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[TU] Pimax VR - 4k 5k 5k+ 8k 8kX SteamVR Knuckles

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 21-04-2018 à 09:15:44  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Si ya du monde a Séoul pour aller voir la v5: [...] -4-22/5840

Citation :

Anyone in Seoul?
Our Korean partner is exhibiting v5 for us at the event SEOUL VR AR EXPO 2018 this weekend.
주소 : 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Location : Coex 3F Hall C
Booth no. : C07

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Posté le 21-04-2018 à 09:15:44  profilanswer

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 23-04-2018 à 08:48:05  profilanswer [...] -0423/5852

Citation :

Hi Futurists,
We have fixed all the issues of v5 in the new prototype.
After v5, we have adjusted the lens design three times. Each adjustment requests a new tooling. It costs over $50,000 - $100,000 and a few more weeks for a new tooling each time, but we believe the improvements in visual quality worth the cost. Given the vendor will deliver the newly designed lens in early May, we are looking to ship M1 to testers in May, when the units have been assembled and tested.
Two major reasons that may cause schedule delay:  
1. Change design for the better result.  
2. Components delay
The holidays have some impact over the delivery of raw materials. There are dozens of components, delay of any of these may impact the schedule as a whole. When we become a more established company, we would have stronger support from our vendors.
The good news is, all the materials for M1 are now ready in the factory, which means we have better control over the timeline.
Worth to mention that moving production line also takes some time. Yes, we have moved our production line from the current one to a world-class line that has the most strict standard for optical devices.
Thanks again, 8K backers! We cannot deliver the best VR experience without your support.
Best regards,  
The Pimax Team

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 23-04-2018 à 10:59:25  profilanswer

ça avance, doucement :D
hâte d'avoir les retours sur le M1
et je serais vraiment intéressé pour le tester !
J'irais sûrement faire un tour au Laval Virtual 2019 :D

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 23-04-2018 à 14:04:47  profilanswer

Pareil :) j'ai hâte de tester, mais chez moi sur la version finale!

Faudra que je teste un jour :o

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Posté le 23-04-2018 à 18:33:10  profilanswer

Hate de voir les premiers tests  
J'ai un environnement VR excellent pour voir le FOV/la definition/résolution...
Une sorte de MIRE VR  sous SteamVR [...] 1359389601 [...] QJp-JypaCQ

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 24-04-2018 à 18:06:10  profilanswer [...] llers/5870

Citation :

Hi Futurists,
As promised, here is the new ID of the controllers:
The ID is designed for new controller prototypes. To make the prototypes compatible with all Steam and Oculus content, we have included the grip button, menu button, system button, and trigger. When the prototype finished (estimated in Q3), you can test with real workable units and we can improve based on your feedback.
Taken all your feedback into consideration, we have incorporated the thoughts into our new design, so we can create the controllers that meet your expectations. Controller suggestions from the community: [...] nity/5623/
We are looking to make a super comfortable controller with all fingers tracked. You do not need to hold it, you can relax in the games with your hands open, grab objects when close your hands, and release hands to throw objects naturally. There are sensors over the grip button. The controller tracks all your fingers while you hold it, and you can squeeze further with the grip button as well.
Just like the headsets, the controllers will be tested carefully before sending out. The hardware implemented in the controllers will be updated with new software versions.
You can find a family photo below of all the past models (3D printed) through all the iterations, we are trying to find the best fit for a complete and immersive VR experience, while adding some innovations to the new design. It is not easy to find the balance and meet all the expectations, but we are confident to make the best possible solution together with the input from you, the mavens of immersive experience.
Pimax controller design iterations
For controller backers - We understand some of you are swaying between thumbstick and trackpad. You will still have a chance to switch your option when the controller prototype comes out.
We will announce here when we are about to prepare the mass production of the controllers.
The Pimax Team

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 25-04-2018 à 13:24:36  profilanswer

Sondage intéressant sur ETR: Quel est pour vous la date de réception du Pimax8K par notre équipe ? [...] deaux.html
Moi j'ai mis 4ième semaine de juin.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 25-04-2018 à 13:35:05  profilanswer

Ils vont envoyer des une dizaine de protos tests en Mai qui va demander encore des corrections... Septembre au mieux :o

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 27-04-2018 à 09:28:10  profilanswer [...] unity/5898

Citation :

Hi Futurists,
It was a pleasure reading your comments! We have collected your feedback regarding the new controller ID and discussed with the team, here are the responses to your suggestions:

  • Potenial collisions in some scenarios, e.g. adjust the headset, archery, eating, clap etc. Raised by @Aneurism @Jean-Mehdi @Cdaked @ChrisVL @Sofian @GameMaker @kons @SWAT @Skynet in the forum, @Rob Khonsu via Kickstarter, @TITANVR @KenZed @reptilexcq2 @EdisLeaso via youtube comments.  

