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[Topic Outil] sauvegardez le contenu de votre presse papier

Posté le 15-01-2004 à 15:44:26  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
FileWriter w;

Posté le 15-01-2004 à 15:44:26  profilanswer

Posté le 15-01-2004 à 16:09:37  profilanswer

antp a écrit :

ta gueule :o

c'était dans ton presse-papier ça peut-être? :o

Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top)
Super Administrateur
Champion des excuses bidons
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 16:14:38  profilanswer

et ton post aussi peut-être ? :o

Code :
  1. a, a:visited, a:link, a:active
  2. {
  3.   color: #005B9C;
  4.   text-decoration: underline;
  5. }
  6. a:hover
  7. {
  8.   color: #F37F00;
  9. }

Message édité par antp le 15-01-2004 à 16:15:05

mes programmes ·· les voitures dans les films ·· apprenez à écrire
Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 16:44:57  profilanswer

vos gueules! :o  

Code :
  1. for(;;)
  2. {
  3.   printf("test" );
  4. }

You're welcome
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 17:45:59  profilanswer

/etc/init.d/jboss stop

blood pt.2
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 17:59:43  profilanswer


IVG en france
You're welcome
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 18:11:04  profilanswer

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
This is the XML DTD for the jbosscmp-jdbc deployment descriptor.
  <!DOCTYPE jbosscmp-jdbc PUBLIC
      "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSSCMP-JDBC 3.2//EN"
The root element of JBossCMP-JDBC configuration files.
<!ELEMENT jbosscmp-jdbc (defaults?, enterprise-beans?, relationships?,
          dependent-value-classes?, type-mappings?, entity-commands?,
          user-type-mappings? , reserved-words?)>
The optional defaults elements contains the default values for
entities, and relationships.
<!ELEMENT defaults ((datasource, datasource-mapping)?, create-table?,
         remove-table?, post-table-create?, read-only?, read-time-out?,  
         row-locking?,  pk-constraint?, fk-constraint?,  
         preferred-relation-mapping?, read-ahead?, list-cache-max?,  
         fetch-size?, unknown-pk?, entity-command?)>
The optional datasource element contains the jndi-name used to lookup
the datasource.  All database connections used by an entity or relation table are obtained from the datasource.
<!ELEMENT datasource (#PCDATA)>
The optional datasource-mapping element contains the name of the type mapping
that will be used for this datasource.
<!ELEMENT datasource-mapping (#PCDATA)>
Should the persistence manager attempt to create tables if they are
not present?
The create-table element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT create-table (#PCDATA)>
Should the persistence manager attempt to remove tables during shutdown?
The remove-table element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT remove-table (#PCDATA)>
Execute arbitrary SQL code directly after the database table is created.
This command is only executed if create-table is true and the table
did not previously exist.  
<!ELEMENT post-table-create (sql-statement+)>
The SQL Statement to be executed. Note that this is not translated
into database specific SQL, but passed literally to the database.
<!ELEMENT sql-statement (#PCDATA)>
Is the entity or cmp-field read-only?
The read-only element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT read-only (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the ammount of time that a read-only field is considered
valid (milliseconds).
<!ELEMENT read-time-out (#PCDATA)>
Should select statements the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE syntax?
The row-locking element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT row-locking (#PCDATA)>
Should a foreign key constraint be added for this relationship role?
The fk-constraint element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT fk-constraint (#PCDATA)>
Should a primary key constraint be added when creating tables?
The pk-constraint element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT pk-constraint (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the preferred mapping style for relationships.
The preferred-relation-mapping element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT preferred-relation-mapping (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the read ahead strategy.
<!ELEMENT read-ahead (strategy, page-size?, eager-load-group?)>
Specifies the strategy used to read-ahead data in queries.
The strategy element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT strategy (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the number of entities that will be read in a single
read-ahead load query.
<!ELEMENT page-size (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the number of simultaneous queries that can be tracked by
the cache for an entity.
<!ELEMENT list-cache-max (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the number of entities to read in one round-trip to
