Bonjour, Merci de m'aider.
Voici les choses demandées:
Ccleaner démarrage:
Oui HKCU:Run CCleaner Smart Cleaning Piriform Software Ltd Famille "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /MONITOR
Non HKCU:Run Chromium Famille "c:\users\famille\appdata\local\chromium\application\chrome.exe" --auto-launch-at-startup --profile-directory="Default" --restore-last-session
Non HKCU:Run uTorrent BitTorrent Inc. Famille "C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe" /MINIMIZED
Oui HKLM:Run Avira SystrayStartTrigger Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG Tous les utilisateurs "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe"
Oui HKLM:Run SecurityHealth Microsoft Corporation Tous les utilisateurs %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe
Non HKLM:Run Wondershare Helper Compact.exe Tous les utilisateurs C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wondershare\Wondershare Helper Compact\WSHelper.exe
Non Startup Common BackupRemind.lnk Tous les utilisateurs C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Dr.Fone pour Android\BackupRemind.exe
Oui Startup Common BGPKiller.lnk AvJoeSW Inc. Tous les utilisateurs C:\Program Files (x86)\BGPKiller\BGPKiller.exe
Oui Startup User OUTLOOK.EXE.lnk Microsoft Corporation Famille C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE
Ccleaner taches planifiées:
Oui Task Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Notifier Adobe Systems Incorporated Famille C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_32_0_0_114_Plugin.exe -check plugin
Oui Task Adobe Flash Player Updater Adobe Systems Incorporated Tous les utilisateurs C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Oui Task AdobeGCInvoker-1.0-Famille-PC-Famille Adobe Systems, Incorporated Famille C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe
Oui Task AutoPico Daily Restart @ByELDI Tous les utilisateurs "C:\Program Files\KMSpico\AutoPico.exe" /silent
Oui Task Avira_Antivirus_Systray Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG Tous les utilisateurs "C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avgnt.exe" /min
Oui Task CCleanerSkipUAC Piriform Software Ltd Famille "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" $(Arg0)
Oui Task CoolKiller-dll Microsoft Corporation Tous les utilisateurs C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files\CoolKiller\CoolKiller.dll",mUjnBIANGCsu
Oui Task CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask Microsoft Corporation Famille C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /NOUACCHECK
Oui Task GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore Google Inc. Tous les utilisateurs C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe /c
Oui Task GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA Google Inc. Tous les utilisateurs C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe /ua /installsource scheduler
Oui Task OneDrive Standalone Update Task-S-1-5-21-2531190521-1661685892-1433542945-1000 Microsoft Corporation Famille %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe
Non Task Open URL by RoboForm Microsoft Corporation Famille C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler ""
Oui Task Red Giant Link Red Giant LLC Famille C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Giant Link\Red Giant Link.exe
Non Task Run RoboForm TaskBar Icon Siber Systems Famille C:\Program Files (x86)\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboTaskBarIcon.exe
Oui Task TrackerAutoUpdate Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd. Famille "C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\Update\TrackerUpdate.exe" -CheckUpdate
Et ZHPdiag après scan et nettoyage, un peu gros le fichier:
~ ZHPDiag v2019.1.28.13 Par Nicolas Coolman (2019/01/28)
~ Démarré par Famille (Administrator) (2019/01/29 08:52:39)
~ Web:
~ Blog:
~ Facebook:
~ Certificate ZHPDiag: Legal
~ Etat de la version: Version KO
~ Mode: Scanner
~ Rapport: C:\Users\Famille\Desktop\ZHPDiag.txt
~ Rapport: C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag.txt
~ UAC: Activate
~ Démarrage du système: Normal (Normal boot)
Windows 10 Home, 64-bit (Build 17134) =>.Microsoft Corporation
~ GCIE: Google Chrome v71.0.3578.98
~ MFIE: Mozilla Firefox 64.0 (x64 fr)
~ MSIE: Microsoft Edge v40
~ MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.523.17134.0
~ Windows Server License Manager Script : OK
~ Licence Script File Génération : OK
~ Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel
Windows ID Activation : OK
~ Windows Partial Key : 8HVX7
Windows License : OK
~ Windows Remaining Initializations Number : 1001
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
Avira Antivirus v15.0.43.24 (Protection)
Windows Defender W10 (Deactivate) (Protection)
Malwarebytes version v3.6.1.2711 (Protection)
~ Adobe Flash Player 32 NPAPI (Surveillance)
~ CCleaner v5.52 (Optimisation)
~ µTorrent v3.5.4.44632 (P2P)
~ Operating System: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 64-bit
~ Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 8370.464 MB (58% free) : OK =>.RAM Value
System Restore: Activé (Enable)
System drive C: has 669 GB (70%) free of 952 GB : OK =>.Disk Space
~ Computer Name: FAMILLE-PC
~ User Name: Famille
~ Logged in as Administrator
~ Drive C: has 669 GB free of 952 GB (System)
~ Drive D: has 597 GB free of 3815 GB
~ Drive E: has 597 GB free of 3815 GB
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] NoActiveDesktopChanges: Modified
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: Modified
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKLM64\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\COMSysApp] Type: OK
[MD5.E4A81EDDFF8B844D85C8B45354E4144E] - 06/07/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe [3932672] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.73C519F050C20580F8A62C849D49215A] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte Windows (Rundll32).) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\rundll32.exe [69632] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.A58B0CB069DA7840B935872ADCD7F0C2] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wininit.exe [366792] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.0D02868B0E1DFCD934F2417231BBCC79] - 01/01/2019 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\wininet.dll [4939776] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.749CA1F1B638E4E4A8A1F0990377012F] - 08/09/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\Winlogon.exe [677888] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.7A377800FF15426B7D89768A8727CFEF] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de licences.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\sppcomapi.dll [415232] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.86FE93AFDD8B2BCD389E30839A652181] - 09/11/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS DLL de l’API Client.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dnsapi.dll [766704] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.B668D6FD24465E11155B47808553DA61] - 09/11/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS DLL de l’API Client.) -- C:\WINDOWS\Syswow64\dnsapi.dll [573504] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.80BC3B8D2055BC38ECD84769C074C18F] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL client de l’API uilisateur de Windows m.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\fr-FR\user32.dll.mui [19968] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.4DCCC3E02A22ED4A4ADB11386F226071] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de fonction connexe pour WinSock.