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  correction texte français>anglais


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correction texte français>anglais

Posté le 29-09-2005 à 22:10:35  profilanswer

Bonjour, pouvez-vous me dire si vous voyez de grosses erreurs, s'il vous plaît. Merci d'avance.
J'avais 12 ans quand, revenant du lycée français, je tombai au coin de la rue sur 3 garçons que je n'avais jamais vus.Ils sourirent d'une étrange manière et se mirent à ricaner en me regardant par en-dessous.Tandis que le plus grand se plantait devant moi, jambes écartées, poings sur les hanches, et me barrait le passage, les 2 autres évoluaient sournoisement pour se placer dans mon dos.
_ Alors, fit le grand en désignant mon cartable d'un geste du menton, on a un beau sac, hein? Fais voir un peu.
A cet instant, je ressentis une violente secousse dans le bras droit.C'était un de ses compagnons qui m'avait arraché le cartable d'un coup de pied. Les discours de ma tante me revinrent en mémoire et je me mis à trembler, ce qui fit éclater de rire le troisième larron. J'avais vraiment très peur. La villa la plus proche se trouvait à une cinquantaine de mètres au moins, si même ils me laissaient le loisir d'appeler. Quant à espérer l'assistance d'un éventuel passant: il ne passait jamais personne dans ce quartier trop neuf et trop chic.
_ Et tes fesses, dit le grand, est-ce que tu vas nous les faire voir aussi? Eh, les gars, c'est pas des jolis buissons c'que j' vois là?
Celui qui avait ricané bondit sur moi et m'immobilisa en me ceinturant de toutes ses forces. Ses habits en loques répandaient une horrible odeur fermentée.Quoiqu'il ne fût guère plus haut ni plus épais que moi, il m'enleva sans peine du sol d'un coup de reins, grognant à l'adresse de son camarade: "Prends-y les pattes, bon dieu! Qu'est-ce que t'attends?"
>>I was twelve when, coming back from the French secondary school, I bumped into three boys I had never seen on the corner of our street.
They smiled in a strange way and started sniggering as they gave me a shifty look. While the tallest of them planted himself in front of me with his legs apart and his hands on his hips, and blocked my way, the other two moved shiftily and stood in my back.
“Hey”, the tall boy said pointing my bag out with a gesture of chin, “you’ve got a nice bag, haven’t you? Let me have a look.”
At that moment, I felt a violent blow in my right arm. It was one of his friend who had kicked my bag off. My aunt’s talkings came back to me and I began to tremble, which made the third thief burst out laughing. I really was very frightened. The closest villa was about 50 metres at least, and it was not sure that someone could hear my calls, if they let me the possibility to call for help. As for hoping the possible help of a passer-by: nobody ever walks in that too new and too new posh area.
“And your bum”, the tall boy said, “are you going to show it to us too? Hey boys, aren’t nice bushes I see there?”
The one who had sniggered rushed to me and immobilized me seizing me round my waist as hard as he could. His tattered clothes gave off a terrible and fermented smell.Though he was hardly taller and bigger than me, he easily heaved me up, groaning to his friend: “Catch his legs, for Christ’s sake! What are you waiting for?”

Posté le 29-09-2005 à 22:10:35  profilanswer

Posté le 30-09-2005 à 09:53:20  profilanswer

A priori, j'en vois pas... Chapeau ;)

Posté le 30-09-2005 à 10:18:18  profilanswer

melissandre a écrit :

>>I was twelve when, coming back from the French secondary school, I bumped into three boys I had never seen on the corner of our street.
They smiled in a strange way and started sniggering as they gave me a shifty look. While the tallest of them planted himself in front of me with his legs apart and his hands on his hips, and blocked my way, the other two moved shiftily (redondance avec shifty, je mettrais plutôt sneakily) and stood in my back.
“Hey”, the tall boy said pointing my bag out with a gesture of the chin, “you’ve got a nice bag, haven’t you? Let me have a look.”
At that moment, I felt a violent blow in my right arm. It was one of his friends who had kicked my bag off. My aunt’s talkings came back to me and I began to tremble, which made the third thief burst out laughing. I really was very frightened. The closest villa was about 50 metres at least, and it was not sure that someone could hear my calls, if they let me the possibility to call (un peu lourd - je mettrais "supposing I could afford calling" peut-être) for help. As for hoping for the possible help of a passer-by: nobody ever walks in that too new and too (new à enlever) posh area.
“And your bum”, the tall boy said, “are you going to show it to us too? Hey boys, aren’t those (si je comprends bien le sens de la phrase) nice bushes I see there?”
The one who had sniggered rushed to me and immobilized me seizing me round my waist as hard as he could. His tattered clothes gave off a terrible and fermented smell.Though he was hardly taller and bigger than me, he easily heaved me up, groaning to his friend: “Catch his legs, for Christ’s sake! What are you waiting for?”

Si j'ai fait des fautes dans les suggestions, n'hésitez pas les corriger ; ça fait plaisir de voir un texte comme ça après les ours qui vivent dans les drills  :D  

Taupin un jour
Posté le 30-09-2005 à 10:19:51  profilanswer

c'est bien
juste je ne sais pas si planted s'utilise franchement dans ce sens, mais sinon c'est vraiment bien

Taupin un jour, Normalien toujours...
Posté le 30-09-2005 à 10:25:25  profilanswer

Merci beaucoup pour ces corrections.

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