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  Ordinateurs portables

  portable qui s'éteint sans crier gare..


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portable qui s'éteint sans crier gare..

Posté le 07-04-2013 à 14:37:04  profilanswer

Parfois mon ordinateur reste allumé pendant 2 heures de temps avant de s'éteindre. Ensuite, c'est toujours plus dur  
de le rallumer, la période ou il reste allumée se raccourcit, jusqu'à ce qu'il ne s'allume plus.
Une fois, il s'est éteint après 30 min.  
 Au début, il émettait des bip sonores, je n'ai pas compté, MAIS maintenant il ne le fait plus..
Il ne me semble pas qu'il s'agit d'une surchauffe, car il reste froid.  
J'ai vérifié avec Speedfan et un autre pour la température, tout ok.
A préciser qu'au démarrage apparaît le message: MEDIA TEST FAILURE CHECK CABLE EXITING PME ROM  
mais ensuite il démarre sans aucun problème et même très rapidement.  
il s'agit d'un PORTABLE, ACER Aspire 7736 Z  
J'ai déjà essayé d'autre cable, même chose.
J'ai pu contrôlé avec memtest, après 2 heures de vérification, les barrettes ont été contrôlées, tout ok,
mais ensuite j'ai arrêté le test pour aller me coucher.. il vérifiait des "randoms modules" et tjs ok.
J'ignorais que le test était si long, et je n'aimais pas l'idée de le laisser allumer toute la nuit.
Puis-je recevoir de l'aide pour effectuer d'autres tests avec des logiciels, avant de l'ouvrir (je ne saurais d'ailleurs pas quoi
vérifier à part les ventilos).
Merci d'avance!

Posté le 07-04-2013 à 14:37:04  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-04-2013 à 16:25:46  answer

As-tu aspiré les bouches d'aération?
mis à jour tes pilotes? y compris bios?
fait un test antivirus? ainsi qu'anti-malveillant?

Posté le 07-04-2013 à 22:08:24  profilanswer

Merci de ta réponse,
Le test antivirus a été fait avec malware bytes, rien de particulier
J'ai aussi vérifié l'entrée du cable, le "giglet" (la tige qui s'imbrique dans le cable) a l'intérieur est solidement fixé, donc apparement ok de ce côté.
Il n'y a pas non plus de "clac" lorsque l'ordinateur s'éteint (comme vu dans d'autres messages de forum)
Quand au Bios et pilotes, j'ai lu cela peut apporter d'autres problème si ceux-ci fonctionnent bien préalablement.(ps: portable assez récent acheté juillet 2010)
 Comment savoir s'il est judicieux de changer la mise à jour du Bios, et concernant les pilotes, quelles seraient les parties les plus concernées à ce problème.
Aujourd'hui, le portable s'est éteint souvent les premières minutes, est-ce que cela peut-être vraiment un problème d'aération? Si c'est le cas, donnez-moi un ou deux jours, le temps de trouver un tournevis adapté, le mien n'ayant pas marché.

Message édité par lucien5 le 07-04-2013 à 22:17:18
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-04-2013 à 22:47:47  answer

je doute fortement...mais des fois tu peux ouvrir, ne serais-ce que pour en avoir le coeur net.

Posté le 09-04-2013 à 23:20:33  profilanswer

J'ai nettoyé les pales du ventilo, et divers élements à l'intérieur en suivant certaines instructions. Mais il n'y avait pas trop de poussières..
Sinon, aujourd'hui, il s'est encore éteinds après 15 minutes.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 09-04-2013 à 23:50:56  answer

tu n'a pas une option de veille ou veille prolongée activée?

Posté le 11-04-2013 à 22:42:16  profilanswer

Non, c'est désactivé..
veille après:
sur batterie 10 min
sur secteur: 15 min.
autoriser veille hybride
sur batterie: désactivé
sur secteur : désactivé
mettre en veille prolongée après:
sur batterie : 120 min
sur secteur: 720 min

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 11-04-2013 à 22:57:27  answer

et si tu désactives tout ça donne quoi?

