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[CG]Freeloader DMC , CG annulé , merci bien pour ma tresorerie ...


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Posté le 06-02-2003 à 07:59:00  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
pour les imports c'est en france!!!
c pas cher 55-60? fdpin
je suis en train de tester actuellement  pour animal crossing :jap:

Posté le 06-02-2003 à 07:59:00  profilanswer

Steam: Lynkk
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 08:53:46  profilanswer

Louartu1 a écrit :

Edit : Suite a un post foireux d'un forumeur, j'ai cru que zelda ne serait pas compatible avec le freeloader  :pfff:  
Je suis tjr de la fête pour la CG  :)  

Comme koi  :o

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 09:50:11  profilanswer

Lynk a écrit :

Comme koi  :o  

les gens font vraiment confiance à n'importe qui hein ? :D

Message édité par nik166 le 06-02-2003 à 09:51:00

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  
Steam: Lynkk
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 09:58:50  profilanswer

nik166 a écrit :

les gens font vraiment confiance à n'importe qui hein ? :D

 :kaola:  J'ai essaye j'habite a deux blocks de NoA

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 10:02:25  profilanswer

et moi j'habite chez MoA :p

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  
Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 10:14:10  profilanswer

Bon on en est où avec ce FreeLoader ?  [:humpty dumpty]

Yatta !!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 10:15:05  profilanswer

Il est dispo à Republique alors ?

"La femme pond, c'est pour ça qu'elle est supérieur à l'homme" (Jean-Claude Vandamme)
ストリートファイターBrasileiro NTSC-J
Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:10:02  profilanswer

Citation :

dont give your hopes up, theres been lots of problems with it, as u can see on datels forums  
Tales from Datel's GameCube forum:  
Hollywood Hasney:  
OK, bugs then....  
This seems very buggy, at least with Monkey Ball 2, and I know it's not the disc since I played it on a friends US console  
Problems with this game:  
Loading a game = crash  
Pausing a game = crash  
And I havn't bothered finding anymore yet  
EDIT: Trying to watch the intro (not pressing start at the AV logo) = crash  
OK, final thing....  
If you select a region manually with the lid still closed and the Freeloader disc in... it crashed... BUT, I just did it with the lid open, then put MOnkey Ball 2 in and it's been fine, the places where it usually crashes (Intro, loading) it hasn't so far  
Sure, it seems a pain in the arse so far, but it's well worth the effort  
EDIT: Just noticed, it's now full-screen too  
I have got a little problem with Metroid Prime( US). No "Metroid"-Sign at the menu-screen and the game's FPS-rate is not even nearly close to 60 fps.  
The disc is okay, already tried it with a US Cube and my PAL-Cube has never shown any problems before...  
Any solutions to this problem? I tried booting without doing anything and I tried booting with selecting the US Flag but nothing helped  
I have a problem with RE:zero, normal boot does not work and neither does method one.  
Method 2 however works BUT when i play the game the quality is extremly poor, the voice acting is not woth the character and they talk real slow, when i fire a gun it takes about 10 secs for one bullet to fire, its that slow.  
I'm trying to boot using method one using a few ways atm. But i have one question,  
Im using the scart lead at the front of the T.V ( red,white, yellow ends which plug in the FRONT of the tv) could this effect my TV running the game in 60hz? should i get the proper cable and stuck it at the back of the tv like normal?  
And I have got no problems to boot the game but at my first try the Metroid-Emblem in the Start Up screen was missing and the game was running very slow. As I tried again after I wrote the first posting it worked without a problem.  
Both times starting the GC with the FL-Disc, pressing Z to access the "Region"-Window and inserting the Metroid game.  
Hope it works from now on...  
Just got past the train in zero and noticed that the flames are blue and the characters are kinda grey.. is this normal?  
