Alors, on va jouer un peu:
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Hello Everyone. So I spent a very long time last night trying to get Worms World Party to work over hamachi(virtual LAN). This is a guide to help others who want to use Hamachi Virtual LAN to play WWP with their friends.
Pour le moment osef il introduit le post
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This probably works on other OS as well, but I am using Windows 7.
Cool mais c'est en 2009, les choses ont changé depuis, j'vais pas faire mon nobrain à te dire "go google" mais bon, tu m'auras compris
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Things to download:
1) ForceBindIP - This program helps WWP to use hamachi as its LAN. Otherwise it gets confused.
2) WWP Fix - This is the fix that works for me. Levo's did not work for whatever reason, but it worked for some of my friends. I don't really know why. If this one doesn't work you can try the other.
très bien seul le premier point m'intéresse, je suis allé voir le deuxième mais ça patch le jeu et pas forcebindIp
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You can install ForceBindIP at any time. You'll need to know what directory that it installs to.
If you are on 64 bit windows ForceBindIP installs to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe
If you are on 32 bit windows ForceBindIP installs to c:\windows\system32\ForceBindIP.exe
Sans déconner, faut pas être sorti des mines pour savoir ça, c'est même expliqué sur environ 3500 sites sur google, je te fais un dessin?
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Okay now it's time to install worms. These exact steps worked for me.
1) Uninstall any fixes and then the game
2) Install the game
3) Copy the DATA folder from the CD to the game directory (overwriting existing files)
4) Install Service Pack 1
5)Install Compatibility Fix
full osef, là je commente juste pour toi
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After you have installed this fix, there should be an icon on your desktop titled Worms World Party - Compatibility Fix
1)Right click on this icon
2)Click properties
3)In the target box, before the quotations enter C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe HAMACHI_IP
Hamachi IP being the ip that Hamachi assigns to you. If you are not in 64 bit windows, syswow64 directory should instead be system32.
encore osef avec hamachi, je suis en vpn windows, pas hamachi
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It should look something like C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe "C:\Team17\Worms World Party\wwp_start.bat"
oue encore osef c'est une ligne de base, limite il aurait pû rajouter qu'on doit lancer le cmd en admin ça aurait complété
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After this is all finished, you and your pals should be able to play a LAN game, assuming you are all connected on Hamachi.
Have fun!
P.S. If your windows explorer is closed after exiting out of worms. Ctrl+Alt+Del to start task manager, click File > New Task > type explorer, then click ok
okok kthxbye
Bref, tu me montres où je dois lire?