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Le topic de daoc ( amour, haine et passions...)


Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:18:38  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
J'ai quelques questions a vous poser, j'ai un amis qui fait un critblade et qui voulais faire as 50 epée 44 fufu 40 et le reste en poison cad 13 et puis 1 en hache senestre (F7 --> ;)   )...
Je trouve que c trop peu 13 en poison, que 40 en fufu c bien par contre je sais pas si le style 50 en as  est utile, de meme que je sais pas si le style 44 en epee est utile, qqn pourrait me conseiller ?
Merci d'avance :jap:

Message édité par korxx le 09-01-2003 à 18:23:35
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:18:38  profilanswer

mmorpg addicted
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Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:19:15  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

pfff j'arrive pas a depasser 156 Miles :(
edit: 190 :D
edit2 : 210 :D
edit3 : 250 :D
Bon j'arrete de jouer lol

509 [:dago]
mais c possible de faire plus avec le bug :) :p


Transactions (4)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:19:38  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

J'ai quelques questions a vous poser, j'ai un amis qui fait un critblade et qui voulais faire as 50 epée 44 fufu 40 et le reste en poison cad 13...
Je trouve que c trop peu 13 en poison, que 40 en fufu c bien par contre je sais pas si le style 50 en as  est utile, de meme que je sais pas si le style 44 en epee est utile, qqn pourrait me conseiller ?
Merci d'avance :jap:

il manquerait pas des points en h senestre?  :??:  :o

Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:20:21  profilanswer

Belgarion a écrit :

pex pas trop je pourrais plus jouer avec toi a mon retour :o  

ne t'en fais pas je suis aps le roi du pex ;) :O
mais bon avec lorenz faut fait que on soit les 2 seuls skoals actifs qd meme qd frera n'est pas là. :)

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"
Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:21:10  profilanswer

latoucheF7duclavier a écrit :

free rilez!  :kaola:  :sarcastic:  

vive les rillettes :bounce:

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:22:49  profilanswer

latoucheF7duclavier a écrit :

il manquerait pas des points en h senestre?  :??:  :o  

ben non c un critblade... pas un soulblade ni un 5 spé ni un shadowzerk UN CRITBLADE  !  :o
j'ai edité pour te faire plaisir...

Message édité par korxx le 09-01-2003 à 18:23:06
Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:23:00  profilanswer

hellstrike a écrit :

bon gorre vient de fermer juste le temps de faire un duel face a un zerk ct tendu mais pas eu le tps de voir son lvl mais jaune pour moi mais j'ai perdu :p

ben tu a sde la chance moi je dois surement me faire completement exploser face à un zerk. ;)

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"
Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:24:00  profilanswer

pak2kro a écrit :

j'ai pas assuré j'ai participé a un topic ouin-ouin sur jol :/

mince, on va devoir te tondre. :/

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"
Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:26:16  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

J'ai quelques questions a vous poser, j'ai un amis qui fait un critblade et qui voulais faire as 50 epée 44 fufu 40 et le reste en poison cad 13 et puis 1 en hache senestre (F7 --> ;)   )...
Je trouve que c trop peu 13 en poison, que 40 en fufu c bien par contre je sais pas si le style 50 en as  est utile, de meme que je sais pas si le style 44 en epee est utile, qqn pourrait me conseiller ?
Merci d'avance :jap:

 :pfff: tu peux nous le dire que tu t'es reabonné, on est entre nous....

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"

Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:28:34  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

pfff j'arrive pas a depasser 156 Miles :(
edit: 190 :D
edit2 : 210 :D
edit3 : 250 :D
Bon j'arrete de jouer lol

ya un truc pour faire bcp-bcp :D

Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:28:34  profilanswer


Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:29:23  profilanswer

worm'skiller a écrit :

 :pfff: tu peux nous le dire que tu t'es reabonné, on est entre nous....

