tu as winamp d'installé ?
parce que l'on retrouve souvent des personnes ayant des add-ons winamp et se retrouvant avec ce message.
ici par exemple : http://forums.winamp.com/showthrea [...] did=234954
et on trouve ça :
Citation :
We can't reproduce the problem on a clean install of 5.31, although it did occur sometimes on Winamp exit with versions older than 5.31 & 5.3.
It's basically a wasabi engine error message relating to the beat visualizer in the Modern skin main window, and is usually caused by some bad 3rd-party plugin or language pack (as in the case above), or can happen with some 3rd-party Modern skins.
Note that the occurence in pre 5.3 was being caused by a bug in pmp_p4s.dll (PlaysForSure Portable Device plugin included with the default Winamp distribution), but has long since been fixed.
marrant ton "erreur" sur le screeshot, on dirait ça :
tu dois aussi avoir un fichier "beatvisualization.maki" dans C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Winamp Modern\scripts
Message édité par blueteen le 08-02-2007 à 17:28:35