ouai l adresse ip par defau est
et le prog pour le configurer (lan , wan et plein d autre truc) se lance a partir de l explorateur windows en se connectan sur le prob c ke j ai mi a jour le firewall et ca a planter le routeur , je ne peu plus me connecter dessu par consequent la seule chose ki me reste a faire c un reset mais j y arrive pa, je sui pa un boss en anglai j aimerai bien ke tu me dise ce ke tu compren en lisan ca stp
22. How do you reset the Barricade to factory defaults?
There are two ways to restore the Barricade to factory defaults:
1. If you are able to get into the Barricades management and have updated the firmware to version 1.88 or higher, than there is a "restore to defaults" button in the "Toolbox" section of the Management.
2. If you cannot get into the Barricade?s management, then reset the Barricade by holding a metal object (i.e.: paper clip) touching pins 3 and 8 of the com port for 5 to 6 seconds after turning it on. You will know you have reset the Barricade if the M1 light blinks about 8 times really fast and then returns to a normal steady blink (about once every second).