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SAI: Audencia - SKEMA - EML - ESCP - HEC

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:05:50  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

Danteshek a écrit :

Yeah, of course I sent them the GMAT...  the level 1 CFA exam is not until June 2nd and is not one of the tests they accept for admission.  The reason I couldn't study for the GMAT is because I was, and still am, studying for the CFA nearly 20+hours a week and it is impossible to take the GMAT seriously at the same time.

Oh ok, I guess I totally misunderstood  :pt1cable: I took the GMAT too but the exam was really hard for me. I think it's really designed for native speaker (I mean for the verbal section), some rules are tricky and you have to know them before thinking it's even possible lol.
I have a friend who is interested to take the CFA, I'll tell him to start to study now, doesn't seem to be a piece of cake... :sweat:
By the way, congrats to your dad  :D

Message édité par raccoon3 le 06-04-2007 à 18:06:42
Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:05:50  profilanswer

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:10:09  profilanswer

Danteshek a écrit :

Well the CFA is very specific to my career path, in investment management.  The finance department at HEC has a commitment to cover at least 70% of the entire curriculum.  It is 3 exams taken over three years and together with 4 years of relevant experience you earn the CFA charter, the gold standard in the industry.  If I go to HEC I will continue my CFA studies concurently, and aim for a position in buy side research, hopefully of emerging markets (I also speak russian).
I did not call to ask about the CFA program, but it is on my resume and is obviously integral to my professional development.  HEC is more of a way to access the european job market, and further internationalize my profile in general...  my to go back to a global AM firm, but in an analyst role (I am currently in institutional client service)...
I did apply to the three other schools, but I have decided not to accept any interviews.  I don't see how I could justify going to Lyon or even the other parisian school.  It would be a waste of time.  I would be better off waiting and then going to do an MBA later.

Hey. are you sure that Hec cover a part of CFA curriculum? The information you got is from a secure source? If that's the case, since CFA is also one my interests, and that i intend to take it in a time or another, i could do it there in parallel to the courses..the bad news is i'm not even sure to be selected :d

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:13:31  profilanswer

You got 405 on the TM... it's a really good shot to be chosen ;)

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:15:35  profilanswer

Danteshek a écrit :

Yeah... it was the verbal section that saved my GMAT score...  I got in the 97th percentile..

Well I'm not bad in English (I took native speaker classes, I go to a UC and all), but it wasn't enough to save my butt. Maybe one day I'll take it again and will be able to say "see GMAC I can do it too! :na: " :lol:  
Just want to make sure on a tiny detail: the program we're applying to is in English, right?

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:25:05  profilanswer

Ok I wanted to make sure because I want to study in English. I soooo wanna go there!!

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:36:42  profilanswer

You are graduating this June from UCSD?  I remember visiting the campus back in 1999 when I was applying to colleges... nice place... the girls were smokin' hot.

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:40:07  profilanswer

Yeah I'm graduating in June. I'm kinda taking 6 classes for that, but at least I'll be done soon.
How come you didn't go there?

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:45:42  profilanswer

oooh I see. And after graduating you came back in CA?

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:50:02  profilanswer

Yup.  I love L.A., but I love Paris and Moscow equally as much :)

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:52:02  profilanswer

Yeah Paris is awesome. Don't know for Moscow since I've never been there lol

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:52:02  profilanswer

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:55:53  profilanswer

I spent almost a year in Moscow and in another city nearby... best experience of my life.
Have you done much travelling?

Message édité par Danteshek le 06-04-2007 à 18:56:40
Posté le 06-04-2007 à 18:56:28  profilanswer

lol Yeah, not getting in is not the end of the world, but getting in is the entrance for Heaven :D

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 19:22:33  profilanswer

Can i know which Exam center has each of u chosen for passing the oral test? Have u got an idea if the competition is too high in Madrid's or Barcelona's exam center? What about Cairo?

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 19:32:50  profilanswer

I'm going to San Francisco and danteshek is going to New York.
I don't know about the competition for each exam center, but I don't think the US are as crowded as the exam center in Europe.

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 19:59:12  profilanswer

This year there are 60-70 for HEC, 80 for the 3 others (confirmed by the SAI).
That's right a lot of French went abroad to apply for the program, but I would think that they try to give privilege to foreigners rather than French (I don't know where I stand since I'm French but haven't lived in France for 6 years).

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 20:05:30  profilanswer

lmao, you sure have a lot of confidence. But I think there would be a fair amount of Asian people and they have a big potential!
By the way, you should check your pm sometimes ;)

Message édité par raccoon3 le 06-04-2007 à 20:06:47
Posté le 06-04-2007 à 20:08:40  profilanswer

Yeah the cost is cheap compared to tuition here

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 20:24:08  profilanswer

I sent you a response.  I've been slacking so I need to get back to work.

