Every time I crashed the internet, it's like, this little drop of truth. Every time I say something that’s extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the internet. So what are we getting all of the rest of the time?
Quoique le hardcore electro, y'as pas trop besoin de hi-fi avec ça
The !!!! Beat
Posté le 01-09-2014 à 01:29:00
Ou alors une p'tite paire de monitoring, ça peux être pas mal, genre des prodipe pro 5, s'en sortent plus qu'honorablement
Posté le 01-09-2014 à 01:32:15
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Every time I crashed the internet, it's like, this little drop of truth. Every time I say something that’s extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the internet. So what are we getting all of the rest of the time?