Non serieusement c'est vraiment un ami...
spa pour moi sinon je l'aurai dit...   :pfff:  
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Emporté par le Nexus
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 18:36:04  profilanswer

je pense que je reprendrais mon abo samedi
vous avez dit nerdz ? :whistle:


Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:05:06  profilanswer

GarPhild a écrit :

riez riez  :o ya que 7% de diff d'AF avec l'ecaille, et le FL a Evade III et la dext montre plus que pr un proto :) pis le tranchant a des malus sur le RF :na:  :p  
enfin je verrai bien ^^ au pire je respec au 20  [:razorbak83]  
je serais un mur [:dago]

c'est pas le finelame qui me fait rire, mais le finelame bouclier .
un finelame ça se bat à 2 armes ! laisse le bouclier aux [:manu2013]

Message édité par maxi17 le 09-01-2003 à 19:06:05

Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:14:08  profilanswer

maxi17 a écrit :

c'est pas le finelame qui me fait rire, mais le finelame bouclier .
un finelame ça se bat à 2 armes ! laisse le bouclier aux [:manu2013]

lol finelame bouclier alors celle la  lest pas mal mdr
deja ke finelame c limite alors avec un bouclier mouarf  
t un pti commik Garphild ^^

mmorpg addicted
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:21:31  profilanswer

bein apperement ca marche :  [:razorbak83] [...] genumber=2
mais finalement me suis spé lames/CD, je verrai bien :) pour le moment ca me plait  :p (lvl 6)


Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:25:33  profilanswer

GarPhild a écrit :

mais finalement me suis spé lames/CD, je verrai bien :) pour le moment ca me plait  :p (lvl 6)


mmorpg addicted
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:44:17  profilanswer

ya quoi de nouveau et important dans la 1.54 ? :)

Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 19:54:25  profilanswer

GarPhild a écrit :

ya quoi de nouveau et important dans la 1.54 ? :)

un nouveau donjeon
une barre a 10 au lieu de 8
euh .... je sais pas  
sinon enchanteur lv 34  [:yaisse2]  ct mon dernier jour , petite pause daoc =)

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  
mmorpg addicted
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:04:12  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

un nouveau donjeon
une barre a 10 au lieu de 8
euh .... je sais pas  
sinon enchanteur lv 34  [:yaisse2]  ct mon dernier jour , petite pause daoc =)

ah tu m'attends, c sympa ça  :D  
je monte un buffdruide finalement :) barde spa top pr les buffs :/


Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:12:42  profilanswer

j'ai tjr pas jouer a never winter night age of mythologie et AC2[:totoz]
qui joue encore a AC2 ?
sinon en ce moment je peux pas jouer :cry: ça manque DAoC  
vivement samedi  :cry:  :hello:


Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:13:16  profilanswer

GarPhild a écrit :

ah tu m'attends, c sympa ça  :D  
je monte un buffdruide finalement :) barde spa top pr les buffs :/

le meilleur buffbot c chamy avec sont regen endu :p vien sur mid c mieux zerk en plus  :p   :D

Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:38:10  profilanswer

Dark Age of Camelot  
Version 1.54 Release Notes  
Tuesday, November 11, 2002  
Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.54, a major addition to the game. In this version are several complete new game systems - Spellcraft/Alchemy and Dueling - as well as many smaller tweaks and additions that have been requested by the Camelot community - 10 hotbars of 10 keys each, color coding of names, macros in chat text. Additionally, we've made some substantial updates to the frontier outpost RvR system and many updates to siege warfare to make it easier and more advantageous to use.  
Spellcraft and Alchemy make their debut in Dark Age of Camelot with this update, which are the two crafting skills that allow player crafters to imbue weapons and armor with magical properties. This is an extensive system that has many options and associated skills. For full documentation of the Spellcraft and Alchemy, go to the Camelot Herald at You'll find all the information you need to get started there.  
General Overview of Spellcraft/Alchemy  
Spellcraft and Alchemy work exactly like the other tradeskills as far as their recipes, and the objects they create go. Once you have the object, you "combine" them, via the trade window to an object.  
For example, Player A takes their Sword they want to have strength added to it to a Spellcrafter. They place it in a trade window with the Spellcrafter. The Spellcrafter places a strength Gem in the sword's gem socket and clicks the "combine" button. Satisfied (both players will get text information on the combine, how many points it took, etc), Player A places some money in the trade window and hits accept. The Spellcrafter then hits accept, the combine happens. Viola! Player A has a sword with a strength bonus, and the Spellcrafter has the satisfaction of making another magic item.  
The "forge" object for Spellcraft and Alchemy is the new Alchemy table that you will see placed in various parts of the home cities. You will find the merchants needed for these two crafts close by.  
The tools that you will need for various recipes are the Spellcraft Kit, Alchemy Kit, and Mortar and Pestle. The kits are always needed for their specific trade, the Mortar and Pestle is needed for making any of the poisons.  
You may need to scroll sideways in the Spellcraft/Alchemy Merchants to find the items that you need (using the new multiple store indexes per merchant feature).  
Names of Guild Masters:  
Spellcraft Guild Master: Clayton Gage  
Alchemy Guild Master: Adelaide Dinsmore  
Spellcraft Guild Master: Hradi Thorleif  
Alchemy Guild Master: Armod Dag  
Spellcraft Guild Master: Shannen  
Alchemy Guild Master: Aslander  
Trade Skill Reset  
In order to "wipe" your trade skills so that your character can learn Spellcraft/Alchemy if they already belong to another trade Order, we've put in a special quest in each Realm that will guide your character through the process. Please note that you can only go on this quest ONCE, and you can only do it to switch from whatever tradeskill you currently know to Spellcraft or Alchemy - NOT to any other tradeskill.  
We've placed an NPC in each of the capital cities of each realm in the general vicinity of the name registrar. Each of these NPC?s will instruct you as to the process of changing your order. Please note that once you have established yourself within the new order, you cannot change back. All of these changes are final!  
Change Trade Order NPCs:  
Albion ? Edie Wharton  
Hibernia ? Fabrice  
Midgard ? Gudmund  
We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.  
- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.  
- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.  
- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost still alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.  
- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.  
- With great ado, we now support 10 hotbars with 10 icons each.  
- There has also been a new slash command added, /qbar which allows you to pick a quickbar with a slash command. Example: /qbar 2 switches to your second quickbar, the same as pressing Shift-2. This change allows you to assign /macro commands that will select between different quickbars. The current quickbar page will now persist across zoning and quitting.  
We now support an alternative scheme to display the names over all in-game models (player, monster, and enemy player). There is a new slash command: "/colornames" that enables the new name coloring scheme:  
Monsters: Names are colored by con color  
NPCs: Cyan  
Realm Enemies: Red  
Guild Members: Dark Green  
Group Members: light orange/brown  
Players: Normal Color (light blue)  
Graves/Dead People: Brown  
Selected Target: White  
Note that when you turn this on, selected target is no longer yellow, it is white. Yellow names are yellow-con level monsters.  
To restore the game to the old system, type "/oldnamecolors", which restores the original name coloring. Your name coloring preference will persist across zoning and quitting.  
There is another new slash command used to hide player, monster, and grave names. The command is as follows:  
/hidenames players | monsters | self | graves | all  
/shownames players | monsters | self | graves | all  
players - any normal player characters  
monsters - any NPCs, any monsters, any pets  
graves - gravestone names  
self - your own name  
all - all names  
Shift-N effectively acts like a toggle between "/hidenames all" and "/shownames all".  
/hidenames self graves  
Will hide your name and any grave names, but show monster names and other player names. Name filtering (including Shift-N) will persist across zoning and quitting.  
Please note that when you hide names (using Shift-N or the new /hidenames slash command), they are no longer clickable. Previously, if you hid them they could still be targeted, leading to some problems of selecting yourself when you were trying to select another player.  
- You should now always get the siege weapon control window when you assume control of any siege weapon. There was a bug that prevented the window from correctly being displayed.  
- The control radius of a siege weapon has been reduced from 512 to 300. When you go out of the radius, the control window now disappears  
- You can now salvage up to 5 stacks of 200 items each if necessary. This should fix salvaging large amounts of wood from siege equipment.  
