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[TU] XBOX One/S/X - Series X|S - Developer Direct cette semaine

Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 07:47:46  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :


Du beau monde là :jap:

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 07:47:46  profilanswer


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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 08:30:54  profilanswer

The Witcher ya moyen de trouver une sauvegarde en milieu de jeu ?
J'avais fait une certaine partie il y a longtemps sur PC sans jamais aller au bout, la flemme de repartir de 0  :O

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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 08:39:51  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

C'est pourtant pas bien compliqué à faire. Noter les points de freinage de chacun et d'essayer des les reproduire au mieux à chaque course, par exemple. Noter combien de touchettes tu fais et rendre l'IA plus ou moins agressive. C'est juste des réglages personnalisés de l'IA, et ça se ressent vachement. Je me souviens avoir noté un concurrent (je sais plus quel gamertag c'était) qui se vautrait beaucoup plus que les autres, par exemple :o

Oui je trouve ça quand même pas mal fait, et en plus en conservant ces comportements ça s'adapte au niveau de difficulté choisi par le joueur.

Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 08:40:29  profilanswer

Pour la représentation des villes (et des paysages en général), un jeu en circuit fermé triche beaucoup pour optimiser.


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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 08:45:10  profilanswer

PGR 5   :love:  :love:

Dans la vie on ne fait pas ce que l'on veut mais on est responsable de ce que l'on est. / If you pay peanuts you'll work with monkeys ...
Jeanne ! Au secours !
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:02:10  profilanswer

Bras en croix 3333

GT : T0per Harley - LastFM - - Mon Feed-Back
Expert Ordinateur Portables
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:21:59  profilanswer

olala Midtown Madness :love:

On part en live!, Sujet : [VDS] Rien [ACH] P4G HS + Epaves LENOVO/FUJITSU ville: Lyon

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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:24:46  profilanswer

alb a écrit :

Je crois que vous fantasmez un peu trop sur ce qu'une IA est capable de faire de nos jours.


Le seul truc a peu près exploitable, c'est ce qui se passe par apprentissage (tu files un tas d'exemple de A et un tas d'exemple de B et à la fin le bordel est capable d'avoir repérer les points communs entre tous les A et tous les B pour les classer tout seul par la suite où trouver les meilleurs scénarios capables d'y mener). Mais les applications sont assez faibles côté jeu vidéo, si ce n'est créér l'adversaire parfait mais c'est peu interessant d'un point de vue ludique (y'a qu'a voir AlphaGo qui a fait abandonner certains joueurs pro de Go).


Une IA qui animerait les PNJ d'elle même c'est de la SF.

Je pense que vous vous concentrez trop sur L'IA comme adversaire. Une autre application de l' IA : anticiper ce que le joueur va faire pour préparer les frames et pouvoir les envoyer plus rapidement ensuite, pour réduire la latence. Il me semble que l' IA commence également à être utilisée pour anticiper quelles parties de l'écran ont besoin d'être rafraîchies ou non : l'IA pourrait donc permettre de se rapprocher d'un rendu 4k sans avoir une CG capable de faire du vrai 4k natif.


Bref on verra bien, mais je ne serais pas étonné que ça arrive de plus en plus. Même si je pense que sur cette Gen on verra beaucoup plus le cloud que l'IA se développer. Avec des mondes beaucoup plus vastes et détaillés qui pourront se charger au fur et à mesure par exemple. Ce qui est fait sur Flight Simulator c'est incroyable par exemple.

Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:26:51  profilanswer

C'est sans doute pas une vraie IA sinon ça serait trop gourmand et ralentirait les frames, c'est juste un algo prédictif.
Remarque ce qu'on appelle IA ce sont souvent juste des algos avec un poil de poudre verte.


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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:35:07  profilanswer

A Paris, sur les Champs en 4k avec météo, nuit, saisons et raytracing  :love:  :love:  :love:

Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:35:07  profilanswer

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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:36:24  profilanswer

Ouais bof c'est une ligne droite super large au revêtement très moyen...
Je préfère des routes de campagne ou de montagne.

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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:37:23  profilanswer

Après ça serait marrant pour arriver rapidement sur la place de l'étoile avec de la circulation. Ou Concorde.

Message édité par gzii le 19-12-2019 à 09:37:51

Transactions (38)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:40:00  profilanswer

Je veux Crimson Skies.

Step the FUCK back §§§
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:40:06  profilanswer

emppapy a écrit :

The Witcher ya moyen de trouver une sauvegarde en milieu de jeu ?
J'avais fait une certaine partie il y a longtemps sur PC sans jamais aller au bout, la flemme de repartir de 0  :O

On est justement pas sur PC :o
On ne manipule pas les saves impunément.

Message édité par lapinbilly le 19-12-2019 à 09:42:20

||| STOP Making Stupid People Famous |||  
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:41:21  profilanswer

Oui y a moyen de faire bannir son compte.


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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:41:55  profilanswer

Très longue vue (du à la largeur et au dénivelé), des côtés très riche (architecture, arbre)... Techniquement c'est pas aussi simple qu'il y paraît (surtout niveau effet de lumière à cause précisément de la largeur de l'avenue). Quand à la conduite, les vieux pavés et l'irrégularité sous la pluie ça peut être fatal  :D

Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:44:04  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

Tu espère quoi au juste à ce sujet ? Parce que je doute fortement que la limite actuelle concernant l'IA soit la puissance des consoles.



Réponse un peu tardive mais :


1. Pour les jeux de sports (que je joue souvent en solo vs le cpu), j'aimerai bien une IA qui joue plus varié (pour le foot notamment), au final c'est toujours les mêmes variations mécaniques.
2. Pour un peu près la majorité des TPS / FPS: je veux par ex qu'un même type d'ennemi, ait plusieurs comportements différents : une fois suicidaire, une fois calculateur, une fois frontale, une fois cherche à contourner etc.
3. Des compagnons IA moins bête (par ex même si ça va mieux, dans les Gears on a parfois des coéquipiers CPU qui sont plus des boulets qu'autres chose :o ).


C'est tout ce qui me vient en tête en premier lieu.
Ce n'est pas une priorité, mais je pense que des efforts peuvent être apportés, si le Hardware le permet :jap:


Mais en vous lisant, je me rends bien compte qu'il y a d'autres variables comme le budget, temps, le fun etc. (J'avais surtout en tête une limitation CPU).


Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 09:55:41

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:53:57  profilanswer

Disponible dans le Game Pass :

N'oubliez pas les dlc gratuis qui vont avec : ça ajoute des quêtes annexes sympathiques :jap:
Elles sont situés dans la partie "Extension" de la même page sur le Store.

Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:01:35

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
dawa powered
Transactions (10)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 09:57:58  profilanswer

franckyvinvin12 a écrit :

Bref on verra bien, mais je ne serais pas étonné que ça arrive de plus en plus. Même si je pense que sur cette Gen on verra beaucoup plus le cloud que l'IA se développer. Avec des mondes beaucoup plus vastes et détaillés qui pourront se charger au fur et à mesure par exemple. Ce qui est fait sur Flight Simulator c'est incroyable par exemple.

