Donc Je dois continué cette histoire mystérieuse (vu qu'on a étudié un texte d'Agatha Christie juste avant je pense que l'histoire peut aussi être surnaturel ou autre..)
le texte : In spite of her age – she was getting on for 78 – Janet Blakely stepped briskly into the first-class carriage to Pemberton. It was 11pm and fortunately there was only one other passenger in the compartment: a man in his early forties who was lying on the seat snoring noisily. “Good,” she thought, “I won’t have to talk!”
She sat down silently, took Julian’s letter out of her handbag and started reading it for the umpteenth time. All of a sudden, she felt ill-at-ease and raised her eyes…
J'ai bien cherché mais très peu d'idée me sont venues à la tête et je n'arrive pas à les développé...
Je vous demande juste de me donner quelques idées ..
Merci d'avance