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\AFD.sys [626592] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.90AB4ED8EBD72A1C096A40CC35404B91] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\atapi.sys [28568] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.D3CBC6DE5955D014407C7BD1FFE80F00] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\Cdfs.sys [93696] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.6834DBBA2A1DBA5B9B6360D0B9A3CBB5] - 15/06/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\Cdrom.sys [159744] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.8A1C10410FDA4287A76EC5A64371E221] - 15/06/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\DfsC.sys [141312] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.DED74127C7A2266715C0B8EA2EE75214] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\HDAudBus.sys [86016] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.DA179667B8CEC22E4ECBBF4210DC0E35] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\i8042prt.sys [105984] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.7408B83959A4B8271EF67FD06A6B366B] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\IpNat.sys [214528] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.6C321DB795F5EF5FF870737177825FC9] - 20/09/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Minirdr SMB Windows NT.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\MRxSmb.sys [500536] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.A6C01E478CD9ED26F6FB7ABCF9A2C773] - 03/08/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\netBT.sys [311296] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.D17E3E9423FC7493DECD896B699E5407] - 01/01/2019 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ntfs.sys [2421288] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.13B175715A4391E4E5D2AB2EBC8CDBB5] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\Parport.sys [98816] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.775ED7E51B58CF9EB415A1DBA540DACF] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [106496] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.3DE4216324BE32FC3AF7667AE2406EE5] - 15/06/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Redirecteur de périphérique de Microsoft RD.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\rdpdr.sys [182784] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.16071C42E21CE3378FA449322FB9AB1D] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tdx.sys [121248] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.F0EE4E6028CCA58BEA9A04E7BEAB7DB4] - 12/04/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\volsnap.sys [398240] =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\ LISTE DES SERVICES (Non désactivés) (9) - 2s
O23 - Service: (AdobeUpdateService) . (.Adobe Inc. - Adobe Update Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\ElevationManager\AdobeUpdateService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
O23 - Service: (AMD External Events Utility) . (.AMD - AMD External Events Service Module.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\atiesrxx.exe =>.AMD
O23 - Service: Avira Protection e-mail (AntiVirMailService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus MailScanner WFP Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avmailc7.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O23 - Service: Avira Planificateur (AntiVirSchedulerService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\sched.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O23 - Service: Avira Protection temps réel (AntiVirService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avguard.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O23 - Service: Avira Protection Web (AntiVirWebService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - AntiVir WebGuard WFP Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avwebg7.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O23 - Service: Avira Service Host (Avira.ServiceHost) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Service Host.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O23 - Service: Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
O23 - Service: TeamViewer 14 (TeamViewer) . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 14.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe =>.TeamViewer GmbH®
---\ SERVICES NON MICROSOFT (SR=Démarré,SS=Stoppé) (104) - 25s
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 107416] (3ware) . (.LSI.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\3ware.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [12/01/2019] [ 335872] Adobe Flash Player Update Service (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
SR - Auto [13/09/2018] [ 818136] (AdobeUpdateService) . (.Adobe Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\ElevationManager\AdobeUpdateService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 1135520] (ADP80XX) . (.PMC-Sierra.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ADP80XX.SYS =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [10/09/2018] [ 2910696] Adobe Genuine Monitor Service (AGMService) . (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGMService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
SR - Disabl [10/09/2018] [ 2704872] Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service (AGSService) . (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGSService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
SR - Auto [09/08/2015] [ 255512] (AMD External Events Utility) . (.AMD.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\atiesrxx.exe =>.Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher®
SR - Boot [03/06/2015] [ 31992] AMD Audio Bus Lower Filter (amdkmafd) . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\amdkmafd.sys =>.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.®
SR - Demand [09/08/2015] [21631512] (amdkmdag) . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\atikmdag.sys =>.Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher®
SR - Demand [09/08/2015] [ 673816] (amdkmdap) . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\atikmpag.sys =>.Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 83360] (amdsata) . (.Advanced Micro Devices.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\amdsata.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 259480] (amdsbs) . (.AMD Technologies Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\amdsbs.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 27032] (amdxata) . (.Advanced Micro Devices.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\amdxata.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Auto [15/11/2018] [ 891472] Avira Protection e-mail (AntiVirMailService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avmailc7.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [15/11/2018] [ 248312] Avira Planificateur (AntiVirSchedulerService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\sched.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [15/11/2018] [ 248312] Avira Protection temps réel (AntiVirService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avguard.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [15/11/2018] [ 1162120] Avira Protection Web (AntiVirWebService) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avwebg7.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 132000] Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RAID S (arcsas) . (.PMC-Sierra, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\arcsas.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [14/04/2016] [ 150272] ASMedia USB3.1 Hub (asmthub3) . (.ASMedia Technology Inc.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\asmthub3.sys =>.ASMedia Technology Inc.®
