Xixou2 a écrit :
stable a 285 MHz, mais boot difficile (3 power reset).
L'autre solution c'est de couper le 230 V de l'alimentation,
et puis ca demarre du premier coup.
merci du renseignement xixou, ainsi que Père Fouettard.
Au sujet de setfsb, qui semble le seul logiciel utilisable sous windows pour monter le fsb : un lien est donné plus haut dans le forum, et j'avais souvenir d'avoir déjà utilisé cette version dans le passé sans soucis au téléchargement ; je parle bien de :
http://www13.plala.or.jp/setfsb/do [...] 5i65PE.zip
cependant mon antivirus (Eset nod32) empêche le téléchargement : une alerte au trojan (par analyse heuristique) affiche une jolie fenêtre rouge à ce sujet. Ceci me paraissait suspect (il s'agit du site du développeur, et c'est la seule version de setfsb à avoir ce problème). Soit dit en passant, setfsb est passé à la version 2, mais celle-ci est incompatible avec notre carte-mère.
Enfin tout cela pour dire que j'ai envoyé un mail à abo, le développeur japonais, à propos de cette alerte virale, et celui-ci m'a bien confirmé être au courant et qu'il s'agit bien d'un faux-positif (qu'il a essayé de faire corriger par différentes équipes de développement d'antivirus, pour que les mises à jour de définitions de virus enlèvent ces fausses alertes à l'avenir). Je collerai en-dessous sa réponse à ce sujet. Mais plus intéressant : il m'a demandé de lui envoyer différents fichiers (diagnostic de la dernière version de setfsb pour l'utilisation des PLL, fichier dump cpuz, etc etc) concernant la Conroe865PE : dès lors on peut s'attendre à ce que notre carte-mère soit supportée prochainement par la nouvelle version de setfsb
edit : voir bas du message : la dernière beta pourrait déjà être utilisable en choisissant comme "clock generator" W83194BG-SD
extrait du mail d'abo :
**************************** "for 775i65PE Ultra Version 1.5a" *********************************
About the virus misidentification knowledge of HSP ver2.61
It reports on a part of virus retrieval software and the phenomenon mis-recognized that it is an illegal file is reported to the run time file included in the HSP2.61 full set. Moreover, because help manager (helpman.exe) included in HSP3.0 also is using the HSP2.61 run time, it is likely to be mis-recognized. As for the infection such as viruses and Trojan horses, a code that not is, and is malicious is not included in the file distributed on this site. It is thought that the misidentification knowledge happens because the identification data of the virus retrieval software fails in the identification of the run time of the execution file made by HSP and the main body of HSP. The report from which correspondence is requested is taken for the corresponding virus retrieval soft development vender about the misidentification knowledge confirmed by present. As follows, I will publish software and the version where the misidentification knowledge happens. Please wait for the vender's correspondence when the corresponding symptom happens or temporarily deal with the run time file of HSP of exclusion etc.Moreover, this problem of HSP3.1 that is the latest now version doesn't occur. The user for whom HSP3.0 is used is recommending updating it to HSP3.1.
The anti-virus software and the Norton anti virus recognize Trojan Horse (Trojan horse) hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time).
I get the report of correcting it from the vender in the latest definition file.
The anti-virus software and the Macafe virus scanning recognize Generic.dx (Trojan horse) hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time).
I get the report of correcting it from the vender in the latest definition file.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and CP Secure, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is BadJoke.W32.Soup.a (Trojan horse).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and Quick Heal, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.KillWin.aj (Trojan horse).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and GData, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.Killwin.C (Trojan horse).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and PCTools Spyware-Doctor, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.Killwin.C (Trojan horse).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and Sunbelt Antivirus, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.Killwin.C (Trojan horse).
I get the report of correcting it from the vender in the latest definition file.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and Jiangmin Antivirus (Japanese name and virus doctor), it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan/KillWin.aq (Trojan horse).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
The virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and Virus Buster (made in Hungary) recognize Trojan.KillWin.AL (Trojan horse) hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time).
The report to request the improvement from the vender is done.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and K7 AntiVirus, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.Win32.Malware.1 (malware).
I get the report of correcting it from the vender in the latest definition file.
The anti-virus software that the Ann lab externals such as V3 virus block 2006 and My Antivirus V3 are offering recognizes Win-Trojan/Xema.variant (Trojan horse) hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time).
I get the report of correcting it from the vender in the latest definition file.
It is recognized that it is source NEXT virus security 2005(definition file version 7.2.57) and hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.KillWin.aj (Trojan horse).
The demand is refused though the report to request the improvement from the vender was done. This anti-virus software is not used as present measures. The report of corresponding to the use discontinuance and the repayment of software has been received from the vender to the user who goes out to this misidentification knowledge the influence in use.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software, BitDefender, AntiVir, Arcavir, Ikarus, and ClamAV, it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan.KillWin (Trojan horse).
I do not get the report of the reply and the improvement though the report to
request the improvement from the vender was done.
It is recognized that it is Macafe virus scanning (definition file version 4638) and hsprt (standard run time file) is Generic MSVC.e (Trojan horse).
It is corrected with the definition file version 4639.
In the virus made of foreign countries retrieval software and AVG(7.1.362), it is recognized that hsp2c.hrt (compact version run time) is Trojan horse GenericFUO (Trojan horse).
It is corrected with AVG 7.1.371.
The following virus made of foreign countries retrieval software is not being generated by the vender's correspondence now though generated the misidentification knowledge by the definition file at one o'clock.
Avira TR/KillWin.AJ
eTrust-Iris Win32/DelWin.L!Trojan
Fortinet BHO/KillWin.AL
Panda 8.02.00 Trj/Killwin.C
Sybari 7.5.1314 Win32/DelWin.L!Trojan
VBA32 3.10.3 Trojan.Win32.KillWin.aj
abo from Japan
dernier mail : il semblerait que cette version beta de setfsb avec le bon PLL sélectionné fonctionne :
Hi Olivier-san,
SetFSB test version
http://www13.plala.or.jp/setfsb/do [...] _74_0b.zip
1. start SetFSB.
2. select the clock generator to W83194BG-SD.
Please try "Get FSB""Set FSB" buttons "Trackbar"..., and check whether the
FSB frequency is the same as CPU-Z.
I am waiting for your result.
(le fsb est bien le même que celui indiqué par cpu-z, mais je ne peux pour le moment tester le changement de fréquence sous windows avec ce qui tourne pour le moment sur ma machine ; si le coeur vous en dit...)
edit 2 : le changement d'fsb sous windows se déroule correctement avec cette beta, en tout cas par petit pas de 10 mhz
Message édité par oliwek le 10-10-2008 à 02:38:23