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Pathfinder - Kingmaker Enhanced Edition out

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 18:36:59  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Faut juste jongler entre les étages.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 18:36:59  profilanswer


Transactions (0)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 19:16:40  profilanswer

J'ai beau passer de l'un à l'autre, il n'y a plus aucune action à faire, plus de passage à trouver et l'accès évident me reste interdit. Mon groupe va finir par être fatigué de marcher dans cette  [:ilovezadig:1] de grotte.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 19:48:49  profilanswer

De mémoire elle est en haut à droite de la carte sur un échafaudage, il n'y a même pas de porte particulière pour la voir.  :pt1cable:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (0)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 20:34:42  profilanswer

oui y a pas de porte
elle est en haut à droite dans l'etage inferieur

Topic escape game \o/ / Topic Artifact
Mixologue amateur
Transactions (1)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 22:37:15  profilanswer

Ce passage est une vraie plaie.  
J'étais bien content de sortir de là.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 22:59:45  profilanswer

J'avais bien aimé.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Mixologue amateur
Transactions (1)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 23:10:52  profilanswer

La quête en elle-même est sympa mais j'avais moins apprécié le temps passé à tourné en rond dans les sous-sols avec mon problème de sens de l'orientation  [:kellian':2]

Transactions (1)
Posté le 14-10-2018 à 23:14:53  profilanswer

C’est pas l’endroit le plus fun du jeu.  
Y a quelques endroits dans ce style qui sont bien prises de tête. Sans compter ceux avec un bug au milieu :o

Message édité par Kryone le 14-10-2018 à 23:17:27
Transactions (1)
Posté le 15-10-2018 à 07:42:12  profilanswer

Bro tips au cas ou vous rencontriez une certaine Siroket.
Elle est buggée, il faut la taper sans s'occuper de ses adds. Sinon elle devient invincible :o
Et parce que ça m'a fait sourire :)
Et parce que j'aime bien chain lightning :D

Message édité par Kryone le 15-10-2018 à 07:45:23

Transactions (0)
Posté le 15-10-2018 à 08:14:55  profilanswer

C'est plus classe que POE II, ça claque :D

Posté le 15-10-2018 à 08:14:55  profilanswer

Transactions (1)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 10:21:12  profilanswer

Bon, ça sent le pâté. J’ai fini un chapitre. Je trouvais que ça manquait de mise en scène à la fin, mais soit. La ça fait 6 mois in game que rien ne se passe en dehors d’événements de royaumes que je ne peux pas résoudre dans les temps.  
Je suis apparemment en guerre avec une nation que j’ai détruite et je suis en train de perdre :o
Mais vu que je peux plus rien faire contre eux... bah je suis en game over si je change pas la difficulté. Et y a plus de nouvelle quête.  
Bref, ça sent la sauvegarde de 150h qui va finir à la benne.


Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 10:36:02  profilanswer

ah oui c'est moche :/

Topic escape game \o/ / Topic Artifact

Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 10:59:17  profilanswer

Kryone a écrit :

Bon, ça sent le pâté. J’ai fini un chapitre. Je trouvais que ça manquait de mise en scène à la fin, mais soit. La ça fait 6 mois in game que rien ne se passe en dehors d’événements de royaumes que je ne peux pas résoudre dans les temps.  
Je suis apparemment en guerre avec une nation que j’ai détruite et je suis en train de perdre :o
Mais vu que je peux plus rien faire contre eux... bah je suis en game over si je change pas la difficulté. Et y a plus de nouvelle quête.  
Bref, ça sent la sauvegarde de 150h qui va finir à la benne.

Fallait pas faire le malin :o

Long Long Man
Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 12:04:42  profilanswer

Kryone a écrit :

Bon, ça sent le pâté. J’ai fini un chapitre. Je trouvais que ça manquait de mise en scène à la fin, mais soit. La ça fait 6 mois in game que rien ne se passe en dehors d’événements de royaumes que je ne peux pas résoudre dans les temps.  
Je suis apparemment en guerre avec une nation que j’ai détruite et je suis en train de perdre :o
Mais vu que je peux plus rien faire contre eux... bah je suis en game over si je change pas la difficulté. Et y a plus de nouvelle quête.  
Bref, ça sent la sauvegarde de 150h qui va finir à la benne.

Moi j'ai pas un kopeck et les conseillers que je mets sur des missions sont des quiches  [:pikitfleur:4]  
Et jtrouve les quêtes de compagnons assez "bof".  
Genre Linzi.

