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Auteur | Sujet : location en région parisienne, coins pourris? |
Publicité | Posté le 15-09-2005 à 10:55:05 |
amandine75011 |
chaseur | merci c'est déja une piste pour commencer |
yopyopyop หมดตูด |
barnabe |
amandine75011 |
jigawa |
ploop | le sud ouest : issy les moulineaux, sevres, clamart, st cloud, meudon c'est sympa mais ca depent de ou tu va bosser...
Publicité | Posté le 15-09-2005 à 11:54:23 |
jigawa |
Message édité par jigawa le 15-09-2005 à 11:57:16 |
la buvette $í j'ø$âí$ |
Ricco Retour au pays |
--------------- "L'informatique n'est pas plus la science des ordinateurs que l'astronomie n'est celle des télescopes." Michael R. Fellows & Ian Parberry |
yopyopyop หมดตูด |
amandine75011 |
barnabe |
amandine75011 |
jigawa |
jigawa |
trunks ZzzzZZzzzZ | le 11e ca tue en effet ! réprésente !!!
Profil supprimé | Posté le 15-09-2005 à 12:30:26
chaseur | Merci pour réponses, c'est déja un peu moins flou |
guguy | Meudon et Clamart c'est vraiment top, c'est à 8-10 minutes de train
turlututuh Acheumeuneu | Evite le quartier de la Goutte d'Or. |
chaseur | Et pour la Petite Courrone et la Grande Courrone vous avez d'autres infos?
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
-SaM- sc0user |
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par -SaM- le 16-09-2005 à 14:28:04 --------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
Lomba |
chaseur |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
chaseur |
Fred999 Rabat-joie |
ploop |
Publicité | Posté le |
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