the underlying datastore.
<!ELEMENT fetch-size (#PCDATA)>
The enterprise-beans element contains the entity elements that will
be configured.
<!ELEMENT enterprise-beans (entity+)>
The entity element contains the configuration of an entity
<!ELEMENT entity (ejb-name, (datasource, datasource-mapping)?, create-table?,
         remove-table?, post-table-create?, read-only?, read-time-out?,  
         row-locking?,pk-constraint?, read-ahead?, list-cache-max?, fetch-size?,
         table-name?, cmp-field*, load-groups?, eager-load-group?,  
         lazy-load-groups?, query*, unknown-pk?, entity-command?,  
         optimistic-locking?, audit?)>
Name of the entity being configured.  This must match an entity declared
in the ejb-jar.xml file.
<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
This is the name of the table that will hold data for this entity.
Each entity instance will be stored in one row of this table.
<!ELEMENT table-name (#PCDATA)>
The cmp-field element contains the configuration of a cmp-field.
<!ELEMENT cmp-field (field-name, read-only?, read-time-out?,
         column-name?, not-null?, ((jdbc-type, sql-type) | (property+))?,
         auto-increment?, dbindex? )>
Name of the cmp-field being configured.  This must match a cmp-field
declared for this entity in the ejb-jar.xml file.
<!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)>
The name of the column that will hold the data for this field.
<!ELEMENT column-name (#PCDATA)>
If present the field will not allow a field value.
<!ELEMENT not-null EMPTY>
If present, the server will try to create an index on the column
in the database called <fieldname>_index
<!ELEMENT dbindex EMPTY>
This is the JDBC type that is used when setting parameters in a JDBC
PreparedStatement or loading data from a JDBC ResultSet for this
cmp-field. The valid types are defined in java.sql.Types.
<!ELEMENT jdbc-type (#PCDATA)>
This is the SQL type that is used in create table statements for
this field. Valid sql-types are only limited by your database vendor.
<!ELEMENT sql-type (#PCDATA)>
The property element contains the configuration of a dependent
value class property of a cmp-field that is the type of a dependent
value class.
<!ELEMENT property (property-name, column-name?, not-null?,
         (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
Name of the property being configured. In a dependent-value-class
element this must match a JavaBean property of the class. In a
cmp-field element this must match a flattened propety of the
dependent-value-class field type.
<!ELEMENT property-name (#PCDATA)>
Contains the named load groups.
<!ELEMENT load-groups (load-group+)>
A named group of fields that will be loaded together.
<!ELEMENT load-group (description?, load-group-name, field-name+)>
Contains the name of a load group.
<!ELEMENT load-group-name (#PCDATA)>
Contains the name of the load group that will eager loaded for this entity.
<!ELEMENT eager-load-group (#PCDATA)>
Contains the names of the groups that will be lazy loaded together.
<!ELEMENT lazy-load-groups (load-group-name+)>
Descriptive text.
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
The query element contains the configuration of a query.
<!ELEMENT query (description?, query-method,
      (jboss-ql | dynamic-ql | declared-sql)?, read-ahead?)>
The query method that being configured.  This must match a
query-method declared for this entity in the ejb-jar.xml file.
<!ELEMENT query-method (method-name, method-params)>
The name of the query method that is being configured.
<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
The method-parameters contains the parameters of the method that is
being configured. Method parameters must be in the same order as the
method and have the same type.
<!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)>
The java class of one parameter for a query.
An example follows:
<!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)>
JBossQL query.  JBossQL is a superset of EJB-QL.
<!ELEMENT jboss-ql (#PCDATA)>
Dynamic JBossQL query.  The JBossQL is passed to the query and compiled
on the fly.
<!ELEMENT dynamic-ql EMPTY>
Explicitly declared sql fragments.
<!ELEMENT declared-sql (select?, from?, where?, order?, other?)>
Delcares what is to be selected.  A finder may only have the distinct element.
<!ELEMENT select (distinct?, (ejb-name, field-name?)?, alias?, additional-columns?)>
Delared additional SQl to append to the generated from clause.
Example:  <from>, FullAddressEJB as a</from>
If the empty distinct element is present, the SELECT DISTINCT
syntax will be used. This syntax is used by default for ejbSelect
methods that return a java.util.Set.
<!ELEMENT distinct EMPTY>
Declares the where clause for the query.
Example: <where>TITLE={0} OR ARTIST={0} OR TYPE={0} OR NOTES={0}</where>
<!ELEMENT where (#PCDATA)>
Declares the order clause for the query.
Example: <order>TITLE</order>
<!ELEMENT order (#PCDATA)>
Declares the other sql that is appended to the end of a query.
Example: <other>LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200</other>