Spoiler :

Bon, on récupère son imprimante et euh..... ah bon c'est fini.

L'aut' nain là,

Spoiler :

on va dans l'ancienne forteresse, il pète l'enclume et ....... retourne mater le paysage sur la falaise....?

Passepartout aux potions

Spoiler :

on l'emmène à la forteresse, il écrit un rapport et.... ah d'accord c'est tout....

Mixologue amateur
Transactions (1)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 12:39:55  profilanswer

J'ai du mal à continuer de mon côté.
Je ne trouve presqu'aucun personnage secondaire intéressant et la quête principale ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard, jusqu'où j'en suis arrivé en tout cas :sweat:  
Je veux la suite de Tyranny  [:theorie du nerdz:4]


Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-10-2018 à 18:42:22  profilanswer

Sortie d'un nouveau patch qui est identifié chez Owlcat comme "plus qu'un patch" car il amène quelques "features" qui n'existaient pas dans les versions précédentes dans la gestion du royaume.
Ils s'expliquent aussi sur la sortie rapide des patchs et des bug qui apparaissent avec ces patchs. Ils en assument les conséquences, mais vont continuer tant qu'il y a des bugs critiques puis vont arrêter les patchs pendant 2 semaines avant de sortir un gros correctif.
Même si j'attends une version stable avant de recommencer, j'apprécie la franchise de ce studio de développement et les efforts qu'ils font pour améliorer leur jeu....

Citation :

This hotfix happens to be a big one – more like a patch, in fact. A big and important feature comes live in this version: from now on, you can choose between different Kingdom region upgrades - which become available together with the new state of your capital, the city outfit.  
Finally, there is one more thing we at Owlcat wanted to talk to you about.
Unfortunately, there is a downside to the speed with which we solve newly-found issues - to be completely honest, it doesn’t leave us enough time to test all of the game thoroughly after each fix. It takes a whole week at minimum to test every aspect of our complex game, so delivering 2-3 hotfixes each week leaves our team only enough time to check fixes locally. Still, we know this is no excuse for issues that persist in the game, as well as those that are added with some of the fixes. Every bug report we receive literally tears us apart with the feeling of guilt for not finding and solving the issue before the game went live. As such, we want to be open with all you Pathfinders, so that you understand our philosophy and our current pipeline. Right now we feel it is more important to keep fixing critical issues as quickly as possible, rather than to stop releasing hotfixes for about 2 weeks and focus on a big patch.
Once we are sure all major problems have been addressed, we will get back to a more stable, "patch-oriented" development approach.

Don't Panic
Transactions (0)
Posté le 17-10-2018 à 03:19:02  profilanswer

Je trouve que ça fait amateur :/ Je suis d'autant plus frustré qu'avec du temps de développement supplémentaire on aurait eu un des meilleurs cRPG depuis 15 ans. Vu leur gestion des patch/hot fixes ça n'augure rien de bon pour la suite, ils vont passer leur budget post release en fixe et non sur le contenu qui est aussi necessaire vu les grosses carences dans certain domaines (information manquante, interface confuse etc).

I have a bad feeling about this
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 17-10-2018 à 09:54:26  profilanswer

En effet, c'est assez dommage comme démarche surtout que le titre semblait "assez clean" à la sortie.
J'ai bien déroulé mes 20 heures de jeu à la sortie... puis tout ces patchs sont arrivés... et maintenant je ne sais pas trop quand je le reprendrais.
Certainement dans quelques mois car là ça change trop... et je serai alors obligé de tout recommencer car je ne me souviendrais de rien ou presque.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (0)
Posté le 17-10-2018 à 10:02:54  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

En effet, c'est assez dommage comme démarche surtout que le titre semblait "assez clean" à la sortie.
J'ai bien déroulé mes 20 heures de jeu à la sortie... puis tout ces patchs sont arrivés... et maintenant je ne sais pas trop quand je le reprendrais.
Certainement dans quelques mois car là ça change trop... et je serai alors obligé de tout recommencer car je ne me souviendrais de rien ou presque.

il etait assez clean sur acte 1 et 2
c'est derrière que ça chiait dans la colle, mais forcément comme tout le monde reboot tout le temps, il a bien fallu 2 semaines pour que les premiers s'en rendent compte.  
du coup ça patch les chapitres 1 par 1 au fur et à mesure des remontées...
apparemment sortir un jeu fini c'est pas possible en 2018, faut toujours y retoucher pendant 1 an, ça me soule perso.
après le jeu est bon dans ce que j'ai vu, très D&D. l'histoire est pas incroyable mais c'est vraiment l'exploration, les quetes annexes qui sont sympas, un peu comme deadfire je trouve
mais ça reste très long et dur de savoir quoi faire tellement tu peux rentrer dans une grotte et game over en 2 minutes :D

