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  Routeur CISCO 1401


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Routeur CISCO 1401

Posté le 27-11-2004 à 00:54:19  profilanswer

Salut à tous.....
Cherche info pour remettre un routeur CISCO 1401 avec ces parametres par default et tous sa sans avoir les users et pass de la config actuel.
Help me please ! ! !  

Posté le 27-11-2004 à 00:54:19  profilanswer

Posté le 27-11-2004 à 20:18:07  profilanswer

Y a pas de bouton reset dessus ?

Pré Natal Disaster /!\ WorldCommunityGrid
real men don't click
Posté le 27-11-2004 à 20:21:08  profilanswer

la réponse ce trouve sur le site de cisco tout simple  
(non, on ne ferra pas la recherche pour toi)

Cherche geekette | Traquez vos billets d'€ | Don du sang | Don de moelle osseuse
real men don't click
Posté le 27-11-2004 à 20:22:22  profilanswer

Reset the Router
Step 1   Do one of the following:
    * If break is enabled, go to Step 2.
    * If break is disabled, turn the router off ( O ), wait 5 seconds, and turn it on ( | ) again. Within 60 seconds, press the Break key. The terminal displays the ROM monitor prompt. Go to Step 3.
Note Some terminal keyboards have a key labeled Break. If your keyboard does not have a Break key, refer to the documentation that came with the terminal for instructions on how to send a break.
Step 2   Send a break. The terminal displays the following prompt:
rommon 2>
Step 3   Enter confreg 0x142 to reset the configuration register:
rommon 2> confreg 0x142
Step 4   Initialize the router by entering the reset command:
rommon 2> reset
The router cycles its power, and the configuration register is set to 0x142. The router uses the boot ROM system image, indicated by the system configuration dialog:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---  
Step 5   Enter no in response to the prompts until the following message is displayed:
Press RETURN to get started!  
Step 6   Press Return. The following prompt appears:
Step 7   Enter the enable command to enter enable mode. Configuration changes can be made only in enable mode:
Router> enable
The prompt changes to the privileged EXEC prompt:
Step 8   Enter the show startup-config command to display an enable password in the configuration file:
Router# show startup-config
If you are recovering an enable password, skip the following "Reset the Password and Save Your Changes" section, and complete the password recovery process by performing the steps in the "Reset the Configuration Register Value" section.
If you are recovering an enable secret password, it is not displayed in the show startup-config command output. Complete the password-recovery process by performing the steps in the following "Reset the Password and Save Your Changes" section. [...] l#xtocid18
google, 2eme occurence.
ya des fois où je me dis que je suis trop gentil

Message édité par com21 le 27-11-2004 à 20:22:47

Cherche geekette | Traquez vos billets d'€ | Don du sang | Don de moelle osseuse
Posté le 27-11-2004 à 20:22:44  profilanswer
Posté le 27-11-2004 à 20:23:24  profilanswer

com21 a écrit :

la réponse ce trouve sur le site de cisco tout simple  
(non, on ne ferra pas la recherche pour toi)

grrrr t'a été plus rapide que moi  :p

Pré Natal Disaster /!\ WorldCommunityGrid

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  Routeur CISCO 1401


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