<!ELEMENT other (#PCDATA)>
Declare the alias to use for the main select table.
Example: <alias>my_table</alias>
<!ELEMENT alias (#PCDATA)>
Declares other columns to be selected to satisfy ordering
by arbitrary columns with ejbFinders or to facilitate aggregate
functions in ejbSelects.
Example: <additional-columns>, join-table1.column1,
<!ELEMENT additional-columns (#PCDATA)>
The relationships element contains the ejb-relation elements that will
be configured.
<!ELEMENT relationships (ejb-relation+)>
The ejb-relation element contains the configuration of an
<!ELEMENT ejb-relation (ejb-relation-name, read-only?, read-time-out?,
         (foreign-key-mapping | relation-table-mapping)?,
         (ejb-relationship-role, ejb-relationship-role)?)>
Name of the ejb-relation being configured.  This must match an
ejb-relation declared in the ejb-jar.xml file.
<!ELEMENT ejb-relation-name (#PCDATA)>
Specifies that the ejb-relation should be mapped with foreign-keys.
This mapping is not available for many-to-many relationships.
<!ELEMENT foreign-key-mapping EMPTY>
Specifies that the ejb-relation should be mapped with a relation-table.
<!ELEMENT relation-table-mapping (table-name?,
         (datasource, datasource-mapping)?, create-table?, remove-table?,
         row-locking?, pk-constraint?)>
The ejb-rejationship-role element contains the configuration of an
<!ELEMENT ejb-relationship-role (ejb-relationship-role-name,
         fk-constraint?, key-fields?, read-ahead?)>
Name of the ejb-relationship-role being configured.  This must match
an ejb-relationship-role declared for this ejb-relation in the
ejb-jar.xml file.
<!ELEMENT ejb-relationship-role-name (#PCDATA)>
Contains the key fields. The interperation of the key fields depends
on the mapping style of the relationship.
<!ELEMENT key-fields (key-field*)>
The key-field element declared the configuration of a key field.
The field-name element must match the field-name of one of the
primary key fields of the this entity.
<!ELEMENT key-field (field-name,
         ((column-name, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?) | (property*)),
Contains the known dependent value classes.
<!ELEMENT dependent-value-classes (dependent-value-class*)>
The dependent-value-class element contains the configuration of a
dependent value class.
<!ELEMENT dependent-value-class (description?, class, property+)>
Name of the java class to which the dependent value class configuration
<!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
The type-mappings element contains the java to sql mappings.
<!ELEMENT type-mappings (type-mapping+)>
The type-mapping element contains a named java to sql mapping.
This includes both type mapping and function mapping.
<!ELEMENT type-mapping (name, row-locking-template, pk-constraint-template,
      fk-constraint-template, auto-increment-template?, alias-header-prefix,
      alias-header-suffix, alias-max-length, subquery-supported,
      true-mapping, false-mapping,
      function-mapping*, mapping+)>
Name of the type-mapping.
This is the template used to create a row lock on the selected rows. The
arguments supplied are as follows:
1. Select clause
2. From clasue; the order of the tables is currently not guarenteed
3. Where clause
If row locking is not supported in select statement this element should be
empty. The most common form of row locking is select for update as in the
example that follows:
<!ELEMENT row-locking-template (#PCDATA)>
This is the template used to create a primary key constraint in the create
table statement. The arguments supplied are as follows:
1. Primary key constraint name; which is always pk_{table-name}
2. Comma sepperated list of primary key column names
If a primary key constraint clause is not supported in a create table statement
this element should be empty. The most common form of a primary key constraint
<!ELEMENT pk-constraint-template (#PCDATA)>
This is the template used to create a foreign key constraint in sepperate
statement. The arguments supplied are as follows:
1. Table name
2. Foreign key constraint name; which is always fk_{table-name}_{cmr-field-name}
3. Comma sepperated list of foreign key column names
4. References table name
5. Comma sepperated list of the referenced primary key column names
If the datasource does not support foreign key constraints this element should
be empty. The most common form of a foreign key constraint follows:
<!ELEMENT fk-constraint-template (#PCDATA)>
This element is used to define auto-increment template for a column
<!ELEMENT auto-increment-template (#PCDATA)>
An alias header is prepended to a generated table alias by the EJB-QL compiler
to prevent name collisions. An alias header is constructed as folows:
alias-header-prefix + int_counter + alias-header-suffix
<!ELEMENT alias-header-prefix (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT alias-header-suffix (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT alias-max-length (#PCDATA)>
Does this type-mapping support subqueries. Some EJB-QL opperators are mapped
to exists subqueries.  If subquery is false the EJB-QL compiler will use a
