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  Hébergement et routage via SpeedTouch 510v4


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Hébergement et routage via SpeedTouch 510v4

L'efficacité à tout prix.
Posté le 30-10-2007 à 11:57:34  profilanswer

Nous avons une solution d'hébergement qui fonctionne trés bien.
Les internautes doivent spécifier manuellement l'adresse IP dans leur navigateur 193.252.X.X et ils se retrouvent sur notre serveur.
Quand à nous, dans l'entreprise, nous devons taper l'adresse IP locale de notre serveur dans le navigateur :
C'est bien jolie, mais c'est pas vraiment pratique !
L'idéal serait de pouvoir en local comme en distant d'avoir seulement à saisir l'adresse 193.252.X.X
Oui mais voilà, ça ne marche pas, la faute au modem, un SpeedTouch 510 version (un ST510v4 pour les intimes).
Voici la table de routage du modem lorsque la connection DSL est active :

       Destination Label                Gateway  Interface       Metric Status
     193.252.X.X/32            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]                  193.252.X.X  Internet        0      UP                  193.252.X.X* Internet        0      UP                  193.252.X.X* Internet        0      UP           LocalNetwork    0      [UP]          LocalNetwork    1      [UP]         * LocalNetwork    0      [UP]                   193.252.X.X  Internet        10     UP

Et la même table lorsque la liaison DSL est désactivée :

       Destination Label                Gateway  Interface       Metric Status            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]            loop            0      [UP]           LocalNetwork    0      [UP]          LocalNetwork    1      [UP]         * LocalNetwork    0      [UP]

Evidemment, ça saute au yeux !
Si en local, je tente de me connecter à 193.252.X.X, je vais tomber sur le du modem, donc sur son interface.
Il faut donc supprimer la première ligne : (un petit coup de CLI via telnet)

Code :
  1. rtdelete dst=193.252.X.X/32 gateway=

Et miracle, cela fonctionne !
Seul hic, dés lors que la liaison DSL est interrompue puis rétablie, cette ligne problèmatique est recréée automatique et cela ne fonctionne plus.
Il faudrait donc dans le fichier USER.INI trouver le moyen de supprimer la ligne ou l'idéal, de ne pas la créer !
J'ai tout tenté, en vain. En bidouillant, j'ai également réussi à planter totalement modem.
La procédure de hard reset avec le bouton en façade n'a pas fonctionnée...

Citation :

1 - Make sure the SpeedTouch™ is powered on.
2 - Power off the SpeedTouch™ by pressing the power button until all LEDs turn
3 - Press the power button once again (shortly).
4 - As soon as the Power/System LED is flashing green, press the power button
once more (shortly).
5 - The Power/System LED stops flashing to become solid green. After six
seconds, it starts flashing green again. Press the power button once more
6 - All LEDs flash green once.
7 - The SpeedTouch™ reboots and will come online with factory default settings.

Donc j'ai du installer le bouton "hard-reset" pour re-démarrer le modem (modem qui n'était plus sous garantie depuis bien longtemps...)
Donc si quelqu'un sait comment supprimer via le fichier USER.INI la rêgle de routage 193.252.X.X vers
Evidemment, l'adresse 193.252.X.X est fournie par notre FAI, mais qu'importe, c'est une IP fixe.
Voici un extrait (j'ai supprimé le PPPoA et la partie firewall/NAT) du fichier USER.INI