Out of the 3 boot methods only the picking the flag one works, and thats the one with the terrible quality..  
i have problem with RE 0 and metroid prime. For RE i have the same problem like someone else in the forum blue colors and very slow action, i'm using the method two, for metroid when i'm using the first method the game running fine but when i use the elevator in the second level the game crashs, if i use the second method i can pass the elevator but blue colors come, with the first method i haven't the logo metroid, i'm very disappointed i'm just take this two games today!!!  
Yeah, when I play AC it only randomly seems to load up on the Z-method. Otherwise, the screen stays black. Im using the official RGB on mine too...  
The Freeloader is not working for me either. I'm getting the same problems like everyone else. With Resi Evil 0, it will only boot up using the Z method but with this, the game is extremely slow and sound is messed up, making it unplayable. Metroid Prime runs using the first method, but the game is choppy when you move around. Monkey Ball 2 works with method 2 but crashes constantly. I'm using the official Nintendo Gamecube RGB Scart Lead.  
Very disappointed with this. I paid £150 for all my import games when I heard this product was going to be released. What a waste of money. I don't believe this.  
Well just to report to you guys wanting to play AC when you get F.L, it's working absolutely perfectly, it's a charm. No choppiness, no sound probs, infact it is really good. Well done Datel. I will now have months of fun on AC!  
Hollywood Hasney:  
try this, this is the only way I got it to work without crashes and may work on other games  
Step 1) Boot up GC with lid open  
Step 2) At Menu, move to Gameplay  
Step 3) Close Lid... when disc has finished driving press A then Start  
Step 4) Open lid when loaded  
Step 5) Press Z and select USA region  
Step 6) Insert Monkey Ball 2]  
It works PERFECT when I do that, if I miss out the 1st 3 steps, it doesn't boot up at all always :?  
alright for me it works perfectly (using one of the three loading method) with these us games:  
eternal darkness, mario sunshine,star fox, soccer slam, beach spikers and yes metroid!  
sometimes for metroid and beach spikers using the 2nd method, i got weird colors (such as red instead of blue or somethings like that) but when i start again it's gone. it happens one time for about thirty tries. so it's not often and not a big deal.  
i didn't play much so i don't know if sometimes it crashes during the game, but i'll try tonight.  
Resident Evil Zero (USA) -  
This game has the biggest problem making it impossible to play currently. It will only run using the third boot method. When this game boots up after using the Freeloader, it is extremely slow and choppy, sound is messed up making it totally unplayable.  
Metroid Prime (USA)  
This game has various issues but is now perfectly playable for me. If I boot this game using boot methods 1 or 2 it will run, but the titles screen is completely blank with just the text and a black background. If you continue and start the game, it will be very choppy when you move Samus around. The screen moves very jerkily. Even though its playable like this, its not really recommended. Its like its trying to play it in 50hz, when the game wasnt designed to,be played like this. hence the strange choppiness.  
Now when I first used boot method 3 on it, the game would load up, even having the full titles screen, but there would be one BIG problem. The colours of the game would be messed up completely, i.e. yellow is blue etc. However, (and this has completely baffled me) when I run the game using method 3 now, it runs perfectly, at 60hz with the right colours. I dont know why its suddenly started working with method 3. This just makes things more confusing.  
Animal Crossing  
Again, only works using method 3.  
So it seems there are lots of problems with this Freeloader. Other people might have different experiences with these same games, but I am disappointed by it as I spent approx £150 on the import games, and I can't even play one of them. The problems also seem to be rather random which makes things even worse. Didn't Datel even test this properly? It's not like the games I tried are obscure and hard to find.