Posté le 12-04-2013 à 17:28:40  profilanswer

Je ne comprend pas ta question.
Il me semble que tout est désactivé.
J'ai recopié ce qui est écrit (j'avais fait un printscreen, mais je crois que ce n'est pas possible de l'insérer ici)

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 12-04-2013 à 21:59:52  answer

lucien5 a écrit :

Je ne comprend pas ta question.
Il me semble que tout est désactivé.
J'ai recopié ce qui est écrit (j'avais fait un printscreen, mais je crois que ce n'est pas possible de l'insérer ici)

genre toutes les valeurs citées à 0?

Posté le 12-04-2013 à 21:59:52  profilanswer

Posté le 13-04-2013 à 18:12:13  profilanswer

J'ai mis toutes les valeurs à 0.
Il m'a refait le coup de la panne..
Le plus étonnant, c'est qu'une fois qu'il s'éteint, il ne se rallume quasiment plus. A peine une lumière d'une seconde parfois, ou parfois rien.. il est comme mort. Et le jour d'après, il est reparti pour un temps indéterminé (généralement 30 min. comme auj.) et pourtant une fois, il était resté plus de 3 heures de temps actif!, lorsque j'avais fait le test memtest86 (voir 1er message)

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 13-04-2013 à 18:49:02  answer

tu as essayé CHKDSK?

Posté le 13-04-2013 à 20:18:17  profilanswer

Auj., il ne se rallume pas pour vérifier chkdsk. Mais autre chose:  
j'ai lu sur un forum quelqu'un qui après avoir retourné son portable et appuyé doucement dessus, il redémarrait. J'ai fait la même chose, et il avait tendance à se rallumer, pas longtemps(quelques secondes, presque 30), mais rarement auparavant il s'était rallumé comme ça.  
Est-ce qu'il y aurait quelque chose qui se colle ou se décolle à l'intérieur`???

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 13-04-2013 à 20:37:26  answer

je suis navré mais je sèche...

