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  calcul de p rating amd


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calcul de p rating amd

Posté le 30-03-2004 à 15:48:22  profilanswer

Un logiciel, uAMDtool, vient d'être développé, il permet de connaître la fréquence des processeurs AMD (du Duron aux CPU 64-bit) en fonction du PR Rating ainsi que ses caractéristiques. Toutefois, il est loin d'être parfait.
uAMDtool integrates an accurate AMD Quantispeed PR rating calculator with other commonly used AMD-based tools.  
The Quantispeed calculator has full support of Morgan, Palomino, T-Bred, Barton and AMD64 processors, and fully supports overclocked front side bus speeds with unrivalled accuracy for all modes.  
Added is a CPU stepping decoder which lists all known details about your specific CPU, a full list of stock AMD AthlonXP and Athlon64 settings so you can see how much performance you're gaining from that higher FSB, and a clutter-free small version which can be invoked from the command line or from the main interface.
download ici ------->

Posté le 30-03-2004 à 15:48:22  profilanswer

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  Overclocking, Cooling & Modding

  calcul de p rating amd


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