AC : SW-5993-1459-0978 / dani / THE REAL KRYSTOPHE (Miss) / Pinacolada   Hémisphère sud
Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:19:50  profilanswer


Citation :

dont give your hopes up, theres been lots of problems with it, as u can see on datels forums  
Tales from Datel's GameCube forum:  
Hollywood Hasney:  
OK, bugs then....  
This seems very buggy, at least with Monkey Ball 2, and I know it's not the disc since I played it on a friends US console  
Problems with this game:  
Loading a game = crash  
Pausing a game = crash  
And I havn't bothered finding anymore yet  
EDIT: Trying to watch the intro (not pressing start at the AV logo) = crash  
OK, final thing....  
If you select a region manually with the lid still closed and the Freeloader disc in... it crashed... BUT, I just did it with the lid open, then put MOnkey Ball 2 in and it's been fine, the places where it usually crashes (Intro, loading) it hasn't so far  
Sure, it seems a pain in the arse so far, but it's well worth the effort  
EDIT: Just noticed, it's now full-screen too  
I have got a little problem with Metroid Prime( US). No "Metroid"-Sign at the menu-screen and the game's FPS-rate is not even nearly close to 60 fps.  
The disc is okay, already tried it with a US Cube and my PAL-Cube has never shown any problems before...  
Any solutions to this problem? I tried booting without doing anything and I tried booting with selecting the US Flag but nothing helped  
I have a problem with RE:zero, normal boot does not work and neither does method one.  
Method 2 however works BUT when i play the game the quality is extremly poor, the voice acting is not woth the character and they talk real slow, when i fire a gun it takes about 10 secs for one bullet to fire, its that slow.  
I'm trying to boot using method one using a few ways atm. But i have one question,  
Im using the scart lead at the front of the T.V ( red,white, yellow ends which plug in the FRONT of the tv) could this effect my TV running the game in 60hz? should i get the proper cable and stuck it at the back of the tv like normal?  
And I have got no problems to boot the game but at my first try the Metroid-Emblem in the Start Up screen was missing and the game was running very slow. As I tried again after I wrote the first posting it worked without a problem.  
Both times starting the GC with the FL-Disc, pressing Z to access the "Region"-Window and inserting the Metroid game.  
Hope it works from now on...  
Just got past the train in zero and noticed that the flames are blue and the characters are kinda grey.. is this normal?  
Out of the 3 boot methods only the picking the flag one works, and thats the one with the terrible quality..  
i have problem with RE 0 and metroid prime. For RE i have the same problem like someone else in the forum blue colors and very slow action, i'm using the method two, for metroid when i'm using the first method the game running fine but when i use the elevator in the second level the game crashs, if i use the second method i can pass the elevator but blue colors come, with the first method i haven't the logo metroid, i'm very disappointed i'm just take this two games today!!!  
Yeah, when I play AC it only randomly seems to load up on the Z-method. Otherwise, the screen stays black. Im using the official RGB on mine too...  
The Freeloader is not working for me either. I'm getting the same problems like everyone else. With Resi Evil 0, it will only boot up using the Z method but with this, the game is extremely slow and sound is messed up, making it unplayable. Metroid Prime runs using the first method, but the game is choppy when you move around. Monkey Ball 2 works with method 2 but crashes constantly. I'm using the official Nintendo Gamecube RGB Scart Lead.  
Very disappointed with this. I paid £150 for all my import games when I heard this product was going to be released. What a waste of money. I don't believe this.  
Well just to report to you guys wanting to play AC when you get F.L, it's working absolutely perfectly, it's a charm. No choppiness, no sound probs, infact it is really good. Well done Datel. I will now have months of fun on AC!  
Hollywood Hasney:  
try this, this is the only way I got it to work without crashes and may work on other games  
Step 1) Boot up GC with lid open  
Step 2) At Menu, move to Gameplay  
Step 3) Close Lid... when disc has finished driving press A then Start  
Step 4) Open lid when loaded  
Step 5) Press Z and select USA region  
Step 6) Insert Monkey Ball 2]  
It works PERFECT when I do that, if I miss out the 1st 3 steps, it doesn't boot up at all always :?  
alright for me it works perfectly (using one of the three loading method) with these us games:  
eternal darkness, mario sunshine,star fox, soccer slam, beach spikers and yes metroid!  
sometimes for metroid and beach spikers using the 2nd method, i got weird colors (such as red instead of blue or somethings like that) but when i start again it's gone. it happens one time for about thirty tries. so it's not often and not a big deal.  
i didn't play much so i don't know if sometimes it crashes during the game, but i'll try tonight.  
Resident Evil Zero (USA) -  
This game has the biggest problem making it impossible to play currently. It will only run using the third boot method. When this game boots up after using the Freeloader, it is extremely slow and choppy, sound is messed up making it totally unplayable.  
Metroid Prime (USA)  
This game has various issues but is now perfectly playable for me. If I boot this game using boot methods 1 or 2 it will run, but the titles screen is completely blank with just the text and a black background. If you continue and start the game, it will be very choppy when you move Samus around. The screen moves very jerkily. Even though its playable like this, its not really recommended. Its like its trying to play it in 50hz, when the game wasnt designed to,be played like this. hence the strange choppiness.  
Now when I first used boot method 3 on it, the game would load up, even having the full titles screen, but there would be one BIG problem. The colours of the game would be messed up completely, i.e. yellow is blue etc. However, (and this has completely baffled me) when I run the game using method 3 now, it runs perfectly, at 60hz with the right colours. I dont know why its suddenly started working with method 3. This just makes things more confusing.  
Animal Crossing  
Again, only works using method 3.  
So it seems there are lots of problems with this Freeloader. Other people might have different experiences with these same games, but I am disappointed by it as I spent approx £150 on the import games, and I can't even play one of them. The problems also seem to be rather random which makes things even worse. Didn't Datel even test this properly? It's not like the games I tried are obscure and hard to find.


ストリートファイターBrasileiro NTSC-J
Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:20:06  profilanswer

ooé ca komence mal.

