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Auteur | Sujet : [ADSL Wanadoo] Que pensez vous de votre connexion??? |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 | Bonsoir,
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
Publicité | Posté le 26-05-2002 à 19:55:00 |
FrCo | tres bonne, aucun pb a signaler :
Coockie koin koin.... | Oui a part quelques problème de non-réponse du serveur ces dermier temps, la connection chez moi est tres fiable et tres rapide (marche aux débit théoriques).... --------------- bioactif.net Un blog de bio et quoi encore... |
Pulpul Skamikaze ! | Rien à redire...
redevance | kit extense, modem/routeur zyxel 643 et ca roule sans pb |
Zaib3k | je suis abonné depuis plus d'un an et c moins bien now.
--------------- Le droit à la différence s'arrête là où ça commence à m'emmerder sérieusement. |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 | Bon c'est mitigé, merci de vos réponses --------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
Publicité | Posté le 26-05-2002 à 20:31:10 |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. | mais tu as quels problemes?? --------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
popol_caen | trop cher 300 frcs pour extense sinon connexion bonne avec modem alcatel ethernet modifié |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
thieuma |
le parle pas de wanadoo mais de france telecom, c un blem de ligne pas de fai |
deathsharp | j'ai l'ADSL avec wanadoo depuis mercredi et j'en suis tres content --------------- What butter and whiskey won't cure, there is no cure for. |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
Deadlock Feck off, cup ! | Tres content ...
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
redevance | ping de 40 sur joystick.fr |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 | tiens je connaissais pas grenouille!!!
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. |
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
Deadlock Feck off, cup ! |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 | [root@linux root]# ping joystick.fr
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 |
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
LeKeiser Appelez moi Marcel. | Nikopop : ca sent un bas surcharge.
--------------- "I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein |
nikopop 凸(`0´)凸 | C'est clair ke ça ressemble à de la surchage puiske impossible de se connecter le week end...
--------------- Votre Installation Home-Cinema ici : installations-home-cinema.eu |
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Plus de sujets relatifs à : [ADSL Wanadoo] Que pensez vous de votre connexion??? |