- Timers on the control window for siege equipment will now correctly reflect the real timers.  
- Catapult and Ballista minimum ranges are now 1500 across the board.  
- The range of all rams has been doubled.  
- The siege ram, palintone and trebuchet should all salvage for the correct type of wood.  
- Hibernian siege merchants no longer sell siege parts that can not be used for Hibernia.  
- If you dropped a piece of siege ammo on the siege window, the ammo would disappear and you would not be able to click on your backpack until you logged. This is fixed.  
- You can now load multiple ammo into a siege equipment and select and fire them individually. Keep in mind that you now have to specifically select a piece of ammo in the siege equipment window and LOAD it - the first item is no longer "auto-loaded".  
- Fixed some the updating of the siege window to accurately reflect the state of the equipment (armed, loaded, aimed, ready) in its title.  
- Added more messages when firing siege equipment to give better feedback on when timers have expired.  
- If you are controlling a piece of siege equipment and you close your siege window, you can type /CONTROL to show the window again (you don't have to release and re-control the siege equipment).  
By popular request, there is now a way to fight characters from your own realm - a dueling system, where both parties agree to fight.  
To start the duel, select the character you want to fight and type, "/duel challenge". The character responds with "/duel accept" to accept the challenge and fight you. They can also type "/duel decline" to reject the challenge. Once the fight starts, either combatant can type "/duel surrender" to surrender the fight.  
All duels are to the death. No constitution or experience is lost on a dueling death. A message is printed to all nearby on victory or surrender notifying bystanders of the outcome of the duel.  
Please note the following:  
- damage is not "remembered" for the purposes of PVP vs PVE death.  
- if either opponent is hit by a monster or a realm opponent, the duel is auto-terminated  
- you cannot initiate or accept a duel if you are not at 100% hits or have your combat timer set  
- After a duel, if you are low on hits and are killed by a monster or enemy player, you take a "real" PvE death. Be careful where you duel.  
- Dueling will cancel when one player quits, zones, or is teleported.  
- When a duel ends, all spell effects cast by the duel target on either player are wiped (positive and negative effects).  
- After being killed in a duel, you will autorelease to your exact same position in 10 seconds.  
- Please note that using some Realm Abilities will drop you out of a duel.  
Many objects in the Darkness Falls dungeon were set to have a salvage value far too high relative to their worth (in gold). In order to keep the game's economy in balance, we've had to adjust the salvage values of some items found on Darkness Falls vendors. Now, all objects purchased from vendors in Darkness Falls have a consistent salvage value based on the seal cost of that object. This means that for those items that were adjusted you will get less salvageable material than you previously did.  
Note: we did not adjust the actual seal cost of any item, only the salvage settings on the items.  
Note: this change is retroactive, so clear your vaults if you were storing any of these items for later salvage.  
- The Recovery combat style in the Hibernian Blunt list is now named Windfall, and its opening is the previous style Impact. It also now does a moderate attack speed debuff instead of a stun.  
- Added new interface for Self Crafting of items. When you quickview an item (in the lower right summary window) - you can currently hit SHIFT-I to delve the item. We've added a new key (default is SHIFT-R) to "craft" an item directly from the player's backpack. A small mini-craft window appears when you press this key with three options: Repair, Salvage and Craft. Please note that for the next day or two, the "craft" option will not work. Also, when you repair, it will repair the item, but information on the repair won't be updated until you move the item from one inventory slot to another.  
- Items that you craft, trade, pick up, or otherwise put in your inventory will now auto-stack with like items.  
- You can now split stacks of items in your inventory. To do this, simply pick up a stack of objects in your inventory or bank. Drop it onto an empty backpack or bank slot. You'll be presented with a small window prompting you for the number of items in the stack to move. Note that you cannot split stacks into a trade window or onto a monster - you must split into an empty slot in your inventory first.  
- You can now use target macros with the %t or %T fields. For instance, type "/macro /say Hello, %t!" - this will set up a macro that will say hello to your current target.  
- You can now set a follow up spell to be cast. If you press a hotkey to cast a second spell when a first spell is being cast, the second spell is queued up to be to "autocast" after the first is cast. Note that when the second spell actually begins the cast process, it will cast on the target the player has currently targeted. You can cancel the spell in the normal fashion by moving when starting to cast. If you wish, you can turn off this feature by toggling the "/noqueue" command.  
- Attackers now receive a specific bladeturn message when their attack is bladeturned. Previously the message they received simply stated the attack missed.  
- When you craft an object that cannot be carried, you now get a print saying "you create the object on the ground".  
- Sprint can now be bound to a key in the keyboard configuration.  
- You can no longer turn your figure when stunned or mezzed. This will allow melee characters the chance to use position styles against stunned/mezzed enemies.  
- When you use a hot-key to ready a one-handed weapon, you will now automatically equip your shield if you have one readied.  
- If you used the last of your stack of thrown weapons, you used to get garbled combat messages if you had no readied weapon. This is fixed.  
- Fixed issues with Mesmerize - under certain situations if cast on a player, the casting player would not be put into combat mode.  
- "/assist " should now work correctly. Up until now it only worked properly on your currently selected target.  
- Some of the portal ticket vendors will now also sell siege ammunition as a secondary store index.  
