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texte d'anglais

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 16:07:52  profilanswer

bonjour, serait-il possible qu'on me corrige mes fautes d'orthographe.
i like murder stories only when they are good accomplish and realize.
when there is suspense, this is interesting and captivating
it's interesting and captivating because when i read or watch a murder stories, i'am pose the questions as: who is the murderer? or how the murderer have killed him ?
i prefer to watch a murder film rather than to read murder stories.
honesty, i don't like read.
nevertheless i don't like murder stories which make me frightened and the scenes violent where there are blood.
i love when the inspector searches indication or investigates to solve mystery and find the killer. it's spectacular
the disavantage in the stories are that the nasty lose all the time. it's not fun.

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 16:07:52  profilanswer

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 16:56:01  profilanswer

t'es  quel classe?

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 17:04:50  profilanswer

je suis en premiere

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 17:17:18  profilanswer

I like murder stories only when they are well accomplished and realized.
When there is suspense, they are interesting and captivating.
It is interesting and captivating because you want to have the answers to questions such as who is the murderer ? or how did the murderer kill him ?
I prefer to watch a murder film rather than to read murder stories.
Honestly, i don't like reading a lot.
Nevertheless I prefer murder stories that does not frightened me and where there are no violent scenes with blood.
I love when the inspector searches indication and investigates to solve mystery and find the killer. I think it is spectacular.
One of the disavantage in the stories is that the nasty lose everytime. It could be more fun if the contrary happened sometimes.

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 17:17:38  profilanswer

"i like murder stories only when they are good accomplish and realize"
"murder stories" tu entends quoi par histoire de meurtre ?
"only when " only if
"good accomplish and realize" c'est du franglais
accomplish tuveux dire quoi
to realize : realiser, prendre conscience
to direct : realiser un film

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 17:21:38  profilanswer

"When there is suspense, they are interesting and captivating. "
"When there is suspense" mauvaise structure
"captivating" seulement pour les personnes mais je suis plus sur

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 17:28:27  profilanswer

"i'am pose the questions as" se poser des questions to wonder
"I prefer to watch " prefer + verb-ing
"rather than" j'utiliserais instead of + verb-ing mais j'ai un doute
"that does not frightened me" to frighten faire peur pas besoin de do
"indication" tu veux dire quoi ?
evidence: preuves
piece of evidence : une preuve
"the nasty lose" : the nasty loses
"more fun"  funny funnier plus drole

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 18:08:10  profilanswer

merci, sa devrait etre bon sa non ?pour répondre a ta question rém41 je parle d'histoire de meurtre,de série policiere comme colombo par exemple
I like murder stories only if they are well accomplished and directed.
When there is suspense, they are interesting and captivating.
It is interesting and captivating because you want to have the answers to questions such as who is the murderer ? or how did the murderer kill him ?
I prefer to watch a murder film rather than to read murder stories.
(pour celle ci je suis sure, on l'avais noté dans le cour au début d'année)
Honestly, i don't like reading a lot.
Nevertheless I prefer murder stories that does not frighten me and where there are no violent scenes with blood. (je ne comprend pas quand tu dis "pas de do?"
I love when the inspector searches indication and investigates to solve mystery and find the killer. I think it is spectacular.
(pour indication, je voulais dire "indices" )
One of the disavantage in the stories is that the nasty loses everytime. It could be more fun(or funny funnier) if the contrary happened sometimes.
merci votre aide

• Hook'em Horns •
Posté le 07-12-2008 à 18:33:02  profilanswer

michoudu59 a écrit :

merci, sa devrait etre bon sa non ?pour répondre a ta question rém41 je parle d'histoire de meurtre,de série policiere comme colombo par exemple
I like murder stories only if they are well accomplished and directed.
When there is suspense, they are interesting and captivating.
It is interesting and captivating because you want to have the answers to the questions such as who is the murderer ? or how did the murderer kill him ?
I prefer to watching a murder film rather than to reading murder stories.
(pour celle ci je suis sure, on l'avais noté dans le cour au début d'année)
Honestly, i don't like reading a lot.
Nevertheless I prefer murder stories that does not frighten me and where there are is no violent scenes with blood. (je ne comprend pas quand tu dis "pas de do?"
I love when the inspector searches looks for indication clues and investigates to solve mysteries and find the killer. I think it is spectacular.
(pour indication, je voulais dire "indices" )
One of the disavantage in these stories is that the nasty loses everytime. It could be more fun(or funny funnier if the contrary happened sometimes.
merci votre aide

Voilà ma correction de Terminale ES.

Message édité par Meloti le 07-12-2008 à 18:34:11

When I Was Trapped In The Darkness And Couldn't See The Light, I Was Waiting For The Helping Hand...
Posté le 07-12-2008 à 18:45:04  profilanswer

histoire de meurtre policiere : detective novel, detective film
indices : clues  
accomplished tu le comprend comment
accomplished : accompli au sens acte et fait accompli cad terminé bien fait  
"violent scenes with blood"  
c'est soi violent scenes with some blood ou violent and bloody scenes

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 18:45:04  profilanswer

Posté le 07-12-2008 à 19:15:18  profilanswer

accomplished: je voulais dire.
j'aime les histoires de meurtre seulement si elles sont bien réalisé, bien faite etc.(terminé bien fait comme tu l'as dis.)
j'ai une petite question qui n'a rien avoir avec le texte.
que signifie le mot "advice"

Message édité par michoudu59 le 07-12-2008 à 19:20:18

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