Et y'a pas besoin d'IA pour ça :D

breezer79 a écrit :

1. Pour les jeux de sports (que je joue souvent en solo vs le cpu), j'aimerai bien une IA qui joue plus varié (pour le foot notamment), au final c'est toujours les mêmes variations mécaniques.
2. Pour un peu près la majorité des TPS / FPS: je veux par ex qu'un même type d'ennemi, ait plusieurs comportements différents : une fois suicidaire, une fois calculateur, une fois frontale, une fois cherche à contourner etc.  
3. Des compagnons IA moins bête (par ex même si ça va mieux, dans les Gears on a parfois des coéquipiers CPU qui sont plus des boulets qu'autres chose :o ).

Je pense vraiment pas que ce soit le hardware, la limite, pour tout ça.
Pour le 3e point par exemple, tu noteras que tes compagnons sont probablement plus cons et moins efficaces que les ennemis. C'est pas parce que y'a pas assez de CPU : si ils étaient aussi "forts", t'aurais qu'à te foutre dans un coin, et attendre que ça se passe...

Android/Manettes/Metroidvania/Zelda/Indés/Retrogaming/VDS jeux
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:00:04  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

Je pense vraiment pas que ce soit le hardware, la limite, pour tout ça.


Pour le 3e point par exemple, tu noteras que tes compagnons sont probablement plus cons et moins efficaces que les ennemis. C'est pas parce que y'a pas assez de CPU : si ils étaient aussi "forts", t'aurais qu'à te foutre dans un coin, et attendre que ça se passe...


Je comprends tout à fait que les compagnons ne soient pas des PGM, mais quand t'as un Game Over "car untel est décédé" c'est un peu la honte :D
Tous ceux qui ont fait le denier Gears, savent très bien par ex qu'à un certain combat de boss chiant (Acte 2 de mémoire), notre compagnon est plus une menace à gérer qu'autre chose :D

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:01:09

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:03:55  profilanswer



D'après Geoff Keighley, la présentation de la Series X était une totale surprise aux VGA:


Phil Spencer, lors des répétitions, avait prononcé un discours sur le Game Pass :D [:breezer79:4]


Source : [...] 49953?s=20

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:10:01

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Gamertag: Sabaku No Soda
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:08:41  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

Tu as joué à AC Unity ? Parce que malgré tous ses défauts, niveau représentation détaillée de ville il se pose là... avec tous les problèmes que ça induit, d'ailleurs (et qui me fait dire que t'auras pas mieux en next gen si tu veux que ça reste fun).


Je suis dessus en ce moment, et l'IA est bien bête. Exemple : je dois voler un mec entouré de gardes, j'arrive je les bute devant lui et lui ne bouge pas. Et c'est ça tout le temps  [:cosmoschtroumpf]
Je suis beaucoup plus impressionné par RDR 2  [:clooney16]


Mise à part je passe un bon moment  [:clooney15]


La ville est bien représentée.


Du monde pour le coop ?  [:clooney6] (on sait jamais).

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Ak47Soda le 19-12-2019 à 10:09:35

Truth or happiness, never both.
Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:13:30  profilanswer
Encore un fan art, pour rappel :o

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
dawa powered
Transactions (10)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:18:34  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

Je comprends tout à fait que les compagnons ne soient pas des PGM, mais quand t'as un Game Over "car untel est décédé" c'est un peu la honte :D
Tous ceux qui ont fait le denier Gears, savent très bien par ex qu'à un certain combat de boss chiant (Acte 2 de mémoire), notre compagnon est plus une menace à gérer qu'autre chose :D

Ça oui c'est chiant mais c'est pareil, ça peut se gérer autrement, en rendant les compagnons immortels par exemple (quitte à les laisser KO tant que le boss n'est pas éliminé).
Ou alors tu peux faire en sorte que le boss leur fasse moins mal, ou s'occupe moins d'eux, etc.
C'est plus un problème d'équilibrage, quoi :D

Ak47Soda a écrit :

Je suis dessus en ce moment, et l'IA est bien bête. Exemple : je dois voler un mec entouré de gardes, j'arrive je les bute devant lui et lui ne bouge pas. Et c'est ça tout le temps  [:cosmoschtroumpf]

Unity a beaucoup de défauts, c'est le "bottom 2" des Assassin's Creed avec le 3. Mais niveau graphismes, ambiance et modélisation de la ville, il est au top. Dommage que tout le reste soit à chier :o

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par cosmoschtroumpf le 19-12-2019 à 10:18:53

Android/Manettes/Metroidvania/Zelda/Indés/Retrogaming/VDS jeux
Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:22:35  profilanswer

Unity n'est pas un mauvais jeu ou AC, mais il a eu surtout une sale image car sorti assez bugué on va dire :o


Je trouve que la DA est assez folle sur ce titre perso et techniquement ambitieux (mais j'ai préféré le 4, et les deux derniers à comparer, plus fun à jouer amha :o ).

Message cité 3 fois
Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:22:52

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Jeanne ! Au secours !
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:24:46  profilanswer

je lance ACOd pendant mes vacances, tant pis pour le backlog JDLH GPU :o

GT : T0per Harley - LastFM - - Mon Feed-Back
Team Rampant
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:25:43  profilanswer

Odyssey est vraiment cool :jap:
Bon par contre compte mini 100h si tu veux tout faire :o

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
8 ça suffit
Transactions (75)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:28:51  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

Unity n'est pas un mauvais jeu ou AC, mais il a eu surtout une sale image car sorti assez bugué on va dire :o
Je trouve que la DA est assez folle sur ce titre perso et techniquement ambitieux (mais j'ai préféré le 4, et les deux derniers à comparer, plus fun à jouer amha :o ).

Unity vaut rien que par la reconsitution historique de la ville, je vois le forum des Halles différemment depuis que j'ai échappé à un incendie dans Unity. J'ai fait le jeu u an après la sortie, et j'ai bien aimé surtout les assassinats 'cinématiques' comme celui du confessionnal.

Message édité par teks9 le 19-12-2019 à 11:24:13

Ils me voient rouler, ils haïssent --- GT: Teks FR
Jeanne ! Au secours !
Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:32:47  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

Odyssey est vraiment cool :jap:


Bon par contre compte mini 100h si tu veux tout faire :o


ca va j'ai 15 jours pour le poncer, en plus j'ai acheté la version ultimate exclusive world premiere :o


Et je vais lancer aussi subnautica  :o

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par toper_harley_ le 19-12-2019 à 10:33:26

GT : T0per Harley - LastFM - - Mon Feed-Back
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:33:55  profilanswer

Bon y a des promos sur le Store apparemment, sans doute lié au "countdown to 2020" j'imagine.
J'essaie de trouver une liste pour vous balancer ça.
Go votre liste de souhait en attendant :jap:

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
dawa powered
Transactions (10)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:35:07  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

Unity n'est pas un mauvais jeu ou AC, mais il a eu surtout une sale image car sorti assez bugué on va dire :o