SR - Demand [14/04/2016] [ 453880] ASMedia XHCI Servi (asmtxhci) . (.ASMedia Technology Inc.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\asmtxhci.sys =>.ASMedia Technology Inc.®
SR - Demand [26/02/2016] [ 102400] AMD Function Driver f (AtiHDAudioService) . (.Advanced Micro Devices.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\AtihdWT6.sys =>.Advanced Micro Devices
SR - Boot [09/08/2018] [ 69656] avdevprot (avdevprot) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\avdevprot.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [09/07/2018] [ 179376] avgntflt (avgntflt) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - System [09/07/2018] [ 169864] avipbb (avipbb) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [08/01/2019] [ 438384] Avira Service Host (Avira.ServiceHost) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - System [11/04/2017] [ 44488] avkmgr (avkmgr) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Auto [10/04/2018] [ 88488] avnetflt (avnetflt) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\avnetflt.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Boot [10/04/2018] [ 38048] avusbflt (avusbflt) . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\avusbflt.sys =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 533912] QLogic Network Adapter VBD (b06bdrv) . (.QLogic Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\bxvbda.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 9728] bcmfn2 Service (bcmfn2) . (...) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\bcmfn2.sys =>.Broadcom Corporation
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 321432] (cht4iscsi) . (.Chelsio Communications.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\cht4sx64.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 1836952] Chelsio Virtual Bus Driver (cht4vbd) . (.Chelsio Communications.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\cht4vx64.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [19/02/2015] [ 144464] French Canon IJ Scan Utility register event (CIJSRegister) . (.CANON INC..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJ Scan Utility\SETEVENT.exe =>.Canon Inc.®
SR - Demand [16/01/2017] [ 131712] SAMSUNG Mobile USB Com (dg_ssudbus) . (.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\ssudbus.sys =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
SR - Disabl [08/08/2016] [ 5132312] DisplayFusionService (DisplayFusionService) . (.Binary Fortress Software.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionService.exe =>.Binary Fortress Software Ltd.®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 3419032] QLogic 10 Gigabit Ethernet Ada (ebdrv) . (.QLogic Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\evbda.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [14/04/2017] [ 16088] SOMC USB Flash Driver Filter (ggflt) . (.Sony Mobile Communications.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ggflt.sys =>.Sony Mobile Communications AB®
SR - Demand [14/04/2017] [ 30424] SOMC USB Flash Driver (ggsomc) . (.Sony Mobile Communications.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ggsomc.sys =>.Sony Mobile Communications AB®
SS - Demand [12/12/2018] [ 443872] Google Chrome Elevation Service (GoogleChromeElevationService) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\71.0.3578.98\elevation_service.exe =>.Google Inc®
SR - Auto [09/08/2016] [ 154440] Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
SS - Demand [09/08/2016] [ 154440] Service Google Update (gupdatem) (gupdatem) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
SR - Demand [16/05/2017] [ 55232] HitmanPro 3.7 Support Driver (hitmanpro37) . (.© 2017 SurfRight B.V..) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hitmanpro37.sys =>.SurfRight B.V.®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 64408] (HpSAMD) . (.Hewlett-Packard Company.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\HpSAMD.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 36864] Intel Serial IO GPIO Controlle (iagpio) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iagpio.sys =>.Intel(R) Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 91648] Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Host Cont (iai2c) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iai2c.sys =>.Intel(R) Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 79360] Intel(R) S (iaLPSS2i_GPIO2) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2.sys =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 88576] In (iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_BXT_P) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_BXT_P.sys =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 171520] Intel(R) Seria (iaLPSS2i_I2C) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C.sys =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 174592] Intel( (iaLPSS2i_I2C_BXT_P) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C_BXT_P.sys =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 38128] Intel(R) Serial IO (iaLPSSi_GPIO) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_GPIO.sys =>.Intel Corporation - Client Components Group®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 113152] Intel(R) Serial IO I (iaLPSSi_I2C) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_I2C.sys =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 885144] Intel Chipset SATA RAI (iaStorAVC) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaStorAVC.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 412064] Intel RAID Controller Wi (iaStorV) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\iaStorV.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 526232] Mellanox InfiniBand Bus/A (ibbus) . (.Mellanox.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ibbus.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [05/02/2016] [ 387144] Canon Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program (IJPLMSVC) . (.Copyright CANON INC. 2006-2016.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJPLM\ijplmsvc.exe =>.Canon Inc.®
SR - Demand [28/06/2011] [ 2905832] Service for Realtek HD Audio (WDM) (IntcAzAudAddService) . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\RTKVHD64.sys =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 145816] (ItSas35i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ItSas35i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SS - Demand [02/07/2015] [ 356808] Logitech Bluetooth Service (LBTServ) . (.Logitech, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Logishrd\Bluetooth\LBTServ.exe =>.Logitech®
SR - Demand [18/06/2015] [ 87696] Logitech SetPoint Unifying KMDF (LEqdUsb) . (.Logitech, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\LEqdUsb.Sys =>.Logitech Inc®
SR - Demand [18/06/2015] [ 23184] Logitech SetPoint Unifying KMDF (LHidEqd) . (.Logitech, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\LHidEqd.Sys =>.Logitech Inc®
SR - Demand [18/06/2015] [ 86672] Logitech SetPoint KMDF HID Fi (LHidFilt) . (.Logitech, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\LHidFilt.Sys =>.Logitech Inc®
