bonjour à tous,
bon voila mon souci, je travaille sur Arkoon mais on vient de récupérer un client avec un Netasq f200, le boitier me semble pas mal du tout mais je n'arrive pas à monter mon lien VPN. La phase 1 est Ok mais la phase 2 bloque et je n'arrive pas à trouver ou malgrés mes recherches sur internet.
voila le log du client Safenet :
12-04: 14:17:26.156
12-04: 14:17:26.156 My Connections\sct - Initiating IKE Phase 1 (IP ADDR=*.*.*.*)
12-04: 14:17:27.296 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, VID 6x)
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, HASH, VID, NAT-D 2x, VID)
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - Peer is NAT-T draft-02 capable
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - NAT is detected for Client
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - Floating to IKE non-500 port
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - Peer supports Dead Peer Detection Version 1.0
12-04: 14:17:27.734 My Connections\sct - Dead Peer Detection enabled
12-04: 14:17:30.031 My Connections\sct - Established IKE SA
12-04: 14:17:30.031 MY COOKIE c5 f5 e0 78 f8 4d 93 f6
12-04: 14:17:30.031 HIS COOKIE 91 cc 16 a5 c4 bb c8 27
12-04: 14:17:30.218 Virtual Interface constructed for local interface
12-04: 14:17:30.265 Virtual Interface added: on ISDN "SafeNet VA miniport".
12-04: 14:17:30.390 My Connections\sct - Initiating IKE Phase 2 with Client IDs (message id: FD6B536)
12-04: 14:17:30.390 Initiator = IP ADDR=, prot = 0 port = 0
12-04: 14:17:30.390 Responder = IP SUBNET/MASK=, prot = 0 port = 0
12-04: 14:17:30.390 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, KE, ID 2x)
12-04: 14:17:30.390 My Connections\sct - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK INFO *(HASH, NOTIFY:STATUS_INITIAL_CONTACT)
12-04: 14:17:45.390 My Connections\sct - QM re-keying timed out. Retry count: 1
12-04: 14:17:45.390 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
12-04: 14:18:00.390 My Connections\sct - QM re-keying timed out. Retry count: 2
12-04: 14:18:00.390 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
12-04: 14:18:15.390 My Connections\sct - QM re-keying timed out. Retry count: 3
12-04: 14:18:15.390 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(Retransmission)
12-04: 14:18:30.390 My Connections\sct - Exceeded 3 re-keying attempts (message id: FD6B536)
12-04: 14:18:30.390 My Connections\sct - Disconnecting IKE SA negotiation
12-04: 14:18:30.390 My Connections\sct - Deleting IKE SA (IP ADDR=*.*.*.*)
12-04: 14:18:30.390 MY COOKIE c5 f5 e0 78 f8 4d 93 f6
12-04: 14:18:30.390 HIS COOKIE 91 cc 16 a5 c4 bb c8 27
12-04: 14:18:30.406 My Connections\sct - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK INFO *(HASH, DEL)
12-04: 14:18:30.531 Interface lost:
12-04: 14:18:30.546 Filter table loaded.
si l'un d'entre vous à une idée je suis preneur.