AC : SW-5993-1459-0978 / dani / THE REAL KRYSTOPHE (Miss) / Pinacolada   Hémisphère sud
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:20:06  profilanswer

Serge Kara​mazov
Tilt d'or 1993
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:23:35  profilanswer

Comme ca donne envie si ce sont pas des fakes.  :sweat:

videogame music & chiptune • le topic •
Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:26:52  profilanswer

je vais le chercher dans 30 mn je voos tiendrais au courant
(tte facon moa g deja zelda metroid and co depuis perpet donc bonje suis pas trop fébrile :D )

Serge Kara​mazov
Tilt d'or 1993
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:30:03  profilanswer

TRUNKS a écrit :

je vais le chercher dans 30 mn je voos tiendrais au courant

CLASSE ! :sol:  

TRUNKS a écrit :

(tte facon moa g deja zelda metroid and co depuis perpet donc bonje suis pas trop fébrile :D )


videogame music & chiptune • le topic •
ストリートファイターBrasileiro NTSC-J
Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:30:17  profilanswer

TRUNKS a écrit :

je vais le chercher dans 30 mn je voos tiendrais au courant
(tte facon moa g deja zelda metroid and co depuis perpet donc bonje suis pas trop fébrile :D )

ta interet a tester un max de jeux sur toote les nationalité de kosoles avant d en faire une review passke si vraiment ca merde avek certain jeux mieux vo le savoar.  :(

AC : SW-5993-1459-0978 / dani / THE REAL KRYSTOPHE (Miss) / Pinacolada   Hémisphère sud
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:31:02  profilanswer


Citation :

dont give your hopes up, theres been lots of problems with it, as u can see on datels forums  
Tales from Datel's GameCube forum:  

oulàlàlàlàlàlàlàlà :eek: !!!!!!  
 je m'demande si je vais pas annuler moi :heink:  
pis me prendre une vraie grosse GC jap :/

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:41:50  profilanswer

euh je pourrais avoir l'url du forum de datel je trouve pas sur google  :??:  :sweat:

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:50:34  profilanswer

mouarf ! les pb qu il y a avec  :ouch:  
serieux attendez les best sellers du mois de mars en PAL :D

Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:51:06  profilanswer

KRIXOFF a écrit :

mouarf ! les pb qu il y a avec  :ouch:  
serieux attendez les best sellers du mois de mars en PAL :D



Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:54:47  profilanswer

bizarre qu'ils sortent un truc tout buggué alors qu'ils l'ont reporté si longtemps.... et g toujours pas l'url de ce forum keskil fout google!!!  :D

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 12:58:22  profilanswer

depuis le début nintendo est contre le freeloader vous croyez qu il vont pas protéger leur futur jeux ou koi ?
pis bon si c  est pour acheter une nouvelle version tous les 3 mois autant prendre une gc us/jap
par contre je me le prendrai bien pour certaines occaze pal .
Car j aimerais avoir l avis de personnes ayant des gc jap/us et qui ont essayer de faire passer des jeux pal avec le free

[:tinba] ca y est j ai enfin bho et c est une tuerieee

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:00:28  profilanswer

thefred59 a écrit :

depuis le début nintendo est contre le freeloader vous croyez qu il vont pas protéger leur futur jeux ou koi ?
pis bon si c  est pour acheter une nouvelle version tous les 3 mois autant prendre une gc us/jap
par contre je me le prendrai bien pour certaines occaze pal .
Car j aimerais avoir l avis de personnes ayant des gc jap/us et qui ont essayer de faire passer des jeux pal avec le free

si il est sorti c'est qu'ils sont ok...pour les futurs jeux c'est sur ils seront protégés...maintenant de la a ce que les anciens jeux plantent comme ca....url???  :p

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:03:38  profilanswer

je parle pour les futurs bien sur .
a mon avis ts les anciens doivent passer  :ange:

[:tinba] ca y est j ai enfin bho et c est une tuerieee

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:07:29  profilanswer

thefred59 a écrit :

je parle pour les futurs bien sur .
a mon avis ts les anciens doivent passer  :ange:  

ben je suis entierement ok avec toi c pour ca que ce forum me parait louche....a moins que ca ne soient que des employés de nintendo  :lol:

pablo el p​icaso
Born a lover..
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:13:42  profilanswer

Esperons que TRUNKS fasse des exces de vitesse, grille les rouges, ou fasse accelerer le metro avec des ptits hamster
il l'a depuis 15 minutes en théorie  :bounce:

Vive les fleurs!
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:21:55  profilanswer


Allons au plus simple, c'est Pikakiki pour tout le monde. Pour mon feed back, cliquez sur mon site perso.
pablo el p​icaso
Born a lover..
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:21:59  profilanswer

Tien une petite question sur l'import
Vaut mieux faire quoi quand on commande sur un site US: commander les jeux un par un pour eviter la douane, ou acheter tout en meme temps (je veux me faire metroirde, RE 0, animal crossing et surement un 4eme) pour economiser les frais de port???