Code :
  1. [ cac.ini ]
  2. config port=dsl0 state=enabled
  3. config port=dsl1 state=enabled
  4. config port=atm2 state=enabled
  5. config port=aal5 state=disabled
  6. config port=atm5 state=disabled
  7. overbooking rt=0 nrt=0
  8. [ language.ini ]
  9. config language=en complete=no
  10. [ script.ini ]
  11. add name=autopvc_add_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  12. add name=autopvc_add_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  13. add name=autopvc_add_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  14. add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  15. add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  16. add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  17. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  18. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  19. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  20. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
  21. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
  22. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
  23. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  24. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=7 command="eth bridge ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
  25. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=8 command="eth bridge ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  26. add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=9 command="eth bridge ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  27. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=0 command="eth bridge ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  28. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=1 command="eth bridge ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  29. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  30. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  31. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  32. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  33. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  34. add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  35. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  36. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  37. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  38. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
  39. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
  40. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 ulp mac"
  41. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  42. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
  43. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  44. add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=9 command="ppp relay ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  45. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=0 command="ppp relay ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  46. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=1 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  47. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=2 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  48. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  49. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  50. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  51. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  52. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  53. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  54. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  55. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  56. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  57. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
  58. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
  59. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp ip"
  60. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  61. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=7 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
  62. add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=8 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  63. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  64. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
  65. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  66. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  67. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  68. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  69. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  70. add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  71. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  72. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  73. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  74. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
  75. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
  76. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
  77. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  78. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
  79. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  80. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=9 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
  81. add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=10 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  82. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  83. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
  84. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  85. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  86. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  87. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  88. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  89. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  90. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  91. add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  92. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
  93. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
  94. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
  95. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
  96. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
  97. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
  98. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  99. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
