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Auteur | Sujet : L'Iran dans la mauvaise voie ? |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 26-06-2005 à 11:01:40 Reprise du message précédent :
Publicité | Posté le 26-06-2005 à 11:01:40 |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 26-06-2005 à 13:11:14
club_666 Aux sombres héros de l'amer | Ils ont voté pour lui, c'est déja bien mieux que tous les autres pays de la région qui n'ont pas d'élections. |
Zangalou |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 26-06-2005 à 14:53:30 sans compter le fait qu'il semble y avoir eu des fraudes à gogo .... |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Zangalou |
Friday Monday Trop de hérissons écrasés... |
--------------- Friedrich Nietzsche : Le christianisme et l'alcool, les deux plus grands agents de corruption |
Publicité | Posté le 27-06-2005 à 01:34:22 |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Friday Monday Trop de hérissons écrasés... |
--------------- Friedrich Nietzsche : Le christianisme et l'alcool, les deux plus grands agents de corruption |
d750 |
Dion Acceuil | http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/ [...] 170,0.html --------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
d750 |
d750 |
korrigan73 Membré |
--------------- El predicator du topic foot |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 27-06-2005 à 02:46:40
printf Baston ! |
--------------- Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau. |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Glouba Caramba |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 29-06-2005 à 01:26:18
scOulOu Born Under Saturn |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
korrigan73 Membré |
--------------- El predicator du topic foot |
scOulOu Born Under Saturn |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
scOulOu Born Under Saturn |
Message édité par scOulOu le 29-06-2005 à 17:16:47 |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
korrigan73 Membré |
--------------- El predicator du topic foot |
scOulOu Born Under Saturn |
Glouba Caramba |
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