- Monsters will no longer wiggle back and forth across a path-point if they are traveling fast.  
- Monsters in formations in dungeons with multiple levels should no longer have creatures drop through the floor.  
- When crafting objects, stat bonuses will display both the 100 and 150 percent amounts.  
- Focus gems now delve the correct amount.  
- When you enter stealth or camo and you are sprinting, your sprinting is halted.  
- Heroes can no longer enter stagform while dead.  
- Monsters should no longer turn to face you when Mezzed or stunned, so now positional combat styles will be easier to perform against them.  
- There was a bug that prevented back-up combat styles from working properly if one of the styles was shield-based. This has been fixed.  
- You now have to reach deeper water before you go into swim mode.  
- Monsters will now propagate much more smoothly when they are flying.  
- Portal Ceremonies across all realms have been adjusted to handle an increased teleport load. This should alleviate problems noted when teleporting cross realm for large relic and keep raids.  
- The leaders of guard patrols in the frontiers should now appear at a greater visual distance for players.  
- Quests: We have added one quest per realm to provide an introduction to the new races that will debut in the Shrouded Isles expansion.  
- Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds: We have adjusted the levels of many of the monsters in the battlegrounds - to provide better pets for charming classes. The giant spiders, tomb raiders, cliff beetles, goblin whips, large bloated spiders, death spiders, and rage wolves have all been adjusted.  
- Merchants in the three capital cities have been combined for your convenience, now that merchants can have up to four pages of items to sell. If you can't find your usual merchant, click on the merchants nearby to find the items you need.  
- The following merchants now carry enchanting/recharging components: Freyne Aeoelred in Camelot, Ereck Hemingr in Jordheim, and Cedric in Tir na Nog  
- PvP servers only: Under some existing circumstances, the Relics on the PvP servers can reset to their original relic keeps. Under 1.54, more relics will be reset to their keeps, as such, the guardians of these keeps have taken it upon themselves to periodically replace the Relic Keep doors.  
- Realm v. Realm: Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps: The patrolling guards should now move more quickly throughout their patrols.  
- Realm v. Realm: To help prevent people from exploiting the immunity timer in the new RVR dungeons, we have moved the exit to the dungeons. You can no longer zone out where you zoned in, but instead must travel a distance to a new zone point.  
- Battlegrounds: Siegemasters will now specify when and where they drop ammo. This will be indicated by a pop-up "OK" box at the time of the ammo drop.  
Courier Missions  
We have introduced a new set of tasks named "Courier missions". These missions take place within the frontiers and can only be given to players who are 30th level or higher. There are two sides to each mission, a kill task and a protect task. The primary goal of the kill task is to speak with the mark dealer for a task, locate the courier listed, hunt the courier down, and then kill it. The protect task is a bit different in that you must find the courier, speak to it to obtain the task, and then ensure the courier reaches its destination alive. To better assist the defenders in locating a courier to defend, we have also added a status monitor within both border keeps. These status monitors will broadcast to the entire keep if a courier needs a defender and where this courier is located. You can also speak with this monitor to find if there are any couriers in transit that require assistance. As with all tasks, you may use /task command to receive the status of your task at any time. Please note that you will have only one hour to complete this task. Should the courier take longer than this to reach its destination or should you not locate the courier, the task is considered forfeit.  
The details of the rewards are as follows:  
Kill Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this task when the courier is killed. In order to receive your reward, you must be within 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier when it dies.  
Protect Task - A large sum of coin will be split evenly to anyone who is on this task when the courier reaches its destination. In order to receive your reward, you must be within 6000 units (just outside of visual range) of the courier when it reaches this point.  
Following is the list of Mark Dealers and Status Monitors:  
Status monitors: Kirbie Hareford (Castle Sauvage), Paytan Varden (Snowdonia Keep)  
Midgard mark dealer: Ohtor (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)  
Hibernia mark dealer: Edouarz (Portal Keep - Hadrian?s Wall)  
Status monitors: Ulfr (Svasud Faste), Steig (Vindsaul Faste)  
Albion mark dealer: Bardolf Culthit (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)  
Hibernia mark dealer: Drust (Portal Keep - Odin?s Gate)  
Status monitors: Garth (Druim Ligen), Eodan (Druim Cain)  
Albion mark dealer: Centwine Melgim (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)  
Midgard mark dealer: Skuti (Portal Keep - Emain Macha)  
Albion Quests:  
Bounty Quest - (peallaidh) - Thule Ruthic wasn't taking peallaidh hides. This has been fixed, he takes them now.  
Legend of the Lake AND Barbaric Tales - Players couldn't turn in the second goblin tome - this has been fixed, they can turn it in now.  
Willing Sacrifice - The quest reward tells the player they're going to get a belt. The rewarded object is now correctly set to a belt.  
Midgard Quests  
- Tomte of Doom - Yandu wouldn't respond to players trying to choose a circlet. This has been fixed, players can go back and talk to Yandu. The journals now have the trigger word: [inventory]  
- Midgard Quests: Tomte of Doom - Players should no longer have difficulty selecting their reward.  
Hibernia Quests  
- Unnatural Powers - Invisible Green Maws were killing the players. This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.  
- The Moonstone Twin - Giant Caithor was spawning briefly and then despawning. Players couldn't continue. This has been fixed, players can attempt this encounter again now.  
Albion Quests  
- Andrew's Metal Bits is now only available to Scouts.  