J'en ai déjà parlé 1000 fois mais bon, j'aime vraiment pas cet épisode :o
Histoire générale totalement inintéressante
Histoire dans le présent totalement inexistante
Personnage de merde qu'on a envie de baffer en continu
Parkour complètement pété avec le perso qui fait n'importe quoi
Bugs à foison, alors que j'y ai joué totalement patché : je suis passé plusieurs fois à travers le sol, et je suis resté bloqué une fois sur une chaise sans pouvoir en descendre...
Level design brouillon et merdique où tu passes 5mn à faire 100m tellement c'est le bordel au milieu de la rue et tu sais jamais où tu peux passer
Syndrôme du "y'en a partout" avec une map recouverte d'icônes de coffres tous les 2m qui ne servent à rien
La ville est bien faite et hyper détaillée avec des milliers d'appartements à traverser
Le retour du focus sur l'infiltration après quelques épisodes plus action c'était cool

Android/Manettes/Metroidvania/Zelda/Indés/Retrogaming/VDS jeux
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:36:25  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

J'en ai déjà parlé 1000 fois mais bon, j'aime vraiment pas cet épisode :o
Histoire générale totalement inintéressante
Histoire dans le présent totalement inexistante
Personnage de merde qu'on a envie de baffer en continu
Parkour complètement pété avec le perso qui fait n'importe quoi
Bugs à foison, alors que j'y ai joué totalement patché : je suis passé plusieurs fois à travers le sol, et je suis resté bloqué une fois sur une chaise sans pouvoir en descendre...
Level design brouillon et merdique où tu passes 5mn à faire 100m tellement c'est le bordel au milieu de la rue et tu sais jamais où tu peux passer
Syndrôme du "y'en a partout" avec une map recouverte d'icônes de coffres tous les 2m qui ne servent à rien
La ville est bien faite et hyper détaillée avec des milliers d'appartements à traverser
Le retour du focus sur l'infiltration après quelques épisodes plus action c'était cool

Après avoir réfléchi est ressorti mes souvenirs : oui l'histoire n'était pas top, et Arno (c'est ça ? :o ) le protagoniste m'avait pas plus interpellé que ça :o
Le reste entièrement d'accord.
C'est aussi, de mémoire, le premier qui apportait des missions coop.
Sans doute un jeu trop ambitieux pour l'époque / ou rushé :o

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !

Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:40:28  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

Après avoir réfléchi est ressorti mes souvenirs : oui l'histoire n'était pas top, et Arno (c'est ça ? :o ) le protagoniste m'avait pas plus interpellé que ça :o
Le reste entièrement d'accord.
C'est aussi, de mémoire, le premier qui apportait des missions coop.
Sans doute un jeu trop ambitieux pour l'époque / ou rushé :o

Et le seul non? C'est bien dommage d'ailleurs

Dans la vie on ne fait pas ce que l'on veut mais on est responsable de ce que l'on est. / If you pay peanuts you'll work with monkeys ...
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:42:41  profilanswer

nebulus83 a écrit :

Et le seul non? C'est bien dommage d'ailleurs

C'est fort possible...y en n'avaient pas aussi dans l'épisode suivant, Syndicate (situé à Londres) ? :o
edit: je confonds sans doute avec le fait d'incarner deux persos différents :jap:
Dommage effectivement.

Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:43:47

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Gamertag: Sabaku No Soda
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Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:48:12  profilanswer

cosmoschtroumpf a écrit :

Unity a beaucoup de défauts, c'est le "bottom 2" des Assassin's Creed avec le 3. Mais niveau graphismes, ambiance et modélisation de la ville, il est au top. Dommage que tout le reste soit à chier :o


C'est quoi bottom 2 ? [:klemton] Je connais pas l'expression  [:cosmoschtroumpf]


Le problème du 3, de mémoire, c'est qu'il met énormément de temps à démarrer  [:clooney9]

breezer79 a écrit :

Unity n'est pas un mauvais jeu ou AC, mais il a eu surtout une sale image car sorti assez bugué on va dire :o


Je trouve que la DA est assez folle sur ce titre perso et techniquement ambitieux (mais j'ai préféré le 4, et les deux derniers à comparer, plus fun à jouer amha :o ).


il est toujours bugué, j'ai plus de munitions, j'en achète, je me téléporte et hop j'ai toujours plus de munitions  [:clooney19]


Et purée le nombre de fois où arno ne fait pas ce que je souhaite quand je me déplace.


J'ai adoré Black Flag, si j'avais le temps je me le referais mais bon derrière j'ai Syndicate, Origins et  Odyssey  [:clooney16]

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Ak47Soda le 19-12-2019 à 10:50:37

Truth or happiness, never both.
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 10:50:00  profilanswer

Bottom 2 = les deux plus mauvais :o

Message édité par breezer79 le 19-12-2019 à 10:50:07

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 11:36:01  profilanswer

Promos sur le Store "Countdown to 2020" jusqu'au 2 janvier :

Citation :

