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  help traduction francais -> anglais


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help traduction francais -> anglais

Profil : Rien
Posté le 08-10-2008 à 20:30:55  profilanswer

Je cherche a traduire le petit paragraphe suivant :

"Après avoir étudié le fonctionnement d’une exploitation agricole, les différents métiers associés et le travail ouvrier à proprement parlé , nous sommes ainsi en mesure d'avoir une vision plus globale du contenu qui nous sera proposé dans le cadre de l'option agronomie.
D’autre part, ce stage nous a permis de mettre en pratique et d'approfondir  certaines des connaissances acquises tout au long de l’année, mais également d’apprendre et de mieux connaitre des sujets qui n'ont pas été abordés.
Pour ma part, ce stage au sein des Champagnes Trichet-Didier, m’a conforté dans l’idée de perseverer dans mon orientation vers les metiers liés aux vins.
C’est pourquoi, lors de mon stage de seconde année, je souhaiterais partir à l’étranger, éventuellement en Inde, pays qui voit sa consommation et sa production de vin augmenter de façon exponentielle, comme dans de nombreux pays émergents. Cette expérience sera d’autant plus bénéfique que je pourrai ainsi découvrir un aspect différent de la viticulture."

Ce que j'ai tenté de traduire de la facon suivante :

After examining the operation of a farm, the different associated jobs and the work laborer, we are able to have a more comprehensive content that will be proposed as part of the option agronomy.
On the other hand, this course has allowed us to practice and improve some of the knowledge learned throughout the years, but also to learn more about subjects that were not addressed.
For my part, this internship at Champagne-Didier Trichet, reinforced in me the idea to persevere in my orientation professions associated with wine.
Therefore, during my second year internship, I would go abroad, possibly in India, which saw ,as in many emerging countries, its consumption and production of wine growing exponentially. This experience will be more beneficial if I can discover a different aspect of viticulture.

Mais c'est blindé d'erreurs je suis sur :s

Message édité par Gugus2000 le 08-10-2008 à 20:32:29

Je décline toute responsabilité potentielle pour le contenu de mes propos et contenu multimedia (images, videos et sons) + miroir magic.
Posté le 08-10-2008 à 20:30:55  profilanswer

Profil : Rien
Posté le 08-10-2008 à 20:57:01  profilanswer

V2 :
After examining the way a farm is working, the different associated jobs and the laborer , we are able to have a more comprehensive content that will be proposed as part of the agronomy option.
On the other hand, this course has allowed us to practice and improve some of the knowledge learned throughout the years, but also to learn more about subjects that were not previously addressed.  
For my part, this internship at Champagne-Didier Trichet, reinforced my idea to persevere in my desire to pursue my orientation related to wine-growing.
Therefore, during my second year internship, I would like to go abroad, possibly to India, which, as in many emerging countries, saw its consumption and production of wine grow exponentially. This experience will be more beneficial if I can discover a different aspect of viticulture.

Je décline toute responsabilité potentielle pour le contenu de mes propos et contenu multimedia (images, videos et sons) + miroir magic.
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 08-10-2008 à 20:58:40  answer

Citation :

"After examining the operation of a farm, the various trades and associated work laborer, strictly speaking, we are able to obtain a more comprehensive content that will be proposed as part of the option agronomy .
On the other hand, this course has allowed us to practice and deepen some of the knowledge acquired throughout the years, but also to learn and learn more about subjects that were not addressed.
For my part, this stage in the Champagne-Didier Trichet, reinforced in me the idea to persevere in my orientation professions associated with wine.
Therefore, during my second year internship, I would go abroad, possibly in India, which saw its consumption and production of wine grow exponentially, as in many emerging countries. This experience will be more beneficial if I can discover a different aspect of viticulture. "

Merci google !  :o  

Profil : Rien
Posté le 08-10-2008 à 21:07:53  profilanswer

bah ya la V2 qui est censé etre pas mal non ?
edit : en effet je me suis trompé dans la premiere traduction proposé ct la version google que j avais deja modifié mais j ai mis la mauvaise :s desolé.
Par contre la V2 est censé etre propre mais vu que je suis pas doué non plus il doit trainer qq erreurs :s

Message édité par Gugus2000 le 08-10-2008 à 21:09:05

Je décline toute responsabilité potentielle pour le contenu de mes propos et contenu multimedia (images, videos et sons) + miroir magic.

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