- RvR Dungeons: The innocents all now operate under the undead damage tables.  
- Hibernia - Treibh Caillte - the few earth golems who occasionally got stuck near the entrance have been moved.  
- Dungeon: Darkness Falls: Dried worm husks have recently been discovered in the wake of the giant demon Beliathan's passage. Their origins have not yet been discovered, nor have any been seen alive thus far in order to determine their purpose or meaning.  
- Dungeon: Treibh Caillte: Rock golems which have been pulled to the entrance should now return to their spawn points. The rocky golems are now a little bit tougher.  
- Coruscating Mines: The undead Drudgers should now all use the same damage table.  
- The Dragon Stun used by all three dragons will now trigger a stun immunity timer.  
- The following monsters throughout the realms have armed themselves - the Danaoins, the snowshoe bandits, many of the ghostly invaders, as well as the cutpurses and poachers.  
Albion: Dartmoor - the granite giant pounders in the southeast should no longer be "too far away to attack"  
Albion: The few cave fairies who were immune to all ranged attacks have been fixed.  
Albion: Camelot Hills - the river sprites south of Cotswold have returned.  
Albion: Merchants dressed in foreign armors have changed their clothes.  
Albion: The pygmy goblin tanglers should no longer chase players forever.  
Albion: Some scouts report seeing a new breed of spider roaming Hadrian's Wall. Also some reports of some enraged panthers being spotted in the area.  
Albion: Starved of their normal prey, the bone snappers have grown weaker.  
Midgard: Merchant Tig is no longer aggressive.  
Midgard: Several of the missing factions, notably Pack Drakulv and the Bounty Hunters, have been restored.  
Midgard: Guards patrolling Odin's Gate reported seeing a new type of spider.  
Midgard: Hill Scrags are now correctly classified as giants instead of humanoid (matching the other types of scrags).  
Hibernia: The cliff beetles in Emain now have a wider level range.  
Hibernia: The poison merchant in Druim Ligen now sells both low and high level poisons.  
Item notes  
- New RvR dungeons - the few instances where loot usable by the wrong realm were dropping have been fixed.  
- The few instances where the wrong realm's stats were added to items have been fixed.  
- The shade of Aelfgar now is dropping loot correctly.  
- Svelte Armor Leggings (Albion) can now be dyed.  
- The Icebound Effluvium Staff of Summoning (Midgard) should now con correctly.  
- The second body resist entry on the Resplendent Necklace (Albion) has been changed to energy.  
- The Eternal Strife Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.  
- The Adamant Coral Helm (Albion) now buffs the shield skill instead of chants.  
- All cloth helms and caps in the game should now display a cloth icon in inventory - this should not affect the appearance on the character.  
- Werewolf warders should no longer be dropping loot from Muspelheim.  
- The Windswept Cloak (Midgard) can now be dyed.  
- The Demoniac Turmoil Frock (Albion) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye type.  
- The Cinder Stained Vest (Midgard) now increases the composite bow skill instead of beastcraft.  
- The Siabrian Staff of Mana (Hibernia) should now have the appropriate level requirement set.  
- Focus staves created from the unique item generators should be salvageable.  
- The Cailiondar Helm (Albion) now increases the parry skill instead of chants.  
- The Ghastly Mendicant Frock (Albion) can now be dyed.  
- The Tactician?s Belt (Albion) should now buff matter, body and spirit.  
- The Boots of Favor (Midgard) can now be dyed with the appropriate dye.  
- The Berolig shield (Midgard) now buffs mending.  
- The Skogfru Skin Bracer (Midgard) now buffs composite bow.  
- All cloth, reinforced, studded, chain and scale helms in the game should now display the correct icon in inventory. This should not affect their appearance on the character.  
- The Riven Silk Robe (Hibernia) can now be dyed.  
- The Feelion Razor (Hibernia) now has matter and body resists instead of 2 matter resist listings.  
- The Latticed Shadow Boots (Midgard) now has body and heat resists instead of 2 body resist listings.  
- The Lion Embossed Greaves (Albion) had the charisma bonus changed to strength.  
- The Bracelet of Voided Talent (Hibernia) now has a bracer icon.  
- The "granite chisel" now has an icon.  
- The Petrified Wisened Oak Shield (Hibernia) now has the correct salvage value.  
- The Erubescent Strife Dirk (Hibernia) now correctly buffs the piercing skill.  
- The icon on the Imbued Gloves (Hibernia) is now correctly set to reinforced.  
- The Partial Map is no longer equippable.  
- The Wintry Effluvium Sword (Hibernia) should now be set at the correct level.  
- The Blodjeger Hammer (Midgard) should now longer display that it is usable in the left hand.  
- The Shimmering Etheric Helm (Albion) is no longer set to no-sell.  
- The Woven Darksteel Boots (Midgard) now have heat, spirit and body resists, instead of two body resist entries.  
- You can now "self-combine" items. Right click to quickview the item you want to self-craft. Use the MiniCraft hotkey. Press the CRAFT button. You'll get a trade window that is preloaded with the combine flag set and the item you wish to craft pre-populated. Add your components to the right side and hit ACCEPT to craft.  
- Increased the stack size of tradeskill components from 100 to 200 and from 20 to 100  
- Changed the title of the final rank from "Legendary Grandmaster " to "Legendary "  
- Fixed the long dirk blade to have the correct icon  
- Fixed the needle mace head to have the correct icon  
- Fixed the base value for the long dirk and needle mace so they sell back to merchants for the correct amount  
- reinforced kite shields will start at the appropriate skill level (instead of 100 points higher)  
- The weighted bearded axe, reinforced round shield, reinforced kite shield, and reinforced tower shield are listed in seperate lists in midgard now  
- reinforced round shield fittings in hibernia will start showing up on the appropriate list at the appropriate skill value now  
- Hibernian reinforced shields now will ask for the correct ore type, instead of a metal type  
- The final recipe for the barbed mace, in Hibernia, will now ask for the correct material types for the final two components -The whistle and toy sword will now ask for the correct type of wood not "WOO10" for the 10th material versions.

