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  Traduction phrases (en Anglais)


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Traduction phrases (en Anglais)

super stri​ker
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 19:31:46  profilanswer

Comme je n'ai pas trouvé de corrigé pour ces phrases (sujet de concours) j'ai besoin de votre aide.
Ne poster que si vous êtes sûr.
Moi j'ai mis:

  • 1/They have rented an appartement in a sky scrapper of fifty floors.

  • 2/He wanted me to say him since how long I waited.

  • 3/She notices them that it hadn't coffee any more.

  • 4/ ..... two days that is rain; I wonder if we'll can get outside tomorow.

  • 5/ This article costs twice more expensive than 2 years ago.

  • 6/Do you should I type my letter ?

  • 7/This movie wasn't at all this what i waited.

  • 8/We'll talk again when he'll be older.

  • 9/Daniel and his sister write each other each month.

  • 10/I can make a mistake mais he told me he'll be here at eight o'clock.

  • 11/I don't understand of what you are saying.

  • 12/If people drank less, there were less accidents of car.

  • 13/ I like very much lecture.-Yes, so do I.

  • 14/She always talks about money! It's annoying.

  • 15/I came in bus. It was a long travel and fastidious.

  • 16/It's at ten minutes to here. Go untill the farm and turn on the left.

  • 17/I don't remember have called him before to start.

  • 18/If you ........., you wouldn't have right to ......

  • 19/............because i haven't heard.......since long time.

  • 20/ I prefered talk .............. of science.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide  :jap:  :jap:  :hello:

Posté le 07-05-2006 à 19:31:46  profilanswer

Dark Cryst​al
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 19:55:27  profilanswer

bon rien est sur mais j'aurai mis pour les 3 dernieres :
18/If you resigned, you would not have right to unemployement benefit.
19/They must have moved, because I have not heard of them lately/since long time
20/I would rather talk about the lastest progress of science

Citation :

   4/ ..... two days that is rain; I wonder if we'll can get outside tomorow.
 6/Do you should I type my letter ?

->It have rained (for) 2 days,...
->Do you think I should type my letter ?  
évite aussi les contractions à l'écrit, lors d'épreuve.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Dark Crystal le 07-05-2006 à 20:00:20
super stri​ker
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 20:34:10  profilanswer

Dark Crystal a écrit :

bon rien est sur mais j'aurai mis pour les 3 dernieres :
18/If you resigned, you would not have right to unemployement benefit.
19/They must have moved, because I have not heard of them lately/since long time
20/I would rather talk about the lastest progress of science

Citation :

   4/ ..... two days that is rain; I wonder if we'll can get outside tomorow.
 6/Do you should I type my letter ?

->It have rained (for) 2 days,...
->Do you think I should type my letter ?  
évite aussi les contractions à l'écrit, lors d'épreuve.

Merci beaucoup, c'est super sympa ! :jap:  :jap:  
Mais pour le reste tu n'as pas trouver des érreurs que j'aurai pu faire.
Les contradictions, tu veux dire quoi ? :??:

Dark Cryst​al
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 20:49:13  profilanswer

heu je les ai lu tres vite, pas vu d'erreur flagrante.
je parle de contraction (et non contradictions!), cad les it's,I'd,I'll,let's

super stri​ker
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 20:51:56  profilanswer

Dark Crystal a écrit :

heu je les ai lu tres vite, pas vu d'erreur flagrante.
je parle de contraction (et non contradictions!), cad les it's,I'd,I'll,let's

Ah bon ?!! Pourquoi ?? C'est pas bon juste à l'écrit ou à l'oral aussi ?

Dark Cryst​al
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 21:23:35  profilanswer

à l'oral pas de pb, mais parfois à l'écrit il est préférable de pas le faire (notamment pour Would, Had ou Has et is) c'est pour que ton correcteur sache ce que tu voulais vraiment dire.

super stri​ker
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 21:24:29  profilanswer

Dark Crystal a écrit :

à l'oral pas de pb, mais parfois à l'écrit il est préférable de pas le faire (notamment pour Would, Had ou Has et is) c'est pour que ton correcteur sache ce que tu voulais vraiment dire.