SR - Demand [18/06/2015] [ 69264] Logitech SetPoint KMDF Mouse (LMouFilt) . (.Logitech, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\LMouFilt.Sys =>.Logitech Inc®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 108952] (LSI_SAS) . (.LSI Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 124312] (LSI_SAS2i) . (.LSI Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\lsi_sas2i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 128408] (LSI_SAS3i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\lsi_sas3i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 82848] (LSI_SSS) . (.LSI Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\lsi_sss.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SS - Demand [19/09/2018] [ 6347056] Malwarebytes Service (MBAMService) . (.Malwarebytes.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe =>.Malwarebytes Corporation®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 59800] (megasas) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\megasas.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 75160] (megasas2i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\MegaSas2i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 82328] (megasas35i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\megasas35i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 575896] (megasr) . (.LSI Corporation, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\megasr.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [21/06/2012] [ 462656] miditech Audiolink II / Guit (miditech2902_al2gf2_usb) . (.Ploytec GmbH.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\mal2gf2u.sys {0100000000012D75EC58CD} =>.Ploytec GmbH
SR - Demand [21/06/2012] [ 50496] miditech Audiolink II / Gui (miditech2902_al2gf2_wdm) . (.Ploytec GmbH.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mal2gf2a.sys {0100000000012D75EC58CD} =>.Ploytec GmbH
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 842648] Mellanox ConnectX Bus E (mlx4_bus) . (.Mellanox.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mlx4_bus.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [16/01/2019] [ 227792] Mozilla Maintenance Service (MozillaMaintenance) . (.Mozilla Foundation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service\maintenanceservice.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 63904] (mvumis) . (.Marvell Semiconductor, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mvumis.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 108952] NetworkDirect Service (ndfltr) . (.Mellanox.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ndfltr.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 150424] (nvraid) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\nvraid.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 166304] (nvstor) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\nvstor.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [08/05/2017] [ 2706720] PDF Architect 5 (PDF Architect 5) . (.pdfforge GmbH.) - C:\Program Files\PDF Architect 5\ws.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Disabl [08/05/2017] [ 1048864] PDF Architect 5 CrashHandler (PDF Architect 5 CrashHandler) . (.pdfforge GmbH.) - C:\Program Files\PDF Architect 5\crash-handler-ws.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Disabl [08/05/2017] [ 856864] PDF Architect 5 Creator (PDF Architect 5 Creator) . (.pdfforge GmbH.) - C:\Program Files\PDF Architect 5\creator-ws.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Disabl [27/06/2018] [ 2837168] PDF Architect 6 (PDF Architect 6) . (.pdfforge GmbH.) - C:\Program Files\PDF Architect 6\ws.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Disabl [27/06/2018] [ 874680] PDF Architect 6 Creator (PDF Architect 6 Creator) . (.pdfforge GmbH.) - C:\Program Files\PDF Architect 6\creator\common\creator-ws.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Disabl [14/08/2018] [ 1250592] PDF Architect 6 Manager (PDF Architect 6 Manager) . (.© pdfforge GmbH..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Architect 6 Manager\PDF Architect 6\Architect Manager.exe =>.pdfforge GmbH®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 58776] (percsas2i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\percsas2i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 61848] (percsas3i) . (.Avago Technologies.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\percsas3i.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 604160] Realtek RT640 NT Dri (rt640x64) . (.Realtek.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\rt640x64.sys =>.Realtek
SR - Disabl [02/12/2015] [ 743616] Service KMSELDI (Service KMSELDI) . (.@ByELDI.) - C:\Program Files\KMSpico\Service_KMS.exe
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 44952] (SiSRaid2) . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\SiSRaid2.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 81816] (SiSRaid4) . (.Silicon Integrated Systems.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\sisraid4.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [16/01/2017] [ 165504] SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem Dr (ssudmdm) . (.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\ssudmdm.sys =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
SR - Disabl [16/01/2017] [ 752224] SAMSUNG Mobile Connectivity Service (ss_conn_service) . (.DEVGURU Co., LTD..) - C:\Program Files\Samsung\USB Drivers\27_ssconn\conn\ss_conn_service.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 31128] (stexstor) . (.Promise Technology, Inc..) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\stexstor.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [19/06/2012] [ 38624] Spotflux Network Device Driv (tap0901) . (.The OpenVPN Project.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\tap0901.sys {18ACFF21AD271D13DEAEE87E557E7024} =>.The OpenVPN Project
SR - Auto [07/12/2018] [11660528] TeamViewer 14 (TeamViewer) . (.TeamViewer GmbH.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe =>.TeamViewer GmbH®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 166808] (vsmraid) . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vsmraid.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Boot [12/04/2018] [ 305560] VIA StorX Storage RAID Co (VSTXRAID) . (.VIA Corporation.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vstxraid.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [07/07/2017] [ 29184] wampapache64 (wampapache64) . (.Apache Software Foundation.) - D:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.27\bin\httpd.exe =>.Apache Software Foundation
SR - Disabl [17/08/2017] [14545920] wampmariadb64 (wampmariadb64) . (...) - D:\wamp64\bin\mariadb\mariadb10.2.8\bin\mysqld.exe
SR - Disabl [22/06/2017] [39496704] wampmysqld64 (wampmysqld64) . (...) - D:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.19\bin\mysqld.exe =>.MySQL
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 32152] WinMad Service (WinMad) . (.Mellanox.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\winmad.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Demand [12/04/2018] [ 64920] WinVerbs Service (WinVerbs) . (.Mellanox.) - C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\winverbs.sys =>.Microsoft Windows®
SR - Disabl [21/03/2017] [ 2205568] Service Xperia Companion (XperiaCompanionService) . (.Sony.) - C:\Program Files\Sony\Xperia Companion\Service\XperiaCompanionService.exe =>.Sony
O38 - TASK: {018074DF-697B-4AC1-AA87-7D9508279D2A} [64Bits][\TrackerAutoUpdate] - (.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd. - Tracker Update.) -- C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\Update\TrackerUpdate.exe [4487904] =>.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd.