:xb1: 20 Year Celebration Pack - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: 2000 Neverwinter Zen - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: 500 Neverwinter Zen - $4.24 - 15% off - $4.74 - 5% off
:xb1: 5300 Neverwinter Zen - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Armies - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Hordes - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Invaders! - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: A Plague Tale: Innocence - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: A Way Out - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: ABZU - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Deluxe Edition - $33.99 - 60% off - $42.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron - $8.99 - 40% off - $10.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Adam's Venture: Origins - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall Premium Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
:xb1: American Fugitive - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Amnesia: Collection - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Anthem - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Anthem: Legion of Dawn Edition - $15.99 - 80% off - $23.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Apex Predator - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ARK: Survival Evolved - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Antiquity Pack - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Chronicles - Trilogy - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed III Remastered - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Legendary Collection - $65.99 - 67% off - $79.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - DELUXE EDITION - $19.99 - 75% off - $26.39 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GOLD EDITION - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - SEASON PASS - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - ULTIMATE EDITION - $29.99 - 75% off - $39.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITION - $17.49 - 75% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITION - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Syndicate - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold Edition - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - $29.69 - 67% off - $35.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Unity - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assetto Corsa - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ATLAS (Game Preview) - $25.49 - 15% off - $28.49 - 5% off
:xb1: Banner Saga 3 - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Batman: Return to Arkham - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Battle Chasers: Nightwar - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Battle Worlds: Kronos - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Battlefield 1 Premium Pass - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Battlefield 1 Revolution - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield 4 Premium - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield V Standard Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Ben 10 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: BioShock: The Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Standard Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black The Fall - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Blasphemous - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition - $53.59 - 33% off - $51.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: BRAWLHALLA - ALL LEGENDS PACK - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: BRAWLHALLA - COLLECTORS PACK - $89.99 - 10% off - $94.99 - 5% off
:xb1: Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Bundle: South Park : The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but Whole - $23.09 - 67% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Burnout Paradise Remastered - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black Ops Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Digital Deluxe - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Ghosts - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Battle Pass Edition - $64.99 - 35% off - $74.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: WWII - Digital Deluxe - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: WWII - Gold Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Capstone Bloodhound RPG - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Car Mechanic Simulator - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Carnival Games - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Castlevania Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines + Surviving Mars - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Mayor's Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition 2 - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Clouds & Sheep 2 - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: CODE VEIN - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: CODE VEIN Deluxe Edition - $55.99 - 30% off - $63.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Cold Darkness Awakened - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: Combat Buggy - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Complete Edition Bundle - $2.89 - 80% off - $4.34 - 70% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - Complete Edition - $62.99 - 40% off - $73.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - Deluxe Edition - $37.49 - 50% off - $44.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Construction Simulator 2 US - Console Edition - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Contra Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: CONTRA: ROGUE CORPS - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.99 - 15% off
:xb1: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide Edition - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $83.99 - 20% off - $94.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Crossout - "The inventor" Pack - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Corrida - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Drive pack - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Insomnia - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS III - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition - $21.24 - 75% off - $28.04 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS: REMASTERED - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Darksiders 3 DLC Bundle - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - Blades & Whip Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - Deluxe Edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Dauntless - Arcslayer Pack - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
:xb1: DayZ - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: de Blob - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: de Blob 2 - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Dead by Daylight: Special Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dead Cells - $16.24 - 35% off - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Dead Island Definitive Collection - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island Retro Revenge - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Rising - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Deadbeat Heroes - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Degrees of Separation - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Destiny 2: Forsaken - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - $20.99 - 40% off - $24.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Assault Pack - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition - $6.74 - 85% off - $11.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Praxis Kit Pack - $0.19 - 81% off - $0.29 - 71% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Season Pass - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry 5 (with Red Orbs) - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition (with Red Orbs) - $23.09 - 67% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry HD Collection - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Diablo III: Eternal Collection - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dishonored 2 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Dishonored Definitive Edition - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Dishonored The Complete Collection - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle - $8.99 - 75% off - $11.87 - 67% off
:xb1: DOOM - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: DOOM + Wolfenstein II Bundle - $16.19 - 70% off - $21.59 - 60% off
:xb1: Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC Bundle - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ Edition - $18.99 - 80% off - $31.34 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition - $21.99 - 80% off - $36.29 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE Super Bundle - $12.74 - 85% off - $21.24 - 75% off
:xb1: DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dying Light - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Dying Light: Season Pass - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Dying Light: The Following - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: EA SPORTS FIFA 20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Earthfall - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Earthfall Deluxe - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: eFootball PES 2020 LEGEND EDITION - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: eFootball PES 2020 STANDARD EDITION - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Elex - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Elite Dangerous Standard Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Explosive Weapon Pack - $1.19 - 70% off - $1.59 - 60% off
:xb1: F1 2019 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: F1 2019 Legends Edition Senna & Prost - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fade to Silence - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4 Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Automatron - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Far Harbor - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Nuka-World - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 76 Standard Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fallout 76: Tricentennial Pack Upgrade - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Far Cry 4 - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITION - $11.54 - 67% off - $13.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $38.99 - 70% off - $51.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - Large pack - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - Medium pack - $6.99 - 30% off - $7.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - XL pack - $24.49 - 30% off - $27.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry Insanity Bundle - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry New Dawn - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry Primal - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition - $11.54 - 67% off - $13.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry5 - XXL pack - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Fear Effect Sedna - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: FIFA The Journey Trilogy - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Final Argument Sniper Rifle - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY VII - $9.59 - 40% off - $11.19 - 30% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADES - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV POCKET EDITION HD - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION - $17.49 - 50% off - $20.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL PACK - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV Season Pass - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE GLADIOLUS - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE IGNIS - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE PROMPTO - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lake Dylan - $5.49 - 50% off - $6.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITION - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: For Honor Complete Edition - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FOR HONOR Standard Edition - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Forgotton Anne - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Friday the 13th: The Game - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Frostpunk: Console Edition - $23.99 - 20% off - $26.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Generation Zero - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Ultimate Edition - $39.59 - 67% off - $47.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Goat Simulator - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle - $29.24 - 35% off - $33.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $40.49 - 55% off - $53.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: GRID - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: GRID Ultimate Edition - $59.49 - 30% off - $67.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - Expansion Pass - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Hitman HD Enhanced Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Human Fall Flat - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Hunt: Showdown - $31.99 - 20% off - $35.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Indivisible - $33.99 - 15% off - $37.99 - 5% off
:xb1: Injustice 2 - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Injustice 2 - Legendary Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Jagged Alliance: Rage! - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 - Kousavá Rifle - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 Ultimate Mission, Weapon and Vehicle Pack - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist - $1.79 - 70% off - $2.39 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Reaper Missile Mech - $1.49 - 70% off - $1.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: XXL Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4 - Complete Edition - $24.49 - 65% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4 - Expansion Pass - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4: Reloaded - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Dance 2020 - $25.99 - 35% off - $29.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Killing Floor 2 - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: KINGDOM HEARTS Ⅲ - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: L.A. Noire - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass Pack - $4.34 - 85% off - $7.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Icy Death Pack - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Season Pass - $1.49 - 85% off - $2.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Twisted Gears Pack - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris: Hitman Pack - $0.49 - 75% off - $0.65 - 67% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris: Legend Pack - $0.49 - 75% off - $0.65 - 67% off
:xb1: Layers of Fear 2 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe Edition - $8.74 - 75% off - $11.54 - 67% off
:xb1: LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 70% off - $29.99 - 60% off
:xb1: LEGO DC Super-Villains Season Pass - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Harry Potter Collection - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel Collection - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Season Pass - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Complete Season - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 - $1.99 - 75% off - $2.63 - 67% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2-5 Bundle - $19.79 - 40% off - $23.09 - 30% off
:xb1: Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season - $3.39 - 80% off - $5.09 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition - $4.99 - 80% off - $7.49 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Upgrade - $2.99 - 70% off - $3.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Little Nightmares Complete Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Lock's Quest - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Lords of the Fallen - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Lords of the Fallen Digital Complete Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Mable & The Wood - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Mad Max - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20 Ultimate Superstar Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20: Superstar Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Megalodon Shark Cash Card - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
:xb1: METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: METAL GEAR SURVIVE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Metro 2033 Redux - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Metro Exodus Gold Edition - $42.49 - 50% off - $50.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Metro Redux Bundle - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Metro: Last Light Redux - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Mini-Gun Racing Boat - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.59 - 70% off
:xb1: MONOPOLY PLUS - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - $29.99 - 25% off - $29.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe - $37.49 - 25% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition - $40.19 - 33% off - $40.19 - 33% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital Deluxe - $46.89 - 33% off - $46.89 - 33% off
:xb1: Monster Jam Steel Titans - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 Premium Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: MotoGP19 - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Murdered: Soul Suspect - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: MX vs ATV All Out - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross Videogame - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTO - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy - $20.99 - 70% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Deluxe Edition - $13.49 - 85% off - $22.49 - 75% off