Posté le 15-04-2013 à 12:19:33  profilanswer

Finalement j'ai fait le chkdsk,
apparement mon portable se complaît dans le bios (comme memtest), voilà un scan qui dure + de 2 heures de temps, et il ne s'éteint pas !
Peut-être ce rapport t'aidera à voir la cause de la panne?
Report_CHKDSK v1.0 BY Laddy
Début le 14/04/2013 à 22:25:01.
OS : Windows 7 Home Premium  
Utilisateur Administrator : Administrateur
Lancement: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Report_CHKDSK.exe
########## [EVENTLOG CHKDSK]
SourceName = Microsoft-Windows-Wininit
TimeGenerated = 14/04/2013 22:23:13
Message =  
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is ACER.
A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.                          
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)...
  301824 file records processed.                                          
File verification completed.
  432 large file records processed.                                    
  0 bad file records processed.                                      
  0 EA records processed.                                            
  124 reparse records processed.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)...
  373164 index entries processed.                                        
Index verification completed.
  0 unindexed files scanned.                                        
  0 unindexed files recovered.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 5)...
  301824 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                        
Cleaning up 16 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 16 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 16 unused security descriptors.
Security descriptor verification completed.
  35671 data files processed.                                            
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
  6627256 USN bytes processed.                                            
Usn Journal verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
  301808 files processed.                                                
File data verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
  58325533 free clusters processed.                                        
Free space verification is complete.
Adding 28 bad clusters to the Bad Clusters File.
Correcting errors in the Volume Bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
 300178775 KB total disk space.
  66349152 KB in 209793 files.
    141820 KB in 35672 indexes.
       112 KB in bad sectors.
    385671 KB in use by the system.
     65536 KB occupied by the log file.
 233302020 KB available on disk.
      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  75044693 total allocation units on disk.
  58325505 allocation units available on disk.
Internal Info:
00 9b 04 00 e4 be 03 00 c8 02 07 00 00 00 00 00  ................
9e 02 00 00 7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....|...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.
SourceName = Microsoft-Windows-Wininit
TimeGenerated = 30/03/2012 14:37:59
Message =  
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is ACER.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.                          
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
  296704 file records processed.                                          
File verification completed.
  441 large file records processed.                                    
  0 bad file records processed.                                      
  0 EA records processed.                                            
  124 reparse records processed.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
Unable to locate the file name attribute of index entry MSS.log
of index $I30 with parent 0x1716f in file 0x10e4b.
Deleting index entry MSS.log in index $I30 of file 94575.
Unable to locate the file name attribute of index entry MSStmp.log
of index $I30 with parent 0x1716f in file 0x308cb.
Deleting index entry MSStmp.log in index $I30 of file 94575.
The index bitmap $I30 in file 0x45e0a is incorrect.
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 286218.
  376704 index entries processed.                                        
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is scanning unindexed files for reconnect to their original directory.
Recovering orphaned file MSS00001.log (69195) into directory file 94575.
Recovering orphaned file MSS.log (198859) into directory file 94575.
Recovering orphaned file jsapi[1].js (223525) into directory file 268508.
Recovering orphaned file JSAPI_~1.JS (223525) into directory file 268508.
Recovering orphaned file MSStmp.log (223528) into directory file 94575.
Recovering orphaned file _5NQEP~1.CSS (223533) into directory file 286134.
Recovering orphaned file _5NqEPoO2_O[1].css (223533) into directory file 286134.
Recovering orphaned file KUQSLV~1.CSS (223534) into directory file 286134.
Recovering orphaned file kuQSlvwZny0[1].css (223534) into directory file 286134.
Recovering orphaned file -IUZ0-~1.PNG (223541) into directory file 286138.
Recovering orphaned file -iuZ0-rDP91[1].png (223541) into directory file 286138.
Recovering orphaned file KGNFZX~1.JS (223546) into directory file 286218.
Recovering orphaned file kGNFZx-YL8Y[1].js (223546) into directory file 286218.
  9 unindexed files scanned.                                        
Recovering orphaned file FEMYLD~1.JS (223549) into directory file 286218.
Recovering orphaned file FeMyldcmfkg[1].js (223549) into directory file 286218.
  0 unindexed files recovered.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
  296704 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                        
Cleaning up 84 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 84 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 84 unused security descriptors.
Security descriptor verification completed.
  40001 data files processed.                                            