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:44:02  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

J'ai quelques questions a vous poser, j'ai un amis qui fait un critblade et qui voulais faire as 50 epée 44 fufu 40 et le reste en poison cad 13 et puis 1 en hache senestre (F7 --> ;)   )...
Je trouve que c trop peu 13 en poison, que 40 en fufu c bien par contre je sais pas si le style 50 en as  est utile, de meme que je sais pas si le style 44 en epee est utile, qqn pourrait me conseiller ?
Merci d'avance :jap:


Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:48:56  profilanswer

13 en poison ?  :lol:  dis lui de monter un zerk plutot  :lol:

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:49:36  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

13 en poison ?  :lol:  dis lui de monter un zerk plutot  :lol:  

edit :  
Au lieu de te fouttre de la gueule des gens argumente un peu stp....
C'est tellement facile de taper : lol : sur un clavier plutot que d'expliquer en quoi tel style n'est pas vital et qu'il serait mieux de mettre en poison...

Message édité par korxx le 09-01-2003 à 20:51:26
Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:50:26  profilanswer

:lol:  :lol:

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  
Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:51:34  profilanswer

non serieux 35 en fufu c bon avec les bonus tu tombes a 47 mini
50 en CS bof je vois pas l'interet  
44 en lame oui  
mais 13 en poison  :lol:

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:53:26  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

non serieux 35 en fufu c bon avec les bonus tu tombes a 47 mini
50 en CS bof je vois pas l'interet
44 en lame oui
mais 13 en poison  :lol:  

pourquoi ?
style 44 en epée interessant ?
style 50 en cs ininteressant ?  
dans quelle mesure etc...
c pas avec un : bof je vois pas l'interet que je vais le convaincre ;)

Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:53:44  profilanswer
attention c trop longa charger

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

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Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:54:04  profilanswer

il y a eu de l'edit dans l'air lol


Transactions (4)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:54:06  profilanswer

c facile à placer le style lvl 50 en as?  :??:  Si c pas le cas, ça vaut peut être pas le coup. :o Surtout que ça coute cher les points. :)


Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:54:51  profilanswer

latoucheF7duclavier a écrit :

c facile à placer le style lvl 50 en as?  :??:  Si c pas le cas, ça vaut peut être pas le coup. :o Surtout que ça coute cher les points. :)

ben c la suite du style lvl 44 (c'est une chaine)

Message édité par korxx le 09-01-2003 à 20:55:06

Transactions (4)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:56:20  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

ben c la suite du style lvl 44 (c'est une chaine)

oui, mais c quoi?  :??:  

Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 20:57:44  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

pourquoi ?
style 44 en epée interessant ?
style 50 en cs ininteressant ?  
dans quelle mesure etc...
c pas avec un : bof je vois pas l'interet que je vais le convaincre ;)

bien alors  
le style a 50 en CS est nul car il est basé sur une succestion de coup apres evade ... deja quand tu places 1 couspa apres l'evade ... le cap des PA est bien sur augemnté mais l'interet est mini
le style a 44 en lame est pas interessant je me suis tromper desolé
il s'utilise apres une parade ... et comme un assassin n' apas parade ... :/
ensuite 13 en poison c trop trop peu car le poison aide bcp l'assassin
35 en stealh car avec les bonus ca monte pas mal  
1 en hache senestre c pas genial puisque c une tres bonne competences pour un assassin

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:04:16  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

bien alors  
le style a 50 en CS est nul car il est basé sur une succestion de coup apres evade ... deja quand tu places 1 couspa apres l'evade ... le cap des PA est bien sur augemnté mais l'interet est mini
le style a 44 en lame est pas interessant je me suis tromper desolé
il s'utilise apres une parade ... et comme un assassin n' apas parade ... :/
ensuite 13 en poison c trop trop peu car le poison aide bcp l'assassin
35 en stealh car avec les bonus ca monte pas mal

1 en hache senestre c pas genial puisque c une tres bonne competences pour un assassin  

ok merci :)
Pour ce qui est de rien mettre en hache senestre c'est un choix... libre a soi de monter son asn en crit pur, en sz en soul ou en 5 spé.
Par contre il y a un truc que je comprends pas, tu met que le cap des pa est augmenté ?
Ca change quelque chose d'avoir disons 44+8 ou 50+8 ? dans les 2 cas tu arrive a 50 non ?

Message édité par korxx le 09-01-2003 à 21:06:12
Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:05:26  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

ok merci :)
Pour ce qui est de rien mettre en hache senestre c'est un choix... libre a soi de monter son asn en crit pur, en sz en soul ou en 5 spé.

je dis pas le contraire :) mais hache senestre fait pas mal de degats :)

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:06:45  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

je dis pas le contraire :) mais hache senestre fait pas mal de degats :)

c'est deux styles different :) question de facon de jouer :)
j'ai edit au dessus ;)

Oh putain 15 ans déjà
Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:08:09  profilanswer

Korxx a écrit :

ok merci :)
Pour ce qui est de rien mettre en hache senestre c'est un choix... libre a soi de monter son asn en crit pur, en sz en soul ou en 5 spé.
Par contre il y a un truc que je comprends pas, tu met que le cap des pa est augmenté ?
Ca change quelque chose d'avoir disons 44+8 ou 50+8 ? dans les 2 cas tu arrive a 50 non ?

quand tu depasses 50 c plus ton cap de degats mais ton cap de touché qui change ... enfin il me semble

Celui qui pose une question risque cinq minutes d'avoir l'air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de question restera bête toute sa vie  

Transactions (2)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:16:01  profilanswer

AngelNeo a écrit :

quand tu depasses 50 c plus ton cap de degats mais ton cap de touché qui change ... enfin il me semble

ah ok je savais pas que les pts au dessus de 50 comptait..
faudrait que je me renseigne la dessus pour etre sur.

Jolie poupée
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:18:03  profilanswer


Cherche the key of the twilight :)
Jolie poupée
Transactions (0)
Posté le 09-01-2003 à 21:18:16  profilanswer


Cherche the key of the twilight :)
Posté le   profilanswer

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