Je possède un serveur SCCM 2012 SP2 standalone avec 58 machine clientes de mon infra SCCM
Si je planifie un déploiement via une création de package + distribution du contenu sur le DP + programme d’installation + deploiement. La sources applicative se copie bien dans c:\windows\ccmcache, l'installation s'effectue sans encombre.
En revanche, concernant le déploiement des Software updates : téléchargement des updates via le catalogue synchroniser dans SCCM, création de groupe d'updates, déploiement du groupe d'update (date de mise a dispo + date d’échéance) l'installation ne se fait pas. Sur la machine cliente, aucunes des updates n'est présente dans c:\windows\ccmcache
La distribution sur le DP semble bonne.
J'ai analysé les logs sur la machine client.
Voici les éléments constatés dans ces logs.
D'avance merci de votre aide. Je reste a votre disposition pour effectuer des analyses complémentaires.
CAS.log :
**** Received request for content 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1, size(KB) 0, under context System with priority Medium.
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:03
14656 (0x3940)
Saved Content ID Mapping 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\i
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:03
14656 (0x3940)
Content for 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1 was found in cache, content size is 589K
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:03
14656 (0x3940)
Saved Content ID Mapping 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\i
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:03
9564 (0x255C)
Releasing content request {9BD92C41-3390-4CB0-95DD-158EBEB3A0F6}
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:40
12064 (0x2F20)
CacheManager: All references to cached Content 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1 have been removed, content is tombstoned and may be removed during future grooming operations.
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:40
12064 (0x2F20)
Saved Content ID Mapping 5c288f0c-e381-45db-b47d-ada4cf7f9ec2.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\i
ContentAccess 30/11/2015 03:36:40
12064 (0x2F20)
**** Received request for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, size(KB) 0, under context System with priority Medium.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5124 (0x1404)
User policy requested with no user credentials.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5124 (0x1404)
Invalid user. ContentAccess
01/12/2015 03:36:13 5124 (0x1404)
Submitted CTM job {1993628B-55AB-4ACC-87F2-CF83717CE641} to download Content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 under context System
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5124 (0x1404)
Successfully created download request {5F2BD91D-1DC0-4C0C-9747-425577D2E250} for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5124 (0x1404)
Location update from CTM for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 and request {5F2BD91D-1DC0-4C0C-9747-425577D2E250}
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
180 (0x00B4)
Download location found 0 -$/c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
180 (0x00B4)
Download request only, ignoring location update
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
180 (0x00B4)
Download started for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5124 (0x1404)
Download completed for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 under context System
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Hash verification succeeded for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 downloaded under context System
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Saved Content ID Mapping c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
CacheManager: ADD new cache entry for id:c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c Version : 1 Size : 278K RefCount:1 LastRef Minutes : 0 State : ACTIVE PinDuration : 0 Location : C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Download succeeded for download request {5F2BD91D-1DC0-4C0C-9747-425577D2E250}
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Error: DeleteDirectory:- Failed to delete Directory with Error 0x00000003.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Error: DeleteDirectory:- Failed to delete Directory C:\Windows\ccmcache\j.BCWork with Error 0x00000002.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:13
12448 (0x30A0)
Releasing content request {5F2BD91D-1DC0-4C0C-9747-425577D2E250}
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:14
12448 (0x30A0)
CacheManager: All references to cached Content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 have been removed, content is tombstoned and may be removed during future grooming operations.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:14
12448 (0x30A0)
Saved Content ID Mapping c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:14
12448 (0x30A0)
**** Received request for content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, size(KB) 0, under context System with priority Medium.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:15
12448 (0x30A0)
Saved Content ID Mapping c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:15
12448 (0x30A0)
Content for c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 was found in cache, content size is 278K
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:15
12448 (0x30A0)
Saved Content ID Mapping c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:15
5124 (0x1404)
Releasing content request {1DB1A287-23EA-48CB-9A51-399C736BCA33}
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:53
8164 (0x1FE4)
CacheManager: All references to cached Content c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1 have been removed, content is tombstoned and may be removed during future grooming operations.