O38 - TASK: {1978C339-96D4-4FEE-97C2-EBCE3796A417} [64Bits][\CCleaner Update] - (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner emergency updater.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [548824] =>.Piriform Ltd
O38 - TASK: {31758BE6-3798-4721-9E23-885C44ACE978} [64Bits][\Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Notifier] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe® Flash® Player Installer/Uninstaller.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_32_0_0_114_Plugin.exe [1456128] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
O38 - TASK: {35B556A6-E0DE-41E9-B9C0-F91D8B30D1EB} [64Bits][\Adobe Flash Player Updater] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe® Flash® Player Update Service 32.0 r0.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [335872] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
O38 - TASK: {6F124A80-A16C-4330-968D-0639E3F6EAF7} [64Bits][\Avira_Antivirus_Systray] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira system tray application.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avgnt.exe [694544] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG
O38 - TASK: {85159EC8-E10F-48AB-9947-1BA74C522DBA} [64Bits][\AMD Updater] - (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - AMD Install Manager.) -- C:\Program Files\AMD\CIM\Bin64\InstallManagerApp.exe [10385288] =>.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
O38 - TASK: {8A7F13E4-7E32-4044-8BDA-F0F776618DD6} [64Bits][\AutoPico Daily Restart] - (.@ByELDI - AutoPico.) -- C:\Program Files\KMSpico\AutoPico.exe [743616] =>HackTool.KMSpico
O38 - TASK: {BFFD4551-710C-4EE6-B76D-D5C8E2355CD4} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore] - (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [154440] =>.Google Inc.
O38 - TASK: {C7557B6F-B16D-4CB1-B4C9-76693C23EE48} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] - (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [154440] =>.Google Inc.
O38 - TASK: {C79A707F-08CE-41CC-98D7-C6A92667BE46} [64Bits][\AdobeGCInvoker-1.0-Famille-PC-Famille] - (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated - Adobe GC Invoker Utility.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [2670056] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated
O38 - TASK: {EEFD8F4E-0E72-4211-B39B-5455ED36C637} [64Bits][\Run RoboForm TaskBar Icon] - (.Siber Systems - RoboForm TaskBar Icon.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboTaskBarIcon.exe [110160] =>.Siber Systems
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\TrackerAutoUpdate - (.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd..) -- C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\Update\TrackerUpdate.exe [-CheckUpdate] =>.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd.
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\CCleaner Update - (.Piriform Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [] =>.Piriform Ltd
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Notifier - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_32_0_0_114_Plugin.exe [-check plugin.-check] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Avira_Antivirus_Systray - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avgnt.exe [/min] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\AMD Updater - (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) -- C:\Program Files\AMD\CIM\Bin64\InstallManagerApp.exe [/AUTOUPDATEIN] =>.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\AutoPico Daily Restart - (.@ByELDI.) -- C:\Program Files\KMSpico\AutoPico.exe [/silent] =>HackTool.KMSpico
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [/c] =>.Google Inc.
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [/ua ./ua] =>.Google Inc.