We got the idea of lowering down the possibility of collisions with a smaller ring or different positions/shapes. At this stage, we are trying not to make major changes unless necessary. We plan to move on to build the prototype based on the current design and then evaluate the performance of the controllers as a whole in the testing phase.

  • Interchangeable module to switch between tumbstick and trackpad style. Raised by @Lance in Kickstarter, @Cdaked @tristanc @MildlyConfused @cocorickoo @bubbleball @john2910 in the forum, and fb group members @Peder Simonsen @Owen Blades @Matt Zen  

That's a very smart idea but it requests changes in hardware and structure. Given the tight development schedule, we will still offer two versions, thumbstick and trackpad, as promised during Kickstarter.

  • It might be easy to break as there in only one spot to connect the ring and the other part. by @ChrisVL  

The team will consolidate the point of junction to avoid potential damage, and conduct more drop tests.

  • As suggested by Raphael Zerbinatti in the fb group, It would be more comfortable with concave trackpad like windows MR and Vive controllers.

We will make the trackpad concave to fit into the movement of the thumbs.

  • @Grebo mentioned, people may press the wrong button because the menu button and system button are too close.

We have considered the possibility, so we distinguish the two buttons with different shapes (the menu button is concave and system button bulged) to help people to find the right button in a second. You may refer to the rendering image as below:

  • As @Heliosurge suggested that there should be an option to switch between vive tracking and inside out tracking.  

That is a very cool idea, but there haven't been a satisfactory inside out tracking solution in the industry yet. We will review the design again when the inside out tracking solutions ready and interactive mode confirmed.

  • Let's use standard AA(rechargeable) battery instead of waiting the cable recharge. @migliorare @Century  

We plan to use lithium batteries.

Remind us if we missed anything. Thanks again for all your input!
Best Regards,  
The Pimax Team

Message édité par the_fennec le 27-04-2018 à 09:29:03

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 28-04-2018 à 23:32:02  profilanswer

Article d'UploadVR sur le status, délais et refresh rate de 80hz, rien de nouveau mais une piqûre de rappel: [...] rops-80hz/

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Posté le 28-04-2018 à 23:32:02  profilanswer

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 02-05-2018 à 14:37:14  profilanswer [...] es/4009/19
Why it takes longer than expected (M1 update 0423)

  • The new lenses will arrive next week, we will start to assemble asap and then ship to testers this month.
  • M1 is not the final consumer version. While the testers start to test M1, we will move on to further improve M1 with all the input from testers. The differences between M1 and previous versions will be shared whenever ready.
  • @Axacuatl @BuckarooBanzai Sweet spots will be larger in the new versions. With the latest lenses, we can further reduce the god ray. @Milopapa We will ship 8K headset first @colgate1974 @Cyrus_Blak @Mau_S @Heliosurge @aesopfabled We will test BW in the new prototypes and share the result. @Dr.Cube When M1 finished, we will put up a list of the differences between V5 and M1.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 10-05-2018 à 14:28:56  profilanswer [...] ate/6021/3

Citation :

We will have M1 testing units assembled this month. About Kickstarter shipping: the best scenario is the testers give greenlight, then we can move on to ship asap based on the M1 model. If there is anything highlighted that subject to change, we will work with testers to identify and fix them.
Brainwarp is proven feasible. We will implement the feature in the final product, the next step is to test it with the most recent hardware design.
The refresh rate is still 80Hz, but we are still trying.
The specs of 8K, e.g. weight, will be announced when the final version locked down.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 17-05-2018 à 12:43:27  profilanswer [...] ect_update

Citation :

Hi Futurists,  
We have recorded all your questions and double checked the progress with the team. There are quite a lot to share today:  
M1 closed beta We will ship M1 to the closed beta testers this month. There will be around 10 Pimax 8K testing units in total.  
Kickstarter shipping After super intensive development and testing, now we are very confident about M1. The plan is to start the shipments in June if the testers give the green light. As always, we will take the suggestions from the community into consideration to finalize Pimax 8K.  
5K shipping time We will ship 5K and 8K in the same time frame.
Brainwarp Brainwarp is proven feasible in the lab. We will test it in the new hardware structure and will adopt Brainwarp in the final version.
Refresh rate 8K is stable at 80Hz. The team is still trying to improve the refresh rate. The worst case is 80Hz when we start to ship. 5K can reach 90Hz.
Roadshows We plan to hold meetups in different cities when the working units of the controllers are ready.
Controllers The working units (prototype v1) will be ready in June/July, and the shipping time will be Q4.
Lighthouses We plan to ship the lighthouses in Oct.
Pi-tracking We have been working on Pi-tracking. The prototype has passed the internal test. We are testing a new prototype for public demo and will showcase our solution when ready.
Audio quality and specs We have finished the design and will demo the mockup when ready.
Oculus games Pimax 8K supports Oculus games, we will make an Oculus gaming video with M1.
Stretch goal gifts and add-ons
- Modules  
We are working with partners for the modules. The top priority is the hand tracking module and eye tracking module. We are working with several wireless partners as well.  
- Free content  
We plan to have one content for controllers, one content for hand motion, and another tbc. We have locked a great controller game and will disclose more info when we have the permission.  
- 10m cable  
The cable has passed the internal sample test. We are doing more tests and will disclose more info later.  
- Headstrap  
The team is refining the design of the headstrap for better ergonomics.
- Face cushion, cooling fan, VR frame  
Not hard to produce at all, we have mockups ready. With limited resources, we are now focusing on the headset. We will update the progress when ready.
Thanks for your passion and patience! While you are waiting for your packages, please join our discussion in the forum: and the closed facebook group 8K VR CLUB.  
If you have any question, please let us know and we will give the answers in the next update.  
Best Regards,  
The Pimax Team

