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aide de traduction

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 18:48:54  profilanswer

salut a tous
voila en j'ai projet qui consiste a ecrire une chanson sur un sujet qui nous plait voici mon texte
je me suis insipiré de placebo groupe que je  :love:  
 J’ai écrit un poème qui décrit ce monde
la realité n'est pas belle a voire,  
le monde est devenu fou
 Fais gaffe à ce monde troublé
 Et prends garde aux tremblements de terre
la vie est trop court pour avoir la haine ca n'envo pas la peine
pense a tout ses innocent , a tous enfants mort pour rien
faite l'amour pas la guerre
faite l'amour pas la guerre
faite l'amour pas la guerre
La seule chose sur laquelle tu peux compter
Est que tu ne peux compter sur rien
On est peut-être victimes du destin ?
 l'amitié entre homme et femmes, est indispensable  
les hommes  ne cessait de jouer à des jeux dangereux pour s'amuser
Coincé entre agir ou mourir, je me sens desarmez
le passé te rattrapera même si tu cours plus vite
faite l'amour pas la guerre
faite l'amour pas la guerre
faite l'amour pas la guerre
apprendre que ses parents meurent a cause d'un bonbardement  
c'est peut etre  pour vous quelque chose d'insignifiant  
mais pour moi c'est quelque chose de tres important
C'est ton age,
C'est ma rage.

Message édité par cotorep le 03-04-2005 à 18:49:50
Posté le 03-04-2005 à 18:48:54  profilanswer

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 19:12:11  profilanswer

I wrote a poem which describes this world  
the reality is not beautiful A even,
the world became insane Pay attention to this disturbed world And take guard with the earthquakes the life is too short to have hatred Ca envo not the sorrow thinks has all its innocent, has all children died for nothing
made love not the war  
made love not the war  
made love not the war  
The only thing on which you can count Is that you can count on nothing One is perhaps victims of the destiny?  
friendship between man and women, is essential the men did not cease playing dangerous plays to have fun Wedged between acting or dying, I direction desarmez yourself the past will catch up with you even if you run more quickly  
to learn that his/her parents die because of one bonbardement it east can be for you something of unimportant but for me it is something of very important  
it your age
it my rage
voila ce que ca donne sur le traducteur de voila

Message édité par cotorep le 03-04-2005 à 19:13:27
Posté le 03-04-2005 à 19:42:55  profilanswer

ouais ben c'est sûr que c'est du "google's translation"! Qu'est-ce que tu veux qu'on te dise?

Radio Kerne? E brezhonneg bemdez!Hep brezhonneg, Breizh ebet!
Posté le 03-04-2005 à 19:44:15  profilanswer

m'aide ameliore le texte
je suis vraiment nul en anglais

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 19:58:34  profilanswer

Je suis pas sûr que commencer par rédiger en Français puis traduire en Anglais soit vraiment la meilleure solution, à moins que j'aie mal compris...

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 20:01:55  profilanswer

Bon alors ça peut donner ça:
I wrote a poem whiche describes the world
Reality is not nice to look at
The world has become mad
Be cautious with this mess (littéralement c'est pas terrible)
And be careful with earthquakes
Life is too short to hate,  
Think to all these innocent people,all these kids who died for nothing
je continuerais plus tard, là j'ai la flemme, c'est pas urgent?  

Radio Kerne? E brezhonneg bemdez!Hep brezhonneg, Breizh ebet!
Posté le 03-04-2005 à 20:03:31  profilanswer

en faite c'est pour demain et je dois la chanté avec un fond musical derriere
j'avais pensé a mettre les 4 saisons de vivaldi derriere
il faut que je trouve une chanson instrumental

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 20:49:51  profilanswer

j'ai un pote qui ma aidé a traduire  
I wrote a poem who describe the world  
The reality is horrible to see,
The world became mad
Be careful to this world troubled.
And take guard to the earthquakes.
The life is too short to hate some one,it s not needed.
Think about all this innoncents, at all these childrien : dead for nothing.
Make Love and not war x3
The only thing you can be sure is nothing
We may be victims of the destiny.
The friendship between men and women is essential
Men didn't stop to play dangerous games to enjoy theirselves.
Hesitating between act or die, they feel desarmed.
The past will be faster even if you run fast.
Make love and not war (x3)
Learn that your parents die because of a bomb
You are maybe careless  
But for me it s something really important
It's my age, It's your rage

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 21:04:55  profilanswer

cotorep a écrit :

j'ai un pote qui ma aidé a traduire  
I wrote a poem who that describes the world  
The reality is horrible to see,
The world became mad
Be careful to(beware of/watch out ?) this world troubled.
And take guard to (beware of/watch out ?) the earthquakes.
The life is too short to hate some one,it s not needed.
Think about all this innoncents, at all these childrien : dead for nothing.
Make Love and not war x3
The only thing you can be sure of is nothing
We may be victims of the destiny.
The friendship between men and women is essential
Men didn't stop to play dangerous games to enjoy theirselves.
Hesitating between acting or dying (action or death ?), they feel desarmed.
The past will be faster even if you run fast.
Make love and not war (x3)
Learn that your parents die because of a bomb
You are maybe careless you may not care
But for me it s something really important
It's my age, It's your rage

Sans avoir la prétention que ma correction soit bonne...

Message édité par kzimir le 03-04-2005 à 21:06:25
Posté le 03-04-2005 à 21:22:43  profilanswer

une autre traducteur  
I wrote a poem which describes its world world
 reality is not beautiful A even,  
the world became insane Made blunder in this disturbed world And take guard with the earthquakes  
the life is too short to have hatred Ca in vau not the sorrow think has all its innocenst, has all children died for nothing  
made love not the war
madelove not the war
 made love not the war
 The only thing on which you can count You little to count on nothing E One is perhaps victims of the destiny?  
the friendship between man and women, is essential  
the men did not cease playing dangerous plays to have fun Wedged between acting or dying, I feel disarmed the past will catch up  
with you even if you run more quickly  
made love not the war
 made love not the war
 made love not the war  
to learn that his/her parents die because of a bombardment it east can be for you something of unimportant but for me it is something of very important  
It is your age, It is my rage.

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 21:22:43  profilanswer

Posté le 03-04-2005 à 21:49:28  profilanswer

cotorep a écrit :

une autre traducteur  
I wrote a poem which describes its world world
 reality is not beautiful A even,  
the world became insane Made blunder in this disturbed world And take guard with the earthquakes  
the life is too short to have hatred Ca in vau not the sorrow think has all its innocenst, has all children died for nothing  
made love not the war
madelove not the war
 made love not the war
 The only thing on which you can count You little to count on nothing E One is perhaps victims of the destiny?  
the friendship between man and women, is essential  
the men did not cease playing dangerous plays to have fun Wedged between acting or dying, I feel disarmed the past will catch up  
with you even if you run more quickly  
made love not the war
 made love not the war
 made love not the war  
to learn that his/her parents die because of a bombardment it east can be for you something of unimportant but for me it is something of very important  
It is your age, It is my rage.

C'est bourré de fautes et surtout illisible. Tu peux débroussailler un peu le truc (remettre les vers en place, virer ce qui n'a pas sa place) ?  

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