Topic escape game \o/ / Topic Artifact
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 18-10-2018 à 18:05:56  profilanswer

Pathfinder Kingmaker : nos guides pour le RPG "à l'ancienne" du moment [...] moment.htm

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 18-10-2018 à 18:11:33  profilanswer


"Assemble a Militia in Varnhold" could be started before the player was able to enter Varnhold. Resolution: fixed.
Not all the guards were triggered into aggressive state while completing "Intervene in Varnhold" objective, making the quest impossible to complete. Resolution: fixed. For players, who already encountered this issue, Tirval has a new dialog to complete the objective.
Amiri's sword repair didn't count in the companion's quest ("Reforged Blade" ). Resolution: fixed. Affected saves files have also been corrected.
Valerie's first companion quest was easy to miss - its starting event was active for 10 days only. Resolution: the active period of the starting event was extended.
"Search for poachers somewhere in the Narlmarches" objective could not be completed due to the chance that the related special encounter didn't happen. Resolution: fixed.
The dialogue with Eimar could be interrupted ("The River's Justice" quest), making the quest impossible to complete. Resolution: fixed.
Romance with Tristian didn't continue in some cases after events at the "Abandoned keep" area during the "Betrayer's flight" quest. Resolution: fixed. Unfortunately, the affected saves couldn't be fixed. Those players who want to continue romance with Tristian have to use saves before "Betrayer's flight" quest completion.
Players could use the rule posts after the debates ("Inconsequent Debates" quest), which led to Jubilost becoming a frog permanently. Resolution: fixed.
Dialogue with Alondi ("A Bard's Calling" quest) was interrupted after the first phrase, making the quest impossible to complete. Resolution: fixed.
"Impatient Pirates" quest didn't finish in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Pitax Wardens had their Combat Expertise bonuses multiplied every time players saved the game. Resolution: fixed.
Dialogue with Nyrissa could not be finished in some cases at "Abandoned Keep" area. Resolution: fixed.  
It was possible to do the "Shrewish Gulch" book event more than once. Resolution: fixed.
Party could be teleported to a random area after the Book Event at "Castle of Knives" area. Resolution: fixed.
There was a chance to get the second copy of Briar at Pitax King Palace. Resolution: fixed.
There was incorrect entrance into "Empty Skull Rock" area. This area couldn't be found by perception check on the Global Map. Resolution: both issues are fixed.
There was incorrect entrance into "Middle of Nowhere" area. Resolution: fixed.
Dialogue with Salim Ghadafar was triggered every time after loading at "Castle of Knives" area. Resolution: fixed.
There were several issues with navigation at "Castle of Knives" area (some loot chests were unreachable; no collisions for some models). Resolution: fixed.
Players couldn't loot dead Darwen at "Brineheart". Resolution: fixed.
There were two areas for Amiri's companion quest with the same names ("Six Bears Camp" ) which confused players. Resolution: fixed. The outdated area changed its name now.  
Under certain conditions, quest NPCs could not appear at "Flintlock Grasslands" area infused by the First World (the last chapter). Resolution: fixed.
Bartholomew could be missing at "Wizard's Laboratory" area when players tried to return his whip. Resolution: fixed.
Amiri could keep immortal state after completing events at "Flintlock Grasslands" area. Resolution: fixed.
"Shallow Gulch" area doesn't require perception check on the Global Map anymore.
One of the areas had incorrect type and visualization on the Global Map. Resolution: fixed.
The dialogue (Merchant in Distress) didn't work correctly if players resolved the event with fey-pranker peacefully. Resolution: a new dialogue option has been added.
Dialogue with goblins located behind the Lamashtu statue was not available. Resolution: fixed.
User Interfaces
Characters in Inventory could become black-and-white in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
HP-bar is improved to indicate correctly Hit Points left.
Interaction and exit area markers got stuck in the game frame sometimes. Resolution: fixed.
Pitax final kingdom event didn't start. Resolution: fixed.
Brevoy councilor didn't appear at "Throne Room" area and Kingdom development couldn't progress. Resolution: fixed.
The project to get rid of Lander Lebeda's spies was not available. Resolution: fixed.
Kingdom could be destroyed without triggering the gameover dialogue in some rare cases. Resolution: fixed.
The kingdom event "A Mysterious Letter has Arrived at the Castle" (the letter from Linxia; "Deal With the Devil" quest) didn't finish correctly. Resolution: fixed.
Building tooltips have numbers of the kingdom stats which are upgraded by the specific building now.
Classes & Mechanics
Players who strayed from their prescripted alignment as divine classes and lost their spells asked us to provide them with a way to atone for their transgressions. Resolution: Jhod Kavken and Arsinoe sell Scrolls of Atonement now. Using that scroll returns you to the alignment you selected during character creation at the start of the game which in turn should help characters if they lost their spells.
There was empty description for the buff that caused 50% chance of a spell failure due to the First World influence in some areas. Resolution: fixed.
Warpainted Skull of Duthica disappeared after use and did not summon two barbarian spirits. Resolution: Warpainted skull can be properly used once per day and summons two barbarian spirits.
There could be two copies of Grimoire in Blakemoor's inventory. Resolution: fixed.
Companions who died from the Disintegrate spell disappeared from the party. Resolution: fixed.
Jaethal and Linzi became invisible if they died from the Disintegrate spell. Resolution: fixed.
Vital Strike inflicted extremely low damage. Resolution: fixed.
Bokken's masterpiece didn't work. Resolution: fixed.
Lawful Neutral Inquisitors and Clerics of Torag could not cast spells. Resolution: fixed.
Enchanted shields no longer give double bonus when equipped (some extraneous enchantments may still remain in older saves).
Animal Companions that Druids got from Animal Domain did not scale properly off druid level (while the animal companions that Inquisitors and Clerics got from the same domain were doing just fine). Resolution: fixed.
Hospitalers and Empyreal Sorcerers could not select Selective Channel and Extra Channel. Resolution: fixed.  
The Energy Source ring did not give additional Channel Energy charges to Hospitalers and Empyreal Sorcerers. Resolution: fixed.
There was an issue with one of Nyrissa's animations. Resolution: fixed.
Zip library is upgraded to fix some rare save corruption issues. Unfortunately, affected saves files can not be corrected.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Transactions (1)
Posté le 18-10-2018 à 21:37:39  profilanswer