:xb1: NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NASCAR Heat 4 - $32.49 - 35% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: NASCAR Heat 4 - Gold Edition - $45.49 - 35% off - $52.49 - 25% off
:xb1: NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 Digital Deluxe - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 Legend Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Need for Speed Heat - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Need for Speed Heat Deluxe Edition - $45.49 - 35% off - $52.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Neverwinter: Epic Headstart Chest - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Neverwinter: Headstart Chest - $5.99 - 40% off - $6.99 - 30% off
:xb1: NHL 20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NHL 20 Deluxe Edition - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NHL 20 Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: No Man's Sky - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Octahedron - $5.19 - 60% off - $6.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Oh My Godheads - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
:xb1: OKAMI HD - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ONE PIECE World Seeker - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
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:xb1: Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Overcooked! 2 - $16.24 - 35% off - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - Season Pass - $2.24 - 85% off - $3.74 - 75% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - Super Charged Mega Edition - $5.99 - 85% off - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Overwatch Legendary Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Paladins Champions Pack - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition 2019 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paladins Season Pass 2019 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paw Patrol: On a Roll - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
:xb1: Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
:xb1: PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - $10.99 - 45% off - $12.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Portal Knights - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Digital Collector's Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Premium Upgrade - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Prey - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle - $16.24 - 75% off - $21.44 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey: Mooncrash - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Project CARS - Game of the Year Edition - $5.99 - 85% off - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Project CARS 2 - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition - $13.49 - 85% off - $22.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Prophet's Legacy - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Puyo Puyo Champions - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RAD - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Rad Rodgers - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RAGE 2 - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: RAGE 2: Deluxe Edition - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Railway Empire - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rayman Legends - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: ReCore - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition - $35.99 - 55% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Redeemer - Enhanced Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Remnant Resistance Pack - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Remnant: From the Ashes - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 2 - $19.79 - 67% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition - $23.09 - 67% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: Resident Evil 5 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Resident Evil 6 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Road Redemption - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rocket Launcher Sports Car - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Rocket League - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered - $8.99 - 55% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Ryse: Legendary Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: ScreamRide - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Scribblenauts Mega Pack - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Sea of Solitude - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Secret Neighbor - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Siberian Ranger - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Silver Pack - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Skyforge: Wardens of the Wasteland - Collector's Pack - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Slay The Spire - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: SMITE Ultimate God Pack Bundle - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 4 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
:xb1: Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
:xb1: SOMA - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: SONIC FORCES Digital Standard Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Sonic Mania - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: SOULCALIBUR VI - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
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:xb1: South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold Edition - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: South Park: The Stick of Truth - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Sparrowhawk Pack - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 2000 Zen - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 500 Zen - $4.24 - 15% off - $4.74 - 5% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 5300 Zen - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
:xb1: STAR WARS Battlefront II - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Starlink: Battle for Atlas - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
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:xb1: STEEP - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
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:xb1: Steep Welcome Pack - $4.19 - 30% off - $4.79 - 20% off
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:xb1: Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition - $21.44 - 67% off - $25.99 - 60% off
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:xb1: SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - $7.99 - 80% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition - $13.99 - 80% off - $23.09 - 67% off
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:xb1: TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition - $19.99 - 80% off - $29.99 - 70% off
:xb1: The BioWare Bundle - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
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:xb1: The Crew 2 Platinum Crew Credits Pack - $32.49 - 35% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Silver Crew Credits Pack - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Standard Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of Medan - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Disney Afternoon Collection - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: The Elder Scroll Online : Elsweyr - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 Crowns - $64.99 - 35% off - $74.99 - 25% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 Crowns - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 Crowns - $89.99 - 40% off - $104.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 Crowns - $17.49 - 30% off - $19.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 Crowns - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Collector's Ed. Upgrade - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Collector's Edition - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Upgrade - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Escapists 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Escapists 2 - Game of the Year Edition - $13.49 - 50% off - $16.19 - 40% off
:xb1: The Evil Within - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: The Evil Within 2 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: The Evil Within Digital Bundle - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Forsaken - Challenge Map: - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA TOUR - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Jackbox Party Pack 6 - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, Toddler Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - City Living, Vampires, Vintage Glamour Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 City Living - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Dine Out - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get Famous - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get to Work - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get Together - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Island Living - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Movie Hangout Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Parenthood - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Seasons - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Spa Day - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 StrangerVille - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Toddler Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Vampires - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims- Seasons, Jungle Adventure, Spooky Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sinking City - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Sinking City - Necronomicon Edition - $44.99 - 40% off - $52.49 - 30% off
:xb1: The Surge 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Telltale Batman Bundle - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: The Wolf Among Us - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - 2019 Edition - $31.49 - 30% off - $35.99 - 20% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - Reserve Bundle - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Thief - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Ghost - $0.49 - 67% off - $0.59 - 60% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Opportunist - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Predator - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Thief - The Bank Heist - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: This is the Police 2 - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Titan Quest - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold Edition - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Extra Large Pack 11530 GR Credits - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Large Pack 7285 GR Credits - $24.49 - 30% off - $27.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Medium Pack 3840 Credits - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition - $41.99 - 65% off - $59.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition - $27.99 - 65% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Year 4 Pass - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition - $24.49 - 65% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate Edition - $38.49 - 65% off - $54.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Gold Edition - $19.99 - 80% off - $29.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition - $23.99 - 80% off - $35.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Year 1 Pass - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division Franchise Bundle - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Train Sim World 2020 Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Train Sim World: West Somerset Railway - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Transference - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Trials Rising - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Trials Rising - Digital Gold Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Trine: Ultimate Collection - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Truck Driver - $33.99 - 15% off - $37.99 - 5% off
:xb1: ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Ultimate Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: UNO - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Unravel - $6.59 - 67% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Unravel Two - $6.59 - 67% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Unravel Yarny Bundle - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Valiant Explorer Pack - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 DLC Bundle - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Virginia - $1.99 - 80% off - $2.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Void Bastards - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Voidborne Onslaught - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Leopard Pack - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Mustang Pack - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Super AMX-30 Pack - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Warface - Mars Conqueror's Edition - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Warface - Mars Explorer's Edition - $6.99 - 30% off - $7.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Warface - Yellow Emperor Edition - $41.99 - 30% off - $47.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Warframe: Jade Axa Bundle - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Warhammer: Chaosbane - $25.99 - 35% off - $29.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Warhammer: Chaosbane Deluxe Edition - $42.24 - 35% off - $48.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Warhammer: Chaosbane Magnus Edition - $47.99 - 40% off - $55.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Watch Dogs2 - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
:xb1: Watch Dogs2 - Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Watch Dogs2 - Gold Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
:xb1: WATCH_DOGS COMPLETE EDITION - $9.89 - 70% off - $13.19 - 60% off
:xb1: Wild Pack - $0.49 - 75% off - $0.65 - 67% off
:xb1: Wilderness Survivor - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Digital Deluxe Edition - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein: The New Order - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein: The Two-Pack - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY MAXIMA - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: World War Z - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Worms Battlegrounds - $6.24 - 75% off - $8.24 - 67% off
:xb1: Worms W.M.D - $7.49 - 75% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Wreckfest - $31.99 - 20% off - $35.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Wreckfest Deluxe - $47.99 - 20% off - $53.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Wreckfest Season Pass - $18.39 - 20% off - $20.69 - 10% off
:xb1: WWE 2K20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: WWE 2K20 Deluxe Edition - $44.99 - 50% off - $53.99 - 40% off
:xb1: XCOM 2: War of the Chosen - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Hunting Simulator - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: ARK: Survival Evolved Season Pass - $17.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Asdivine Dios - $10.49 - 30% off
:xb1: ASTRONEER - $19.49 - 35% off
:xb1: Blair Witch - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Borderlands 3 - $38.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition - $77.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Crackdown 3 - $23.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Cuphead - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Deep Rock Galactic (Game Preview) - $19.49 - 35% off
:xb1: Descenders - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Disneyland Adventures - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Doodle God: Crime City - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Doodle God: Evolution - $5.24 - 65% off
:xb1: Expansion Pass - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY IX - $12.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Fortnite - Deluxe to Limited Upgrade - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fortnite - Deluxe to Super Deluxe Upgrade - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fortnite - Standard to Limited Upgrade - $54.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fortnite - Standard to Super Deluxe Upgrade - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fortnite - Super Deluxe to Limited Upgrade - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Gears 5 - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Gears 5 Ultimate Edition - $43.99 - 45% off
:xb1: GODS Remastered - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Legend of the Tetrarchs - $10.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Marenian Tavern Story: Patty and the Hungry God - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Middle-earth: Shadow of War - $12.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Middle-earth: Shadow of War Story Expansion Pass - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: PC Building Simulator - $13.39 - 33% off
:xb1: Quantum Break - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Revenant Dogma - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Romancing SaGa 2 - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Sea of Thieves: Anniversary Edition - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - $17.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Super Lucky's Tale - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Long Dark - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Varenje - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Voodoo Vince: Remastered - $3.74 - 75% off
:xb1: Wargroove - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: We Happy Few - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: We Happy Few Digital Deluxe - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - $9.99 - 50% off

