Auteur | Sujet : LREM - Le PMU HFR, interdit aux -35. |
FLeFou | Reprise du message précédent :
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
Publicité | Posté le 11-07-2024 à 14:10:03 |
la lampe |
Message édité par la lampe le 11-07-2024 à 14:14:09 |
mejoralo |
ecirbaf |
maurice chevallier Versus Maurice Laspallès |
--------------- http://lesbaydaydemc.blogspot.fr/ |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
patx3 |
StefSamy VC FTW |
--------------- Inutile d'essayer de me faire passer pour un con. J'y arrive très bien tout seul. §§§ On ne fait pas boire un âne qui n'a pas soif. |
babyboy4 |
Publicité | Posté le 11-07-2024 à 14:25:44 |
Chips |
The NBoc Quo Modo Deum |
--------------- it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - La lecture est un stratagème qui dispense de réfléchir - Et les Shadocks pompaient, pompaient... |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
Naxos \o/ |
--------------- [Folio Photos] |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
roland- |
The NBoc Quo Modo Deum |
--------------- it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - La lecture est un stratagème qui dispense de réfléchir - Et les Shadocks pompaient, pompaient... |
roland- | Putain qqqn ici pour leur expliquer que le déficit c'est 3 du PIB mais pas du tout 3% du budget ? Et qu'en gros on dépense chaque année 30% de plus que ce que l'on gagne ? |
Rick_C137 |
The NBoc Quo Modo Deum |
--------------- it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - La lecture est un stratagème qui dispense de réfléchir - Et les Shadocks pompaient, pompaient... |
gimly the knight |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
Chips |
StefSamy VC FTW |
--------------- Inutile d'essayer de me faire passer pour un con. J'y arrive très bien tout seul. §§§ On ne fait pas boire un âne qui n'a pas soif. |
roland- |
babyboy4 |
The NBoc Quo Modo Deum |
--------------- it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - La lecture est un stratagème qui dispense de réfléchir - Et les Shadocks pompaient, pompaient... |
roland- |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
grotius |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
v4mpir3 Total mandingue |
--------------- PSN : voradz / Steam ID : voradz / Bnet :Voradz#1571 / Uplay : Voradz |
OTH My hovercraft is full of eels |
si les castors n'avaient pas fait barrage, la France serait gouvernable mais voilà, ils ont préféré la guerre civile Message cité 1 fois Message édité par OTH le 11-07-2024 à 15:05:19 --------------- Pronouns: He/Him/His |
FLeFou |
Ils auraient du faire barrage au RN et au NFP. Message édité par FLeFou le 11-07-2024 à 15:06:13 --------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
OTH My hovercraft is full of eels |
--------------- Pronouns: He/Him/His |
OTH My hovercraft is full of eels |
--------------- Pronouns: He/Him/His |
FLeFou |
--------------- The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes but in liking what one has to do Sir James M. Barrie |
OTH My hovercraft is full of eels |
--------------- Pronouns: He/Him/His |
The NBoc Quo Modo Deum |
--------------- it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - La lecture est un stratagème qui dispense de réfléchir - Et les Shadocks pompaient, pompaient... |
Hermes le Messager Breton Quiétiste |
--------------- Expert en expertises |
snakesolid2 Premier de cordée |
--------------- The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best. Thomas Sowell |
Publicité | Posté le |