Il envoie du steak ce patch. Ma capitale a totalement changé de look et je me demande si la quête principle n’est pas débloquée.  
J’aime bien.


Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-10-2018 à 10:11:45  profilanswer

Ils doivent bosser non stop là, parce-que sortir autant de patch c'est quand même un boulot de dingue

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 19-10-2018 à 11:40:17  profilanswer

Boulot qu'ils auraient quand même du faire avant de sortir le titre... mais de nos jours c'est devenu monnaie courante...  :sweat:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-10-2018 à 12:01:54  profilanswer

Malheureusement embaucher des gens pour faire du testing ça coûte très cher (et c'est long si c'est bien fait), du coup ben c'est vous qui faite le boulot :D

Message édité par VVVVVVV le 19-10-2018 à 12:02:32
Transactions (1)
Posté le 21-10-2018 à 11:52:32  profilanswer

Et vu la longueur du jeu, ça doit pas aider non plus :o
J’ai testé le donjon final. Enfin un qui y ressemble en tout cas. Y a un certain potentiel d’emmerdement :o

Spoiler :

vous avez intérêt à avoir bien fait les quêtes des compagnons, sinon, hop rébellion :o
Et vu que le jeu est truffé de bugs, les miennes se sont pas validées donc je me sens un peu seul...

Transactions (1)
Posté le 21-10-2018 à 19:34:06  profilanswer

Bon du coup, je vais me faire une équipe personnalisée pour pallier aux bugs. Mais je trouve ça moche :o

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 22-10-2018 à 21:26:49  profilanswer


