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  Hollywood + , Dolby Digital SbLive et Win2k je comprend plus rien


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Hollywood + , Dolby Digital SbLive et Win2k je comprend plus rien

Posté le 19-01-2001 à 18:07:12  profilanswer

Si tu as des drivers > 1.8, c'est la meme chose qu'a l'avant qui sort a l'arriere ...
Sinon, tu peux essayer :
As with Magnifik, my machine also crashes when using 1.8 older drivers.
I tried to use 1.7 ones as they have 4 speaker support but they crashed a lot,
so here are the workarounds I
First attempt, objective was using 1.82 drivers with dowmixing to 4
At first seemed to work while playing some vob files I had in the HD but after
trying to view a DVD it crashed on my
Anyway this is what I did (perhaps it works ok for you).
I uninstalled the H+ drivers and
Then I installed 1.7 drivers and then I made a copy of a file calledss
WAVIFACE.DLL temporary folder: (that file is in C:windowssystem)ss
(wavefiface.dll can be found here
Then remove the drivers (make sure they are removed correctly) and then installedss
1.82 drivers and 1.82 DVD Station. Then I copied WAVIFACE.DLL from the temp folder
to C:WINDOWSSYSTEM, finally I used DVDGenie (version 3.75)
and enabled the output thru soundcard and 4 speaker
That worked for me while playing VOB files from the HD but no DVD discs (shit!).
Second attempt, with 1.82 drivers installed, I made a copy of the following files to a temp folder:ss
(they are in C:windowssystem too)
RMQUASAR.VXD (which was the file that always crashed on 1.7 on me)
Then I uninstalled all (DVDStation and drivers) installed 1.7
After that I copied that 2 files on the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM overwriting the ones
that already there (which are from 1.7 version). Then installed the 1.82 DVD Station andss
finallly I ran DVDGenie (version 3.75) and selected the output thru soundcard and 4 speaker option.

Posté le 19-01-2001 à 18:07:12  profilanswer

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  Hollywood + , Dolby Digital SbLive et Win2k je comprend plus rien


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