABC)
The Interior Department's decision to expand mining and drilling on federal lands and what role industry played. (USA Today)
Allegations that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke threatened Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) with negative energy and public land policies after she voted against repealing Obamacare. (Politico)
Zinke's exempting of Florida from offshore drilling as a possible political favor to Gov. Rick Scott. (Politico)
Zinke's removal of references to humans' role in climate change from agency reports. (Politico)
Violations of the Hatch Act stemming from Zinke's appearance at a fundraiser while on an official trip. (Politico)
The EPA's siding with special interests on matters of public health. (The Hill)
Trump's politicization of the military. (AP)
Lack of consistent policy for civilian casualties. (AP)
Profitability of the Trump International Hotel in Washington and whether it's being used to violate the emoluments clause. (AP)
Administration policies on domestic terrorism. (AP)
Relaxing of regulations for for-profit colleges and limiting of student loan forgiveness. (WashPost)
Department of Education's rollback of Obama-era rules that expanded transgender students' access to school facilities. (Education Week)


Tu remarqueras lequelles il a préféré citer et où elles sont situées.
Le barrage de merde qui s'apprête à céder ...

Message édité par Zzozo le 12-11-2018 à 20:40:58

« Ce qui ne vous tue pas vous rend plus fort » F. Nietzsche | « Vise_ la Lune. Si tu rates, au pire, t'es dans la merde » Un poète disparu dans le cercle
Low Frequency Version
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 20:40:35  profilanswer
le lama de Lima
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 21:07:35  profilanswer

Apprenti néo-shreddeur fusionniste de chambre | ♫ Blind test pour zikos
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 22:35:54  profilanswer

L'Armée de Terre qui se permet de troller Trump sur Twitter #MondayMotivation: [...] 2999027712
Je me demande vraiment quel niveau de responsabilité à avalisé le tweet? Stagiaire, officier com lambda, DirCom Adterre, CEMAT, CEMA, Ministe, Manu.

And I'm still waiting
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 22:43:36  profilanswer

"Chef, on a buté le black, mais, coquin de sort,  on aurait pas dû"

Posté le 12-11-2018 à 22:58:21  profilanswer

verdoux a écrit :

"Chef, on a buté le black, mais, coquin de sort,  on aurait pas dû"

Cette force de police  [:prozac]

Comprend pas les gens
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 23:03:56  profilanswer

verdoux a écrit :

"Chef, on a buté le black, mais, coquin de sort,  on aurait pas dû"

- les gens se font tuer  => "ils auraient dû etre armés"  
- les gens sont armés et se défendent  => "on ne peut pas savoir , on tire d'abord , on verra ensuite "

tu dois rompre
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 23:16:42  profilanswer

réguler la population américaine est écologique

cagnotte famille Philippine [...] an-1734679
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 23:22:08  profilanswer

Ça recommence à bouger du côté de Mueller :
BREAKING: Roger Stone pal Jerome Corsi tells my colleague @annaschecter that Mueller's investigators informed Corsi about a week ago he will be indicted for perjury.  "When they have your emails and phone records...they're very good at the perjury trap," he says.

Un peu, passionément, à la fol
Posté le 12-11-2018 à 23:24:40  profilanswer

fiscalisator a écrit :

réguler la population américaine est écologique

Ça dépend si tu fous le feu ou pas [:pivoine de cheshire:2]

« Ce qui ne vous tue pas vous rend plus fort » F. Nietzsche | « Vise_ la Lune. Si tu rates, au pire, t'es dans la merde » Un poète disparu dans le cercle
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 00:09:24  answer

 [:rofl]  [:rofl]

Rage d'être un Humain...LIBRE!
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 00:44:31  profilanswer [...] 30760fddaf

Citation :

Trump is telling Florida to ignore military ballots. Happy Veterans Day.

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. Helder Camara | Telling your employees they're "family" is the corporate equivalent of saying "I love you" to a sex worker.
- gab
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 00:49:58  profilanswer

Citation :

In North Korea, Missile Bases Suggest a Great Deception
North Korea is moving ahead with its ballistic missile program at 16 hidden bases that have been identified in new commercial satellite images, a network long known to American intelligence agencies but left undiscussed as President Trump claims to have neutralized the North’s nuclear threat.
The satellite images suggest that the North has been engaged in a great deception: It has offered to dismantle a major launching site — a step it began, then halted — while continuing to make improvements at more than a dozen others that would bolster launches of conventional and nuclear warheads.
The existence of the ballistic missile bases, which North Korea has never acknowledged, contradicts Mr. Trump’s assertion that his landmark diplomacy is leading to the elimination of a nuclear and missile program that the North had warned could devastate the United States.

Chounette ♥ | Oh ouiiiiiii il l'a fait, incroyable , c'est le dieu du tennis
- gab
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 02:14:06  profilanswer [...] ee98cb3820

Citation :

It was unclear what will happen to the state’s other Senate seat, which is currently held by Republican Jon Kyl. Kyl was appointed to replace the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and has not commited to serving past this year.


It is possible Republican Gov. Doug Ducey appoints McSally to the seat.