The Six Bears Camp was inaccessible during the "Reforged Blade" quest. Resolution: fixed.
The game could freeze or crash if the party came to the "A Feast of Feasts" quest area without Ekundayo and talked to Ntavi or Elina. Resolution: fixed.
The "Door to Nowhere" quest couldn't be completed under certain conditions. Resolution: fixed.
The "Varisian Caravan" area ("By Desna's Paths" quest) didn't appear on the Global Map. Resolution: fixed.
Irlene didn't start a conversation about her artisan quest. Resolution: fixed.
A dialogue with Tristian didn't work correctly in the Capital after completion of "Betrayer's Flight" quest. Resolution: fixed.
The players could get the reward for the quest at the "City of Hollow Eyes" area more than once. Resolution: fixed.
It was impossible to talk to Hassuf the vendor at the city-state Capital Square (Neutral Good alignment). Resolution: fixed.
The attempt to rest at Capital Square could cause the game to freeze if there were active events in the "Throne Room" area. Resolution: fixed.
Poor Bokken could die again after his artisan's quest if players came to the "Oleg's Trading Post" area. Resolution: fixed again.
Valerie's quest NPC didn't leave the "Throne Room" area. Resolution: fixed.
User Interfaces
To change their selected Deity, players had to start customizing a new character from the beginning. Resolution: fixed.
"Problem with Taxes" and "Letter from Brevoy" kingdom events couldn't be completed in some cases. Resolution: fixed. Specific choices are automatically selected to resolve these events for affected saves files (for characters with good alignment - taxes are not collected twice; project for the road construction is available. Neutral alignment - Oleg's Trading Post moved under the jurisdiction of Restov; project to improve diplomatic affairs with Restov is available. Evil alignment - baron's troops are sent to strengthen Oleg's Trading Post; project to improve fortification is available).
Upgrading an artisan's shop doesn't disable the artisan any longer.
Classes & Mechanics
Players could get two animal companions from different classes. Resolution: the animal companion players got later do not appear any longer. Its levels were added to the first animal companion.
Non-Aasimar characters could select Wings as a feat after 10th level. Resolution: only Aasimars can select the Wings feat now.
Clerics with Sun domain did not get any domain spells. Resolution: fixed.
There were issues with the visualization of critical threat range and critical multiplier bonuses for equipped weapons. Resolution: fixed.
“Chilly Midnight” was not working correctly, dealing physical damage instead of dexterity damage. Resolution: fixed. The item has to be reequipped.
“Gear's Rule” didn't add 1d6 to alchemist bomb damage. Resolution: fixed. The item has to be reequipped.
The “Downfall” bow didn't work. Resolution: fixed.
New pack of typo and localization fixes.
Performance improvements for the Global Map with the area names turned on.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Transactions (1)
Posté le 23-10-2018 à 12:29:02  profilanswer

Ça avance pas mal. Le jeu est dans un meilleur état. Ça fait plaisir.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 24-10-2018 à 17:44:55  profilanswer