left join and is null.
The subquery-supported element must be one of the two following:
<!ELEMENT subquery-supported (#PCDATA)>
The true and false mappings are the mappings for true and false in EJB-QL
<!ELEMENT true-mapping (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT false-mapping (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the mapping from a java type to a jdbc and a sql type.
<!ELEMENT mapping (java-type, jdbc-type, sql-type)>
Specifies the java class type to be mapped.
<!ELEMENT java-type (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the mapping from an EJB-QL function to a sql function.
<!ELEMENT function-mapping (function-name, function-sql)>
The name of the function to be mapped.
<!ELEMENT function-name (#PCDATA)>
The sql to which the function is mapped.  The sql can contain
parameters specified with a question mark followed by the base one
parameter number.  For example, function mapping for concat in Oracle
   <function-sql>(?1 || ?2)</function-sql>
<!ELEMENT function-sql (#PCDATA)>
Unknown primary key configuration
<!ELEMENT unknown-pk (key-generator-factory?, unknown-pk-class, field-name?,
   read-only?, read-time-out?,
   column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?, auto-increment? )>
The unknown primary key class.
<!ELEMENT unknown-pk-class (#PCDATA)>
If present the field will auto-incremented by the database
<!ELEMENT auto-increment EMPTY>
This element declares available for entity commands
<!ELEMENT entity-commands (entity-command*)>
This element represents an entity command
<!ELEMENT entity-command (attribute*)>
This attribute specifies the command name
<!ATTLIST entity-command name CDATA  #REQUIRED>
This attribute specifies the command class
<!ATTLIST entity-command class CDATA  #IMPLIED>
The attribute for create-method.
<!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)>
The name of the attribute
<!ATTLIST attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED>
Optimistic locking configuration
<!ELEMENT optimistic-locking (
   group-name |
   modified-strategy |
   read-strategy |
   ((version-column | timestamp-column | (key-generator-factory, field-type)),
     field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)
Optimistic locking field group name.
This name must match one of the entity's load-group-name.
The fields in this group will be used for optimistic locking.
<!ELEMENT group-name (#PCDATA)>
Optimistic locking modified strategy.
This means the fields that were modified during transaction
will be used for optimistic locking
<!ELEMENT modified-strategy EMPTY>
Optimistic locking read strategy.
This strategy implies that the fields that were read/changed
in the transaction will be used for optimistic locking
<!ELEMENT read-strategy EMPTY>
Optimistic locking version column strategy.
Setting this element will add to entity bean additional version field
of type java.lang.Long that will be used for optimistic locking.
Each update of the entity will increase the value of this field.
<!ELEMENT version-column EMPTY>
Optimistic locking timestamp column strategy.
Setting this element will add to entity bean additional field of type
java.util.Date that will be used for optimistic locking.
Each update of the entity will set the value of this field to the current
<!ELEMENT timestamp-column EMPTY>
Optimistic locking field type.
The type for locking field in optimistic locking.
<!ELEMENT field-type (#PCDATA)>
Key generator factory JNDI name.
This element specifies the JNDI name of key generator factory that is
used to obtain key generator for locking column used in optimistic locking.
<!ELEMENT key-generator-factory (#PCDATA)>
Audit fields, choose the audit fields
The created by and updated by require a caller principal
The fields can also be cmp fields, use the same field-name
<!ELEMENT audit (created-by?, created-time?, updated-by?, updated-time?)>
Created by principal, default is audit_created_by
<!ELEMENT created-by (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
Created time, default is audit_created_time
<!ELEMENT created-time (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
Updated by principal, default is audit_updated_by
<!ELEMENT updated-by (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
Updated time, default is audit_updated_time
<!ELEMENT updated-time (field-name?, column-name?, (jdbc-type, sql-type)?)>
  Container for user-type-mapping elements
<!ELEMENT user-type-mappings (user-type-mapping+)>
  Defines a mapping of a user type to a column providing a mapper class.
  Mapper is like a mediator: when storing, it takes an instance of the user
  type and translates it to a column value; when loading, it takes a column
  value and translates it to an instance of the user type.
<!ELEMENT user-type-mapping (java-type, mapped-type, mapper)>
  The type a java-type in user-type-mapping is mapped to.
<!ELEMENT mapped-type (#PCDATA)>
  Mapper class for user-type-mapping.
<!ELEMENT mapper (#PCDATA)>
  Provide reserved words that should be escaped when generating tables
<!ELEMENT reserved-words (word+)>