Posté le 06-04-2007 à 21:00:32  profilanswer

raccoon3 a écrit :

Sur le site du SAI ils mettent peu a peu les dates (je suppose selon l'admissibilite des personnes et la disponibilite des entretiens?).
J'ai pas encore appelle le SAI, mais je suppose que je le ferais dans la semaine. wmad, quand as-tu passe l'epreuve?

salut raccoon3 j'ai passé le test le 23 Mars et j'attend toujours les resultats qui semble t'il seront dispo le 10 avril.
je compte sur toi pour me rapporter ce que diront les gens du SAI

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 00:32:54  profilanswer

Les candidats aux grandes ecoles de commerce, que vous soyez des candidats francais par admissions paralleles , ou candidats etrangers et francais a travers le SAI , quels sont vos scores de GMAT ou TAGE MAGE ? et si vous etes des candidats etrangers, quel centre d'examen avez vous choisis pour votre ORAL?  
Merci ( j'espere qu'il y'aura assez de forumeur qui entrent dans ce poste)

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 00:36:39  profilanswer

Je suis un candidat libanais, qui passe les concours du SAI pour integrer une des ecoles suivantes HEC ESCP EMLYON.  Mon acore au tagemage a ete de  pour une moyenne de session de 310.

Message édité par Libanais1986 le 29-04-2007 à 23:33:45
Posté le 07-04-2007 à 02:37:07  profilanswer

llfou a écrit :

GMAT is no less important for an older candidate, especially the maths section, it could mean that you re "out of shape" to follow the courses.


HEC dont usually like older candidates, because they should simply apply to the MBA HEC instead and bring more $$$ to the school.


I was accepted at HEC a couple of years ago, and I helped several candidates to get in as well.
So no I am not competing with you nor saying BS.


The GMAT doesn't really highlight any given ability, it's a mere mean to weed people out.
We used to say at school that the GMAT only tests retardation: scoring high (say 700+) doesn't necessarily show that you're intelligent and a 750+ doesn't mean you're a genius, but scoring low (< 630) certainly tells admissions officers that you're not all that bright.


And please, no lame no-time-to-study excuses, people who want to get into good business schools should be able to get a 650+ to say the least with a day or two of quick review.


And a 35 quant is really just too low, it's around what percentile ? 45th ? Getting the mean score of all test-takers isn't a good thing when you want to get in a top-tier school.

Message édité par markovito le 07-04-2007 à 02:42:16
Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:00:36  profilanswer

Je sais, j'abondais juste dans ton sens d'ou ma quote.
C'est cool les gens un peu pretentieux et arrogants sans raison particuliere de l'etre, ca me fait toujours marrer. Et aux US on a quand-meme souvent l'occasion de se marrer faut dire :-p

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:02:47  profilanswer

Why do I feel like I'm a loser? :D
markotivo, t'es aux USA?

Message édité par raccoon3 le 07-04-2007 à 03:03:36
Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:02:54  profilanswer

You have experience in the U.S.?  I lived in France for 6 years back in the day... so I am not what you are probably envisioning.

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:06:28  profilanswer

Danteshek a écrit :

You have experience in the U.S.?  I lived in France for 6 years back in the day... so I am not what you are probably envisioning.

I went to Cal, and I've worked in SF and NY. So what do you think it is that I'm envisioning ;) ?  

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:09:35  profilanswer

markovito a écrit :

I went to Cal, and I've worked in SF and NY. So what do you think it is that I'm envisioning ;) ?

Ok je viens de realiser que je t'avais deja parle sur mon post sur le SAI, t'es l'etudiant de UCB ;)

Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:09:57  profilanswer

I just figured you were anti-american.  I guess you aren't since you have broad experience here. I went to Wesleyan, and maths were certainly not emphasized there.  Since graduation I have taken 7 courses in quantitative subjects, and got As in 6 of them.  I think that will take the edge off my math score.

Message édité par Danteshek le 07-04-2007 à 03:10:26
Posté le 07-04-2007 à 03:21:17  profilanswer

No actually I was and still am studying for the CFA.  I have too many co-workers who failed the CFA because they spent too much time on the GMAT.  I spent exactly 5 days on it.  I do not need to be accepted at HEC to do what I want to do in the U.S.  However I am interested in broadening my professional experience to the Euro marketplace.

Message édité par Danteshek le 07-04-2007 à 03:22:01
Posté le 09-04-2007 à 02:27:42  profilanswer

Danteshek a écrit :

HEC has accepted students with a 600 on the GMAT.
I am an unusual case with good work experience in a multi national, a lot of international experience, and a very well thought out plan.  I think my chance is quite good actually even with low math score.

Danteshek, you are so full of yourself...I have never read anyone so conceded and pretentious, wow...if your personnality is remotedly close to your boasting cockiness, i wish you stay in southern Cal cause you are "2 good" to be among us, humans....

Posté le 09-04-2007 à 02:52:50  profilanswer

Hey man, I'd love to stay in socal. It's nice here and a hotspot for AM.  I'm just a little bored and looking for a change of scenery.  Cockyness is not such a bad trait to have working in finance, especially for a marketing professional.  Maybe it is less accepted in France than in the US.  If so I guess I'll have to tone it down a bit.  I never implied that I was "too good" for HEC.  However I strongly believe that I am good enough, and that HEC would be fortunate to have me as a student and alum.