There were no characters near Pitax Academy during Linzi's "A Bard's Calling" quest. Resolution: fixed.
One of the choices could incorrectly interrupt the dialogue with Nyrissa in one of the later chapters. Resolution: fixed.
"The Lonely Hunter" quest didn’t complete correctly if the player picked an option to kill Ivar at "Silverstep Grove" area. Resolution: fixed.
The "Hand of the Technic League" quest wasn't marked as failed at the start of the second chapter. Resolution: fixed.
Interface to chose sub-location to enter was missing at Capital Square in some cases. Players could enter "village-state" Capital Square instead of the available "city-state" one. Resolution: fixed.
Dialogue with Stefano Moskoni didn't work correctly at "Rushlight Fields" area. Resolution: fixed.
Some characters could remain uncontrollable in some cases (for example, Amiri could be broken after Flintrock Grassland bugs). Resolution: fixed.
"Test of Loyalty" event could work incorrectly for Tristian and Jaethal under certain circumstances at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area. Resolution: fixed.
Puzzle with three chests didn't work at "Pitax Royal Palace" area. Resolution: fixed.
Trolls, goblins or other unintended creatures could appear at "city-state" Capital Square after Coronation event. Resolution: fixed.
The dead companions could be incorrectly resurrected with the "Raise Dead" spell during the "Test of Loyalty" event at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area. Resolution: fixed.
"Pitax wins" event will no longer appear in the finished events deck after players defeat Pitax.
Assassins, monsters and bards kingdom events could still be active after defeating Irovetti. Resolution: fixed.
Lander Lebeda, Shandra Mervey and Kassil Aldori could appear at the capital regardless of the players decisions. Kingdom events to rank up the "Population" stat could work incorrectly if Lander Lebeda was appointed. Resolution: fixed.
The kingdom rank up event to improve "Loyalty" stat up to X didn't finish correctly (related project couldn't start properly too). Resolution: fixed.
The Baron's animation could be broken after the "Pitaxian Crowd Awaits an Audience" event. Resolution: fixed.
The kingdom event could not be completed correctly if it happened at the same time when the related councilor left the post. This issue could concern Espionage, Military and Stability events if Ekundayo or Amiri took the posts. Resolution: fixed. Players have to re-enter the "Throne Room" area - the stuck event should start after players appoint an adviser to the position.
Kingdom project "Find Mention of Armag's Tomb" could not be available for the players in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Classes & Mechanics
Armor stats could have incorrect calculation when loading game saves or changing areas. Resolution: fixed.
Swarms and the other monsters of the similar types were incorrectly immune to some area effect spells like Blade Barrier. Resolution: fixed.
"Back to Back" feat applied bonuses multiple times. Resolution: fixed.
Protection Domain was not giving bonuses to saving throws. Resolution: fixed.
"Two Weapon Fighting" feat didn't work if base Dexterity value (without race and equipment modifications) was less than 15. Resolution: fixed.
Paladins that use "Lay on hands" charges for channel energy couldn't get "Selective Channeling" feat. Resolution: fixed.
Splash weapon (Alchemists Fire, Acid Flask, Alchemist's Bomb) could make sneak damage when missed. Resolution: fixed.
Madness Domain "Vision of Madness" ability was unusable. Resolution: fixed.
Mastery fauchard was dealing damage even on failed combat maneuvers and was not giving immunity to the forced movement of the spell Tsunami. Resolution: fixed.
Vicious weapon quality dealt non-magical slashing damage, causing it to be blocked by damage reduction. Resolution: It deals purely magical damage now that is not blocked by anything except qualities that reduce any type of damage.
"Royal Guardian" armor had more Maximum Dexterity Bonus than was mentioned in the description. Resolution: the maximum dexterity bonus was reduced to fit the description.
"Grandmaster's Rod" functioned as just "Greater Maximize Metamagic Rod". Resolution: It functions according to the description now.
"Great Dreamer's Smile" ring added the Spell Penetration bonus twice. Resolution: fixed.
"Mirror Bow" masterpiece second arrow ability did not work. Resolution: fixed.
"Undeath to Death" and "Circle of Death" did not work as well as in tabletop - as at the levels you got them you would not get many encounters with enemies that had less than 10 HD that would warrant the use of sixth level spell. They also did not require material components. Resolution: both spells inflict 100 damage on targets with HD higher than 9, but require 10 diamond dust to cast (similar to tabletop in terms of pricing).
Activatable abilities stopped working for not active companions (though they were kept visualized as active in the interface). Resolution: fixed.
"Weapon Focus" feat applied as bonus feat on the first level of Cleric Crusader didn't work. Resolution: fixed. "Weapon focus" feat will work correctly after the next cleric crusader level-up for the affected save files.
Thassilonian Mage couldn't use scrolls and wands without "Use Magic Devices" skill. Resolution: fixed.
Skeletons summoned by Jaethal's camping ability didn't disappear after death. Resolution: fixed.
One of the vendors at the "Rushlight Tournament" area was selling a unique armor "Ravena's Embrace". Resolution: fixed. For players, who have already bought it, it will remain in the inventory.
"Ravena's Oath" shield didn't actually provide some of the bonuses, listed in the description. Resolution: fixed.
"Mythslayer", "Perfection", "Sovereign" and "Great Dreamer's Smile" no longer grant Base Attack Bonus, but give Additional Attack Bonus instead.
There could be several Briars in Irovetti's inventory. Resolution: fixed.
"Acerbic Ring" didn't give 1d6 to alchemist bomb damage. Resolution: fixed. Players have to reequip it to apply the fix.
"Dwarven Urgrosh +4" and "Gnome Hooked Hammer +4" had incorrect names. Resolution: fixed.
There were issues with "Dreamscape" area lightening. Resolution: fixed.
New pack of typos and localization fixes.
The Unity could chose to use OpenGL API instead of Metal on Mac platform in some cases which could cause a crash on game start. Resolution: we still couldn't reproduce this case locally but potential fix for this issue was implemented.
Other players autosaves can no longer overwrite "Last Azlanti" mode saves. Please, load your old "Last Azlanti" saves at least once to ensure this fix is applied to them.
Loading an autosave made while creating a mercenary could break the game. Resolution: the game doesn't make autosaves in this case any longer. Affected saves should be also corrected.
There could be issues with cloaks physics simulations on some computers. "Clothdisabled" command line switch was added to help with related game crashes.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 25-10-2018 à 14:22:27  profilanswer