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\AdobeGCInvoker-1.0-Famille-PC-Famille - (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeGCClient\AGCInvokerUtility.exe [] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Run RoboForm TaskBar Icon - (.Siber Systems.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboTaskBarIcon.exe [] =>.Siber Systems
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SecurityHealth] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Defender notification icon.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [Avira SystrayStartTrigger] . (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [Wondershare Helper Compact.exe] . (. - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wondershare\Wondershare Helper Compact\WSHelper.exe (.Not File.) =>.SUP.Orphan
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [OneDriveSetup] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Setup.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [OneDriveSetup] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Setup.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [WAB Migrate] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Contacts.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\wab.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [WAB Migrate] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Contacts.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\wab.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-2531190521-1661685892-1433542945-1000\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
---\ PROCESSUS LANCÉS (26) - 5s
[MD5.9C90C69711A7A0518BA0EF1EE04E5FE3] - (.AMD - AMD External Events Service Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe [255512] [PID.1672] =>.AMD
[MD5.A0292CA9345D1E52C29DC8D75AC66E73] - (.AMD - AMD External Events Client Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe [681496] [PID.1784] =>.AMD
[MD5.89FF02DDB431167E0021B26867A38BAE] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\sched.exe [248312] [PID.3068] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.89FF02DDB431167E0021B26867A38BAE] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Antivirus Host Framework Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avguard.exe [248312] [PID.3440] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.AE4CA93E2CD5980E94B055455D7F2275] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira Service Host.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe [438384] [PID.3456] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.6D8D6F254E86C8FA0966690901457118] - (.Adobe Inc. - Adobe Update Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Desktop Common\ElevationManager\AdobeUpdateService.exe [818136] [PID.3464] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
[MD5.FC7CBD1C6BFBAF0F5DD6B260E0E75E99] - (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 14.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe [11660528] [PID.3720] =>.TeamViewer GmbH®
[MD5.0E5C7DB7A4A0AB6EB40AC90EAC4E7D08] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - AntiVir shadow copy service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avshadow.exe [450360] [PID.7696] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.C2FD76DC0DE0BBA66CBA453219DE6068] - (.AvJoeSW Inc. - AvJoeSW Inc. Process and Ad Killer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\BGPKiller\BGPKiller.exe [214528] [PID.8716] =>.AvJoeSW Inc.
[MD5.3C6373A5E1AD28344C34071F356E56C1] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira system tray application.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\avgnt.exe [694544] [PID.8960] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.6A632A9F56A97C9883229523A49FB743] - (.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG - Avira.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Launcher\Avira.Systray.exe [307184] [PID.6364] =>.Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG®
[MD5.494A94352EB2342C803BB0E23BE3DFD1] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2019.18112.20010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe [478720] [PID.7612] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.268] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.2024] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.5536] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.344] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.5644] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.3108] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.6992] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.7660] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.F6384BB98DF747281BC6727FE345E42C] - (.Siber Systems Inc. - rf-chrome-nm-host.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\Chrome\rf-chrome-nm-host.exe [3215936] [PID.9468] =>.Siber Systems Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.10188] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.529BA04AD014EE7DD040E929ADDAE96F] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1587680] [PID.6772] =>.Google Inc®
[MD5.7055F3F2F7B6F04D9DEA5A09212776B2] - (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe [19645800] [PID.10976] =>.Piriform Software Ltd®
[MD5.7055F3F2F7B6F04D9DEA5A09212776B2] - (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe [19645800] [PID.9936] =>.Piriform Software Ltd®
[MD5.6CB68037FFB64341D28106199353268D] - (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) -- C:\Users\Famille\Downloads\ZHPDiag3.exe [3195264] [PID.7408] =>.Nicolas Coolman
---\ CHROME, Démarrage, Recherche, Extensions (10) - 0s
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb] =>.Google Inc. {Traduction}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf] =>.Google Inc. {Drive}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo] =>.Youtube {Youtube}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb] eyeo GmbH =>.eyeo GmbH {AdBlock Plus}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi] =>.Google Inc. {Docs hors connexion}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [mapcejffhcbidcjmomhalabpcbaeimcb] Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda] =>.Google Inc. {Wallet}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia] =>.Google Inc. {Gmail}
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm] Chrome Media Router =>.Google Inc.
G2 - GCE: Preference [Famille][User Data\Default] [pnlccmojcmeohlpggmfnbbiapkmbliob] Click this button to show RoboForm commands =>
---\ FIREFOX, Plugins,Démarrage,Recherche,Extensions (11) - 4s
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Avira Software - .) -- C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\NzDTMS0g.default\extensions\ =>.Avira Software
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Avira Password Manager - .) -- C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\NzDTMS0g.default\extensions\ =>.Avira Password Manager
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Video DownloadHelper - Download Videos from the Web.) -- C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\NzDTMS0g.default\extensions\{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}.xpi =>.Video DownloadHelper
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Microsoft Corporation - The plugin allows you to have a better expe.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\npMeetingJoinPluginOC.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd. - PDF-XChange Viewer Netscape Gecko Plugin.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\npPDFXCviewNPPlugin.dll =>.Tracker Software Products (Canada) Ltd®
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features\ =>.Mozilla Corporation
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features\ =>.Mozilla Corporation
P2 - EXT FILE: ( -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features\ =>
P2 - EXT FILE: ( -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\features\ =>
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_32_0_0_114.dll =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.Photodex Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Photodex Presenter\npPxPlay.dll =>.Photodex Corporation
---\ INTERNET EXPLORER,Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook (16) - 0s
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name)[HKLM] - {f4ef4468-9bbb-45a1-a2ce-f0c430a9a7e5} Orphan =>.SUP.Orphan
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name)[HKCU] - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Navigateur Internet.) (11.00.17134.582 (WinBuild.160101.0800)) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\ INTERNET EXPLORER, Site de confiance et site sensible (2) - 0s
~ Microsoft Internet Explorer Restricted Site(s) Domains: 0(Good) / 0(Bad)
~ Microsoft Internet Explorer Restricted Site(s) EscDomains: 0(Good) / 0(Bad)
---\ INTERNET EXPLORER,Proxy Management (8) - 0s
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0 =>.Default.Value
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1 =>.Default.Value
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1 =>.Default.Value
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll
R5 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0 =>.Default.Value
R5 - HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0 =>.Default.Value
R5 - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet\ManualProxies [] =>.Microsoft
R5 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0 =>.Default.Value
---\ INTERNET EXPLORER,IniFiles, Autoloading Programs (3) - 0s
F2 - REG:system.ini: UserInit=
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe (.Microsoft Corporation.) =>.Microsoft Corporation
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=
~ Le fichier hôte est sain (The hosts file is clean) (38)
O2 - BHO: Skype for Business Click to Call BHO [64Bits] - {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Skype for Business.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OCHelper.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O2 - BHO: Canon Easy-WebPrint EX BHO [64Bits] - {3785D0AD-BFFF-47F6-BF5B-A587C162FED9} . (.CANON INC. - Easy-WebPrint EX.) -- C:\Program Files\Canon\Easy-WebPrint EX\ewpexbho.dll =>.Canon Inc.®
O2 - BHO: RoboForm BHO [64Bits] - {724d43a9-0d85-11d4-9908-00400523e39a} . (.Siber Systems Inc. - RoboForm Main Module.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Siber Systems\AI RoboForm\RoboForm-x64.dll =>.Siber Systems Inc.