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:53
8164 (0x1FE4)
Saved Content ID Mapping c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c.1, C:\Windows\ccmcache\j
ContentAccess 01/12/2015 03:36:53
8164 (0x1FE4)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_8f659bd7-6a7f-4acc-8b1e-ed0ddb268c3a) added to the targeted list of deployment ({C2F0202E-DA52-4608-A62B-EEA3B05C0E65})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 13:14:15
7072 (0x1BA0)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_c5406426-d347-4a93-acbb-e595a00a4fb8) added to the targeted list of deployment ({C2F0202E-DA52-4608-A62B-EEA3B05C0E65})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 13:14:15
7072 (0x1BA0)
CUpdateAssignmentsManager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT START Event
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
No current service window available to run updates assignment with time required = 1
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
Suspend activity in presentation mode is selected UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
At least one user has elected to suspend non-business hours activity when in presentation mode. Checking for presentation mode.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
Proceeding to non-business hours activites as presentation mode is off.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
Auto install during non-business hours is disabled or never set, selecting only scheduled updates.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
A user-defined service window(non-business hours) is available. We will attempt to install any scheduled updates.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
Attempting to install 0 updates UpdatesDeploymentAgent
30/11/2015 22:00:00 12224 (0x2FC0)
No actionable updates for install task. No attempt required.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
Updates could not be installed at this time. Waiting for the next maintenance window.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 22:00:00
12224 (0x2FC0)
CUpdateAssignmentsManager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT START Event
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Suspend activity in presentation mode is selected UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
At least one user has elected to suspend non-business hours activity when in presentation mode. Checking for presentation mode.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Proceeding to non-business hours activites as presentation mode is off.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Auto install during non-business hours is disabled or never set, selecting only scheduled updates.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
A user-defined service window(non-business hours) is available. We will attempt to install any scheduled updates.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Attempting to install 0 updates UpdatesDeploymentAgent
30/11/2015 23:00:00 12076 (0x2F2C)
No actionable updates for install task. No attempt required.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Updates could not be installed at this time. Waiting for the next maintenance window.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 30/11/2015 23:00:00
12076 (0x2F2C)
Assignment {de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04} has total CI = 1
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:04
14260 (0x37B4)
OnPolicyModify for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})...
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:04
14260 (0x37B4)
Raising client SDK event for class CCM_SoftwareUpdate, instance CCM_SoftwareUpdate.UpdateID="Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_73b99e45-a505-4192-bffe-7f9ffa4cfdb6", actionType 12l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l UpdatesDeploymentAgent
01/12/2015 03:36:04 14260 (0x37B4)
Starting forced trigger (TriggerEnforce) for assignment {de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04}
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:04
14260 (0x37B4)
Detection job ({A1604B2A-041D-4963-B273-C5939F018E6C}) started for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:04
14260 (0x37B4)
Progress received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:08
5124 (0x1404)
DetectJob completion received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:12
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Name (Definition Update for Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.211.1398.0)) ArticleID (2461484) added to the targeted list of deployment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:12
5068 (0x13CC)
UpdateAssginment Download: CCM_CONTENT_WF_DEADLINE_DOWNLOAD set
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:12
5068 (0x13CC)
DownloadCIContents Job ({AEA25DDF-6E3A-4BE8-BB98-B0C7323F338F}) started for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:12
5068 (0x13CC)
Progress received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:12
5124 (0x1404)
Progress received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:13
180 (0x00B4)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateDownloading, PercentComplete = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:13
180 (0x00B4)
Progress received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5068 (0x13CC)
Progress received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:13
5068 (0x13CC)
DownloadJob completion received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:14
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Name (Definition Update for Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.211.1398.0)) ArticleID (2461484) added to the targeted list of deployment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:14
5068 (0x13CC)
Starting install for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:14
5068 (0x13CC)
ApplyCIs - JobId = {C2C6B43D-7C02-4C82-9968-F6A97FE6FF84}
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:14
5068 (0x13CC)
Raising client SDK event for class NULL, instance NULL, actionType 13l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:14
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateDetecting, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:15