Faudra que je teste un jour :o

Transactions (2)
Posté le 17-05-2018 à 13:38:45  profilanswer

Eh ben c'est mou du genou... Ils répètent toujours la même chose, le brainwarp ne sera même pas sur les exemplaires de betatest, le refresh toujours bloqué à 80hz depuis des mois, les lighthouse "prévues pour Octobre"... lol... pas près de pouvoir utiliser le casque avec du positionnal... à moins de chopper des lighthouse v1.

Message édité par madcat le 17-05-2018 à 13:39:16

" Mais putaaain... Mais les gars qu'est-ce qu'ils font quoi, ils développent un jeu quoi ils essayent leur truc là ? ils essayent ? ils s'voyent voyent pas qu'c'est d'la merde !? "
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 17-05-2018 à 14:18:07  profilanswer

Avec un peu de bol on pourrait avoir des casques début juillet, j'ai un vive donc pas de pb de LH. Réussir a choper des LH avec la sortie du vive pro ça va être chaud!

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 17-05-2018 à 14:20:49  profilanswer

je miserais plutôt sur aout pour le 8K :o

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
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Posté le 17-05-2018 à 15:24:37  profilanswer

j'ai des vacances en juillet  :O

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 25-05-2018 à 16:31:39  profilanswer [...] es/4009/23

Citation :

The team is assembling the M1 units, we will update more info next week.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-05-2018 à 09:32:19  profilanswer [...] ts/2200133
How are the M1 headsets made?
J'arrive pas a zoomer sur les QR codes des écrans, je pense qu'on aurait pu avoir leur références. Toujours impressionnant la taille des lentilles!
Ça commence a sentir bon  [:balgor]

Message édité par the_fennec le 30-05-2018 à 09:33:43

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 30-05-2018 à 10:00:23  profilanswer

j'ai hâte de voir le proto final et les premiers retours (qualité, confort, etc.)

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-05-2018 à 10:20:27  profilanswer

Pareil :D mais en théorie c'est plus un proto la, avec un peut de chance c'est la version de (pré) prod.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 30-05-2018 à 10:59:51  profilanswer

j'appelle proto tout ce qui n'est pas vendu et présenté comme produit fini :D
mais effectivement c'est clairement le modèle de pré-prod!
ça fait hyper sérieux les photos du lab (c'est pour rassurer les partenaires/backers/investisseurs) :D

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-05-2018 à 23:09:35  profilanswer

Je sais si c'est un lab ou une ligne de prod, les lignes de couleurs au sol font penser a de la prod. Faudrait que quelqu'un qui lise le chinois nous dise ce qu'il y a d'écrit!

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
_desert ea​gle_

Transactions (2)
Posté le 31-05-2018 à 19:26:49  profilanswer

les mecs sont proteges comme si c était de la bouffe qu il preparait.
meme dans les restau quatre etoiles, ils sont pas aussi couverts :D

Matos Thrustmaster en ventes
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 31-05-2018 à 20:18:22  profilanswer

C'est normal, si tu mets une poussière sur une lentille fresnel c'est super chiant a nettoyer.

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 31-05-2018 à 20:23:16  profilanswer

M1 testing units shipped
Hi Futurists,  
We started to ship M1 to beta testers!  
It was a long journey to improve the VR experience as a whole e.g. it takes lots of resources for lens iterations, but we believe it's worth the costs.
Besides "how were the headsets made", we would also like to show you how they were tested.  
Here is part of the testing process:
Temperature & Humidity Test
Special Environment Test
Mechanical Endurance Lab
Vibration Test
Tumbling Drop Test
ESD Test
Strength Test of Packing
BTW, we are testing the eye tracking module. More information coming soon!
Join our discussion about Pimax 8K:
Best Regards,  
The Pimax Team

Message édité par the_fennec le 31-05-2018 à 20:50:54

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 01-06-2018 à 07:49:35  profilanswer

enfin !!!

