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  Expression écrite anglais Terminale


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Expression écrite anglais Terminale

Posté le 05-01-2008 à 15:36:54  profilanswer

Bonjour, je dois rendre une expression écrite d'anglais d'environ 300 mots et j'ai beaucoup de mal à faire des phrases qui expriment mes idées et sont justes au niveau de la syntaxe, grammaire et tout... Si vous pouviez m'aider à corriger mes erreurs, je vous en remercie d'avance!
sujet: écrivez la lettre qu'une jeune fille envoie à sa mère biologique, Margaret
(Les phrases en rouge sont les phrases obligatoires à mettre)
Dear Margaret,
I imagine your surprise by reading this letter: twenty years after, the one you though you were estranged forever reappears. When i decided to start investigations in order to find you, i didn't imagine the dificulty of this task. All i had to go on was your maiden name and you'd be surprised how many margarets with that surname have got married since i was born! But it didn't discouraged me, i was really determined to regain you, and it meant checking each one to find if it was the right Margaret... I traveled through many places, met a lot of people, and this unforgettable experience transformed this 20 years old girl that never left Elmston before! Tracing you enabled me to evolve and i'm ready to meet you more than ever.
I can perfectly remember the day my parents told me i was an adopted child... when i first learned the truth about myself, i was hurt and angry. I couldn't spend a day without thinking about it, i was torn between the fear of seeing my world demolished and the secret desire to meet you. Since this day, everytime i look myself in a mirror, i wonder if i appear like you. But now that i'm grown up myself, i'm able to understand why you did what you did. I don't hold a grudge towards you anymore for what you did. And i was so happy when i finally traces your marriage to Robert Smythe, and now I feel i must meet you. I've been unknowing too long and i need to speak with you to live in peace. I want to know my origines, my history... Of course my adoptive parents will always be'Mum' and 'Dad' to me they've been very understanding and helpful. I can't forget i found you thanks to them: they'd kept the post car you sent to them when you were touring on honeymoon on an MG two-seater... They're my parents, mum coocked cakes, told me stories before sleeping and dad bring me to the park and always lost at board games to let me win! Past can't be changed, but i still hope wou'll make part of my future.
I can understand that my letter perturbs you, because you must have another life, a better one ... But i'm an idealistic girl, and i hope against hope that you'll reply.
With best wishes.
Your daughter

Posté le 05-01-2008 à 15:36:54  profilanswer

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  Expression écrite anglais Terminale


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