"A Simple Favor" quest could not be completed under certain conditions. Resolution: fixed.
"The Door to Nowhere" quest could not be completed in rare cases. Resolution: fixed. Jubilost will correctly spawn at the "Tavern" area.
Players couldn't talk to Fredero Sinnet while doing the "Shelyn's Chosen" quest. Resolution: fixed.
The "Amiri Wants to Talk" kingdom event could get stuck in some cases and the "Reforged Blade" quest didn't start. Resolution: fixed.
Lootboxes in the "River Blades' Camp" area could not be looted. Resolution: fixed.
There interface to enter the Capital's sub-location was absent in some cases. The players could enter the "village-state" Capital Square instead of the available "city-state" one. Resolution: fixed.
NPCs at "Pitax" area said incorrect phrases in the dialogues after Pitax conquest. Resolution: fixed.
One of the key character could die during the final fight resulting in the incorrect ending (part of the dialogue options could be missing). Resolution: fixed.
User Interface
Party roster wasn't saved correctly when players enter and exit the Capital. Resolution: fixed.  
There could be duplicated and missing portraits in the saved games. Resolution: fixed.
Dead companions couldn't be selected in the Inventory and Character Interface if they died in the area different than the current one. Resolution: fixed.
Classes & Mechanics
Alchemists who lost their bomb ability due to an issue should have it back.
"Fighting Defensively" counted "Mobility" ranks with a dexterity bonus when determining whether to give a +2 or +3 bonus. Resolution: "Fighting Defensively" counts only ranks now.
There could be issue with characters lost their "Weapon Proficiencies". Resolution: fixed.
There could be issues with save files if players exited the game while a save file was being written to disk. Resolution: the game will exit only after completing the save procedure.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Michel de Hurlevent
Transactions (0)
Posté le 25-10-2018 à 14:52:41  profilanswer

Ils ont nerfé l'inquisiteur déjà ou pas ? :o

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 25-10-2018 à 15:27:32  profilanswer

Parce qu'il faut lire en plus ?
J'attends juste que la vague de "fix" s'arrête pour enfin relancer le jeu.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Michel de Hurlevent
Transactions (0)
Posté le 25-10-2018 à 15:29:20  profilanswer

'tain les 3 premiers chapitres du jeu étaient fort peu buggés à la sortie en plus, qu'est-ce qui leur a pris de hotfix à l'emporte-pièce comme ça  [:jeanpierre decombres:5]

Transactions (1)
Posté le 25-10-2018 à 21:15:40  profilanswer

Ils nerferont jamais rien :o
Par contre le donjon des fées vers le lvl15  [:kzimir] c’est d’un pénible... Que ce soit l’architecture du truc, les mobs par paquets de 20 avec sneak attack, aura de paralysie, haste et compagnie, les énigmes perchées et la double réalité. C’est lourd.

Message édité par Kryone le 25-10-2018 à 21:19:06
Spoons made me fat
Transactions (7)
Posté le 26-10-2018 à 16:17:51  profilanswer

Un patch par jour, tranquille   [:stardrawer:1]
Ceux qui jouent, ça casse pas les parties en cours?  [:aelenia]

Message édité par nicolas_yad le 26-10-2018 à 16:18:23
Transactions (1)
Posté le 26-10-2018 à 22:08:58  profilanswer

Ça les répare en fait. C’est un peu comme si tu voulais regarder une série à la tv. Chaque jour y a un orchestre qui débloque debug une partie de contenu supplémentaire :o
Hier j’étais bloqué sur la gestion des sauvegardes au dernier chapitre et ce soir, je peux charger mes sauvegardes de vers la fin du jeu normalement :o
Par contre, je pense avoir perdu une tonne d’XP potentielle vu toutes les quêtes non validables.  
Lvl15 au début du dernier chapitre, 16 alors que je suis vraisemblablement pas trop mal avancé. Ça sent le loup.

Message édité par Kryone le 26-10-2018 à 22:11:14
Transactions (1)
Posté le 27-10-2018 à 15:20:17  profilanswer

Combat final : je tue le boss, crash :o
Encore un truc fun.

Spoons made me fat
Transactions (7)
Posté le 27-10-2018 à 16:01:37  profilanswer

Kryone a écrit :

Combat final : je tue le boss, crash :o
Encore un truc fun.

