wazany | Bonjour, voilà on nous as donnée un exercice qui est de faire une représentation d'un graph du nombre de personne / ville sur un concert le tout en en utilisant le camembert de jpgraph.
Donc j'ai repris un exemple en le modifiant pour y arriver mais ça marche pas et je sais pas comment faire
Le code sql fonctionne
Code :
- <?php
- require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
- require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php');
- require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_pie3d.php');
- mysql_connect("localhost","root","" ) ;
- mysql_select_db("test" ) ;
- $tt=$_GET["id"];
- $result=mysql_query("SELECT abo_ville, SUM( abo_qte_place_reserv ) AS totalhab, manif_intitule
- FROM stpavut_reservations, stpavut_manifestations, stpavut_abonnes
- WHERE stpavut_abonnes.abo_id = stpavut_reservations.abo_id
- AND stpavut_reservations.manif_id = stpavut_manifestations.manif_id
- AND stpavut_manifestations.manif_id ='.$tt.'
- GROUP BY abo_ville" );
- // Some data
- $test = array();
- $i=0;
- while ($data=mysql_fetch_object($result))
- {
- $test[$i]=$data->totalhab;
- $i++;
- }
- echo $test;
- // Create the Pie Graph.
- $graph = new PieGraph(350,200,"auto" );
- $graph->SetShadow();
- // Set A title for the plot
- $graph->title->Set("test" );
- $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA,FS_BOLD,18);
- $graph->title->SetColor("darkblue" );
- $graph->legend->Pos(0.1,0.2);
- // Create pie plot
- $p1 = new PiePlot3d($test);
- $p1->SetTheme("sand" );
- $p1->SetCenter(0.4);
- $p1->SetAngle(30);
- $p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_NORMAL,12);
- $p1->SetLegends(array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct" ));
- $graph->Add($p1);
- $graph->Stroke();
- ?>
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