Citation :
critical bugs of libpango1.0-common (1.2.5-4 -> 1.4.0-4) <done>
#250636 - libpango1.0-common: Wrong modules configuration after upgrade to 1.4.0
grave bugs of libdb3 (3.2.9-19 -> 3.2.9-20) <done>
#234507 - db_open hangs indefinately on hppa architecture
grave bugs of mozilla-mailnews (2:1.6-5 -> 2:1.6-7) <done>
#247675 - mozilla-mailnews: Can't connect to IMAP: XML Parsing error in chrome://messenger/content/msgAccountCentral.xul
grave bugs of proftpd (1.2.9-9 -> 1.2.9-12) <done>
#247354 - CAN-2004-0432: ACLs interpreted incorrectly
grave bugs of libpango1.0-0 (1.2.5-4 -> 1.4.0-4) <done>
#253038 - [alpha] libpango1.0-0: Packages linked against libpango segfault (gvim, mozilla, gnumeric, ...)
grave bugs of mozilla-firefox (0.8-3 -> 0.8-11) <done>
#246393 - mozilla-firefox: Crashes seconds after startup
#250301 - mozilla-firefox: Firefox crashes immediately with a segmentation fault.
grave bugs of gtk2-engines-spherecrystal (0.7-7 -> 0.7-8) <done>
#250953 - gtk2-engines-spherecrystal: Theme appears broken; 'x' images and scrollbars missing
grave bugs of reportbug (2.58 -> 2.61) <done>
#249099 - New behaviour of python's textwrap.fill breaks reportbug
grave bugs of libgnome2-0 (2.4.0-11 -> 2.6.1-3) <open>
#253375 - segfaults in gnome_program_init() on alpha
grave bugs of mozilla-browser (2:1.6-5 -> 2:1.6-7) <open>
#253123 - Mozilla hangs if any text or input field gets focus
libpango1.0-common(1 bug), libdb3(1 bug), libgnome2-0(1 bug), mozilla-mailnews(1 bug), proftpd(1 bug), libpango1.0-0(1 bug), mozilla-firefox(2 bugs), gtk2-engines-spherecrystal(1 bug), reportbug(1 bug), mozilla-browser(1 bug)