camarchepoa m'enfin ! | voilà ce que j'ai trouvé
Code :
- If you use child windows, you may want the cursor to appear differently, depending on the child window below the cursor. If your program defines the window class for these child windows, you can use different cursors for each class by appropriately setting the hCursor field in each window class. And if you use predefined child window controls, you can alter the hCursor field of the window class by using
- SetClassLong (hwndChild, GCL_HCURSOR,
- LoadCursor (hInstance, TEXT ("childcursor" )) ;
- If you separate your client area into smaller logical areas without using child windows, you can use SetCursor to change the mouse cursor:
- SetCursor (hCursor) ;
- You should call SetCursor during processing of the WM_MOUSEMOVE message. Otherwise, Windows uses the cursor specified in the window class to redraw the cursor when it is moved. The documentation indicates that SetCursor is fast if the cursor doesn't have to be changed.
en gros il faut mettre le SetCursor dans le WM_MOUSEMOVE sinon on utilise le curseur par défaut !
voilà c cool
merci à tous !
Message édité par camarchepoa le 25-06-2003 à 15:53:14