Source : resetera
Liste complète : [...] -sale-168/

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !

Transactions (4)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 11:41:11  profilanswer

Faudrait faire une sélection !

Team Rampant
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 11:44:40  profilanswer

DDReaper a écrit :

Faudrait faire une sélection !

Le plus simple à mon sens : faire une liste de souhait.  
La consulter quand y a des promos :jap:

Refroidis les tourelles depuis 2008 / Go ici pour du X de qualité !
dawa powered
Transactions (10)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 11:53:26  profilanswer

breezer79 a écrit :

C'est aussi, de mémoire, le premier qui apportait des missions coop.

Ah oui les missions coop c'était top.

Ak47Soda a écrit :

C'est quoi bottom 2 ? [:klemton] Je connais pas l'expression  [:cosmoschtroumpf]

ben c'est l'inverse de "top 2", ce sont les plus pourris :D

breezer79 a écrit :

Promos sur le Store "Countdown to 2020" jusqu'au 2 janvier :

Citation :

:xb1: 20 Year Celebration Pack - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: 2000 Neverwinter Zen - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: 500 Neverwinter Zen - $4.24 - 15% off - $4.74 - 5% off
:xb1: 5300 Neverwinter Zen - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Armies - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Hordes - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: 8-Bit Invaders! - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: A Plague Tale: Innocence - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: A Way Out - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: ABZU - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Deluxe Edition - $33.99 - 60% off - $42.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron - $8.99 - 40% off - $10.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Adam's Venture: Origins - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Age of Wonders: Planetfall Premium Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
:xb1: American Fugitive - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Amnesia: Collection - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Anthem - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Anthem: Legion of Dawn Edition - $15.99 - 80% off - $23.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Apex Predator - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ARK: Survival Evolved - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Antiquity Pack - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Chronicles - Trilogy - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed III Remastered - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Legendary Collection - $65.99 - 67% off - $79.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - DELUXE EDITION - $19.99 - 75% off - $26.39 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GOLD EDITION - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - SEASON PASS - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - ULTIMATE EDITION - $29.99 - 75% off - $39.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITION - $17.49 - 75% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITION - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Syndicate - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold Edition - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - $29.69 - 67% off - $35.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assassin's Creed Unity - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Assetto Corsa - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ATLAS (Game Preview) - $25.49 - 15% off - $28.49 - 5% off
:xb1: Banner Saga 3 - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Batman: Return to Arkham - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Battle Chasers: Nightwar - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Battle Worlds: Kronos - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Battlefield 1 Premium Pass - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Battlefield 1 Revolution - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield 4 Premium - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Battlefield V Standard Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Ben 10 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: BioShock: The Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Standard Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black Desert - Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Black The Fall - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Blasphemous - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition - $53.59 - 33% off - $51.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: BRAWLHALLA - ALL LEGENDS PACK - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: BRAWLHALLA - COLLECTORS PACK - $89.99 - 10% off - $94.99 - 5% off
:xb1: Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Bundle: South Park : The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but Whole - $23.09 - 67% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Burnout Paradise Remastered - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black Ops Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Digital Deluxe - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Ghosts - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Battle Pass Edition - $64.99 - 35% off - $74.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: WWII - Digital Deluxe - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Call of Duty: WWII - Gold Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Capstone Bloodhound RPG - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Car Mechanic Simulator - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Carnival Games - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Castlevania Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines + Surviving Mars - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Mayor's Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition 2 - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Clouds & Sheep 2 - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: CODE VEIN - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: CODE VEIN Deluxe Edition - $55.99 - 30% off - $63.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Cold Darkness Awakened - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: Combat Buggy - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Complete Edition Bundle - $2.89 - 80% off - $4.34 - 70% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - Complete Edition - $62.99 - 40% off - $73.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Conan Exiles - Deluxe Edition - $37.49 - 50% off - $44.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Construction Simulator 2 US - Console Edition - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Contra Anniversary Collection - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: CONTRA: ROGUE CORPS - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.99 - 15% off
:xb1: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide Edition - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $83.99 - 20% off - $94.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Crossout - "The inventor" Pack - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Corrida - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Drive pack - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Crossout - Insomnia - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS III - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition - $21.24 - 75% off - $28.04 - 67% off
:xb1: DARK SOULS: REMASTERED - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Darksiders 3 DLC Bundle - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - Blades & Whip Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Darksiders III - Deluxe Edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Dauntless - Arcslayer Pack - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
:xb1: DayZ - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: de Blob - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: de Blob 2 - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Dead by Daylight: Special Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dead Cells - $16.24 - 35% off - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Dead Island Definitive Collection - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island Retro Revenge - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Dead Rising - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Deadbeat Heroes - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Degrees of Separation - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Destiny 2: Forsaken - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - $20.99 - 40% off - $24.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Assault Pack - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition - $6.74 - 85% off - $11.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Praxis Kit Pack - $0.19 - 81% off - $0.29 - 71% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Season Pass - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
:xb1: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry 5 (with Red Orbs) - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition (with Red Orbs) - $23.09 - 67% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Devil May Cry HD Collection - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Diablo III: Eternal Collection - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dishonored 2 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Dishonored Definitive Edition - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Dishonored The Complete Collection - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle - $8.99 - 75% off - $11.87 - 67% off
:xb1: DOOM - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: DOOM + Wolfenstein II Bundle - $16.19 - 70% off - $21.59 - 60% off
:xb1: Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC Bundle - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ Edition - $18.99 - 80% off - $31.34 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition - $21.99 - 80% off - $36.29 - 67% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE Super Bundle - $12.74 - 85% off - $21.24 - 75% off
:xb1: DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Dying Light - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Dying Light: Season Pass - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Dying Light: The Following - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: EA SPORTS FIFA 20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Earthfall - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Earthfall Deluxe - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: eFootball PES 2020 LEGEND EDITION - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: eFootball PES 2020 STANDARD EDITION - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Elex - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Elite Dangerous Standard Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Explosive Weapon Pack - $1.19 - 70% off - $1.59 - 60% off