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fce990 and length 0x2712b045 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fcf000 and length 0x87b0e2d crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd0000 and length 0x12d6b61 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd1000 and length 0x31d4ff7c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd2000 and length 0xe1d8039b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd3000 and length 0xac032574 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd4000 and length 0x9f4f09ed crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd5000 and length 0xbc875a69 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd6000 and length 0x5278a82b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd7000 and length 0x5ed73c8b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd8000 and length 0x5e34bfd2 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fd9000 and length 0x5e6e858 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fda000 and length 0x78fb04c3 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fdb000 and length 0x348a4495 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fdc000 and length 0xf6e368c4 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fdd000 and length 0xbc4e5c6e crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fde000 and length 0x4c4ec251 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fdf000 and length 0x18a38616 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe0000 and length 0xb4050663 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe1000 and length 0x88092301 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe2000 and length 0x1947849 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe3000 and length 0x412c2c02 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe4000 and length 0x49001b0 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe5000 and length 0x58f281b1 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe6000 and length 0xf47bd449 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe7000 and length 0x18a00359 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe8000 and length 0x5a73e0bb crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fe9000 and length 0x2074e796 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fea000 and length 0x7167c63b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156feb000 and length 0xc0fe15e0 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fec000 and length 0x290c256 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fed000 and length 0xd14e6ee crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fee000 and length 0xdc0ac2d2 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fef000 and length 0x68b0094c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff0000 and length 0xf238f71e crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff1000 and length 0xdbdda315 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff2000 and length 0x8953a0aa crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff3000 and length 0x365f6146 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff4000 and length 0xe1860e4 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff5000 and length 0x80a8a81b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff6000 and length 0x4908d7b5 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff7000 and length 0x5b408d24 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff8000 and length 0x44c01a92 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ff9000 and length 0xeabcceca crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ffa000 and length 0xfc81c516 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ffb000 and length 0x5be48e3f crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ffc000 and length 0x4dee2791 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ffd000 and length 0x25d041a crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156ffe000 and length 0x1ed40110 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156fff000 and length 0xfd0041c7 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157000000 and length 0x844af5de crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157001000 and length 0xf8072f23 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157002000 and length 0x282dd320 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157003000 and length 0x2b30d7 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157004000 and length 0xa1c2e5c5 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157005000 and length 0xce316ef9 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157006000 and length 0xd421420b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157007000 and length 0xc26137f7 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157008000 and length 0x130ec19c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x157009000 and length 0x26296e6c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700a000 and length 0x4c3b1f08 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700b000 and length 0x31056f70 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700c000 and length 0x4d8b1e6c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700d000 and length 0xbbe20443 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700e000 and length 0x60260ee6 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x15700f000 and length 0x856e130d crosses
the page boundary.
Repairing Usn Journal file record segment.
  35598600 USN bytes processed.                                            
Usn Journal verification completed.
CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the volume bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
 300178775 KB total disk space.
  76782860 KB in 250088 files.
    160544 KB in 40002 indexes.
         0 KB in bad sectors.
    408539 KB in use by the system.
     65536 KB occupied by the log file.
 222826832 KB available on disk.
      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  75044693 total allocation units on disk.
  55706708 allocation units available on disk.
Internal Info:
00 87 04 00 35 6d 04 00 7c 2e 08 00 00 00 00 00  ....5m..|.......
ec 03 00 00 7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....|...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.
SourceName = Microsoft-Windows-Wininit
TimeGenerated = 10/02/2012 16:04:04
Message =  
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is ACER.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.                          
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
  296704 file records processed.                                          
File verification completed.
  446 large file records processed.                                    
  0 bad file records processed.                                      
  0 EA records processed.                                            
  124 reparse records processed.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
Index entry TMP000000013A04B8A10CBC69A6 of index $I30 in file 0xdcb points to unused file 0x1f7aa.
Deleting index entry TMP000000013A04B8A10CBC69A6 in index $I30 of file 3531.
Index entry TMP000~1 of index $I30 in file 0xdcb points to unused file 0x1f7aa.
Deleting index entry TMP000~1 in index $I30 of file 3531.
The multi-sector header signature for VCN 0x0 of index $I30
in file 0xa550 is incorrect.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 42320.
The index bitmap $I30 in file 0xa550 is incorrect.
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 42320.
The down pointer of current index entry with length 0x18 is invalid.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  ................
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 32 58 b9 8f 13 35 ca 01  ........2X...5..
00 1e cc e0 2e d7 c8 01 ba ed 2a 9a 0f 35 ca 01  ..........*..5..
Sorting index $I30 in file 42320.
The multi-sector header signature for VCN 0x0 of index $I30
in file 0x17523 is incorrect.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 95523.
The index bitmap $I30 in file 0x17523 is incorrect.