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 07:04:55  profilanswer

I hear from Racoon that the admissibility results are out at 9AM French time...  that's midnight for us... two hours.
If anyone else thinks I'm arrogant/annoying/stupid let's hear it.  I'm too lazy to write in French... but I don't mind if you lambast me in French.  It's funnier that way.

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 09:14:07  profilanswer

just checked the HEC website.. it says i'm admissible.
There are approximately 600 admissible candidates.
Only 30 in North America (11 in NY, 5 in SF, 14 in Montreal...).  The vast majority are from Africa, Asia, and Paris.

Message édité par Danteshek le 11-04-2007 à 22:40:15
Posté le 11-04-2007 à 11:03:04  profilanswer

Bonjour tout le monde!
Je m'appelle Mehdi je suis tunisien. j'ai passé le tage mage et comme vous le savezn la liste des admissibles a été publié hier. Je b'ai aucune idée comment est-ce qu'on peut obtenir son resultat du tage mage ou comment savoir dans quelle ecole on es admissible. si quelq'un pourrait m'aider ca serait tr gentil. Merci.
Ps: Ce forum est vraiment genial et tres interessant.   :hello:

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 12:31:46  profilanswer

salut a tous tout d'abord merci pour les nbeux conseil j'ai les meme préocupation que toi mehdi77. Car je pense que c'est bon de connaitre son score. Je suis également admissible sur la liste du SAI

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 14:45:48  profilanswer

mehdi77 a écrit :

Bonjour tout le monde!
Je m'appelle Mehdi je suis tunisien. j'ai passé le tage mage et comme vous le savezn la liste des admissibles a été publié hier. Je b'ai aucune idée comment est-ce qu'on peut obtenir son resultat du tage mage ou comment savoir dans quelle ecole on es admissible. si quelq'un pourrait m'aider ca serait tr gentil. Merci.
Ps: Ce forum est vraiment genial et tres interessant.   :hello:

Salut, d'abord mabrouk pr ton admissibilite. Mais y'a quand meme 71 tunisiens admissibles...  ca va barder!  
Pour ma part je suis admissible au caire. Concernant les scores de tage mage, comme j'ai fais le mien avec la FNEGE, j'ai eu mon score par email apres en avoir fait la demande a la FNEGE par email egalement. Si c'est ton ton cas, fais la meme demarche que moi. Si par contre tu presentes par le SAI, envoi un message au SAI, a partir de leus siteweb, dans la section contact, et demande les info que tu veux sur le tagemage.

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 15:30:18  profilanswer

J'ai fait la demande au SAI, j'attends le score.
Sinon la fille m'a dit que les ecoles ont pris la decision en commun pour l'admissibilite. Ils ont un score seuil (qu'ils ne peuvent divulguer) et les ecoles decident ensemble s'ils sont admissible dans toutes les ecoles. Mais a-t-on vraiment une chance d'aller jusqu'au bout?
Je suis admissible et nous sommes 5 a le passer a San Francisco.

Message édité par raccoon3 le 11-04-2007 à 15:31:48
Posté le 11-04-2007 à 15:34:19  profilanswer

Bon et bien j'ai recu ma note. J'ai 390. Ai-je une chance d'entrer a HEC avec ca?

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 17:51:08  profilanswer

raccoon3 a écrit :

Bon et bien j'ai recu ma note. J'ai 390. Ai-je une chance d'entrer a HEC avec ca?

A ma connaissance et si l'on s'en remet aux rumeurs, la barre symbolique pour HEC est 400. Mais tout ca ne veut bien entendu rien dire vu que c'est un hole package dossier+Tagemage+oral. Chacune des composantes de ce package est ponderee differement, et l'on a empiriquement constate (il n'ya pas de chiffres officiels) que c'est l'oral qui compte le plus, suivit du tagemage, et le dossier ne constitue en fait qu'un element mineur mais parfois decisif puiqu'il permet de trancher dans les situations rares dans lesquelles par exemple deux admissibles ont les meme notes au tage et a l'oral. En effet j'ai un ami qui a ete pris l'annee passee a HEC avec un tagemage de 385 et un dossier de 10 de moyenne, mais un 18 a l'oral. Une autre personne l'annee d'avant a ete prise a HEC avec 325. Enfin un troisieme a ete refuse malgre un 390 au tage et un excellent dossier a 14 de moyenne generale.  
N'hesitez pas a faire part des cas dont vous avez connaissance... ca nous interesse a tous  

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 17:59:54  profilanswer

Aucun cas a ma conaissance.
Par contre je serais fort interessee pour savoir comment ils se sont prepares pour l'oral et comment se passe l'oral? Quel genre de questions, etc.

Posté le 11-04-2007 à 18:13:03  profilanswer

raccoon3 a écrit :

Aucun cas a ma conaissance.
Par contre je serais fort interessee pour savoir comment ils se sont prepares pour l'oral et comment se passe l'oral? Quel genre de questions, etc.

Un oral, ca se prepare pas. Tu prends un bon petit dejeuner, tu fais le vide dans ta tete avant d'entrer dans la salle d'oral, tu rentres en salle et tu te dis que ces mecs assis au fond c des humains, et tu reponds naturellement et spontanement a tout ce qu'on te demande.

Posté le   profilanswer

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