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Auteur | Sujet : Le Topic de X-Plane |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | 'llo,
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par TBone le 29-09-2020 à 17:02:25 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Publicité | Posté le 09-09-2004 à 13:12:09 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | [Add-Ons] Entre parenthèses:
N'hésitez pas à me transmettre par MP ce que vous voudriez voir listé Attention: par simplicité, les liens ne pointent que vers le store .org (parfois, d'autres sont dispos, vous allez dans la crèmerie que vous préférez, je n'ai pas d'actions sur .org.) Appareils Scènes
Message édité par TBone le 19-02-2019 à 21:28:04 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | Tips & Tricks
Un article bien complet: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/ [...] ery-order/ Ortho4XP Tips & Tricks La "Master List" des providers à utiliser de préférence (en terme de qualité): https://forums.x-plane.org/index.ph [...] urce-list/
L'aperçu du réseau: https://webeye.ivao.aero/ VATSIM Idem IVAO, plus anglo-saxon d'origine. L'aperçu du réseau: https://vau.aero/fsmap/?va=vau Message édité par TBone le 05-11-2019 à 15:48:20 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Schimz Bouge pas, meurs, ressuscite !Transactions (0) | post de soutient
serveur Transactions (0) | excellente initiative.
Lynk Steam: LynkkTransactions (0) | J'ai vu dans Microsim qu'il y avait un Boeing 737NG pas mal du tout!! T'as pas des shots?
Message édité par Lynk le 09-09-2004 à 14:02:22 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | il y a 2 737NG en fait.
Message édité par TBone le 20-12-2004 à 20:25:39 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
david42fr Transactions (2) | je plante officiellement un petit drapeau bleu dans ce topic sur ce qui est sans doute la meilleure simulation grand public de baignoires... euh d'aeronefs!!! --------------- A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- Shaw -- mon topic de vente photo |
Lynk Steam: LynkkTransactions (0) | Ah ouai pas mal du tout le deuxieme 737!!
Publicité | Posté le 09-09-2004 à 18:45:44 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
ouaish, pas de soucis, tu n'es limité qu'en coordonnées géographiques et en temps.
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
duss@noob Transactions (0) | Mon frere est un fan de flight simulator, il s est vu offrir ce jeu, x-plane, mais n arrive a l'installer correctement...
Garfield Where man gathers, evil grows.Transactions (0) |
Falconpage HFR Powered since 1998Transactions (19) |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
Message édité par TBone le 10-09-2004 à 07:58:01 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | c'est marrant, l'edit d'un edit de post ne reprends pas les modifs du premier edit... soit, ça doit être mon cache
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
david42fr Transactions (2) | par contre, je retrouve pas le lien des global scenery? --------------- A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- Shaw -- mon topic de vente photo |
duss@noob Transactions (0) | Oki merci pour ces indications, je suis donc entrain de lui dl la version 7.61 pour windows qui pese 154 mo...
david42fr Transactions (2) | pour ceux qui veulent avoir un apreçu de la communauté xplane en france, allez faire un tour sur le groupe yahoo : http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/xp-fr --------------- A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- Shaw -- mon topic de vente photo |
duss@noob Transactions (0) | Je viens de telecharger la version démo 7.61 mais a aucun moment on me demande la configuration d écran ou de touches/joystick...
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
Message édité par TBone le 10-09-2004 à 09:18:58 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) |
Tout en haut de la page de www.x-plane.com, dans le pavé de links --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Garfield Where man gathers, evil grows.Transactions (0) | On peut y jouer à la souris ?
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | pas de soucis, tu cliques sur le pare brise, un petit carré t'indique ta marge de manoeuvre...
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
tomtom41 It's not a bug, it's a featureTransactions (0) |
Garfield Where man gathers, evil grows.Transactions (0) |
Lynk Steam: LynkkTransactions (0) |
david42fr Transactions (2) |
--------------- A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- Shaw -- mon topic de vente photo |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Schimz Bouge pas, meurs, ressuscite !Transactions (0) |
Message édité par Schimz le 10-09-2004 à 17:37:51 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | j'osais pas flinguer son nom --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
gira Transactions (0) | Pour ceux qui débutent avec X plane, allez voir le Robin DR400 120:
Message édité par gira le 10-09-2004 à 21:10:22 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | excellent avion en effet
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Liebric it's partytimeTransactions (0) | Hi
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | 'lut,
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par TBone le 11-09-2004 à 09:42:55 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | Hop. Version de maintenance 7.62-RC vient d'arriver. Elle permet de corriger des petits bugs gênants.
Message édité par TBone le 28-09-2004 à 20:11:48 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | mise à jour du post d'installation, ajout du link pour voler en ligne sous IVAO/VATSIM --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
Lynk Steam: LynkkTransactions (0) | Il va y avoir une difference graphique entre la 8 et la 7 |
TBone Pouet.Transactions (0) | Austin travaille seul pour le côté algo de vol mais il a un collègue externe qui l'aide pour les algos en général (dont la grille du sol) et un graphiste externe pour les textures/interfaces.
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
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