O2 - BHO: Logitech SetPoint [64Bits] - {AF949550-9094-4807-95EC-D1C317803333} . (.Logitech, Inc. - Logitech SetPoint.) -- C:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPointP\SetPointSmooth.dll =>.Logitech Inc®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: AVI-FLV-MP4-WMV Converter.lnk . (.Auvisoft, Inc. - Convert formats AVI, FLV, MP4, WMV from one.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVI-FLV-MP4-WMV Converter\VConvePro.exe =>.Auvisoft, Inc.
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: AVS Audio Converter6.lnk . (.Online Media Technologies Ltd. - AVS Audio Converter.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\AVSAudioConverter6\AVSAudioConverter6.exe =>.Online Media Technologies Ltd.
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: BadPlus.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\BadPlus\BadPlus.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Book Library.lnk . (.WenSoftware - Book Library.) C:\Program Files (x86)\WenSoftware\Book Library\BookLib.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Cubase LE AI Elements 7 64bit.lnk . (.Steinberg Media Technologies - Cubase LE AI Elements 7.) C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase LE AI Elements 7\Cubase LE AI Elements 7.exe =>.Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Documents - Raccourci.lnk . (...) C:\Users\Famille\Documents
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: FreeOCR.lnk . (...) C:\FreeOCR\FreeOCR.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\HDDGURU LLF Tool\LLFTOOL.EXE
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Movie Maker.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Movie Maker.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\MovieMaker.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: PhotoFiltre.lnk . (.Antonio Da Cruz - PhotoFiltre.) C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.exe =>.Antonio Da Cruz
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: PhotoME Beta-Release.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoMEBeta\photome.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: PowerPoint Password Recovery.lnk . (.Intelore - Password recovery for Microsoft PowerPoint.) C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\Intelore\PowerPoint Password Recovery\PowerPointPasswordRecovery.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: Préparation des vidéos.lnk . (.Hewlett-Packard - Envois Vidéos.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Préparation des vidéos\bin\Debug\Envois Vidéos.exe =>.Hewlett-Packard
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: PST Scanner.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files\PST Scanner\pstscanner.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: shutdown.exe.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil d’arrêt et d’annotation Windows.) C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 0 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: VBA Password Recovery Master.lnk . (.Rixler Software - VBA Password Recovery Master.) C:\Program Files (x86)\VBA Password Recovery Master\VBPasRec.exe =>.Rixler Software
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: XnView.lnk . (.XnView, - XnView for Windows.) C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView\xnview.exe =>.Pierre GOUGELET®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate.lnk . (.Aimersoft Software - Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Aimersoft\Video Converter Ultimate\VideoConverterUltimate.exe =>.Aimersoft Software
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).lnk . (.Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd. - DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).) C:\Program Files (x86)\DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo)\DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).exe =>.Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Foxit Reader.lnk . (.Foxit Software Inc. - Foxit Reader 7.3, Best Reader for Everyday.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe =>.Foxit Software Incorporated®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\HDDGURU LLF Tool\LLFTOOL.EXE
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: HxD.lnk . (.Maël Hörz - HxD Hex Editor.) C:\Program Files (x86)\HxD\HxD.exe =>.Maël Hörz
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: ImgBurn.lnk . (.LIGHTNING UK! - ImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe =>.LIGHTNING UK!