:xb1: F1 2019 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: F1 2019 Legends Edition Senna & Prost - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fade to Silence - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4 Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Automatron - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Far Harbor - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Nuka-World - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Fallout 76 Standard Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fallout 76: Tricentennial Pack Upgrade - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Far Cry 4 - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITION - $11.54 - 67% off - $13.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $38.99 - 70% off - $51.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - Large pack - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - Medium pack - $6.99 - 30% off - $7.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry 5 Silver Bars - XL pack - $24.49 - 30% off - $27.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Far Cry Insanity Bundle - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry New Dawn - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Far Cry Primal - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition - $11.54 - 67% off - $13.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Far Cry5 - XXL pack - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Fear Effect Sedna - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: FIFA The Journey Trilogy - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Final Argument Sniper Rifle - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY VII - $9.59 - 40% off - $11.19 - 30% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADES - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV POCKET EDITION HD - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION - $17.49 - 50% off - $20.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL PACK - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV Season Pass - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE GLADIOLUS - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE IGNIS - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE PROMPTO - $2.49 - 50% off - $2.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour - Lake Dylan - $5.49 - 50% off - $6.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITION - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: For Honor Complete Edition - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: FOR HONOR Standard Edition - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Forgotton Anne - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Friday the 13th: The Game - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Frostpunk: Console Edition - $23.99 - 20% off - $26.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Generation Zero - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Ultimate Edition - $39.59 - 67% off - $47.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Goat Simulator - $2.49 - 75% off - $3.29 - 67% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle - $29.24 - 35% off - $33.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $40.49 - 55% off - $53.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: GRID - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: GRID Ultimate Edition - $59.49 - 30% off - $67.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - Expansion Pass - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: HITMAN 2 - Gold Edition - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: Hitman HD Enhanced Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Human Fall Flat - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Hunt: Showdown - $31.99 - 20% off - $35.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Indivisible - $33.99 - 15% off - $37.99 - 5% off
:xb1: Injustice 2 - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Injustice 2 - Legendary Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Jagged Alliance: Rage! - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: JUMP FORCE - Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 - Kousavá Rifle - $0.74 - 70% off - $0.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3 Ultimate Mission, Weapon and Vehicle Pack - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist - $1.79 - 70% off - $2.39 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Reaper Missile Mech - $1.49 - 70% off - $1.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Just Cause 3: XXL Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4 - Complete Edition - $24.49 - 65% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4 - Expansion Pass - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Just Cause 4: Reloaded - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Just Dance 2020 - $25.99 - 35% off - $29.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Killing Floor 2 - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: KINGDOM HEARTS Ⅲ - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: L.A. Noire - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass Pack - $4.34 - 85% off - $7.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Icy Death Pack - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Season Pass - $1.49 - 85% off - $2.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Twisted Gears Pack - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris: Hitman Pack - $0.49 - 75% off - $0.65 - 67% off
:xb1: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris: Legend Pack - $0.49 - 75% off - $0.65 - 67% off
:xb1: Layers of Fear 2 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe Edition - $8.74 - 75% off - $11.54 - 67% off
:xb1: LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 70% off - $29.99 - 60% off
:xb1: LEGO DC Super-Villains Season Pass - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Harry Potter Collection - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel Collection - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Season Pass - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Complete Season - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 - $1.99 - 75% off - $2.63 - 67% off
:xb1: Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2-5 Bundle - $19.79 - 40% off - $23.09 - 30% off
:xb1: Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season - $3.39 - 80% off - $5.09 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition - $4.99 - 80% off - $7.49 - 70% off
:xb1: Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Upgrade - $2.99 - 70% off - $3.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Little Nightmares Complete Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Lock's Quest - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Lords of the Fallen - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Lords of the Fallen Digital Complete Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Mable & The Wood - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Mad Max - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20 Ultimate Superstar Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Madden NFL 20: Superstar Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Megalodon Shark Cash Card - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
:xb1: METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: METAL GEAR SURVIVE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Metro 2033 Redux - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Metro Exodus Gold Edition - $42.49 - 50% off - $50.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Metro Redux Bundle - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Metro: Last Light Redux - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Mini-Gun Racing Boat - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.59 - 70% off
:xb1: MONOPOLY PLUS - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - $29.99 - 25% off - $29.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe - $37.49 - 25% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition - $40.19 - 33% off - $40.19 - 33% off
:xb1: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital Deluxe - $46.89 - 33% off - $46.89 - 33% off
:xb1: Monster Jam Steel Titans - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Mortal Kombat 11 Premium Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: MotoGP19 - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Murdered: Soul Suspect - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: MX vs ATV All Out - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross Videogame - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTO - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy - $20.99 - 70% off - $27.99 - 60% off
:xb1: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Deluxe Edition - $13.49 - 85% off - $22.49 - 75% off
:xb1: NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: NASCAR Heat 4 - $32.49 - 35% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: NASCAR Heat 4 - Gold Edition - $45.49 - 35% off - $52.49 - 25% off
:xb1: NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 Digital Deluxe - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NBA 2K20 Legend Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Need for Speed Heat - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Need for Speed Heat Deluxe Edition - $45.49 - 35% off - $52.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Neverwinter: Epic Headstart Chest - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Neverwinter: Headstart Chest - $5.99 - 40% off - $6.99 - 30% off
:xb1: NHL 20 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NHL 20 Deluxe Edition - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
:xb1: NHL 20 Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: No Man's Sky - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Octahedron - $5.19 - 60% off - $6.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Oh My Godheads - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
:xb1: OKAMI HD - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: ONE PIECE World Seeker - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Onimusha: Warlords - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Overcooked! 2 - $16.24 - 35% off - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - Season Pass - $2.24 - 85% off - $3.74 - 75% off
:xb1: Override: Mech City Brawl - Super Charged Mega Edition - $5.99 - 85% off - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Overwatch Legendary Edition - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Paladins Champions Pack - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paladins Digital Deluxe Edition 2019 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paladins Season Pass 2019 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Paw Patrol: On a Roll - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $20.09 - 33% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
:xb1: Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
:xb1: PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - $10.99 - 45% off - $12.99 - 35% off
:xb1: Portal Knights - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Digital Collector's Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Premium Upgrade - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Prey - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle - $16.24 - 75% off - $21.44 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Prey: Mooncrash - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Project CARS - Game of the Year Edition - $5.99 - 85% off - $9.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Project CARS 2 - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition - $13.49 - 85% off - $22.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Prophet's Legacy - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Puyo Puyo Champions - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RAD - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Rad Rodgers - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RAGE 2 - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: RAGE 2: Deluxe Edition - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Railway Empire - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rayman Legends - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: ReCore - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition - $35.99 - 55% off - $47.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Redeemer - Enhanced Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Remnant Resistance Pack - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Remnant: From the Ashes - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 2 - $19.79 - 67% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition - $23.09 - 67% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: Resident Evil 5 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Resident Evil 6 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Road Redemption - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Rocket Launcher Sports Car - $0.59 - 70% off - $0.79 - 60% off