C'était pas un cas de figure pris en compte lors du dev  [:ddr555]

Transactions (1)
Posté le 28-10-2018 à 08:30:46  profilanswer

Rigole rigole :o
C’est sûrement vrai !
Au bout de 4 essais, c’est passé mais surprise  

Spoiler :

il a une troisième transformation et en plusieurs essais, je n’ai jamais réussi à lui mettre un seul coup tellement j’enchaîne les miss. C’est rageant.  
Et sans oublier le boss précédent qui traîne à côté et qui ne passe jamais du statut near death à mort :o

Message édité par Kryone le 28-10-2018 à 08:31:07
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 29-10-2018 à 12:30:02  profilanswer





"The First Crown" quest couldn't be completed if players didn't talk to Salim Ghadafar before all crown parts would be found. Resolution: fixed.


"One Thousand and One Questionable Stories" could start earlier than intended. Resolution: fixed.


There was (one more) problem with Tristian romance not progressing after the dialog with him in the Abandoned Keep area. Resolution: fixed. Affected players should load the save file prior to this dialog and get a special romance option in it ("Let me take you home." )




Storyteller couldn't craft "Tiger Armor" and "Star Gauntlet" artifacts. Resolution: fixed.


The game could get stuck when leaving the throne room after completing the kingdom event regarding Annamede Belavarah performance at the Capital Square. Resolution: fixed.


Characters could leave the ruined basement part of "House At The Edge Of Time" area with irremovable "Wild Energies" debuff. Resolution: fixed. For effected saves where party are still at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area, players have to visit the ruined basement part and leave it again to remove the debuff.


The Defaced Sister at "Barbarian Camp" area can now count to three and provide a correct line depending on how many of her sisters the player has saved / killed.


Vendors are added to the "Pitax Town" area after conquering the city.


After leaving the councilor post Jhod Kavken could disappear from the Capital Square forever. Resolution: fixed.


Bokken didn't trade with the players during the "An Ancient Formula" quest. Resolution: fixed.




In rare cases, Sartaye could start coming every time the player enters the throne room. Resolution: fixed.


Events for Divine VIII and IX Rank ups as well as Arcane VII and Arcane IX could get stuck in some cases. Resolution: fixed. Projects for respective rank ups are given as intended.


Events for Community IX and X Rank ups could get stuck. Resolution: fixed. Projects for respective rank ups are given as intended.


Culture X Rank up event will start properly. 


There were incorrect numbers in the Loyalty stat reward in a couple of Pitax Influence events. Resolution: fixed.


Region upgrade cards are correctly removed now when you finish upgrading the region.


Bald Hilltop events such as "Creeping Death", "Battle for the Bald Hilltop" and "Hunting the Wild Hunt" correctly complete respective quest objectives now.


Linxia stops attacks on denizens of your barony properly.


No entry points on Pitax city map. Resolution: fixed.


Quest objective "Upgrade any region" in the "How to Build a Kingdom" quest can be completed correctly now.


Quest objectives in the "Region Upgrade" quest can be completed correctly now.


Rank up time reduction project did not work. Resolution: fixed.


Classes & Mechanics


"Secret of Hooking and Summoning" killed any creatures, not just summoned ones. Resolution: fixed.


At 15th level of Arcane and Sage bloodline Sorcerer the characters received School Power - but were unable to select the school that would receive a bonus. Resolution: Sorcerers can now select the school properly. The game will try to select the favored school for sorcerers that are already past level 15 (the selection is based on the other school related feats and the spell selection of a sorcerer, favoring schools with spell focuses and higher level selected spells).


Weapon enhancing abilities of Magus, Paladin and ranger archetypes Stormwalker and Flamewarden did not affect unarmed attacks. Resolution: While the rules were ambiguous, we decided that there is no need to limit player selection in this case and made them affect unarmed attacks as well as weapons.


Alchemist counted as a divine class for the requirements of Mystic Theurge. Resolution: fixed.


The caster level check was incorrect for "Bloodbird" removal (37 instead of 26). Resolution: fixed.


"Overwhelming Presence" worked incorrectly. Resolution: fixed.


Whenever any character had two identical metamagic rods equipped on his belt the charges were spending on both. Resolution: fixed.


Paladin's archetype Divine Guardian could only use Lay on Hands as a move action on himself (while he should have also been able to use them as a move action on the target of his Divine Troth ability). Resolution: fixed.




Linzi didn't disappear after death if she died with active polymorph effect. Resolution: fixed.


Chinese localization bugs in Recipes are fixed.


Message édité par BillyCorgan le 01-11-2018 à 11:42:57

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
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