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Samsung Kies 3.lnk . (.Samsung - Kies.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies3\Kies3.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Smart Switch.lnk . (.Samsung - Smart Switch PC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Smart Switch PC\SmartSwitchPC.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: XnView.lnk . (.XnView, - XnView for Windows.) C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView\xnview.exe =>.Pierre GOUGELET®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Destinataire de télécopie.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\Windows\System32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\WINDOWS\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: TeamViewer.lnk . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 14.) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe --sendto =>.TeamViewer GmbH®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Transfert de fichiers Bluetooth.LNK . (.Microsoft Corporation - Transfère les fichiers entre l.) C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.lnk . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018\Photoshop.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Capture NX-D.lnk . (.Nikon Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Nikon\Capture NX-D\Module\CaptureNX-D.exe =>.Nikon Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: DxO Optics Pro 9.lnk . (.DxO Labs - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\DxO Labs\DxO Optics Pro v9\DXOOpticsPro.exe =>.DxO Labs
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Excel 2013.lnk . (...) C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{90150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}\xlicons.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: FastStone Image Viewer.lnk . (.FastStone Soft - FastStone Image Viewer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\FastStone Image Viewer\FSViewer.exe =>.FastStone Soft
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: FileZilla.lnk . (.FileZilla Project - FileZilla FTP Client.) C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe =>.Tim Kosse®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Mozilla Firefox.lnk . (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Outlook 2013.lnk . (...) C:\Windows\Installer\{90150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}\outicon.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: SonoSystem.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\SonoSystem 3\SonoSystem.exe
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Word 2013.lnk . (...) C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{90150000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}\wordicon.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: XnView.lnk . (.XnView, - XnView for Windows.) C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView\xnview.exe =>.Pierre GOUGELET®
O4 - GS\Startup [Administrateur]: OUTLOOK.EXE.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: AMD Radeon Settings.lnk . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD\CNext\CNext\cnext.exe =>.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: Fonctionnalités optionnelles.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Assistance des fonctionnalités à la demande.) C:\Windows\System32\fodhelper.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: OneDrive.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: outlook.exe.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: AVI-FLV-MP4-WMV Converter.lnk . (.Auvisoft, Inc. - Convert formats AVI, FLV, MP4, WMV from one.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVI-FLV-MP4-WMV Converter\VConvePro.exe =>.Auvisoft, Inc.
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: AVS Audio Converter6.lnk . (.Online Media Technologies Ltd. - AVS Audio Converter.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\AVSAudioConverter6\AVSAudioConverter6.exe =>.Online Media Technologies Ltd.
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: BadPlus.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\BadPlus\BadPlus.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Book Library.lnk . (.WenSoftware - Book Library.) C:\Program Files (x86)\WenSoftware\Book Library\BookLib.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Cubase LE AI Elements 7 64bit.lnk . (.Steinberg Media Technologies - Cubase LE AI Elements 7.) C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase LE AI Elements 7\Cubase LE AI Elements 7.exe =>.Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Documents - Raccourci.lnk . (...) C:\Users\Famille\Documents
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: FreeOCR.lnk . (...) C:\FreeOCR\FreeOCR.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\HDDGURU LLF Tool\LLFTOOL.EXE
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Movie Maker.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Movie Maker.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\MovieMaker.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: PhotoFiltre.lnk . (.Antonio Da Cruz - PhotoFiltre.) C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.exe =>.Antonio Da Cruz
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: PhotoME Beta-Release.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoMEBeta\photome.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: PowerPoint Password Recovery.lnk . (.Intelore - Password recovery for Microsoft PowerPoint.) C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\Intelore\PowerPoint Password Recovery\PowerPointPasswordRecovery.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: Préparation des vidéos.lnk . (.Hewlett-Packard - Envois Vidéos.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Préparation des vidéos\bin\Debug\Envois Vidéos.exe =>.Hewlett-Packard
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: PST Scanner.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files\PST Scanner\pstscanner.exe
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: shutdown.exe.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil d’arrêt et d’annotation Windows.) C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 0 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: VBA Password Recovery Master.lnk . (.Rixler Software - VBA Password Recovery Master.) C:\Program Files (x86)\VBA Password Recovery Master\VBPasRec.exe =>.Rixler Software
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: XnView.lnk . (.XnView, - XnView for Windows.) C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView\xnview.exe =>.Pierre GOUGELET®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Famille]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\Famille\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate.lnk . (.Aimersoft Software - Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Aimersoft\Video Converter Ultimate\VideoConverterUltimate.exe =>.Aimersoft Software
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).lnk . (.Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd. - DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).) C:\Program Files (x86)\DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo)\DDR - Memory Card Recovery(Demo).exe =>.Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Foxit Reader.lnk . (.Foxit Software Inc. - Foxit Reader 7.3, Best Reader for Everyday.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe =>.Foxit Software Incorporated®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\HDDGURU LLF Tool\LLFTOOL.EXE
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: HxD.lnk . (.Maël Hörz - HxD Hex Editor.) C:\Program Files (x86)\HxD\HxD.exe =>.Maël Hörz
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: ImgBurn.lnk . (.LIGHTNING UK! - ImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe =>.LIGHTNING UK!
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Samsung Kies 3.lnk . (.Samsung - Kies.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies3\Kies3.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: Smart Switch.lnk . (.Samsung - Smart Switch PC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Smart Switch PC\SmartSwitchPC.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Famille]: XnView.lnk . (.XnView, - XnView for Windows.) C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView\xnview.exe =>.Pierre GOUGELET®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Famille]: Destinataire de télécopie.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\Windows\System32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Famille]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\WINDOWS\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Famille]: TeamViewer.lnk . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 14.) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe --sendto =>.TeamViewer GmbH®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Famille]: Transfert de fichiers Bluetooth.LNK . (.Microsoft Corporation - Transfère les fichiers entre l.) C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Famille]: Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.lnk . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018\Photoshop.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Famille]: Capture NX-D.lnk . (.Nikon Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Nikon\Capture NX-D\Module\CaptureNX-D.exe =>.Nikon Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Famille]: DxO Optics Pro 9.lnk . (.DxO Labs - .) C:\Program Files (