180 (0x00B4)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateDownloading, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:15
5124 (0x1404)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateWaitInstall, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:15
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateInstalling, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:31
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateInstalling, PercentComplete = 100, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateVerifying, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:53
12448 (0x30A0)
CUpdatesJob({C2C6B43D-7C02-4C82-9968-F6A97FE6FF84}): Job completion received.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:57
5068 (0x13CC)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Progress: Status = ciStateInstallComplete, PercentComplete = 0, DownloadSize = 0, Result = 0x0
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:57
5124 (0x1404)
CUpdatesJob({C2C6B43D-7C02-4C82-9968-F6A97FE6FF84}): Delete job from WMI
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:57
5068 (0x13CC)
IsRebootNeeded: nNotifyUICount = 0, set overal NotifyUI = True
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:57
5068 (0x13CC)
No other installations in pipeline. No reboot required.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 03:36:57
5068 (0x13CC)
Message received: '<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<CIAssignmentMessage MessageType='EnforcementDeadline'>
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
Assignment {de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04} has total CI = 1
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
Deadline received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
Detection job ({E43DD744-8194-48CB-BFDD-7A1E7414279D}) started for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
Message received: '<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<CIAssignmentMessage MessageType='Activation'>
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
14260 (0x37B4)
Assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04}) received activation trigger
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
14260 (0x37B4)
Operation (TriggerEnforce) already in progress. No need to activate.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
14260 (0x37B4)
DetectJob completion received for assignment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
Update (Site_4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103/SUM_27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) Name (Definition Update for Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.211.1398.0)) ArticleID (2461484) added to the targeted list of deployment ({de647a66-0d28-40f6-8273-8c02dab19f04})
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 04:51:00
2428 (0x097C)
CUpdateAssignmentsManager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT END Event
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 05:00:00
10448 (0x28D0)
No current service window available to run updates assignment with time required = 1
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 05:00:00
10448 (0x28D0)
Attempting to cancel any job started at non-business hours.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 05:00:00
10448 (0x28D0)
CUpdateAssignmentsManager received a SERVICEWINDOWEVENT END Event
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 06:00:00
13060 (0x3304)
No current service window available to run updates assignment with time required = 1
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 06:00:00
13060 (0x3304)
Attempting to cancel any job started at non-business hours.
UpdatesDeploymentAgent 01/12/2015 06:00:00
13060 (0x3304)
Going to search using WSUS update source. WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:15
5124 (0x1404)
Synchronous searching started using filter: 'UpdateID = '27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf' AND DeploymentAction = *'...
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:15
5124 (0x1404)
Successfully completed synchronous searching of updates.
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:16
5124 (0x1404)
1. Update: 27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf, 200 BundledUpdates: 1
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:16
5124 (0x1404)
Update: c2e618ae-4545-47dd-9820-ab42e4e6455c, 200 BundledUpdates: 0
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:16
5124 (0x1404)
1. Update (Missing): Mise à jour des définitions pour Microsoft Endpoint Protection – KB2461484 (Définition 1.211.1398.0) (27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf, 200)
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:16
5124 (0x1404)
Async installation of updates started. WUAHandler
01/12/2015 03:36:31 5124 (0x1404)
Update 1 (27d0e3ae-ffcf-4d85-b9b6-fab797b589cf) finished installing (0x00000000), Reboot Required? No
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
8164 (0x1FE4)
Async install completed. WUAHandler
01/12/2015 03:36:53 8164 (0x1FE4)
Installation of updates completed. WUAHandler
01/12/2015 03:36:53 5124 (0x1404)
Its a WSUS Update Source type ({4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103}), adding it.
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Existing WUA Managed server was already set (, skipping Group Policy registration.
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Added Update Source ({4EA80386-23C4-403A-936E-832EC48CD103}) of content type: 2
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Scan results will include superseded updates only when they are superseded by service packs and definition updates.
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Search Criteria is ((DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Software' AND CategoryIDs contains 'E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B'))
WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Async searching of updates using WUAgent started. WUAHandler 01/12/2015 03:36:53
5124 (0x1404)
Async searching completed. WUAHandler
01/12/2015 03:36:57 2220 (0x08AC)
Successfully completed scan. WUAHandler
01/12/2015 03:36:57 5124 (0x1404)
Message édité par dj-zoltan le 01-12-2015 à 15:47:33