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 95523.
The down pointer of current index entry with length 0x18 is invalid.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  ................
ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 2e 56 14 df 03 e8 cc 01  .........V......
2e 56 14 df 03 e8 cc 01 2e 56 14 df 03 e8 cc 01  .V.......V......
Sorting index $I30 in file 95523.
The file reference 0x4800000000abd8 of index entry LManager.log of index $I30
with parent 0x19658 is not the same as 0x4900000000abd8.
Deleting index entry LManager.log in index $I30 of file 104024.
The file reference 0x2f00000000ab88 of index entry WPDNSE of index $I30
with parent 0x19658 is not the same as 0x3000000000ab88.
Deleting index entry WPDNSE in index $I30 of file 104024.
Unable to locate the file name attribute of index entry WindowsLiveMessenger-uccapi-0.uccapilog
of index $I30 with parent 0x19984 in file 0x43fb.
Deleting index entry WindowsLiveMessenger-uccapi-0.uccapilog in index $I30 of file 104836.
Unable to locate the file name attribute of index entry WINDOW~1.UCC
of index $I30 with parent 0x19984 in file 0x43fb.
Deleting index entry WINDOW~1.UCC in index $I30 of file 104836.
Index entry ActivityReport_129700527182385495.dat of index $I30 in file 0x21eb7 points to unused file 0x35e3f.
Deleting index entry ActivityReport_129700527182385495.dat in index $I30 of file 138935.
Index entry ACTIVI~1.DAT of index $I30 in file 0x21eb7 points to unused file 0x35e3f.
Deleting index entry ACTIVI~1.DAT in index $I30 of file 138935.
Index entry shared.xml of index $I30 in file 0x283ef points to unused file 0x6441.
Deleting index entry shared.xml in index $I30 of file 164847.
  376690 index entries processed.                                        
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is scanning unindexed files for reconnect to their original directory.
Recovering orphaned file 2012-0~1.LOG (26462) into directory file 72100.
Recovering orphaned file 2012-02-10_15-54_1054-elfh6evi.log (26462) into directory file 72100.
Recovering orphaned file WPDNSE (43912) into directory file 104024.
Recovering orphaned file Config (43950) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file LManager.log (43992) into directory file 104024.
Recovering orphaned file GATHER~1 (94575) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file GatherLogs (94575) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MCAFEE~2 (95492) into directory file 3531.
Recovering orphaned file mcafee_l7ajzYdXYU8rVr4 (95492) into directory file 3531.
Recovering orphaned file MSS.log (95493) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MSStmp.log (95494) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MSSRES~1.JRS (95495) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MSSres00001.jrs (95495) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file ACTIVI~1.DAT (95496) into directory file 138935.
Recovering orphaned file ActivityReport_129733592582459578.dat (95496) into directory file 138935.
Recovering orphaned file MSSRES~2.JRS (95497) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MSSres00002.jrs (95497) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file tmp.edb (95509) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file MSS.chk (95510) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file Windows.edb (95511) into directory file 42320.
Recovering orphaned file 33A1B5~1 (95518) into directory file 3307.
Recovering orphaned file 33a1b5a0475cdbfea139233e4d990a8c (95518) into directory file 3307.
Recovering orphaned file SETTINGS.DIA (95524) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file INDEX.000 (95525) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file INDEX.001 (95526) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file INDEX.002 (95527) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAD0001.000 (95531) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAD0001.001 (95532) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAD0001.002 (95535) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAB0001.000 (95536) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAB0001.001 (95537) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAB0001.002 (95541) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file CiAB0002.000 (122368) into directory file 95523.
Recovering orphaned file SETTIN~2.DAT (147245) into directory file 59668.
Recovering orphaned file SettingsDB.dat-journal (147245) into directory file 59668.
  41 unindexed files scanned.                                        
CHKDSK is recovering remaining unindexed files.
  14 unindexed files recovered.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
  296704 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                        
Cleaning up 2 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2 unused security descriptors.
Security descriptor verification completed.
  39994 data files processed.                                            
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f37998 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry version 0.0 at offset 0x156f38000
in file 0x88c is not recognized.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f39000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f3a000 and length 0x8ffff crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f3b000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f3c000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f3d000 and length 0x1d00b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry length 0x1 at offset 0x156f3e000 in file
0x88c is not aligned.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f3f000 and length 0x1d00b crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f40000 and length 0x40000 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f41000 and length 0x4000 crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f42000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f43000 and length 0x2a274310 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f44000 and length 0x53e0000 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f45000 and length 0x1001000c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry length 0x1000 at offset 0x156f46000 in file
0x88c exceeded the page size 0x1000.
The USN Journal entry length 0xb5 at offset 0x156f47000 in file
0x88c is not aligned.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f48000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f49000 and length 0xc3f3b4 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f4a000 and length 0x1001000c crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry length 0x1000 at offset 0x156f4b000 in file
0x88c exceeded the page size 0x1000.
The USN Journal entry version 0.0 at offset 0x156f4c000
in file 0x88c is not recognized.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f4d000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f4e000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f4f000 and length 0xb8e416b8 crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f50000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry version 0.8000 at offset 0x156f51000