  100. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  101. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=9 command="ppp ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
  102. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=10 command="ppp ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  103. add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=11 command="nat ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 translation enabled"
  104. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=0 command="ppp ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
  105. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=1 command="ppp ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
  106. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  107. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
  108. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  109. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
  110. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  111. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
  112. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
  113. add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
  114. add name=autopvc_change_qos index=0 command="atm ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
  115. [ env.ini ]
  116. set var=CONF_REGION value=---
  117. set var=CONF_PROVIDER value=---
  118. set var=CONF_DESCRIPTION value="Factory Defaults"
  119. set var=CONF_SERVICE value="Routed PPPoE on 0/35 and 8/35"
  120. set var=HOST_SETUP value=auto
  121. set var=UPGRADE_URL value=
  122. set var=CONF_TPVERSION value=2.0.0
  123. set var=COLUMNS value=80
  124. set var=ROWS value=24
  125. set var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=120
  126. set var=CONF_DATE value="Configuration modified manually"
  127. [ wizard.ini ]
  128. [ snmp.ini ]
  129. config sysContact="Service Provider" sysName="SpeedTouch 510" sysLocation="Customer Premises"
  130. community add index=ROCommunity securityname=ROCommunity communityname=_DEV_A8F160B4D001A14E
  131. [ phone.ini ]
  132. add name=atm_pvc_0_35 addr=0*35
  133. add name=atm_pvc_8_35 addr=8*35
  134. [ ipqos.ini ]
  135. config dest=atm_pvc_0_35 state=enabled
  136. config dest=atm_pvc_8_35 state=enabled
  137. queue config dest=atm_pvc_0_35 queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled
  138. queue config dest=atm_pvc_8_35 queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled
  139. [ qos.ini ]
  140. config format=bytes
  141. ctdadd name=default conformance=UBR
  142. add name=default txctd=default rxctd=default policing=disabled
  143. [ atm.ini ]
  144. ifadd intf=atm_0_35
  145. ifconfig intf=atm_0_35 dest=atm_pvc_0_35 ulp=mac
  146. ifattach intf=atm_0_35
  147. ifadd intf=atm_8_35
  148. ifconfig intf=atm_8_35 dest=atm_pvc_8_35 ulp=mac
  149. ifattach intf=atm_8_35
  150. [ oam.ini ]
  151. config clp=1 loopbackid=6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a
  152. modify port=dsl0 blocking=enabled
  153. modify port=dsl1 blocking=enabled
  154. modify port=atm2 blocking=enabled
  155. modify port=atm3 blocking=enabled
  156. modify port=aal5 blocking=enabled
  157. modify port=atm5 blocking=enabled
  158. [ bridge.ini ]
  159. config age=300 filter=no_WAN_broadcast
  160. [ vlan.ini ]
  161. [ dvm.ini ]
  162. config timeout=90
  163. [ eth.ini ]
  164. ifadd intf=ethoa_0_35
  165. ifadd intf=ethoa_8_35
  166. ifconfig intf=ethoa_0_35 dest=atm_0_35 group=default
  167. ifattach intf=ethoa_0_35
  168. ifconfig intf=ethoa_8_35 dest=atm_8_35 group=default
  169. ifattach intf=ethoa_8_35
  170. [ pptp.ini ]
  171. [ ppprelay.ini ]
  172. ifadd intf=bridge
  173. ifadd intf=ethoa_0_35
  174. ifadd intf=ethoa_8_35
  175. [ dhcspool.ini ]
  176. pool add name=LAN_private
  177. [ label.ini ]
  178. add name=DSCP
  179. add name=Interactive
  180. add name=Management
  181. add name=Video
  182. add name=VoIP
  183. add name=default
  184. modify name=DSCP classification=overwrite defclass=dscp ackclass=defclass
  185. modify name=Interactive classification=increase defclass=8 ackclass=8
  186. modify name=Management classification=increase defclass=12 ackclass=12
  187. modify name=Video classification=increase defclass=10 ackclass=10
  188. modify name=VoIP classification=overwrite defclass=14 ackclass=14 bidirectional=enabled inheritance=enabled
  189. modify name=default classification=increase defclass=default ackclass=prioritize
  190. [ ppp.ini ]
  191. ifadd intf=Internet
  192. rtadd intf=Internet dst= src= metric=10
  193. ifconfig intf=Internet dest=RELAY accomp=enabled mru=1492 doddelay=60 dnsmetric=10
  194. ifconfig intf=Internet user=************* password=*************** status=enabled
  195. [ ip.ini ]
  196. ifadd intf=LocalNetwork dest=bridge
  197. ifconfig intf=loop mtu=65535 group=local
  198. ifconfig intf=LocalNetwork mtu=1500 group=lan linksensing=disabled primary=enabled
  199. ifattach intf=LocalNetwork
  200. config forwarding=enabled redirects=enabled netbroadcasts=disabled ttl=64 fraglimit=64 defragmode=enabled addrcheck=dynamic mssclamping=enabled
  201. config checkoptions=enabled
  202. config natloopback=disabled
  203. ipadd intf=LocalNetwork addr= addroute=disabled
  204. ipadd intf=LocalNetwork addr= addroute=disabled
  205. ipconfig addr= preferred=enabled primary=enabled
  206. rtadd dst= gateway=
  207. rtadd dst= gateway=
  208. rtadd dst= gateway= metric=1
  209. rtadd dst= intf=LocalNetwork
  210. [ autoip.ini ]
  211. [ ipqosmeter.ini ]
  212. [ autopvc.ini ]
  213. config mode=passive type=bridge overwrite=disabled peakrate=0
  214. [ diagnostics.ini ]
  215. config pingtimeout=1000 pingpacketsize=32
  216. [ dnsc.ini ]
  217. config timeout=5 retry=4 search=enabled
  218. dnsadd addr= port=53
  219. [ dnss.ini ]
  220. config domain=lan timeout=15 suppress=0 state=enabled trace=disabled syslog=disabled WANDownSpoofing=enabled WDSpoofedIP=
  221. host add name=speedtouch addr= ttl=1200
  222. host add name=dsldevice addr= ttl=1200
  223. [ dhcs.ini ]
  224. debug traceconfig state=disabled
  225. policy verifyfirst=enabled trustclient=enabled
  226. pool config name=LAN_private intf=LocalNetwork poolstart= poolend= netmask=24 gateway= leasetime=86400

Si quelqu'un peu m'aider, merci !

Message édité par christophe_d13 le 30-10-2007 à 12:23:45

Posté le 30-10-2007 à 11:57:34  profilanswer

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  Hébergement et routage via SpeedTouch 510v4


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