:xb1: Rocket League - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered - $8.99 - 55% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Ryse: Legendary Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: ScreamRide - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Scribblenauts Mega Pack - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Sea of Solitude - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Secret Neighbor - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
:xb1: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Siberian Ranger - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Silver Pack - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Skyforge: Wardens of the Wasteland - Collector's Pack - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Slay The Spire - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: SMITE Ultimate God Pack Bundle - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 4 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
:xb1: Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
:xb1: SOMA - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: SONIC FORCES Digital Standard Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Sonic Mania - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
:xb1: SOULCALIBUR VI - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: SOULCALIBUR VI Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
:xb1: South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold Edition - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: South Park: The Stick of Truth - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Sparrowhawk Pack - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 2000 Zen - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 500 Zen - $4.24 - 15% off - $4.74 - 5% off
:xb1: Star Trek Online: 5300 Zen - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
:xb1: STAR WARS Battlefront II - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Starlink: Battle for Atlas - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Deluxe edition - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: STEEP - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: STEEP Credits Bronze Pack - $6.99 - 30% off - $7.99 - 20% off
:xb1: STEEP Credits Diamond Pack - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
:xb1: STEEP Credits Gold Pack - $24.49 - 30% off - $27.99 - 20% off
:xb1: STEEP Credits Silver Pack - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Steep Welcome Pack - $4.19 - 30% off - $4.79 - 20% off
:xb1: Steep X Games Gold Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Stellaris: Console Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Stellaris: Console Edition - Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Subnautica - $16.49 - 45% off - $19.49 - 35% off
:xb1: Sunset Overdrive - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Super Blood Hockey - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: SUPER BOMBERMAN R - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf - $5.99 - 40% off - $6.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Surviving Mars - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition - $21.44 - 67% off - $25.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Surviving Mars - Season Pass - $22.74 - 35% off - $26.24 - 25% off
:xb1: SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - $7.99 - 80% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition - $13.99 - 80% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: Tactical Survivor Pack - $0.74 - 75% off - $0.98 - 67% off
:xb1: Tactics V: "Obsidian Brigade" - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
:xb1: Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tekken 7 - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
:xb1: TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition - $19.99 - 80% off - $29.99 - 70% off
:xb1: The BioWare Bundle - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: THE CREW 2 - Deluxe Edition - $17.49 - 75% off - $23.09 - 67% off
:xb1: THE CREW 2 - Gold Edition - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Bronze Crew Credits Pack - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Gold Crew Credits Pack - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Platinum Crew Credits Pack - $32.49 - 35% off - $37.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Silver Crew Credits Pack - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Crew 2 Standard Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
:xb1: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of Medan - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Disney Afternoon Collection - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: The Elder Scroll Online : Elsweyr - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 Crowns - $64.99 - 35% off - $74.99 - 25% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 Crowns - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 Crowns - $89.99 - 40% off - $104.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 Crowns - $17.49 - 30% off - $19.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 Crowns - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Collector's Ed. Upgrade - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Collector's Edition - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Upgrade - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Escapists 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Escapists 2 - Game of the Year Edition - $13.49 - 50% off - $16.19 - 40% off
:xb1: The Evil Within - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
:xb1: The Evil Within 2 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: The Evil Within Digital Bundle - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Forsaken - Challenge Map: - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA TOUR - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Jackbox Party Pack 6 - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Backyard Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, Toddler Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - City Living, Vampires, Vintage Glamour Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Bundle - Get to Work, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 City Living - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Dine Out - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get Famous - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get to Work - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Get Together - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Island Living - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Movie Hangout Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Parenthood - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Seasons - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Spa Day - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 StrangerVille - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Toddler Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Vampires - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff - $7.99 - 20% off - $8.99 - 10% off
:xb1: The Sims- Seasons, Jungle Adventure, Spooky Stuff - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Sinking City - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
:xb1: The Sinking City - Necronomicon Edition - $44.99 - 40% off - $52.49 - 30% off
:xb1: The Surge 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: The Telltale Batman Bundle - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
:xb1: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: The Wolf Among Us - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - 2019 Edition - $31.49 - 30% off - $35.99 - 20% off
:xb1: theHunter: Call of the Wild - Reserve Bundle - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Thief - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Ghost - $0.49 - 67% off - $0.59 - 60% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Opportunist - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Thief - Booster Pack: Predator - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Thief - The Bank Heist - $0.74 - 85% off - $1.24 - 75% off
:xb1: This is the Police 2 - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Titan Quest - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
:xb1: Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition - $4.49 - 85% off - $7.49 - 75% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Gold Edition - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Extra Large Pack 11530 GR Credits - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Large Pack 7285 GR Credits - $24.49 - 30% off - $27.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Medium Pack 3840 Credits - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition - $41.99 - 65% off - $59.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition - $27.99 - 65% off - $39.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Year 4 Pass - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition - $24.49 - 65% off - $34.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate Edition - $38.49 - 65% off - $54.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - $11.99 - 80% off - $17.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Gold Edition - $19.99 - 80% off - $29.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition - $23.99 - 80% off - $35.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Year 1 Pass - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tom Clancy's The Division Franchise Bundle - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Train Sim World 2020 Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Train Sim World: West Somerset Railway - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Transference - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Trials Rising - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Trials Rising - Digital Gold Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
:xb1: Trine: Ultimate Collection - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
:xb1: Truck Driver - $33.99 - 15% off - $37.99 - 5% off
:xb1: ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
:xb1: Ultimate Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
:xb1: UNO - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Unravel - $6.59 - 67% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Unravel Two - $6.59 - 67% off - $7.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Unravel Yarny Bundle - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Valiant Explorer Pack - $0.49 - 51% off - $0.59 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Valkyria Chronicles 4 DLC Bundle - $19.99 - 20% off - $22.49 - 10% off
:xb1: Virginia - $1.99 - 80% off - $2.99 - 70% off
:xb1: Void Bastards - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Voidborne Onslaught - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Leopard Pack - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Mustang Pack - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
:xb1: War Thunder - Super AMX-30 Pack - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
:xb1: Warface - Mars Conqueror's Edition - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Warface - Mars Explorer's Edition - $6.99 - 30% off - $7.99 - 20% off
:xb1: Warface - Yellow Emperor Edition - $41.99 - 30% off - $47.99 - 20% off
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:xb1: Romancing SaGa 2 - $18.74 - 25% off
:xb1: Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure - $9.99 - 50% off
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:xb1: We Happy Few Digital Deluxe - $31.99 - 60% off
:xb1: Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - $9.99 - 50% off

Source : resetera
Liste complète : [...] -sale-168/

Y'en a beaucoup :o

Android/Manettes/Metroidvania/Zelda/Indés/Retrogaming/VDS jeux
Jesus Army
Allez voir là bas si j'y suis
Transactions (2)
Posté le 19-12-2019 à 12:04:41  profilanswer

Ils balancent tout d'un coup, dommage j'aimais bien aussi quand il y avait aussi un seul jeu en très grosse promo dévoilé chaque jour...

Posté le   profilanswer

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