Du coup c'est peut-être pas la peine de faire un scandale de sa défaite face à Sinema :o

Message édité par - gab le 13-11-2018 à 02:15:06

Chounette ♥ | Oh ouiiiiiii il l'a fait, incroyable , c'est le dieu du tennis
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 06:34:13  profilanswer

Acting Attorney General tied to fraud scheme under FBI investigation

Citation :

There are so many reasons Donald Trump shouldn’t have chosen Matt Whitaker to serve as acting attorney general, it’s genuinely challenging to choose just one. But by any fair measure, Whitaker’s work with World Patent Marketing Inc. has to be near the top of the list. The Wall Street Journal  reported the other day.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting a criminal investigation of a Florida company accused of scamming millions from customers during the period that Matthew Whitaker, the acting U.S. attorney general, served as a paid advisory-board member, according to an alleged victim who was contacted by the FBI and other people familiar with the matter.
The investigation is being handled by the Miami office of the FBI and by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, according to an email sent to the alleged victim last year by an FBI victim specialist. A recording on a phone line set up by the Justice Department to help victims said Friday the case remains active.
Mr. Whitaker, appointed Wednesday by President Trump to replace Jeff Sessions as head of the Justice Department, oversees the FBI in his new job.
Let’s back up for a minute, because the details are almost hard to believe.
Whitaker joined the company’s advisory board after having served as a U.S. Attorney in the Bush/Cheney administration – a fact World Patent Marketing exploited to lure potential clients.
Four years ago, the company issued a press release that quoted Matt Whitaker as saying, “As a former U.S. attorney, I would only align myself with a first-class organization. World Patent Marketing goes beyond making statements about doing business ethically and translates them into action.”
Those comments started to look pretty bad after the Federal Trade Commission filed a civil suit against this World Patent Marketing, describing it as “an invention-promotion scam that has bilked thousands of consumers out of millions of dollars.” Among its alleged victims are many disabled American veterans.
Now, the company is facing possible criminal scrutiny from the FBI, all while one of the company’s top officials is running the Justice Department.
It’s a dynamic that sounds like fanciful fiction: the president unilaterally empowered Matt Whitaker to serve as the nation’s chief law enforcement official, while a company Whitaker helped lead is at the center of a multi-million-dollar fraud scheme being investigated by the FBI.
And before you think his work on World Patent Marketing’s advisory board meant his connection to the company was unimportant, note that according to Federal Trade Commission, Whitaker wrote threatening emails to the company’s customers, pressing them not to complain about having been defrauded by the firm.
Among those subpoenaed as part of the FTC’s case against World Patent Marketing was none other than Matt Whitaker, your new acting attorney general.
If you’re wondering why a president would elevate such a person to an immensely powerful post, it’s important to note that the White House apparently had no idea about Whitaker’s connection to the company – because he wasn’t vetted.
If there’s a defense for such a move, I can’t think of it.

Source MSNBC
Trump ne recrute que les best people [:presidentdonald:2]
Donc le nouveau patron du DOJ, censé perturber l'enquête russe, sous le coup d'une enquête du FBI ... [:mooonblood:2]

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par iVador le 13-11-2018 à 06:34:51
le lama de Lima
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 07:32:35  profilanswer

Witchunt !

Apprenti néo-shreddeur fusionniste de chambre | ♫ Blind test pour zikos
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 07:50:19  profilanswer

iVador a écrit :

Acting Attorney General tied to fraud scheme under FBI investigation
Source MSNBC
Trump ne recrute que les best people [:presidentdonald:2]
Donc le nouveau patron du DOJ, censé perturber l'enquête russe, sous le coup d'une enquête du FBI ... [:mooonblood:2]

enfin pour le coup il y a quand même un problème coté FBI... que le directeur adjoint soit sous enquête et toujours en poste...c'est quand même hallucinant...
Vu de la WH, ils peuvent tout de même espérer que les hauts responsables du FBI soit sans problème judiciaire...

Posté le 13-11-2018 à 08:23:13  profilanswer

mantel a écrit :


enfin pour le coup il y a quand même un problème coté FBI... que le directeur adjoint soit sous enquête et toujours en poste...c'est quand même hallucinant...
Vu de la WH, ils peuvent tout de même espérer que les hauts responsables du FBI soit sans problème judiciaire...

Il ne fait pas parti du FBI.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par moreweed le 13-11-2018 à 08:23:27

Comprend pas les gens
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 08:41:45  profilanswer

mantel a écrit :

enfin pour le coup il y a quand même un problème coté FBI... que le directeur adjoint soit sous enquête et toujours en poste...c'est quand même hallucinant...
Vu de la WH, ils peuvent tout de même espérer que les hauts responsables du FBI soit sans problème judiciaire...

Both sides ! [:presidentdonald:2]
De qui parles tu ? Quel haut ponte du FBI est actuellement sous enquête ?

Message édité par iVador le 13-11-2018 à 08:42:34
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 08:46:00  profilanswer

moreweed a écrit :

Il ne fait pas parti du FBI.

mon mauvais
département de la justice?  
enfin ça ne change pas grand chose au propos...

el muchach​o
Comfortably Numb
Posté le 13-11-2018 à 09:12:56  profilanswer

Mac_Lane a écrit :

Mais personne d'autre qu'Hillary ne supporte l'idée d'une candidature. Même elle ne semble pas y croire, là on part d'un unique article putaclic se fondant sur la seule opinion de Mark Penn.
Enfin, on va commencer à voir dans les mois à venir se manifester les différents candidats potentiels.
On risque de voir plusieurs sénateurs tenter leur chance : Warren, Gillibrand, Harris, Booker, Klobuchar. Et ce vieux Bernie, qui a toujours un problème avec la question raciale (cf. ses propos de la semaine dernière).
Beto O'Rourke, qui s'est révélé à l'échelle nationale malgré son échec contre Cruz, pourrait se lancer dans la bataille. Il pourra arguer du fait qu'Abraham Lincoln lui-même avait remporté la présidence après un échec lors d'une élection pour le Sénat.

Perso, je verrais bien Warren, Beto, et Booker. Un peu moins Kamala Harris et je ne veux pas voir Gillibrand.

Les aéroports où il fait bon attendre, voila un topic qu'il est bien
Posté le   profilanswer

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