blood pt.2
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 18:15:57  profilanswer

[root@ocinh0 gamess]# ./compall >& compall.log &
[1] 16500
[root@ocinh0 gamess]# more compall.log  
Thu Jan 15 16:43:09 GMT 2004
You did not compile the source code activator actvte.x
Please read and follow the directions in /usr/local/app/gamess/tools/readme.unix
[1]+  Exit 8                  ./compall 1>&compall.log
[root@ocinh0 gamess]# cd tools/

IVG en france
blood pt.2
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 20:00:11  profilanswer

[root@ocinh0 root]# insert-ethers --cabinet=2

IVG en france
Et de 3 \o/
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 23:35:45  profilanswer [...] deGray.htm

"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack
Posté le 15-01-2004 à 23:35:45  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 02:35:11  answer

Le contenu de ce message a été effacé par son auteur

Super Administrateur
Champion des excuses bidons
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 09:33:14  profilanswer
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 12:41:02  profilanswer

doublons.hux22 = http://hux22:8080/doublons

Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 13:06:54  profilanswer


Posté le 16-01-2004 à 15:28:36  profilanswer

c'est quoi l'utilité/interet de la chose ?? (s'il y en a un(e) :??:)
j'efface ce post apres avoir eu une reponse :)

blood pt.2
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 15:29:50  profilanswer

capturer l'instant, c'est une forme d'art :o
edit: et cf 1er post, c'est la faute à antp

Message édité par uriel le 16-01-2004 à 15:30:55

IVG en france
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 15:31:28  profilanswer

walli a écrit :

c'est quoi l'utilité/interet de la chose ?? (s'il y en a un(e) :??:)
j'efface ce post apres avoir eu une reponse :)

c pour se la claquer avec des trucs pseudo-compliqués
bool ZGCOpcodeGen::computeJMP(ZGSAssemblyInstruction *instr,int dep)
    if (dep>127 || dep < -126 || 1)     //FORCE 32BIT JUMP
        instr->opcode[0] = 0xE9;  //jump near (32bits)
        char *t = (char *)&dep;
        instr->opcode[1] = t[0];
        instr->opcode[2] = t[1];
        instr->opcode[3] = t[2];
        instr->opcode[4] = t[3];
        instr->opcodeSize = 5;
        instr->opcode[0] = 0xEB;  //jump near (8bits)
        char val = (char)dep;
        instr->opcode[1] = val;
        instr->opcodeSize = 2;
    setDebugInstruction(instr,"jmp %d",dep);
    return true;

Posté le 16-01-2004 à 15:33:01  profilanswer

ok :o

Posté le 16-01-2004 à 16:25:07  profilanswer

TODO Netoyage

Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 17:06:53  profilanswer

message que je viens d'envoyer à ces cons de chez sivit [:justeleblanc]

Il se trouve que j'ai besoin d'obtenir le type mime d'un fichier (une :sleep:  image dans mon cas), en php.  
J'ai regardé dans la doc php, j'ai trouvé 2 fonctions :  
1) exif_imagetype()  
cette fonction marche tres bien avec easyphp (+ php_exif.dll) par contre l'apache de sivit ne semble pas l'avoir compilé.. :/  
2) mime_content_type()  
cette fonction marche tres bien avec easyphp (+ php_mime_magic.dll) chez sivit non.. pareil qu'au dessus  
Alors bon, j'aimerais savoir comment je suis censé faire pour choper le type mime d'un fichier sans ces 2 fonctions..  
(ps: et accessoirement, j'aimerais aussi savoir pourquoi sivit n'a pas compilé ces deux extension.. probleme de sécurité?!)  

