Bonsoir à tous ayant acheté un tel Cisco Small Business SPA 303
j'ai vu qu'il était possible de mettre en français le boitier téléphonique, car d'origine il est en anglais
voilà j'ai dl le zip qu'il fallait sur le site de cisco, mais je ne comprends pas la manip à faire pour l'installer
voilà ce qui est écrit:
Cisco spa5x5 Localization Release for version 7.5.6 r2
*1. File description:
This Folder includes 21 languages xml script:
File Language
spa50x_30x_en_v756.xml English_United_States
spa50x_30x_es_v756.xml Spanish_Spain
spa50x_30x_de_v756.xml German_Germany
spa50x_30x_it_v756.xml Italian_Italy
spa50x_30x_fr_v756.xml French_France
spa50x_30x_pt_v756.xml Portuguese_Portugal
spa50x_30x_nl_v756.xml Dutch_Netherlands
spa50x_30x_dk_v756.xml Danish_Denmark
spa50x_30x_se_v756.xml Swedish_Sweden
spa50x_30x_no_v756.xml Norwegian_Norway
spa50x_30x_es_mx_v756.xml Spanish-Mexico
spa50x_30x_he_v756.xml Hebrew
spa50x_30x_tr_v756.xml Turkish
spa50x_30x_sk_v756.xml Slovak
spa50x_30x_ru_v756.xml Russian
spa50x_30x_hu_v756.xml Hungarian
spa50x_30x_hr_v756.xml Croatian
spa50x_30x_fi_v756.xml Finnish
spa50x_30x_cz_v756.xml Czech
spa50x_30x_bg_v756.xml Bulgarian
spa50x_30x_pl_v756.xml Polish is the .zip file includes these 21 languages xml
*2. How to download the xml:
*2.1. SIP Mode:
2.1.1 Place these .xml file into the appropriate location on the tftp server.
2.1.2 fill in the Reginal -> Miscellaneous -> Dictionary Server Script with the following script, for example:
2.1.3 Some information for script:
The d0,x0 pair is still reserved for English, but is optional. If it is not specified, the built-in English-US dictionary will be used.
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