#LaurentCambon2027 ♥♥♥ (^▽^)/
Transactions (21)
Posté le 01-06-2018 à 09:28:46  profilanswer

Le four même pas customisé à l'aluminium comme c'est pourtant bien expliqué sur le topic pizza maison. [:bouliyaanisqatsi]

P'tit tigrou déguisé en Quasi-modo => Prochaine ki toulousaine le 2/5 ! <= "Elton john de sept 1980" dixit zephiel...
aka Foskifo
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Posté le 01-06-2018 à 12:56:25  profilanswer


f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 07-06-2018 à 09:23:18  profilanswer

Citation :

M1 tracking info Pimax 8K
Two of the M1 prototypes are about to arrive!
The travel route of M1 testing units: Pimax factory -> Shanghai office -> Hong Kong -> M1 Testers

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
#LaurentCambon2027 ♥♥♥ (^▽^)/
Transactions (21)
Posté le 07-06-2018 à 09:40:15  profilanswer


P'tit tigrou déguisé en Quasi-modo => Prochaine ki toulousaine le 2/5 ! <= "Elton john de sept 1980" dixit zephiel...
Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 07-06-2018 à 09:51:27  profilanswer

La ou on peut râler est la non presence de l'arceau avec les écouteurs...  

Soyez pas vache adoptez un cha
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Posté le 07-06-2018 à 09:56:43  profilanswer

enfin :jap:


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Posté le 07-06-2018 à 10:17:00  profilanswer

Enfin bientôt le premier exemplaire en vente sur ebay  :whistle:  
prix de départ  [:linford]  1500 €  

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 07-06-2018 à 15:01:48  profilanswer

Lynk a écrit :

La ou on peut râler est la non presence de l'arceau avec les écouteurs...

Peut être que les versions finales l'auront, sinon ça fait vraiment chier :(

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 07-06-2018 à 17:42:29  profilanswer

M1 Testers Unveiled
BREAKING: MRTV Is One Of The Pimax 8K M1 Testers - Pimax 8K M1 Already Received!
En Anglais:
En Allemand:
J'ai pas regardé encore je suis au taff en meeting :(

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
Steam: Lynkk
Transactions (0)
Posté le 07-06-2018 à 18:15:17  profilanswer

Il est chiant ce mec... Blabla j'ai signé un NDA, je ne peux pas faire de reviews pour le moment   [:ddr555]  :o

f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 08-06-2018 à 00:03:38  profilanswer

Presque 1h de vidéo et on apprends rien, on voit juste le module de hand tracking qui est nouveau!

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 08-06-2018 à 10:44:17  profilanswer [...] ts/2208613
Pimax is trying to support 360 degrees full lighthouse tracking with a single base station, utilizing the PiTracking tech
Hi Futurists,  
The tracking performance of M1 with 2 base stations is par with the performance of vive tracking, but we are willing to take a step further, explore more possibilities and provide more options for you, the Pimax 5K/8K backers!  
We are trying to enable 360 degrees full lighthouse tracking with a single base station, utilizing the PiTracking tech.  
Only Pimax supports a single base station to track 360 degrees so far.  
Based on the initial test result, the single base station tracking performs good, but the function is not fixed yet. We wish but cannot guarantee we can commercialize the solution at the end of the day. We are trying hard to conduct tests with all different environments and will learn the feedback from M1 testers and the community to decide whether we will deploy the solution on the final product.  
Why developing the single base station tracking?  
1. easy to set up  
2. to achieve more stable tracking  
3. to save money and time for gamers  
4. it looks more neat and elegant
Pimax 8K M1 360 degrees full lighthouse tracking test with one base station
What happened when you use one base station for tracking with a standard VR headset
Enjoy your weekend!  
Best Regards,
The Pimax Team

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
f3nn3cUs z3rd4
Transactions (1)
Posté le 08-06-2018 à 10:51:35  profilanswer

De ces vidéos on peut comparer le FoV entre le Pimax et le HMD "mystère" :D sur Beat Saber:

Message édité par the_fennec le 08-06-2018 à 11:00:55

Faudra que je teste un jour :o
zwiiiii and then shbrouk tak
Transactions (3)
Posté le 08-06-2018 à 12:10:54  profilanswer

du coup c'est toujours bon a prendre mais en termes de perfs ça gaspille énormément de rendu qu'on ne perçoit que peu, non ?

La superstition c'est comme ceux qui réparent les fauteuils, il faut que le bois qu'ils rajoutent soit à peu près comme l'autre bois sinon ça se voit trop.
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