Ah ok, merci ;) :jap:

Caesar HFR
Alea jacta est
Posté le 07-05-2006 à 22:19:42  profilanswer

1/ They have rented an appartement in a fifty-floor skycraper.
C'est mieux dit, par exemple : I've seen a fiftee-year old boy (sans s)
Le "of 15 years old" est compté comme un mal dit généralement.
2/ Ta réponse est fausse et c'est un piège classique. On attend for et pas since. Ton say est faux aussi car tu as besoin de préciser dans ce cas "say to him" Cela donne :
He wanted me to tell him how long I had been wainting for him.
(pas trop sur entre had been et have been, mais je pense que had been est mieux).
C'est sous réserve d'erreurs (évidemment), je ne suis pas bilingue, j'ai juste un bon niveau (enfin correct quoi)

Posté le 08-05-2006 à 06:09:20  profilanswer

super striker a écrit :

Comme je n'ai pas trouvé de corrigé pour ces phrases (sujet de concours) j'ai besoin de votre aide.
Ne poster que si vous êtes sûr.
Moi j'ai mis:

5) This item is twice as expensive as two years ago.
6) Do you think/believe that I should have my letter typed.
7) This movie was not at all what I had been expecting for.
8) We will talk about it again when he is older. (on met pas de futur dans la deuxieme partie de la phrase dans une construction avec when - piege classique)
10) I can be wrong but he told me that he would be here at eight o'clock.
11) I don't understand what you are talking about.
13) I like reading very much. - Yes, so do I.
15) I came by bus. I was a long and tedious journey.
16) It's a ten-minute walk/ride (a pied/en voiture) from here. Make a left turn after reaching the farm.  
17) I don't remember calling him before leaving.
18) If you resign, you won't be entitled to unemployment benefits.
19) They probably moved because I haven't heard of them for a long time.
20) I would rather talk about recent scientific breakthroughs.
Les autres sont fausses aussi, mais bon, faut bien qu'il t'en reste un peu...

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par gorges le 08-05-2006 à 06:11:28
super stri​ker
Posté le 08-05-2006 à 13:21:57  profilanswer

gorges a écrit :

5) This item is twice as expensive as two years ago.
6) Do you think/believe that I should have my letter typed.
7) This movie was not at all what I had been expecting for.
8) We will talk about it again when he is older. (on met pas de futur dans la deuxieme partie de la phrase dans une construction avec when - piege classique)
10) I can be wrong but he told me that he would be here at eight o'clock.
11) I don't understand what you are talking about.
13) I like reading very much. - Yes, so do I.
15) I came by bus. I was a long and tedious journey.
16) It's a ten-minute walk/ride (a pied/en voiture) from here. Make a left turn after reaching the farm.  
17) I don't remember calling him before leaving.
18) If you resign, you won't be entitled to unemployment benefits.
19) They probably moved because I haven't heard of them for a long time.
20) I would rather talk about recent scientific breakthroughs.
Les autres sont fausses aussi, mais bon, faut bien qu'il t'en reste un peu...

Merci beaucoup :jap: :jap:
 tu fais quoi comme étude ??

Posté le 08-05-2006 à 13:21:57  profilanswer

Petit ecur​euil blanc
Posté le 08-05-2006 à 16:45:35  profilanswer

La 1e, j'aurai mis "they rented"

Posté le 10-05-2006 à 04:01:35  profilanswer

super striker a écrit :

Merci beaucoup :jap: :jap:
 tu fais quoi comme étude ??

Des etudes d'anglais, non; des etudes en anglais, oui.

El Pollo D​iablo
Posté le 10-05-2006 à 09:37:19  profilanswer

super striker a écrit :

  • 2/He wanted me to say him since how long I waited.

"to tell him" est plus approprié, et moi je dirais "for how long i had been waiting"

Citation :

  • 3/She notices them that it hadn't coffee any more.

She made them notice they were out of coffee.

Citation :

  • 4/ ..... two days that is rain; I wonder if we'll can get outside tomorow.

"will can" ouch :o
It's been raining for two days, I wonder if we'll be able to go outside tomorrow

Citation :

  • 5/ This article costs twice more expensive than 2 years ago.

This article costs twice as much as two years ago

Citation :

  • 9/Daniel and his sister write each other each month.

every month

Citation :

  • 12/If people drank less, there were less accidents of car.

there would be less car accidents
Ne soit pas autant dans un esprit mot a mot...

Citation :

  • 16/It's at ten minutes to here. Go untill the farm and turn on the left.

It's ten minutes away. Wait till the farm then turn left.

Citation :

  • 18/If you ........., you wouldn't have right to ......

If you were to resign, you wouldn't be entitled to unemployment benefits.
Le reste je suis d'accord avec gorges

CPEen => Sup redoublant
Posté le 12-05-2006 à 11:26:26  profilanswer

Moi j'ai toujours employé "flat" pour appartement mais le tiens doit exister aussi...

Putting knowledge into heads
Posté le 12-05-2006 à 12:16:12  profilanswer

Zovirax a écrit :

Moi j'ai toujours employé "flat" pour appartement mais le tiens doit exister aussi...

Effectivement, apartment est la version americaine du flat.

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