Message édité par pablo el picaso le 06-02-2003 à 13:22:41
Everybody wants to be a cat
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 13:38:02  profilanswer

à priori, vu les echos sur le forum de datel, relayé par cubenation (qui au demeurant ferme ses portes ), le freeloader est une catastrophe, une vraie anthologie de bugs et de crash même sur des jeux déjà sortis depuis un bout de temps genre monkey ball 2  :cry: ...
bref ....ça sent la merde, et pour les futurs jeux va falloir en acheter du freeloader v1.XX si on veut profiter de l'import et éviter les nombreux bugs du bordel....en espérant que la sortie des futurs update potentiels seront plus rapides à sortir que l'original.
DATEL à l'air de faire dans la continuité avec ce produit .... de plus en plus affligeant..
attendons TRUNKS pour un test HFR/GK maison ....m'enfin les premiers échos sont franchement pas brillant

pablo el p​icaso
Born a lover..
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 14:14:09  profilanswer

Ca me rappel la premiere puce de la playstation, le temps que ca avait mis pour sortir...
Mais la c'est quand meme pire :(

Webmaster ​Risko
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 14:39:57  profilanswer

jazzypec a écrit :

attendons TRUNKS pour un test HFR/GK maison ....m'enfin les premiers échos sont franchement pas brillant

Si on attends TRUNKS on est pas sorti d'affaire...
J'veux pas attendre un an encore :D

--------------- - -

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 15:42:11  profilanswer

alors El dadou ca en est ou?  :)

"Enlarge Your Barre"
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 16:56:36  profilanswer

je les recois samedi :D


Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:02:22  profilanswer

El_Dadou a écrit :

je les recois samedi :D

cool ! et ca sera bien 30? fdpin? t'as des infos sur les soi disant probleme de compatibilité?

The dark side of HFR
Transactions (5)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:10:16  profilanswer

El_Dadou desolé je me retire de la commande groupée ... il est dispo chez mon fournisseur habituel pour 20 ?.
Bonne CG.

''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins

Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:12:17  profilanswer

:ouch: 20? ??? ben si y'a tant d'ecart je vais peut etre faire le tour des boutiques...

Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:13:18  profilanswer

Webmaster Risko a écrit :

Si on attends TRUNKS on est pas sorti d'affaire...
J'veux pas attendre un an encore :D


Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:33:22  profilanswer

20 ? en magasin [:yaisse2v]
Je laisse tomber la CG, désolé  [:slyengel]

Il est propre mon chat
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:34:25  profilanswer

Splinter a écrit :

20 ? en magasin [:yaisse2v]
Je laisse tomber la CG, désolé  [:slyengel]  

+1 désolé  :sweat:

The dark side of HFR
Transactions (5)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:35:28  profilanswer


''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins
"Enlarge Your Barre"
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:35:59  profilanswer

spag a écrit :

cool ! et ca sera bien 30? fdpin? t'as des infos sur les soi disant probleme de compatibilité?

vi vi le prix n'a pas changé , ce sera p'tet un poil moins meme , selon le prix que j'arriverais à negocier pour le nombre de piece que je prends .
concernant le probleme de compatibilité , s'il y en a un , il faut pas s'affoler quoi qu'il en soit : Datel a toujours remplacé gracieusement les produits lorsqu'ils faisait une mise à jour .
les premiers samples du freeloader etaient les 1.3 , qui marchaient tres bien sur tout , et apparemment certains revendeurs ont eu des 1.4 , qui buggent sur trois jeux reconnu pour l'instant . Datel bosse certainement deja sur la 1.5 du freeloader , et fera l'echange gratuit , à n'en pas douter !

"Enlarge Your Barre"
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:38:09  profilanswer

PALPATINE a écrit :


p'tain ca fait plaisir , tout le monde se casse juste au moment ou j'ai commandé 50 Freeloader ... sympa , ils vont pas me rester sur les bars , j'apprecie ...
derniere CG pour moi , j'honore celle la pour ceux qui sont resté , et apres finito , marre de faire du stock et de me le garder sur les bras ( et perdre de la thune , du coup ) .
bon , ceux qui restent ok pour la CG , MP moi pour confirmer siouplé .

Steam: Lynkk
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2003 à 17:39:42  profilanswer

Je vous avais prevenu ! [:dawa]

Posté le   profilanswer

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Medieval total war est bien mais il a un gros défaut chez moi!!!!!ya quoi en jeux de bien genre tetris, dxball,bomberman ?
Il est vraiment bien beach spiker gamecubeJ'aimerais bien trouver les cinématiques de FF VII !
Plus de sujets relatifs à : [CG]Freeloader DMC , CG annulé , merci bien pour ma tresorerie ...

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