Message édité par Mr yvele le 16-01-2004 à 17:07:17
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 17:11:42  profilanswer

chrisbk a écrit :

        char *t = (char *)&dep;
        instr->opcode[1] = t[0];
        instr->opcode[2] = t[1];
        instr->opcode[3] = t[2];
        instr->opcode[4] = t[3];

bof ...
memcpy(instr->opcode+1, dep, sizeof dep); :D

Vive la super 5 !
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 18:05:58  profilanswer


Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 18:15:34  profilanswer


Posté le 16-01-2004 à 18:53:04  profilanswer


Vive la super 5 !
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 18:57:50  profilanswer
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 19:02:57  profilanswer

<pycage>             t = time.strptime("%(year)d %(month)d %(julian_day)d" % vars(),
<pycage>                                 "%Y %m %j" )

Un modo pour les bannir tous
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 19:12:17  profilanswer

palette[0].r = 0;

J'ai un string dans l'array (Paris Hilton)
blood pt.2
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 19:15:13  profilanswer


IVG en france
Et de 3 \o/
Posté le 16-01-2004 à 23:41:40  profilanswer

chrisbk a écrit :

Code :
  1. private boolean isFlagMode()
  2. {
  3. if (flagmode) {
  4. return true ;
  5. }
  6. else {
  7. return false;
  8. }
  9. }

je préfère

Code :
  1. private boolean isFlagMode()
  2. {
  3. boolean result;
  4. if (flagmode)
  5. {
  6. result = true ;
  7. }
  8. else
  9. {
  10. result = false;
  11. }
  12. return result
  13. }


"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 00:09:00  profilanswer

Le top du top etant quand même :

Code :
  1. private boolean isFlagMode()
  2. {
  3.   return !!flagmode;  // Si flagmode est du type boolean, alors on peut envisager de se passer des !! ;)
  4. }

Posté le 17-01-2004 à 00:31:29  profilanswer

moi perso le record c'était le code C++ d'un prof

Code :
  1. int test()
  2. {
  3.    if(bordel)
  4.      return true;
  5.    else
  6.      return false;
  7. }

Posté le 17-01-2004 à 00:37:17  profilanswer

nous on avait un superbe héritage entre point2D et point3D (de la part d'un prof). La feinte est toujours la même avec cet exemple à la con : en général le mec est suffisement mauvais pour admettre que l'héritage marche dans les 2 sens.

---------------, c'est fini
the real m​oins moins
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 06:06:54  profilanswer

darklord a écrit :

/etc/init.d/jboss stop

mais ctrl-r putain  [:kiki]

Hey toi, tu veux acheter des minifigurines Lego, non ?
the real m​oins moins
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 06:08:57  profilanswer

pornographie infantile, [:ban]
(putain elle a 14 ans :/)

Hey toi, tu veux acheter des minifigurines Lego, non ?
the real m​oins moins
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 06:09:59  profilanswer

mon image de fin

Hey toi, tu veux acheter des minifigurines Lego, non ?
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 06:23:27  profilanswer

the real moins moins a écrit :

pornographie infantile, [:ban]

+1  :sweat:  
carrément jeune tout ca : :/

ma vie, mon oeuvre - HomePlayer
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 09:41:12  profilanswer

c'est assez malsain effectivement

Vive la super 5 !
Posté le 17-01-2004 à 10:08:35  profilanswer

the real moins moins a écrit :

pornographie infantile, [:ban]
(putain elle a 14 ans :/)

j'en ai dans ma classe qui ont 20 ans et qui font plus jeune qu'elle [:meganne]
t'as quel age?  :whistle:

Et de 3 \o/
Posté le 19-01-2004 à 01:34:14  profilanswer [...] 603948.htm

"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack
j'ai jamais tué de chats, ...
Posté le 19-01-2004 à 01:38:01  profilanswer

"La couleur spéculaire est la couleur du reflet sur une surface brillante. Les reflets reproduisent les lumières qui illuminent la surface. Pour un effet naturel, la couleur spéculaire doit être la même que celle de la source de lumière principale ; il peut également s?agir d?une variante de la couleur diffuse, avec une saturation faible et une valeur élevée.  

from here and there -- \o__________________________________ -- la révolution de la terre, en silence
Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 19-01-2004 à 01:39:07  profilanswer

Vous devez remplir tous les champs avant de poster ce message

yvele n'est plus.
Posté le   profilanswer

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