in file 0x88c is not recognized.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f52000 and length 0xc0130070 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f53000 and length 0xb4560000 crosses
the page boundary.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f54000 and length 0x1001000c crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f55000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry version 4.0 at offset 0x156f56000
in file 0x88c is not recognized.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f57000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f58000 and length 0xc0130070 crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f59000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f5a000 and length 0x11f5238 crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f5b000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry at offset 0x156f5c000 and length 0xb8e416b8 crosses
the page boundary.
The remaining of an USN page at offset 0x156f5d000 in file 0x88c
should be filled with zeros.
The USN Journal entry version 0.8000 at offset 0x156f5e000
in file 0x88c is not recognized.
Repairing Usn Journal file record segment.
  37360000 USN bytes processed.                                            
Usn Journal verification completed.
Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.
Correcting errors in the Volume Bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
 300178775 KB total disk space.
  76603312 KB in 250099 files.
    160512 KB in 39998 indexes.
         0 KB in bad sectors.
    410563 KB in use by the system.
     65536 KB occupied by the log file.
 223004388 KB available on disk.
      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  75044693 total allocation units on disk.
  55751097 allocation units available on disk.
Internal Info:
00 87 04 00 39 6d 04 00 9e 2e 08 00 00 00 00 00  ....9m..........
ec 03 00 00 7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....|...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.
SourceName = Microsoft-Windows-Wininit
TimeGenerated = 10/02/2012 15:53:46
Message =  
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is ACER.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.                          
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
Attribute record of type 0x80 and instance tag 0x4 is cross linked
starting at 0x176c7 for possibly 0x1 clusters.
Some clusters occupied by attribute of type 0x80 and instance tag 0x4
in file 0x10001 is already in use.
Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "" )
from file record segment 65537.
  296704 file records processed.                                          
File verification completed.
  446 large file records processed.                                    
  0 bad file records processed.                                      
  0 EA records processed.                                            
  124 reparse records processed.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
Index entry lastalive1.dat of index $I30 in file 0x833 points to unused file 0x1f49e.
Deleting index entry lastalive1.dat in index $I30 of file 2099.
Index entry LASTAL~2.DAT of index $I30 in file 0x833 points to unused file 0x1f49e.
Deleting index entry LASTAL~2.DAT in index $I30 of file 2099.
  376686 index entries processed.                                        
Index verification completed.
CHKDSK is scanning unindexed files for reconnect to their original directory.
Recovering orphaned file LASTAL~1.DAT (22840) into directory file 2099.
Recovering orphaned file lastalive0.dat (22840) into directory file 2099.
Recovering orphaned file ASL163~1.LOG (65537) into directory file 107705.
Recovering orphaned file asl.163332_08Feb12.log (65537) into directory file 107705.
Recovering orphaned file MCMSC_~2 (131450) into directory file 3531.
Recovering orphaned file mcmsc_BS2qcv5ZAhyUDuo (131450) into directory file 3531.
Recovering orphaned file S76223~1.JPG (263566) into directory file 263009.
Recovering orphaned file s762234569_1148616_3693[1].jpg (263566) into directory file 263009.
Recovering orphaned file S76223~2.JPG (263570) into directory file 263009.
Recovering orphaned file s762234569_1148687_8651[1].jpg (263570) into directory file 263009.
  12 unindexed files scanned.                                        
CHKDSK is recovering remaining unindexed files.
  7 unindexed files recovered.                                      
CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
  296704 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                        
Cleaning up 149 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 149 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 149 unused security descriptors.
Security descriptor verification completed.
Inserting data attribute into file 65537.
Inserting data attribute into file 220224.
  39994 data files processed.                                            
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
  36954288 USN bytes processed.                                            
Usn Journal verification completed.
Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.
Correcting errors in the Volume Bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
 300178775 KB total disk space.
  76693180 KB in 250159 files.
    160524 KB in 39994 indexes.
         0 KB in bad sectors.
    410059 KB in use by the system.
     65536 KB occupied by the log file.
 222915012 KB available on disk.
      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  75044693 total allocation units on disk.
  55728753 allocation units available on disk.
Internal Info:
00 87 04 00 75 6d 04 00 f5 2e 08 00 00 00 00 00
ec 03 00 00 7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....|...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.
    ########## ENDOF 22:29:32

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 15-04-2013 à 16:21:41  answer

tu vois une différence? après ce test?

Posté le 19-04-2013 à 17:48:39  profilanswer

Oui, il ne s eteint plus, super!
Je mets en resolu?
Merci de m avoir aider.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 19-04-2013 à 17:55:53  answer

ben à priori, si on a pu t'aider oui...
fait quand même attention à cette histoire de disque dur, sauvegarde bien tes données
et si jamais achète en un neuf si jamais celui-la te lâche...  
(c'est ce que je ferais à ta place)

Posté le 20-04-2013 à 12:50:19  profilanswer

en fait cette semaine j ai utiliser le pc que 2 fois. Mais tout ok.
Aujourd-hui seulement il m a fait un ckddsk rapide 5 min "one of your disk need for consistency" sans que je lui demande
Apparement tout reste ok.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 20-04-2013 à 17:36:10  answer

réessaye de l'utiliser quelques fois... pour être sur ;)

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